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December 15, 2014

Why were the Nazis constantly running out of Zyklon-B gas for gassing the prisoners?

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 10:20 am

Today, I read yet another story of a Holocaust survivor, who was not the only person to be  saved because the Nazis had run out of Zyklon-B gas when it was his or her turn to be gassed.

Klara Markus, a Romanian Jewess, was saved because the Nazis had run out of gas when it was her turn.  Every day, it seems, there is yet another Holocaust survivor who is alive today because the Nazis had run out of Zyklon-B.

Why did this happen so often?  The purpose of the Nazi camps was to exterminate the prisoners; this was done by using Zyklon-B gas.  One would think that someone would be in charge of stocking Zyklon-B, so that the camp would never lack the means of killing the prisoners.

This quote is the words of Klara Markus, as reported in the  article about her in the Mail Online:

“But when they put us inside and went to turn the gas on, they found they had run out.

“One of the guards joked that it was our lucky day because they had already killed so many they didn’t have any gas left for us.

“God was watching over me that day.”

I think I know why the Nazis were constantly running out of gas for the homicidal gas chambers.  It was because they were wasting Zyklon-B by using it to delouse the clothing of the prisoners, in an attempt to save lives. Typhus is spread by lice, so Zyklon-B was used in disinfection chambers to prevent typhus.

Clothing disinfection building at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Clothing disinfection building at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Building where clothes were disinfected with Zyklon-B

Building where clothes were disinfected with Zyklon-B

Stains on building which was used to disinfect clothing

Stains on building which was used to disinfect clothing


  1. “It was because they were wasting Zyklon-B by using it to delouse the clothing of the prisoners, in an attempt to save lives. Typhus is spread by lice, so Zyklon-B was used in disinfection chambers to prevent typhus.” aye that’s true, deeply learn the true history, there wasn’t any of such kind of thing, I mean the “Holocoust” the chimney it self, were made by the soviet “order from stalin” in chase, to make the fake genoside look real. and the prisoners that imprisoned in auswitch were all treated well by the german, and mostly they died because of Thypus so they create the Zyklon-B and the cremation house to burn the dead body of infected inmate , so the viruses don’t infect other inmates

    Comment by akaa — January 31, 2018 @ 7:44 pm

  2. as a new person viewing these comments i can say it is apparent that the official holocaust narrative is deeply flawed.
    the crass comments attempting to support this nonsense is a real turn off.
    empty carts make the most noise.
    i am a black man in america and i know racism and hatred, but this is obviously an inflated story.
    only a sick mind would fabricate this kind of lie.
    hitler was a smart man being doped up to manipulate him. the drugs they gave him would have killed most.
    his doc was a swarthy mystery man worthy of more historical attention.
    ty for the courage to tell the truth.

    Comment by Paul Parker — April 26, 2016 @ 9:52 am

  3. The gasing by Zyklon B seemed, and resulted, more effective for mass killings than mass shooting or mobile gas vans on trucks using diesel. The Germans had to face the shortage of oil so they did not want to waste to much diesel. Clear?

    Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 16, 2014 @ 1:39 am

    • The claim diesel was used in any of the Reinhardt camps has been officially abandoned now [see: Achim Trunk “Die todbringenden Gase” in Günter Morsch, Bertrand Perz (eds.), Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2011].

      In the AR camps, diesel generators ran constantly to provide the camp’s electricity, whereas the petrol engines supposedly use for gassings were employed for roughly 15-30 minutes per-day, but obviously only if there was a gassing that day.

      Considering the relatively tiny amount of petrol the Germans would have used for gassings at Treblinka compared to the diesel they would have used for electricity, and lets not even get into the petrol that would have been needed in the cremation of c.850,000 corpses, your claim that the Germans opted to use Zyklon B is because the didn’t want to waste petrol/diesel, is absurd. Clear?

      Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — December 16, 2014 @ 10:08 am

      • The volume of Diesel “needed” for gassings had been much higher than for “burning” of the deads in the crematoria.

        Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 16, 2014 @ 10:44 am

        • “… seriöse Forschung überhaupt nicht davon ausgeht, dass in den Vernichtungslagern der ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ durchgängig mit Dieselmotoren gemordet wurde.”

          Achim Trunk “Die todbringenden Gase” in Günter Morsch, Bertrand Perz (eds.), Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2011, p. 32.

          No diesel Wolf; the story’s officially changed. Do try to keep up.

          An idling minivan uses 0.262 gallons of petrol per hour; gassings with petrol took c.30 minutes; c.850,000 Jews were gassed at Treblinka in batches of c.3,000, therefore, the c.284 separates gassings lasted a total of c.142 hours and used c.37.2 gallons of fuel.

          A minivan has a c.20 gallon petrol tank. Meaning, the gas-master of Treblinka would have used less than two tanks of petrol to gas 850,000 Jews.

          Your claim that the Germans opted to use Zyklon B because they didn’t want to waste fuel is absurd. Clear?

          Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — December 16, 2014 @ 12:14 pm

        • Wolf M. wrote: “The volume of Diesel “needed” for gassings had been much higher than for “burning” of the deads in the crematoria.”

          1. Diesel exhaust is not lethal, Wolf. The Holocaust lobby has dropped the idiotic Diesel gassings and moved to Gasoline gassings several years ago. You need a good update.

          2. Burning the dead in the crematoria? No crematoria at the AR camps. Only outdoor cremation pyres there, still according to Holohoax promoters.

          You’re really a first class ignoramus as far as the Holocaust narrative is concerned, Wolfie. Liars always move to something else when their most blatant lies are debunked and exposed. You can’t just bring your old debunked Holo-lies as if nothing had happened. You have to update your claims. Otherwise you expose the old debunked & quietly dropped lies (such as non-lethal alleged weapons of mass murder) told by ‘survivors’ and ‘historians’ during decades.

