Scrapbookpages Blog

May 25, 2012

the grandson of Rudolf Hoess is still bothered by the shame associated with his family name

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 2:04 pm

Update: June 21, 2013

There is a documentary, by Chanoch Zeevi, entitled Hitler’s Chidren which you can watch on this blog. This quote is from the blog:

“Zeevi has tracked down five descendents of high ranking, powerful Nazi officials with one purpose: to examine the effects of an inherited legacy.”

The documentary shows Rainer Hoess, the grandson of Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz. Rainer visited Auschwitz and spoke to a group of Israeli teenagers.

The documentary shows the house where Rudolf Hoess lived with his wife and children.  Rainer was particularly disturbed by a gate on the property.  What was not pointed out in the film is that the gate looked out on the countryside that was opposite the Auschwitz main camp; the gas chamber building was not visible to anyone looking through this gate.

Strangely, the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp, that was “only yards from the gate” into the yard of the Hoess house, was not shown in the documentary.  Rainer should have been shown the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp, and someone should have explained to him exactly how the gas chamber worked.

Monika Goeth, the daughter of Amon Goeth, Commandant of the Plaszow camp, which is shown in Schindler’s List, is also shown in the documentary, as she tells about meeting a survivor of the Plaszow camp who has a tattoo on his arm. It should have been mentioned in the documentary that only prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau were tattooed.  This man must have been sent from Plaszow to Auschwitz, but he somehow survived.

Continue reading my original post:
Rainer Hoess recently visited the Auschwitz main camp, where his father, the son of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Hoess, was raised in a house that was only a few yards from the gas chamber. You can see a video here which shows the garden of the Commandant’s house where the children of Rudolf Hoess played.  Rainer Hoess was particularly disgusted by the sight of the fancy wrought iron gate that opened from the garden into the Auschwitz main camp; he referred to it as the “gate into hell.”

This quote is from the article which shows the video:

When he was a child Rainer Hoess was shown a family heirloom.

He remembers his mother lifting the heavy lid of the fireproof chest with a large swastika on the lid, revealing bundles of family photos.

They featured his father as a young child playing with his brothers and sisters, in the garden of their grand family home.

The photos show a pool with a slide and a sand pit – an idyllic family setting – but one that was separated from the gas chambers of Auschwitz by just a few yards.

It was where his grandmother told the children to wash the strawberries they picked because they smelled of ash from the concentration camp ovens.

How far was the Commandant’s house from the gas chamber?

The aerial map of the Auschwitz main camp, shown in the photo below, includes the location of the Hoess house, which is on the extreme left in the photo.

Map of Auschwitz main camp shows the Commandant’s house on the far left

The photo below shows the street that runs along the outside of the original camp. Organized tours start on this street, then turn right at the first intersection and go through the Arbeit Macht Frei gate, which is to the right, but out of camera range in this shot. This street goes straight ahead to the gas chamber, and the former Political Section, which are to the right at the next intersection. The SS hospital, which is across from the gas chamber, can be seen on the right; it is the light-colored, two-story building.

Entrance road into the Auschwitz main camp

The SS hospital was across the street from the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp

I took the photo above early in the morning in October 2005, before the tour groups entered this part of the camp.  The street shown in the photo continues on to the rear of the house where Hoess lived.  The photo below shows the rear of the house.

The rear of the house where Rudolf Hoess lived

In the photo above, the garden is on the left side of the house, but it is out of camera range in the photo.

The front of the house where Rudolf Hoess lived

The garden, where the wrought iron gate is located, is on the far right side of the photo above.  On the left side, but not shown in the photo, is the fence around the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Why would the Commandant live so close to the gas chamber?  Why not?  The SS hospital was even closer to the gas chamber than the Commandant’s house, and the SS Political Department was on the other side of the gas chamber, as shown in the photo below.

The SS Political Department was located right next to the gas chamber and crematorium at Auschwitz

The photo above shows the gallows where Rudolf Hoess was hanged. On the left is the reconstructed chimney of the crematorium; on the right is the building where the SS Political Department was located.

