Scrapbookpages Blog

December 27, 2015

photos taken by Sonderkommando Jews at Auschwitz

Filed under: Holocaust, movies — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 9:55 am

I have just read a review of the movie Son of Saul which tells about photos, taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau, by the Sonderkommando Jews; the photos show the gassing of the Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

These photos are shown in the background in the movie as the main characters in the movie are shown in the foreground.

You can read about the movie at

The following quote is from the article in the link above:

The film is based on actual accounts of the Sonderkommando’s gruesome role, its members forced to collaborate with the killing machine or be killed, and marked for extermination themselves every three months as “bearers of secrets” who could not be allowed to survive. The photographer was an actual person, identified only as Alex from Greece, who took four images that were smuggled out to the Polish underground.

You can see these photos on Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Sonderkommando_photographs

Photo taken by Sonderkommando Jews shows prisoners being herded toward a gas chamber

Photo taken by a Sonderkommando Jew shows prisoners being herded toward a gas chamber

Photo taken from the doorway of a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Photo taken from the doorway of a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau shows the burning of bodies

The photos shown above were allegedly taken with a 35 millimeter Leica camera by Sonderkommando Jews.

Four of the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau were underground, but there were two gas chambers that were above ground: Krema IV and Krema V.

Krema IV at Auschwitz-Birkenau had a gas chamber that was above ground

Krema IV at Auschwitz-Birkenau had a gas chamber that was above ground

This quote is also from the news article:

Begin quote

In Laszlo Nemes’s remarkable Holocaust drama, Son of Saul, there’s a minor character who risks his life secretly taking photographs of the corpses.


Watching it [the movie] is a harrowing experience, and the first 20 minutes or so are particularly difficult. The film is shot from the narrow perspective – and the narrowness is the only thing that makes it bearable – of Saul Auslander, a Hungarian Jew who works in the Sonderkommando that herds new prisoners into the “showers,” collects the victims’ clothing, moves the bodies to the crematorium and scrubs out the gas chamber before the next transport arrives. We see the reality of this gruesome job slightly out of focus, as though in Saul’s peripheral vision, as the camera always stays tight on Saul’s face. Often the sounds around him, and our own foreknowledge of the place, are what make the half-glimpsed scenes particularly wrenching.

End quote from news article

Note that those mean ole Nazis forced the Jews to “scrub out the gas chamber” after each gassing.  I don’t think that scrubbing the gas chamber was necessary, but this just shows you how depraved the Nazis were.

The following quote is from my website:

Krema IV was located just north of the clothing warehouses, which were in a section that the prisoners called Canada. Across the road from Canada was the Central Sauna which had a shower room and disinfection chambers where the prisoners’ clothing was deloused. Krema IV had a fake shower room which was actually a gas chamber.

According to Michael J. Neufeld and Michael Berenbaum, in their book entitled “The Bombing of Auschwitz: Should the Allies Have Attempted It?” the Krema IV and Krema V buildings were 220 feet long by 42 feet wide.

The Krema IV building was completely demolished, blown up with dynamite which several women prisoners stole from the factory where they were working. All the bricks were removed by Polish civilians after the war, and the ruins that visitors see today are a reconstruction, according to the Auschwitz Museum.

The prisoners who worked in the crematory buildings, removing the bodies of the victims who had been gassed, were members of a special group called the Sonderkommando. According to Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a prisoner who did autopsies at Birkenau, each Sonderkommando group was killed after a few months and replaced by a new crew.

Knowing that they were soon going to be killed, the members of the next-to-last Sonderkommando revolted and blew up the Krema IV building. A sign at Krema IV says that there were 450 prisoners who were killed by the SS during the revolt or afterwards in retaliation.

The men in the last Sonderkommando were not exterminated. Around 100 of them were marched out of the camp when it was abandoned by the Nazis on January 18, 1945. Several members of the Sonderkommando survived and three of them gave eye-witness testimony at the 1947 trial of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Hoess, about how the prisoners were gassed at Birkenau.