          Comment by hermie — December 16, 2014 @ 4:20 pm

          • TO THE ABOVE COMMENTATORS: Diesel exhaust in a closed van is always lethal for 50/60 persons locked in. But Germany had to avoid waste of oil and, furthermore, the Nazis wanted in 1942 “speedier special treatment” so they turned to employ Zyklon-B in Gas Chambers built in certain Camps in Poland with good railway connections. What occurred in the last weeks of Nazi power is due to the collapse of their logistic system as to the conduct of the last Camp Commanders.

            Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 18, 2014 @ 10:23 am

            • Wolf M. wrote: “Diesel exhaust in a closed van is always lethal for 50/60 persons locked in.”

              Tell that to the kids who survived after “their homebound train stalled in a tunnel near Washington’s Union Station depot for nearly 40 minutes […] and began filling with diesel fumes” (

              And tell that to the people with respiratory and/or heart diseases who were gassed with Diesel exhaust by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a few years ago and who all survived (

              Diesel exhaust has not enough carbon monoxide to kill…

              Comment by hermie — December 18, 2014 @ 7:35 pm

              • The Gas vans had been engineered for killing all the persons locked inside and are not comparable with the accidents mentioned..

                Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 19, 2014 @ 3:31 am

                • The gas van hoax has been debunked from A to Z, wolfie. And the Pantechnicon van displayed by the Soviet Extraordinary Deceit Commission to credit their atrocity propaganda with physical ‘evidence’ (i.e. the van found in the former Ostrowski Factory in Kolo – won’t save your beloved multi-debunked gas vans…

                  The Germans had mobile gas chambers for Zyklon delousings – the EinheitsDiesel Sd. Kfz. 93 (Sd. Kfz. = Sonderkraftfahrzeug for “special purpose vehicle”) – but the Soviets didn’t use those real gas vans for their atrocity propaganda and stupidly opted for laughabe gas vans allegedly killing with Diesel exhaust. Blame the idiotic Soviet propagandists and the uneducated Eastern Jews for opting for such a ridiculous murder weapon if you dislike that, wolfie.


                  Comment by hermie — December 19, 2014 @ 7:14 am

  4. “As Bruno Tesch [co-inventor of insecticide Zyklon B] pointed out on being confronted with the claim that the Zyklon B he sold had been used for homicidal gassings, the Germans would not have been so foolish as to waste such a critically scarce material for the simple task of killing Jews, which after all could have been accomplished very easily in numerous other ways not involving the large-scale waste of an essential product whose supply already failed to meet demand.”

    Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — December 15, 2014 @ 7:30 pm

    • And as Bruno Tesch also pointed out, that would have been idiotic to gas human beings with Zyklon B because people crowded in an airtight room as tightly as claimed by ‘witnesses’ would have been suffocated from lack of air in 30 or 45 minutes anyway. No scarce Zyklon B wasted. No airing needed. No risk of poisoning. No suspect deliveries of poison gas to hide. No criminal traces to erase afterwards. And almost similar killing times (as no airing was needed).

      Moreover the Germans had virtualy unlimited amounts of deadly carbon monoxide at their disposal at Auschwitz. There was a coal gasification plant (making synthetic liquid fuels and rubber) there. Carbon monoxide was one of the byproducts of gasification.

      But in spite of that, we’re supposed to believe that the Germans didn’t opt for self-suffocations or CO gassings, but for Zyklon gassings, at Auschwitz. Moronic horror story…

      Comment by hermie — December 16, 2014 @ 4:47 pm

  5. The Nazi run out of Zyklon B only in the last days of their power when their logistics already collapsed. Futhermore, when Nazis wanted to save lives they certainly did not want to save jewish lives but their own. I understand that in USA You cannot realize the deep hatred of the Nazis against Jews, Clear?

    Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 15, 2014 @ 11:57 am

    • “The Nazi run out of Zyklon B only in the last days of their power when their logistics already collapsed.”

      Good for the Holohoax that that time was shortly before the arrival of Allied troops and their propaganda units at the concentration camps. The pictures of concentration camps ravaged by diseases (mainly typhus mega-epidemics…normally prevented with Zyklon B) were a real blessing for the emergence of the Zionist Holohoax Palestine-spoliation myth. Otherwise, the WW2 gas chambers would probably have joined the WW1 gas chambers (different wars, same atrocity propaganda, same hoaxes) in the rubbish bins of history quite fast. 😉

      Comment by hermie — December 15, 2014 @ 5:50 pm

  6. The key words here are ‘turn the gas on’. This clearly suggests she thought or was told the gas came out of pipes or perhaps shower heads. Both were of course wrong as the zyklon B nonsense was a gas contained in dry pellets. This person, like all the rest of these liars, is of course lying.

    Comment by Clent — December 15, 2014 @ 10:25 am

    • Nonsense? Nazi genocide is not nonsense.

      Comment by rachelhbd — December 15, 2014 @ 10:35 am

      • Prove it then

        Comment by Schlageter — December 17, 2014 @ 12:26 pm

      • Truth is that Jews are responsible for the worst mass-murders in all of recorded history.
        The Holocaust is nothing but an extortion racket and a fraud perpetrated by a global criminal syndicate: World Jewry.
        Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Ilya Ehrenberg, Bugsy Siegel, Dutch Schultz, Kurt Eisner, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Ihor Kolomoisky, Petro Poroshenko – all cut from the same kosher cloth.

        Comment by Sendejo — December 19, 2014 @ 3:34 pm

    • I agree with you, Clent. Pour Zyklon pellets into a room from holes in the roof is not “turn the gas on”. Idiotic nonsense.

      Comment by hermie — December 15, 2014 @ 5:31 pm

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