The chimney at the crematorium was too far from the Commandant's garden for ashes to get on the strawberries

The chimney at the Auschwitz crematorium was too far from the Commandant’s garden for ashes to get on the strawberries

What does all this have to do with anything?  It shows you how callous the SS men were.  It didn’t bother them that Jews were being gassed, 900 at a time, in a gas chamber that was right in the center of where they lived and worked and recovered when they were wounded or sick.  It didn’t bother the Commandant that his children had to wash the ashes off the strawberries from the garden before eating them.

How do we know that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz?  We know it because Rudolf Hoess confessed after he was almost tortured to death by the British.  You can read his confessions (plural) on my website here.  You can read another blog post about Rudolf Hoess here.


  1. To ‘Anita Hoess’,

    Watch this documentary “Hitler’s Children” and especially your cousin (I assume) Rainer Hoess.

    You should also read the memoirs of your grandfather (I assume) Rudolf Hoess, for example the parts where he says (and I quote):

    “My dear good Mutz! 1

    ..It is tragic that, although I was by nature gentle, good-natured, and very helpful, I became the greatest destroyer of human beings who carried out every order to exterminate people no matter what. The goal of the many years of rigid SS training was to make each SS soldier a tool without its own will who would carry out blindly all of Himmler’s plans. That is the reason why I also became a blind, obedient robot who carried out every order.

    …At the end it is difficult to admit to myself that I have chosen a very wrong path and, because of it, I have brought about my own destruction.

    (Note: PAY ATTENTION HERE ANITA!) …My misspent life places on you, dearest, the holy obligation to educate our children so that they have, in their deepest heart, a true humanity. Our dear children are all naturally good-natured. Nurture all of these good impulses in their hearts in every way. Make them sensitive to all human sorrow. What humanity is, I have only come to know since I have been in Polish prisons. Although I have inflicted so much destruction and sorrow upon the Polish people as Kommandant of Auschwitz, even though I did not do it personally, or by my own free will, they still showed such human understanding, not only by the higher officials, but also by the common guards, that it often puts me to shame. Many of them were former prisoners in Auschwitz or other camps. Especially now, during my last days, I am experiencing such humane treatment I never could have expected.

    In spite of everything that happened, they still treat me as a human being.”


    “Learn to think and to judge for yourself, responsibly. Dont accept everything without criticism and as absolutely true, everything which is brought to your attention. Learn from life. The biggest mistake of my life was that I believed everything faithfully which came from the top, and I didn’t dare to have the least bit of doubt about the truth of that which was plesented to me.

    Walk through life with your eyes open. Don’t become one-sided; examine the pros and cons in all matters.

    In all your undertakings, don’t just let your mind speak, but listen above all to the voice in your heart”

    Maybe there is hope for you yet Anita Hoess.

    Comment by Dean from Australia — October 27, 2013 @ 4:55 am

    • Thanks for this quote from the writing of Rudolf Hoess. It has been several years since I read his memoir, but I like this Final Statement, written by Rudolf Hoess on April 12, 1947, just before his execution.

      Begin Quote:
      My conscience is forcing me to make also the following assertion: In the isolation prison I have reached the bitter understanding of the terrible crimes I have committed against humanity. As a Kommandant of the extermination camp at Auschwitz, I have realized my part in the monstrous genocide plans of the Third Reich. By this means I caused humanity and mankind the greatest harm, and brought unspeakable suffering, particularly to the Polish nation. For my responsibility, I am now paying with my life. Oh, that God would forgive me my deeds! People of Poland, I beg you to forgive me! Just now in the Polish prisons have I recognized what humanity really is. In spite of everything that happened I have been treated humanely, which I had never expected, and this has made me feel deeply ashamed. Would to God…that the fact of disclosing and confirming those monstrous crimes against mankind and humanity may prevent for all future ages even the premises leading to such horrible events.
      End Quote

      Comment by furtherglory — October 27, 2013 @ 6:24 am

  2. Anita Hoess-
    The Jews need to ‘move on’? They suffered one of the most horrific genocides in human history. The elderly and the children were killed first. Imagine your grandmother and your two year old shot in the face, simply for being Jewish. Imagine waiting in a line, after two days on a cattle train, holding your baby…and your baby being ripped from your arms and given to an old woman being told to ‘go left’, while you were told to ‘go right’. Germany spilled evil onto the entire world, and still affects millions of people to this day. Shame on you, for belittling the feelings of the main group that were made to suffer. ‘MOVE ON’? Fuck you, Anita Hoess. I hope your relative rots in Hell. The Holocaust was an atrocity brought on with the help of your ancestors. SHAME. ON. YOU.

