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July 14, 2013

Did incoming prisoners at Auschwitz get their own shoes back after taking their first shower?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 11:31 am

Why am I questioning the procedure at Auschwitz, with regard to the shoes that the prisoners were wearing, when they arrived on a cattle car and were waved to right for the showers, or to the left for the gas chamber?

I am questioning this because of an article that I read here about Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert, who was recently treated to tea and cake at Buckingham Palace.  The article didn’t explain how Ms. Ebert managed to survive the gas chamber at Auschwitz, so I had to do a search to find out more.  I found this article in The Telegraph, which you can read in full here.

This quote is from the article in The Telegraph:

My mother gave me a gold pendant when I was about four. It is the only thing I have from when I was a child, and against all the odds it survived with me through camp, slave labour and a death march. I wear it every day.

The pendant, which Ms. Ebert saved, is shown in the photo below.

Lily Ebert saved this pendant by hiding it in the heel of her shoe

Lily Ebert saved this pendant by hiding it in the heel of her shoe while she was a prisoner in Auschwitz

This quote is from the article in The Telegraph:

This German man was there with his shining boots and with one movement of his hand he said to go right or left. Old people, children, babies were sent to the left and young people to the right. The people sent to the left were taken straight to the crematorium. That was the last time I saw my mother, younger sister and younger brother. [Lily’s father had died in 1942.]

My other two sisters and I were taken to a big place. They cut our hair. They said, “Undress, leave everything outside, put it nicely together. When you get out from the shower you will find everything there.” When we came out from the shower all they had left us was our shoes.

Wait a minute! Were the incoming prisoners at Auschwitz given back the shoes that they were wearing when they arrived?  Not according to the stories of numerous other Auschwitz survivors.

I have read many books, written by Holocaust survivors, most of them borrowed from my local library.  Fortunately, I purchased the Holocaust survivor book: Triumph of Hope by Ruth Elias.

I got out the book, written by Holocaust survivor Ruth Elias,  and found this quote on page 108:

When we came out [of the shower] we were sopping wet. They threw some clothes at us. […]  …I was handed a flimsy dark-blue silk dress and a lightweight coat; no underwear, no stockings, just wooden clogs.  Before we were led into the shower room, we had to bundle our own clothes and shoes together and turn them in.  We never got them back.

Every Holocaust survivor book that I’ve ever read, and including the books that I haven’t read, all say that the incoming prisoners were not given back their original clothes and shoes, after they got out of the shower.

The clothes and shoes were first disinfected, and then given to the next batch of prisoners. The prisoners had to trade with each other until they found a dress and a pair of shoes that fit them.

This quote from The Telegraph continues the story of how Lily Ebert saved her precious pendant all through her time in Auschwitz:

With time, my shoe heels got worn out. So every day I put the pendant in the piece of bread we got, and like that the jewellery survived. I think it was the only gold that went into Auschwitz and came out with its original owner. If somebody there had wanted to give me a little piece of bread for it I would have been very happy to change it because bread was life. Today I would not part from this jewellery for all the money in the world.

What does this fake Holocaust survivor story remind you of?  It reminds me of the story of Irene Zisblatt who put her diamonds into a wad of bread before she swallowed them over and over while she was in Auschwitz.

The incoming prisoners at Auschwitz were sent to the “Zentrale Sauna” where they had their hair cut, and were disinfected, then given a shower.  You can read about the central Sauna on my website at

You can also read about Lily Ebert on this website.

Another Holocaust survivor caught in a lie.  What else is new?


  1. I don’t really know about the standard issue footwear in the camps, but the fraudulent Vrba-Wetzler report states:

    “Then we were put in groups of a hundred into a cellar, and later to a barrack where we were issued striped prisoners’ clothes and wooden clogs.”

    “Every day on our way to work we met a working party of 300 Jewish girls from Slovakia who were employed on ground work in the vicinity. They were dressed in old Russian uniform rags and wore wooden clogs.”

    There’s some more “research” for the forthcoming hoaxy book “Jacob’s Courage” right there.

    Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — July 15, 2013 @ 1:54 am

    • My mistake. I see “Jacob’s Courage” is already published and available for purchase:

      “Jacob’s Courage” is Holocaust literature for adult readers”

      So there’s some kinky stuff in there I guess.

      Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — July 15, 2013 @ 5:53 am

    • I beg your pardon! How can fiction be “hoaxy?” Isn’t all fiction by default a “hoax?” And is “hoaxy a real word? If so, in which language? Maybe it’s New Zealand or Ascension Island English. Can’t we just stop at… “Yes, we know that (wooden) clogs were issued to prisoners lucky enough to be sick, starved forced into slave labor and then eventually murdered after serving the Reich as a slave in hard labor each very long day?” Oh, never mind.