  1. CODOH has a photograph that is obviously doctored.

    Just goes to show you how reliable they are.

    Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 6:54 pm

    • And they have even planted it on the website of Yad Vashem.

      Gosh, those evil ‘deniers’ are everywhere…. 😉

      Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 7:43 pm

      • Hullo, Hermie.
        Hope you are having a good holiday.

        I haven’t seen you reply in awhile. I was starting to worry that the Belgian authorities had picked you up for trying to firebomb a synagogue or shoot up a bus full of Isreali tourists.

        I’m kidding, of course.

        Happy New Year.

        Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 7:49 pm

        • No, I’m fine. Hope you’re having a good holiday too. Happy New Year.

          Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 9:07 pm

  2. There are four photos. You only showed two.
    The photos themselves have cropped previously.

    The Sonderkommando Photos

    Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 6:48 pm

  3. The two infamous photos above, which were allegedly taken by members of the Sonderkommandos are both fake. The one showing the corpses and the smoke looks authentic at first glance, but when its enlarged, the human figures are all wrong – they’ve been added to the image – which itself is a composite, or an artistic rendition.

    The other photo is deliberately blurred and taken at an angle, in order to increase the dramatic effect. The composer of this image wanted to convey the idea that the inmate who took the shot feared for his life, and had to hurriedly take the photo without the SS guards knowledge. But once again, the two naked females have been added to the photo. And its impossible to see what the group of people are doing in the background. The impression that we are given is that these folk are taking their clothes off before joining the naked women entering the “gas chamber”. But for all we know, it could be just a large group of picnickers who have arrived on a summer-time charabanc outing – which were very popular, both before and immediately after WW2.

    Alongside the naked woman on the left, there is a pair of legs leading to a female’s private area. But above this, the stomach seems to disappear into a dark triangle – with no top half at all! I can only assume that the NKVD officer who attempted to doctor this photo had been drinking too much Russian or Polish vodka, that he became so inebriated that couldn’t concentrate on faking the image properly!

    Comment by Talbot — December 28, 2015 @ 10:33 am

    • No – wait a minute, I’m wrong. The third naked female does have a top half. She is leaning forward, but the image is so blurred that it needs to be studied carefully.

      Comment by Talbot — December 28, 2015 @ 10:40 am

      • Their legs are still at least odd.

        Comment by Mikael Olafsson — February 15, 2017 @ 1:15 pm

    • Do you have proof that the NKVD doctored these photos?

      Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 6:40 pm

      • No, I don’t – but its the sort of thing they would do. And that goes for US, British and French Intelligence services too.

        But the truth is; none of us have any idea where these photos came from. We don’t know who took them, and where or when they were taken – nor even who developed the film and brought them into the public domain.

        Comment by Talbot — December 29, 2015 @ 6:07 am

        • Actually we have an approximate time and identification on who took the pictures:

          Comment by HAD — December 29, 2015 @ 10:08 am

          • At least the Yad Vashem ‘International School of Holocaust Studies’ does not claim that these photos show any extermination process underway – because quite obviously they don’t. And that is a pertinent question to ask: if these sonderkommandos were equipped with a camera, then why didn’t they take any shots of the people actually entering the undressing room; undressing; or passing through the internal door into the gas chamber. And why didn’t they try and photo the bodies being removed from the chamber; having their hair shorn and their bodies searched for hidden jewellery and gold teeth. Why are there no photos of the bodies being loaded on to the elevator, and none showing the actions taking place within the crematorium. Even with no flash available, the Krema would have been illuminated enough to take some kind of darkened images which could be developed successfully.

            But there is a major discrepancy in the official story here, because one of the photos shows images of people allegedly undressing in the woods. But we’ve been told that the undressing in all four Birkenau Kremas took place inside the facilities – in the “purpose-built” undressing rooms.

            But both photos look to me to be very dodgy, they do look fake. The naked women don’t look as if their feet are touching the ground at all – have they been pasted on to a quite different photo of people who are enjoying a picnic under the trees?