    Comment by Emily — September 4, 2013 @ 9:12 pm

  3. I’m a relative of Rudolf Hoess living in Australia. I’m not ashamed of the overstated outcomes of the Jews during WW2. Other nationalities fared much worse – Russians under Stalin and other nationalities under the Iron Curtain. The Jews continue to perpetrate themselves as victims – its time they moved on.
    Anita Hoess.

    Comment by Anita Hoess — August 7, 2013 @ 7:39 pm

    • Hi Anita, I have just spoken with your uncle. He would like to get in contact with you. Carpe diem, Graham Anderson

      Comment by Graham Anderson — March 5, 2014 @ 5:16 am

    • I know this is completely off subject but you say your a relative of Hoess and I know he was born in Baden-Baden, which is where my family came from. My family name is herman and was just wondering if there are any hermans in your tree that you know about? My email address is

      Comment by eric bland — October 27, 2014 @ 5:18 pm

  4. I’m a American I was told Rudolf hoess raped my great grandmother Oskar Schindlers sister she had twins androgynous twins, I was a androgynous twin, they killed my twin said my family was witches, Im the male twin, Ive been persecuted my whole life my real Mother said it was a lie before she died now they keep telling me to call her twin sister Mom they where identical twins, I was a androgynous twin, as a child they signed us up for a medical experiment with crazy Jewish Dr.s I was only five years old. They killed my girlfriend too and robbed me of my life all because of lies and shit medical experiment I’m going to be 45 years old, IM NOT RELATED TO Rudolf hoess or Oskar Schindlers sister I’ve just had a lot of liers in my life full of so much bigotry and bullshit and horse shit, I just want to live MY LIFE.

    Comment by Ron — July 12, 2013 @ 1:22 pm

  5. I marvel at the insane ignorance that is being used to argue how many were murdered and how. 8 million people EIGHT MILLION! The is a ton of forensic evidence but you have to pull your head out of your rear in order to find it. People like you hatemongers are proof that natural selection doesn’t work.

    Comment by Faith — May 2, 2013 @ 10:29 am

  6. I haven’t even seen the least of this, but this is a google search an I intend to be thorough. Mic Filler impersonated a teenaged girl of roughly 19 and showed me tits to get me to show him my cock. Sure enough, she looked old enough to me. I showed her my cock. Jealous Mic? Wanna post it here? You better make it right with my ex wife, bitch or I will come for you.

    Comment by Carl Meyers — December 30, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

  7. I wondered if there is any material in the T 4 archives that would discredit the idea that the Nazis would even consider the use of mass gassings. As you will know that was a definite Euthanasia project.

    Comment by theyreallthesametome — October 24, 2012 @ 12:48 pm

    • There was a Euthanasia project, but I don’t believe that the disabled people were gassed. Most of them could not walk. They were probably given a lethal injection. The disabled people were photographed and filmed before they were killed, in order to show that they were severely disabled. Those photos and films are no longer shown anywhere.

      Disabled people, like the ones shown in the photos and films taken at the Euthanasia centers, are no longer in existence today because now they are aborted as soon as it is known that the fetus is not normal. There was no way to determine this back in the 1930s and 1940s.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 24, 2012 @ 2:15 pm

  8. At first glance, it sounds so nice and even reasonable to “respect the beliefs of all religions,” but in many cases the things people believe are simply assanine or even obscene with horrific consequences for everyone. Can sane people actually believe, for example, that they benefit somehow from literally or symbolically eating the body of Jesus and drinking his blood? Of course, not–and yet countless multitudes have been murdered because they did not believe such lunacy.. Some beliefs are totally unreasonable. Holocaust belief is no better.