      Comment by charles weinblatt — July 16, 2013 @ 4:17 pm

      • You wrote about “prisoners lucky enough to be sick, starved forced into slave labor…”

        One of the things that angered Hitler and also angered the goyim in Poland was that the Jews didn’t work. The Jews were the “middle men” who made money off the goyim.

        That is why Hitler said “the Jews must work.” The slave laborers were paid a small amount of money in some of the camps and they could use this money to buy items in the canteen. The prisoners in the internment camps in America also worked. If America had been bombed, it would have been the interned prisoners who would have been out picking up the rubble.

        The German POWs in America were out in the fields, working like slaves. They were working alongside black American men.

        Comment by furtherglory — July 17, 2013 @ 7:51 am

        • “The German POWs in America were out in the fields, working like slaves. They were working alongside black American men.”
          What?! Can you provide proof of that statement, please?

          Comment by Christine Watts C. — July 8, 2015 @ 2:59 pm

  2. The holocaust apologists are not able to hold their common narrative straight. Now, we have another “historian” by the name “weinblatt”, who is talking about “wooden clogs”. I suggest that he would check the price on wooden clogs first, research the availability of hard wood in Germany, multiply price per pair by hundred of thousands, and only then, publish his book.
    And after he publishes the book, it will be available for public ridicule.

    Comment by Gasan — July 14, 2013 @ 7:23 pm

    • For my book, “Jacob’s Courage,” I interviewed many Holocaust survivors, including several who had been in multiple concentration (labor) and death camps. They all spoke of “the luckiest prisoners” wearing “wooden clogs.” They noted that Nazis and their industrial partners required fit workers for slave labor at or near concentration camps. In many cases, prisoners walked a kilometer or more to and from the factories each day; in most cases, they walked many more kilometers each way. Those wearing wooden clogs were far more healthy, permanent and efficient workers than those without shoes or with only cloth upon their feet. one does not require a PhD in Business to realize that the “price of wood” was irrelevant, compared to the value of a healthy slave employee.

      Seminal Holocaust history books by renowned authors all discuss prisoners “wearing wooden clogs” (see Lipstadt, Dwork, Weisel, Ingram, Van Pelt, etc.). I accessed the databases of several major universities where Holocaust research is highly regarded. I have no less than 200 links to academic Holocaust research as well as from governments. Many members of my own maternal extended family perished in those camps. A handful escaped. They now live in Argentina and Israel. All spoke of being assigned “wooden clogs.”

      One Shoah survivor who now lives in Florida, Eugene Lebovitz, contacted me to ask which barracks I was in at Auschwitz. He said that “no one could have written with such perfectly accurate detail about life in Auschwitz without having been there.” Ask him.

      It should also be noted that Nazi Germany began the use of wooden clogs after observing the longevity of such footwear used by prisoners from The Netherlands and Scandinavia (esp. at the Westerbork Camp).

      After five years of daily Holocaust research, I stand by my comments. I learned a great deal about the Holocaust from survivors who mentioned that wearing wore wooden clogs was desirable, due to their strength. In fact, Holocaust prisoners fought each other (murdered each other) for those clogs. Others tied pieces of cloth around their feet.

      How many Holocaust victims have you interviewed? What has been your academic standing or credentials in European History? Which published Holocaust books did you write? Who published them? Are you a professional historian? Do you have expertise as a businessman in terms of 20th-Century footwear costs?

      How easy it is to create mendacious statements about someone you know nothing about. How curious. My Holocaust book has been published. The reviews are positive. A major American university will be publishing one of my books next year. Do you seriously want to call me out for saying that Holocaust prisoners wore wooden clogs?

      Comment by charles weinblatt — July 17, 2013 @ 3:49 pm

  3. Research for my Holocaust book, Jacob’s Courage, suggests that incoming Auschwitz prisoners selected for slave labor were issued a pair of wooden clogs following a shower. These clogs made walking difficult and were unsuitable for hard labor.

    Comment by charles weinblatt — July 14, 2013 @ 12:25 pm

    • The “clogs” worn in the concentration camps were shoes with wooden soles, but cloth or leather uppers.

      I have a photo of the “clogs” worn at Bergen-Belsen on this page of my website:

      I have a photo of the shoes worn at Mauthausen concentration camp on this page of my website:

      I looked up “clog” on and found this definition:

      Begin quote
      A clog is a type of footwear made in part or completely from wood. Clogs are used worldwide and although the form may vary by culture, within a culture the form often remained unchanged for centuries.

      Traditional clogs were often worn in heavy labor. Today they remain in use as protective clothing in agriculture and in some factories and mines. Although clogs are sometimes negatively associated with cheap and folkloric footwear of farmers and the working class, some types of clogs are considered as fashion wear today, such as Swedish clogs (sv) or Japanese geta.
      End quote

      There is a type of dancing, done in the Ozarks in Missouri, which is called clogging. This is sometimes done in square dancing, where the dancers clog instead of just walking though the square dance routine.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 14, 2013 @ 8:19 pm

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