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October 8, 2013

How long did it take for prisoners to die in a Nazi gas chamber?

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 1:10 pm

Many people have wondered how long it took for the gas to take effect in a Nazi gas chamber.  After reading the story of a Holocaust survivor, who gave a talk to students in Canada recently, I now know the answer.  In a previous blog post, I wrote about how gassing methods were first tested and perfected at Dachau. I also blogged about the story of Eva Olssen here.

According to Holocaust survivor Eva Olssen, it took 20 minutes for her relatives to die in the gas chamber.  This quote is from a news article which you can read in full here.

It was May 15, 1944.

Olsson and her 19 extended family members, who lived in a two-room apartment in Hungary, were forced from their home.

Four days later they arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau — also known as The Killing Factory. She was holding her young niece’s hand and a prisoner whispered to Olsson to give the child to an older woman. Olsson didn’t let go. The prisoner said it again and after a third time, Olsson let go of the girl’s hand. That ensured she would survive.

Her mother, sisters and nieces went the other way to a gas chamber. You would hear screaming for 20 minutes and then there was silence, she said.

An Auschwtiz prisoner was standing beside the trains when Jews arrived

An Auschwitz prisoner was standing beside the trains when Jews arrived

In the photo above, notice the prisoner, wearing a striped uniform, standing beside the train on the far right.  These prisoners, who helped the Nazis, were called Kapos (captains).  They advised the prisoners on how to survive the selection that took place as soon as the train stopped.

Eva Olssen was saved because a Kapo told her not to hold the hand of a child.  Children under the age of 15 were gassed within hours after arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Photos were taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau on May 26, 1944; Eva Olssen arrived on May 19, 1944 so she is not shown in any of the pictures.

You can read about Auschwitz-Birkenau on my website at

You can read about the deportation of the Hungarian Jews, including Eva Olssen, at

Could Eva Olssen have heard the screams coming from the gas chamber?  It is possible, although not very likely.

The photo below shows the ruins of Krema II, one of the four gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.  In 1944, railroad tracks were extended inside of the camp, to within a few yards of Krema II and Krema III.  The International Monument, which is shown in the background of the photo, was built a few feet from Krema II and Krema III.

Ruins of Krema II, one of the gas chambers, at Birkenau

Ruins of Krema II, one of the gas chambers, at Birkenau

Ruins of oven room in Krema II with women's camp in the background

Ruins of oven room in Krema II with women’s camp in the background

In the photo directly above, you can see the kitchen in the women’s camp in the background.  The women’s barracks are behind the kitchen, but not shown, in this photo.  The gas chambers in Krema II and  Krema III, were five feet below ground. It would have been hard to hear screams, but not impossible.

In 1944, the train tracks had been extended inside the Birkenau camp, right up to the location of Krema II and Krema III.  The photo below shows how close the tracks are to the Holocaust monument which is between the ruins of Krema II and Krema III.

The end of the train tracks at Birkenau is close to the ruins of Krema II and Krema III

The end of the train tracks at Birkenau is close to the ruins of Krema II and Krema III

In the photo above, the ruins of Krema II are on the left, but not shown.  The ruins of Krema III are on the right.

Prisoners walking past Krema III gas chamber building which is in the background

Prisoners walking past Krema III gas chamber building which is in the background

The prisoners in the photo above are walking past Krema III, which is in the background. They are looking toward Krema II, as they walk to the showers. Strangely, there are some children in the photo, who were not selected to be gassed. There are also some prisoners who look as if they are able to work.

All this is very confusing.  You would think that the Nazis would have put the gas chambers off in the woods somewhere, not out in the open, near a road where other prisoners marching past could hear the screams.  How horrible — to hear the screams of your mother dying in a gas chamber!


  1. There is no need for Zyklon B to be heated to 25C for it to work, this is the approximate boiling point of HCN. The equilibrium vapour pressure of HCN at 0C, freezing point, is many, many times the lethal concentration for humans. Heating would speed the vapourisation of HCN from its substrate in Zyklon B, and so speed the production of lethal concentrations in the air, this would be necessary in leaky warehouses, where the hydrogen cyanide vapour might escape more quickly than it was produced. Reports suggest that the gas chambers were relatively airtight, so this would not have been a consideration but would help explain the extended time for victims to die. The information on the properties and toxicity of HCN is widely available and can be found easily online or in libraries.

    Comment by cnocspeireag — December 6, 2017 @ 5:07 am

  2. The Zyklon B did not need to be heated when used in the gas chambers. A Nazi officer would put on a gasmask, walk up to the hatch open it and pour in the Zyklon B pellets which would then turn into hydrocyanic acid in the form of a gas; which would then take 15 minutes to kill the people inside.

    Comment by Colton — February 19, 2017 @ 2:27 pm

  3. Das Reich,

    Comment by Lujon — June 28, 2015 @ 2:28 am

    • Das Reich wrote: “How does the figure of 6 million Jews gassed to death stay the same after the number of so called gassings in Auschwitz was revised to 1.1 million from 4 million and in Majdanek where the original figure of 2 million gassed to death was revised to 42,000.”

      You didn’t address the issue of why the total number of Jews killed stayed the same, after the figures have been revised. BTW, what is a “NAZIAND”?

      Comment by furtherglory — June 28, 2015 @ 7:00 am

  4. Where are the piles of coal? Where is the belching smoke from the chimneys? Where are the mass graves? How does the figure of 6 million Jews gassed to death stay the same after the number of so called gassings in Auschwitz was revised to 1.1 million from 4 million and in Majdanek where the original figure of 2 million gassed to death was revised to 42,000. Some of the alleged death camps were downgraded to concentration camps. The Holocaust really is the Holohoax.