    Friedrich Paul Berg
    Learn everything at
    Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

    Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — October 11, 2012 @ 7:37 am

  9. “It’s high time for Furtherglory to talk straight and walk straight”

    Furtherglory runs his blog. Or do you run his blog? Or have you particular titles to command how, when, what he has to say?
    I don’t think so. I think that your job is to write, to debate and to promote your studies, some very interesting. Everyone does what he thinks right to do. It is not sure that an audience is like another, and it is not sure that a way is definitely better than another and suitable for any audience.

    Comment by mincuo — May 26, 2012 @ 11:21 am

  10. It’s blatantly obvious that Jews, along with other Nationalities, political prisoners, enemies of the Reich etc were gassed at various Concentration Camps throughout Germany and Occupied Europe from ’43 onward but certain;y NOT to the extent the Allies, Zionists and Holocaust Industry promoters would have you believe. Nowhere even close to the numbers they suggest. Even well-known Holocaust supporter Jean Claude Pressac has been quoted as saying “more than 95% of the Zyklon B delivered to Auschwitz was used for delousing and less than 5% in the gas chambers”. And we are to believe that 5% of that killed upwards of 1,100,000 people in under two years? Total fabrication. To deny the Holocaust happened is folly; to question it and study it is what we all nedd to do.

    Comment by Mic Filler — May 25, 2012 @ 4:21 pm

    • Does Mic Filler have any objective evidence like an autopsy to show that even one person was ever gassed to death by the Nazis? Of course, not! Does MJic Filler have a photograph of anyone, any corpse, of anyone who was gassed to death by the Nazis? Of course, not! Are there any German documents about gassings? Of course, not! Does Mic Filler have any idea as to what he is talking about? Of course, not!

      Does Mic Filler or anyone else have even a workable theory as to how those fiendish Nazi gas chambers would have even worked? Of course, not!

      Friedrich Paul Berg
      Learn everything at
      Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

      Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — May 26, 2012 @ 6:32 am

      • You can see photographic evidence of the gas chamber in Krema II at Auschwitz-Birkenau on Wikipedida at

        This photo shows a close-up of the holes through which the gas pellets were poured into the gas chamber. The gas chamber was 5 feet underground, but three feet above ground. The Zyklon-B pellets were poured into the small chimney-like things that you can see sticking up.

        The Germans left Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 18, 1945, but came back two days later and blew up the Krema II gas chamber after first closing up these holes to destroy the evidence.

        Autopsies were done at Dachau in an effort to find evidence. No evidence of gassing was found, but these autopsies were done on bodies that had been buried. The bodies of victims who had been gassed were burned.

        Comment by furtherglory — May 26, 2012 @ 8:14 am

        • Obviously, “furtherglory” (whoever thast is??) has absolutely no idea as to what he is talking about. He speaks of “gas pellets”.” There are no such things, moron. Furtherglory does not even know what Zyklon-B was.

          Zyklon-B releases cyanide gas–but very slowly. If you would ever read my website or the extensive revisionist literature on Zyklon-B instead of just Wikepedia or other Jewish sources–you might learn something.

          In Dachau and elsewhere were many thousands of bodies that were neither buried nor burned. None of them were of people who had been gassed or poisoned.

          Friedrich Paul Berg
          Learn everything at
          Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

          Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — May 26, 2012 @ 10:04 am

          • I don’t understand why you need to resort to petty name-calling and insults? Seeing how none of us were at any of these camps when these supposed atrocities occurred, I don’t think any of us can say 100% what precisely happened, but we must interpret the evidence as best we can on a neutral and un-biased level. Simply denying the Holocaust’s existence is stupidity in it’s purest form. Questioning the Holocaust on the other hand is the way we all should be going about it.

            FurtherGlory knows more about this subject than either of us could ever hope to grasp and of course there are no such things as “gas pellets”. What FurtherGlory was referring to was the pellets which release the gas (

            I prefer to read Jewish sources rather than Revisionist literature because it’s the Jews themselves who continuously lie and expose their stories for the myths they are. It’s easy to compare their stories, and see the glaring inconsistencies and outright falsehoods these “Survivors” provide us.

            In regards to your website, it is beyond redundant. Your graphics are laughable, the information is all over the place and not categorised and it really puts people off from having a more in-depth look.
            Friedrich Paul Berg I think you should do a bit of genealogy research with that last name of yours, perhaps you lost some family members in Auschwitz?

