Scrapbookpages Blog

June 26, 2016

the Holocaust has been turned into a game now?

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 9:19 am

You can read the news article about a new Holocaust game for children at

The title of my blog post today is a quote from the news article, cited above.

The photo below was copied from the news article.

Auschwitz photo has been enhanced to make it look more incriminating

Auschwitz-Birkenau photo has been enhanced to make the child survivors look worse

same photo as the one above

original photo  of Birkenau child survivors

I have the photo above on my website. This is how the photo originally looked before it was photoshopped into a more incriminating photo. I use Photoshop to enhance my photos, not to make them look worse.

I don’t think that this photo should have been used in the news article. These children are under the age of 15. As everyone knows, children under 15 were sent to the gas chambers at Birkenau.

The young girl on the far right in the photo is Eva Moses Kor who has made a career out of being a survivor. You can read her story here:

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

An app-based “game” posted on Google Play that let users “live like a real Jew in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp” has been removed after it was widely condemned.

At United with Israel, Colette Avital of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors said, “We cannot understand how the top management of Google approved such a cynical game, turning the martyrdom of six million Jews into an object for amusement and enjoyment.”

The World Jewish Congress noted that the comment section attached to the app offering attracted anti-Semitic comments. [and the comments were published]

End quote

You can read all about Auschwitz-Birkenau on my website at

On my website, I have photoshopped some photos, but to make them look better, not worse.

I wrote extensive notes about my trips to Auschwitz in 1998 and in 2005:

I returned to Auschwitz one more time — in 2007. It is very sad to see how Auschwitz-Birkenau has turned into a tourist attraction.  It is extremely disconcerting to see Jews walking around the Birkenau camp, laughing.  They are laughing “all the way to the bank” as an old saying goes.


  1. Is it me or are these kids wearing clothers ten sizes to big for them? Obviously this picture was a staged event. Kids were stationed in these camps, babies born and they lived on to tell their stories. The horrors being made by these liars are truly laughable. I’m supprised you didn’t show the aligator pit where these starving animals were diliberately starved by Dr Mengele and then ate these kids alive while they were playing their nintendos

    Comment by rizolitv — June 27, 2016 @ 9:04 pm

    • You wrote: “Is it me or are these kids wearing clothers [clothing] ten sizes to big for them?”

      This photo was taken by the Soviets, two weeks after they found the abandoned camp.These are adult uniforms. The children at Birkenau wore their own clothes; there were no child-size uniforms.

      This photo should not be used by True Believers; these children were allegedly dead because they are under the age of 15.

      Comment by furtherglory — June 28, 2016 @ 7:15 am

      • I guess that puts it to rest when they say all the children were killed under 15 apparently they must have missed these kids maybe they were hidden or maybe they when into the latrine up to the neck in crap I’m sure there’s a good answer for it by the Holohucksters here.


        Comment by jrizoli — June 28, 2016 @ 7:19 am

        • You wrote: “they say all the children were killed under 15 apparently they must have missed these kids”

          The Holocaust survivors, who are still alive today, were not twins. They were children younger than 15, but they were not killed.

          Comment by furtherglory — June 28, 2016 @ 7:45 am

          • Yes – what a disgraceful propaganda stunt by the Soviets. They’ve got these youngsters to dress up in these ridiculous costumes, and then placed the poor kids in the security area between the inner perimeter fence and the outer wall. Is it any wonder, therefore, that their faces express bewilderment and anxiety in being placed inside there for a wretched photograph?

            Comment by Talbot — June 28, 2016 @ 10:12 am

            • They have plenty of Fake HoloHoax photos for all to see….Why would they have to fake photographs? Do the revisionist fake photographs…..
              Limk below Jeff our resident Holohuxster, this is his favorite site…..



              Comment by jrizoli — June 28, 2016 @ 11:04 am

  2. Yes, the holocaust is certainly a game alright, because they are now claiming that “gas vans” were operating at Auschwitz. The following testimonies originate from the Holocaust Controversies website. But please don’t laugh, ladies and gentlemen – the sworn testimonies of these witnesses were serious, and given in good faith at the time, and thus are absolutely true!

    Testimonies given at the Rudolf Hoess Trial about the use of the gas vans in Auschwitz, translated from Polish and German by Dr. Steve Paulsson.

