Scrapbookpages Blog

July 2, 2014

Huffington Post shows photos of Buchenwald atrocities

Filed under: Buchenwald, Dachau, Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 12:27 pm
Photo shown on Huffington Post shows bodies at Nammering

Photo on Huffington Post shows bodies at Nammering

The photo above is the 12th photo in a series of 15 photos shown by the Huffington Post; the 15 photos purportedly show atrocities committed by the Germans at Buchenwald.

This is the Huffington Post’s caption on the photo above:

A German girl expresses horror at the sight of the decomposing bodies of the slain victims, German civilians of Namering were ordered by Military Government officers of the 3rd U.S. Army to view the exhumed bodies of 800 slave laborers, murdered by SS troops during a forced march from Buchenwald and Flossenburg Concentration Camps. (Photo by Photo12/UIG/Getty Images)

Actually, the photo above has more to do with Dachau than it does with Buchenwald. The dead Jews in the photo above were prisoners at Buchenwald, who were marched out of the camp, because the Germans were afraid that when they were liberated by the Americans, they would be allowed to roam the countryside, attacking German civilians.  After being marched for 5 miles out of the Buchenwald camp, the prisoners were put on trains headed to Dachau; the trains were then strafed by American planes, resulting in the famous “death train” which you can read about on my website at

In fact, the liberated prisoners at Buchenwald DID go to Weimar and attack civilians. Elie Wiesel wrote in the original version of his book Night that Jewish prisoners at Buchenwald went to Weimar, the day after they were liberated. Elie wrote that the Jews stole potatoes and raped German girls.  That part has been cut out from the version of Night, that every school child in America is forced to read.

I previously wrote about Nammering on my website at

I also blogged about Nammering in this previous blog post:
This quote is from my previous blog post about Nammering:

According to a book entitled Dachau, A Guide to its Contemporary History by Hans-Günther Richardi, the ill-fated train had left Buchenwald on April 7, 1945 carrying 4,500 French, Italian, Austrian, Polish, Russian and Jewish prisoners from the Ohrdruf sub-camp of Buchenwald. Five hours after the train departed from Weimar, Hans Erich Merbach, the transport leader, was informed that the Flossenbürg concentration camp, their destination, had already been liberated by the Americans. The prisoners at Flossenbürg had been evacuated and were being death marched to Dachau. The train had to be rerouted to Dachau but it took almost three weeks to get there because of numerous delays caused by American planes bombing the railroad tracks.

Due to the bombing of the railroad tracks, the train from Buchenwald had to take several very long detours through Leipzig, Dresden and finally through the town of Pilsen in Czechoslovakia. In the village of Nammering, the train was delayed for four days while the track was repaired, and the mayor of the town brought bread and potatoes for the prisoners, according to Harold Marcuse in his book entitled Legacies of Dachau. Marcuse did not mention that the food was stolen from the prisoners by SS men.

Continuing on via Pocking, the train was attacked by American planes because they thought it was a military transport, according to Richardi. Many of the prisoners were riding in open gondola cars with no protection from the hail of bullets.

According to the USHMM website, “an American officer in the Nammering area forced SS men collected from a nearby POW camp to exhume the corpses and lay them out on either side of the ravine above the mass grave. The inhabitants of Nammering were then ordered to walk through the gravesite, and the bodies were buried in the surrounding towns of Eging am See, Aicha vom Wald, Nammering, and Fuerstenstein.”

German civilians were forced to dig individual graves for dead Buchenwald prisoners

German civilians were forced to dig individual graves for dead Buchenwald prisoners

Note that young German girls are being forced to dig separate graves for the Jewish prisoners from Buchenwald.  The photo shown by the Huffington Post only shows a woman being forced to look at the dead bodies, which are still clothed.

1 Comment

  1. The “individual graves” LOOK a lot more like a mass grave, to me. But what do I know? I’ve never even BEEN in a grave myself, and since I propose to be cremated, I may forever be denied the experience.

    Good thing they didn’t find the rest of the bodies. Think about it: 6 MILLION individual graves. Weh ist mir!

    Comment by Jett Rucker — July 2, 2014 @ 3:00 pm

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