            The final suspicious aspect – which to their credit, Yad Vashem is also uneasy about – is why the photos were cropped. A fact which didn’t come to light until the mid 1980’s. And I personally still haven’t seen the full, uncropped images yet.

            Comment by Talbot — December 29, 2015 @ 11:47 am

        • The photos were also used at Hoess’s trial in 1946.

          The authors of the above blog mention 4 different versions, however they believe that “Version A” is the most reliable because this version is untouched.

          Comment by HAD — December 29, 2015 @ 10:19 am

          • Once again, Jeff, the ‘Holocaust Controversies” website is honest enough to admit that the photo of the Sonderkommando workers around the burning pit of bodies has been retouched, or doctored, by different people at various times. But how do we really know that original photo is genuine.

            Are the Polish Resistance, and the Sondercommandos who claim that they were part of the secret photo team, reliable enough witnesses for us to accept at face value their claims? The Sondercommados were all supposed to have been killed themselves after they had carried out their short period of work in the Kremas. So one has to ask? – why were these guys conveniently saved from death in order to be available after the war to confirm that they were the photographic team. No – this is all too unreal for me.

            Comment by Talbot — December 29, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

    • Cremation pits for the complete obliteration of human corpses (what is supposedly shown in the 2nd picture) is a scientific nonsense anyway. A cremation pit is an oxygen-depleted environment and dead bodies are full of water. Stuff hard to cremate allegedly incinerated en masse in an environment very unfavorable for such a task, what a joke !! (Probably the reason why Hindus cremate their dead bodies on pyres, not in pits.) Would be utterly ridiculous even if Auschwitz-Birkenau hadn’t been a swamp stuck between 2 rivers.

      Vincent Reynouard failing to incinerate the corpses of 2 dead rabbits…

      Bon appétit. 😉

      Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 8:32 pm

      • Looks yummy.
        I hope he didn’t waste, there are starving children in Africa.
        Apparently the Germans didn’t learn anything from their mass burnings because they used pyres like this to burn the dead in Dresden:

        I’ve never had rabbit, does it taste like chicken?

        Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 10:23 pm

        • Apparently the Germans didn’t learn anything

          In Dresden the Germans weren’t trying to eliminate all traces of the corpses (including bones) because they did not want to leave behind evidence of a crime they had committed (which is why the bones must be destroyed as well) — burning was an expedient to carbonize the flesh — to prevent it from decaying and creating a stench and serving as a medium for the grown and spread of disease — too many were killed to allow timely disposal of their bodies in more usual ways like burial and normal cremation.

          So the situations are not at all comparable. You fucking idiot.

          Comment by eah — December 29, 2015 @ 9:25 am

          • I misread what Hermie wrote, eah.
            I even went back and apologized for it.
            Adults do that.
            I still haven’t gotten anything about my friend request for Facebook from you.
            Come on, it’ll be fun.
            You could tell me more fascinating stories about those brave deniers out there bucking the system and being rebels.
            You could link me to some of your favorite Hitler speeches.
            It’ll be great.
            Let me know.

            Comment by HAD — December 29, 2015 @ 10:35 am

      • Sorry, Hermie, my mistake. I misread what you were saying, you said pits, not pyres.

        Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

        • HAD wrote: ” I misread what you were saying, you said pits, not pyres.”


          By the way, the purpose of the Dresden pyres was, IMO, different from the purpose of the alleged Holocaust pyres. Health at Dresden, obliteration at the Aktion Reinhardt camps. Making corpses safe bacteriologically speaking (health purpose) doesn’t require a cremation as complete as the one implemented when making corpses disappear from the face of the earth (obliteration purpose). Charred corpses are enough to make dead bodies safe (with heat killing a large amount of pathogenic bacteria) and so prevent them from spreading epidemics, while obliteration of course requires the reduction of such dead bodies to ashes.

          HAD wrote: “I’ve never had rabbit, does it taste like chicken?”

          Not really. You should try, unless eating rabbit meat is culturally shocking for you. Rabbit meat is very tasty. I can provide you with cooking recipes if you want to try.