            Comment by Mic Filler — May 26, 2012 @ 1:58 pm

            • Some things can be denied with absolute 100% certainty–especially when they violate the basic laws of nature and science and physics. If a person is alive today–then, he or she was definitely NOT murdered by the Nazis in gaschambers or by any other means. Some things really are that simple. Furtherglory “knows” lots of trivia but understands nothing as he demonstrated so clearly when he spoke of “gas pellets.”. Trying to make judgements based largely on Jewish sources is obscene. If they revealed much of “the truth,” the hoax would be long dead already.

              Mic Filler should debate me on radio if he is serious. The same applies to Furtherglory. . Deanna Spingola (search on her name) has a convenient radio show that allows any of us to easily participate by telephone from home, or wherever. Contact me or Deanna Spingola for details about setting up the show.

              As to my website, ir is far from perfect as far as organization, and much of it is redundant–but it tells the truth.. Obviously Mic Filler and Furtherglory are half-wits for whom the scientific or technical world is an incomprehensible mystery. But, that is what the modern world is all about–and that is where the holocaust filth unravels.

              As to my name, Mic Filler–you really are a moron!

              Friedrich Paul Berg
              Learn everything at
              Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

              Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — May 26, 2012 @ 3:25 pm

              • “If a person is alive today – then, he or she was definitely NOT murdered…”

                Friedrich Paul Berg hits the nail on the head.

                Comment by Mic Filler — May 27, 2012 @ 12:45 pm

          • You are right. I should have written that the Zyklon-B was put into pellets which could be re-used. I have seen these pellets in glass display cases in the Museums of several of the camps that I have visited.

            There were several American soldiers who claimed to have seen thousands of bodies at Dachau, that were neither buried nor burned. However, the photos taken when the camp was liberated do not show thousands of bodies. More like hundreds of bodies, not counting the bodies of the German soldiers who were killed when Dachau was liberated.

            I am from Missouri where there was a real gas chamber that could gas two people at a time. It is no longer used.

            Comment by furtherglory — May 26, 2012 @ 3:34 pm

            • Since Furtherglory knows that Missouri had a gas chamber for as many as two prisoners at a time, he might do some relevant research as to why they no longer use the gas chamber and how many botched gassings occurred there when it was used, and why. Then he migfht come to realize just how assanine the alleged mass gassings of Jews by the Nazis truly are.

              To continue to speak today about Nazi gassings of Jews is inexcusably stupid and unforgiveable.

              Friedrich Paul Berg
              Learn everything at
              Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

              Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — May 26, 2012 @ 4:39 pm

              • FPB cool down, FG is just displaying so much cynism so that nobody knows where he stands. Just like his friend the Black Rabbit. On the other hand how can the internet police attack a website that writes one way then the other in the same article. . 🙂 However when you read this “” It didn’t bother the Commandant that his children had to wash the ashes off the strawberries from the garden before eating them.”” you should have your bell rung it it is all cynism.

                Comment by wolf — May 29, 2012 @ 2:28 am

      • Your an idiot.

        Comment by Faith — May 2, 2013 @ 10:23 am

    • you know something that amazes for sure ,it is if the jews have been through such mad and terrilbe situations why theydo it to lebanon and palestine so far, i think they should be careful cause even the roman impire and the nazi impires vanished.

      Comment by bill — October 11, 2012 @ 7:28 am

  11. It’s high time for Furtherglory to talk straight and walk straight.

    Do you, Furtherglory, actually believe people were gassed to death in Auschwitz or not?

    Friedrich Paul Berg
    Learn everything at
    Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

    Comment by Friedrich Paul Berg — May 25, 2012 @ 2:36 pm

    • Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your question.

      I don’t believe the Virgin Mary (mother of Jesus) was a virgin …. and I don’t believe that people were gassed to death in Auschwitz. However, I respect the beliefs of all religions. Gas chambers are an important belief in the Holocaust religion and the virgin birth of Jesus is an essential belief of the Christian religion.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 11, 2012 @ 7:12 am

      • Well true there is no forensic evidence for either event but the meme has entered the western public consciousness and nourished by the msm the religion of the Holocaust will last for centuries.

        Comment by Pete — October 12, 2012 @ 5:47 pm

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