    Comment by Das Reich — January 27, 2015 @ 2:18 pm

  5. Good work and I’m grateful for all your good posts. Just some comments.

    “On the right side of the photo, in the background, you can see where the train tracks into the Birkenau camp ended.” –I couldn’t really see that.

    “n the photo above, notice the prisoner, wearing a striped uniform, standing beside the train on the far left.” –I see him on the far right.

    Comment by mike smith — October 9, 2013 @ 8:42 pm

    • You are correct. I have corrected these errors. Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 10, 2013 @ 8:01 am

  6. gets cited twice in Mattogno, Kues & Graf’s latest book (p. 997 & 1209)

    Click to access 28-tecoar-long.pdf

    Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — October 9, 2013 @ 1:28 pm

    • Thank you very much for alerting me to this. I tried to go on my own website and the site is down because the bandwidth has been exceeded. The two pages of my website, which are cited in the book, are completely innocuous, as far as I remember. I can’t imagine that so many people are reading this book and going to my website that the number of visitors has caused it to crash. It might be a deliberate attempt to bring down my website by over-loading it.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 10, 2013 @ 8:36 am

      • I am replying to my own comment because I have found out why my website is down. It has been over-loaded by visitors downloading files (photos). My website is also getting lots of hits, which I never suspected because google has virtually banned me in their search results.

        Comment by furtherglory — October 10, 2013 @ 11:30 am

    • I downloaded the pdf file and found the two pages which cite my website. They are citing my website because I point out the alleged location of the gas chamber at Sobibor, and I show a photo of Belzec, which has been entirely covered by broken concrete, so that no one can dig up any ashes or bodies. These two pages on my web site are neither revisionist, nor True Believer. Just the facts, Ma’am.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 10, 2013 @ 10:55 am

  7. According to the First Class “Witnesses” Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler (the Jews who made the Auschwitz gassings known), it took 3 minutes for all the unfortunate doomed Jews to die in the Auschwitz-Birkenau ‘gas chambers’. OK, that was a blatant lie and a technical absurdity, but the rest of their ‘testimony’ is true, even Holy. Denying this would be an insult to the memory of the millions of Holocausted Jews. 😉

    Comment by hermie — October 9, 2013 @ 4:59 am

    • I read this edition of the Vrba’s book:

      I was offended by the title because he described the good life at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was eating roast chicken, smoking cigarettes, and drinking wine. Yet, he could not forgive the Germans for gassing the Jews.

      I don’t recall that he mentioned how long it took to gas the Jews. I read this book many years ago, long before I went to Auschwitz to see the gas chambers for myself. Three minutes cannot possibly be correct, because the gas had to be heated, and there was no method of heating the gas in the Auschwitz gas chambers.

      The Dachau gas chamber had a heater, but it was on the other side of the room, not on the side where the gas was thrown in through two little windows. I blogged about the heater being on the wrong side of the gas chamber at

      It is a mystery to me how the Nazis managed to kill 6 million Jews when they couldn’t do the simplest thing correctly.

      Comment by furtherglory — October 9, 2013 @ 10:30 am

      • I was referring to the Vrba-Wetzler report, not to Vrba’s book, FG.

        “After three minutes everyone in the chamber is dead.” – Vrba-Wetzler Report

        Comment by hermie — October 10, 2013 @ 7:03 pm

  8. Zyclon B gives off cyanide at 25 C so the length of time for the screams to stop would depend on the temperature of the chamber. I imagine on a cold November day in the underground chamber the ambient temperature would be around 2 or 3 C and would take 6 months to reach 25 C during one of those hot Polish summer July days. That would be a long time to wait around.
    In the disinfection chambers used to kill the lice in clothing in Dachau we see air blowers installed to ventilate the crystals and thereby give off the gas. There were none in the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    Comment by peter — October 9, 2013 @ 4:28 am

    • It is true that the Zyklon-B had to be heated before the gas was released, but keep in mind that there were 2,000 prisoners put into the gas chamber for each gassing, so the body heat would have raised the temperature in the room. The prisoners were stuffed in until the gas chamber was completely filled. Remember the story of Irene Zisblatt, who got stuck in the door of the gas chamber? I blogged about her at

      Comment by furtherglory — October 9, 2013 @ 7:02 am

      • Your reply of cause raises so many questions ! Did they have to gas 2,000 at a time so the bodies could raise the ambient temperature ? What if there was only 2 or 300 needing sonderbehandlung ? or what if there were a hundred left over from the 2000 ? Would they have to go back to the barracks and wait for the next day? Presumably it would have to wait until everyone was in and the doors closed before the temperature started to miracurously rise to the required 25 C .How long would it actually take until the temperature got to 25 C from say 2 C on a cold Polish morning. Has any physicist worked it out ? Maybe that could be part of a physics student’s dissertation ?
        How sure was Hoess of the mechanics of it all ?. Did he have a trial with a couple of thousand to see if it would work?

        Comment by peter — October 9, 2013 @ 4:27 pm

      • FG wrote: “It is true that the Zyklon-B had to be heated before the gas was released, but keep in mind that there were 2,000 prisoners put into the gas chamber for each gassing, so the body heat would have raised the temperature in the room.”

        But hot air goes up and the cyanide pellets were supposedly thrown on the floor. How long before human bodies could bring the temperature of the floor of cold underground morgues (Krema II and III) to 27°C with their naked feet? Thus the alleged gassing process invented by the Holocaust storytellers is a technical nightmare anyway. It would have been so easy and efficient to heat to cup supposed to contain the zyklon pellets with a little electric heater (or connect an existing gassing apparatus used in the delousing gas chambers to the alleged homicidal gas chambers). Heating the whole room with human heat or anything else would have been a technical nonsense.

        Comment by hermie — October 10, 2013 @ 7:21 pm

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