          Comment by hermie — December 29, 2015 @ 4:46 am

  4. This idea of the Sondercommandos “scrubbing out the gas chambers” has only come about since Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf carried out their forensic examinations at these sites, showing that the chemical effects of Zyklon-B do not appear in the walls of the chambers.

    Before the mid-1980’s our holocaust friends were happily telling the world that the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau were operating like a continuous industrial process. But, whoops – ever since these two guys published this inconvenient fact into the public domain, the official story-tellers have had to try and convince the public that after every so-called “gassing”, a very thorough cleaning process took place in each of the gas chambers.

    Its just too sad, really – watching the poor old holocausters floundering around, desperately altering the story and changing the facts, in order to meet the scientific work of the professional investigators.

    Comment by Talbot — December 27, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

    • Did Fred or Germar ever say that it was possible to scrub the blue stains off the walls of the gas chambers? I don’t think that this would have been possible. I think that any Zyklon-B stains would have soaked into the plaster and would have impossible to scrub off without leaving holes in the wall.

      Comment by furtherglory — December 27, 2015 @ 12:12 pm

      • You are quite right, neither Leuchter or Rudolf claimed that Zyklon-B stains could be scrubbed-off the walls of the chambers. But the holocauster have to convince everyone that this did happen, because otherwise the general public might realise that the holocaust revisionists are revealing the truth, that there were no gassings taking place in these facilities.

        Comment by Talbot — December 27, 2015 @ 12:37 pm

        • Knowing that they were losing the battle over the blue staining they then claimed it was painted on. But that couldn’t happen because this reaction with the Blue has to do with a chemical reaction with the iron oxide within the wall.
          So the blue staining goes all the way through because the mixture of the wall mortar in the brick goes all the way through.

          Comment by jrizoli — December 27, 2015 @ 12:50 pm

          • I believe that you are correct, but at least one of the gas chambers, the one at Mauthausen, had tile walls. It might have been possible to clean Zyklon-B stains off a tile wall, but the grout would have been hopelessly stained.

            Comment by furtherglory — December 27, 2015 @ 3:38 pm

            • I would think that if it had tile walls then it was a made to use as a shower.

              Comment by jrizoli — December 27, 2015 @ 5:06 pm

              • In the 2001 Movie called ‘The Grey Zone’, starring David Arquette and Harvey Keitel, the sondercommandos are seen hosing down the “gas chamber” with a high pressure hose. Afterwards, they are even painting the walls and ceiling!

                This was deliberately shown in order to suggest why no traces of Zyklon-B have penetrated into the walls. Before the Zundel Trial in 1985, no one mentioned cleaning and painting the interiors of these structures. But ever since then, this problem of the absence of Prussian Blue has caused the holocausters to find some plausible explanation for the missing evidence of ” mass gassings”.

                Comment by Talbot — December 27, 2015 @ 6:11 pm

    • The earliest testimony regarding the cleaning of corpses and the gas chambers is from July 1945.
      Miklos Nyiszli:
      After thirty minutes the ventilators were switched on, members of the Sonderkommando on duty opened the door of the gas chamber and there lay 2000 corpses covered in blood (from bleeding noses) and faeces. Instead of being scattered
      evenly on the bunker floor, they were piled up on top of each other one story-high, explained by the fact that the chlorine gas reached the upper layers with some delay. The Sonderkommando washed the corpses with a hose and the bodies were then loaded in a freight elevator and transferred to the furnace room.”

      The earliest testimony regarding the cleaning of gas vans from Chelmno is from January-February of 1942. One of the prisoners escaped from the camp, made his way to a ghetto and gave his account of Sondercommandos unloading and then cleaning the gas vans.
      See Patrick Montague, Chelmno and the Holocaust.

      So, testimony of this type exists when Leuchter was either in diapers or just a gleam in his momma’s eye.

      Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 7:12 pm

      • Chlorine gas…bwahahaha!!!

        Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 7:49 pm

        • Small detail, Hermie.
          I’m pretty sure the SS didn’t advertise to the Sondercommando what they were dropping into the chamber.
          The Sondercommando were old enough to remember the gases used during WW I. In addition to mustard gas both sides used chlorine gas. An understandable error.

          Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 8:02 pm

          • HAD wrote: “I’m pretty sure the SS didn’t advertise to the Sondercommando what they were dropping into the chamber.”

            Unlike the wartime Allied newspapers… 😉

            Suffocation with chlorine gas was a classic of Soviet-Allied wartime atrocity propaganda.



            HAD wrote: “An understandable error.”

            C’mon. Nyiszli was a doctor! He supposedly worked at the Birkenau crematorium 2 as a medical doctor during several months and was housed with Sonderkommando guys. Don’t depict that Jew as an incompetent idiot not knowing the difference between cyanide poisoning and chlorine poisoning, or as a blind guy unable to see SS men pouring pellets of Zyklon B into ‘gas chambers’.

            Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 9:04 pm

            • I discard it is an irrelevant detail.
              He was not in the gas chamber while the gas was being used.
              What he sees when the door opens is a mass of bodies. This is undoubtedly traumatizing, doctor or not.
              All he knows is that the Germans are pouring something into the chamber and that people are dying.
              The Sondercommandos spray the chamber down, getting rid of blood and other biological material, pull the bodies out and send them to the crematoria. This happens over and over again.
              This is what the doctor is witnessing.
              The fact that he called the gas the Germans used “chlorine” is irrelevant.

              Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 10:31 pm

              • HAD wrote: “I discard it is an irrelevant detail.”

                No surprise Holocaust testimonies sound matching with each others for people with such analytical standards. The sentence “I discard it as an irrelevant detail” should be engraved on the facade of every Holocaust museum throughout the world as the motto of Holocaustian sheeple, as the first commandment of the NWO Holohoax cult. 😉

                HAD wrote: “All he knows is that the Germans are pouring something into the chamber and that people are dying.”

                Too bad he patently slept when taught the distinct external symptoms of chlorine and cyanide poisonings at medical school. Pink-red dead bodies (cyanide poisoning) and dead bodies having a skin with [necrosis] holes and burnings (chlorine poisoning) probably looked very similar. At least to a bogus doctor. And what did he think the large holes in the ceilings of the ‘gas chambers’ were for, if not for Zyklon pouring? For sky watching maybe?

                Comment by hermie — December 29, 2015 @ 7:37 am

                • edit: should be engraved

                  Comment by hermie — December 29, 2015 @ 8:33 am

                • I discard it because it is coming from a traumatized victim who spent months of his life watching people die. That is going to effect anyone, even a doctor.
                  He doesn’t say he examined the bodies or performed autopsies. He is looking at a mass of bodies that are sprayed with hoses and then burned.
                  The most important part is what he witnessed. I can understand him missing certain details or forgetting details, especially under the circumstances.

                  Comment by HAD — December 29, 2015 @ 10:28 am

                • HAD wrote: “I discard it because it is coming from a traumatized victim who spent months of his life watching people die. [sissy fag’s emotional rambling] 😉 ”

                  You must concede that such inconsistencies, conflicting stories and changing narrative is also what one could see if the whole thing was just a plain lie.

                  Hope your ass won’t be too ‘traumatized’ by such a concession. Ha ha. 😉

                  Comment by hermie — December 29, 2015 @ 12:21 pm

                • Hermie, I like you well enough, crazy bastard you might be, but dropping things to a personal level is unworthy of you.
                  That’s an eah/Schlageter tactic. I expect better from someone who is obviously intelligent.
                  Yes, Hermie, events effect people. Even the brave. Where do you think the terms shell shock or PTSD come from?
                  At the end of WW I it is estimated that up to 600,000 German soldiers suffered some type of mental trauma because of what they experienced. One of those men was Adolph Hitler.
                  He suffered what the doctors called “Hysterical Blindness” upon learning that Germany surrendered (he was in fact blinded during a gas attack but his sight was returning until he found out about the surrender).
                  So if uncle Adolph could have issues anyone could.

                  Comment by HAD — December 30, 2015 @ 1:04 pm

                • HAD: ” dropping things to a personal level is unworthy of you.”

                  I didn’t want to be personal or even offensive. I only wanted to be funny.

                  So by expanding your argument, are you saying that no such a thing as a reliable Holocaust testimony may exist because by definition coming from a traumatized person?

                  Comment by hermie — December 30, 2015 @ 2:56 pm

      • Miklos Nyiszli does not claim that the “gas chambers” were thoroughly cleaned, hosed and scrubbed after the bodies had all been removed. He says that the corpses were washed with a hose before they were removed from the chamber. He says that there were 2,000 bodies stacked up high, but there is no way on this earth that you could get 2,000 people inside these very compact chambers – so he’s telling a “porky-pie” there!

        In addition, we have to ask how all the water, Zyklon B residues, blood and faeces was removed from the chamber. Presumably all this disappeared through properly constructed drains in the floor. But the chambers of Kremas II & III were underground, so how this was done and where it all went, is still up for discussion. We’ll have to ask the eminent architect, Robert Van Pelt, to help us out here. Apparently, he is the leading expert on reading architectural blueprints at Auschwitz.

        Comment by Talbot — December 29, 2015 @ 7:40 am

    • Talbot: “Before the mid-1980’s our holocaust friends were happily telling the world that the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau were operating like a continuous industrial process. But, whoops – ever since these two guys published this inconvenient fact into the public domain, the official story-tellers have had to try and convince the public that after every so-called “gassing”, a very thorough cleaning process took place in each of the gas chambers.”

      Any cleaning process could have taken place only after all the dead bodies had been removed. And as no piles of dead bodies can be seen in the aerial photographs of Birkenau (taken during summer 1944, i.e. at the alleged peak of extermination there), cremation would have been the limiting factor of that process anyway. Or in other words, had such a cleaning process really taken place, it could have been implemented days after each gassing at the earliest, i.e. long after large amounts of HCN had penetrated and impregnated the walls of those room, permanently stuck there in the form of unremovable ferrocyanides,

      Comment by hermie — December 28, 2015 @ 7:33 pm

  5. I have just checked the stats for the year 2015 for my blog. There have been almost a million views by almost a half million people. I hope that all the work that I have done, in writing this blog, has made a difference in the world. Happy New Year everyone!

    Comment by furtherglory — December 27, 2015 @ 12:04 pm

    • That is great news, FG – the tide is beginning to turn. The truth does come out eventually.

      Your research, and the writing of this blog, is beginning to pay dividends. Thank you.

      Comment by Talbot — December 27, 2015 @ 12:26 pm

  6. Thanks for the lies!….
    Hoess lied to protect himself.
    There were no “eyewitnesses”. Just liars.
    How about these ” eyewitnesses ” any comment on this nonsense?

    Comment by jrizoli — December 27, 2015 @ 10:23 am

    • Hoess told lies because he was beaten half to death by British Jews. I wrote about his confession on my website at

      Comment by furtherglory — December 27, 2015 @ 11:51 am

      • Re: Web site
        It was Captain Hanns Alexander a German Jew from Berlin who went to England in 1936 who apprehended Kommandant Höß and not Bernard Clark who was only a Sergeant, nor did he speak any German, although he was part of the team who beat him up.
        For a high profile case you need a native speaker, he (Alexander) worked for the number I War Crimes Investigation Team, and had orders to hunt down and arrest Rudolf Höß.

        Comment by Herbert Stolpmann — December 27, 2015 @ 9:22 pm

    • I don’t know, I’m starting to doubt this whole “Hoess was tortured” business. What proof do we have that this is even happened?

      Comment by HAD — December 28, 2015 @ 7:43 pm

      • You might be interested in reading what allegedly happened, although Robert Butlers comments in his book are not accurate, nor the actions of Bernard Clark:

        Comment by Herbert Stolpmann — December 29, 2015 @ 12:17 am

        • I know Hoess was tortured, I just wanted to see what reaction I’d get.

          Comment by HAD — December 29, 2015 @ 10:22 am

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