    Testimony of Stanislaw Dubiel :

    It was Sturmbannführer Henschel who at first seemed to us to have a very good character. And in a few days, he found another method – gassing in a car. The car goes to Birkenau, by the time it gets there everyone is dead. The driver explained how it works, that the exhaust pipe goes straight into the car. By the time the driver gets to where he’s going, they’re already dead. That was the behaviour of this supposedly good man.

    Testimony of Jan Dziopek:

    They were carried out at Block 11 until October 1944, after that the condemned were killed only at Birkenau, where they were taken from our place in a prison van. That type of van was very tightly sealed and had apparatus for gassing the people inside. The gassing apparatus was built in the automobile workshops of the Fahrbereitschafts–Kommando [ at the Auschwitz main camp ]

    Testimony of Edward Wrona:

    I think none of the witnesses has emphasized that gas vans were used at Auschwitz. I assume that the accused Höß knew about it, because he went every day to look at his beautiful limousine in the automobile workshops and saw the three vans in which people were murdered standing there. Working at the water pumping station in Block 18, I leaned my head out and observed how girls and men were packed into these vans and the executions were carried out…

    Testimony of Kazimierz Grabowski:

    Presiding judge: Was there a truck there designated in advance for gassing people?
    Witness: Once one van that was especially encased in wood came in for repairs, I didn’t know what kind of van it was. German vehicles ran on methanol. There it was fitted with an exhaust pipe, round with small holes, when the prisoners were inside the van, the gas got in that way. After 15 minutes a person was ready. Before it even reached the crematorium, there were only corpses in the van. I ran across only one vehicle like that, on which I worked.
    Pres: Was the van constantly in use?
    Witness: Constantly, unless it was damaged, then it went in to be fixed.
    Pres: Was this van used inside the camp, or outside?
    Witness: That I don’t know.

    Testimony of Jozef Sliwa (APMAB, Collection “Statements”):

    When a larger number of sick people had accumulated, they were taken in vans to Auschwitz. I saw the vans – gas chambers, into which transports of Muselmans were loaded. I went inside and saw the gassing apparatus, i.e. pipes to let the exhaust gases in.

    Testimony of Zbigniew Kazmierczyk (APMAB, Collection “Statements”):

    Commissions often came from Auschwitz, which carried out selections among sick prisoners in the hospital. The selected prisoners were taken away to Auschwitz by vehicles, already gassing them on the way. I know from what friends told me that they were dark green, reinforced, sealed when closed, into which exhaust gas was let in.

    Testimony of Wladyslaw de Rosenberg Grohs, police prisoner from Block 11 (APMAB. Collection “Statements”):

    Yes, well out of my hall sometimes only two persons out of 100 were transferred as prisoners to one of the blocks in the camp, the rest were loaded into trucks. In any case, at that time executions were not carried out in the courtyard of Block 11. We were convinced that the prisoners sentenced to death by the police Special Court were suffocated with exhaust products in the boxes of vans – before they got as far as the crematoria.

    Testimony of Artur Meyer (APMAB, Collection “Statements”):

    Moreover, in Auschwitz there was a special apparatus. It was a van – gas
    chamber. Up to 14 people were loaded into this van, it was hermetically sealed and by the time the van arrived at Birkenau, its passengers were gassed to death.

    Testimony of George Goiny-Grabowski (APMAB, Collection “Statements”):

    As the Russian front approached Auschwitz, a police Einsatzkommando arrived, whose members wore uniforms with green cuffs. Among their vehicles were two gas vans, which I had an opportunity to examine in detail. The exhaust gases could be led into the box [of the van which was] filled with condemned people… The gas vans had an image showing a human head with a hand holding its nose.

    Testimony of Kazimierz Czyzewski :

    Hitlerite civilian special courts. They arrived every 14 days and tried hundreds of civilians in this Block 11. After the verdict, these people were driven into a hermetically sealed yellow van. Up to 50 people fit into it – the SS driver drove them to the crematorium (the prisoners did not know where they were going), and in this van the people were gassed, the corpses were thrown out and cremated.

    I’m not surprised at all, therefore, that young Jews today are walking around the Birkenau camp laughing their heads off.

    Comment by Talbot — June 26, 2016 @ 11:16 am

    • You wrote: “in Auschwitz there was a special apparatus. It was a van – gas
      chamber. Up to 14 people were loaded into this van, it was hermetically sealed and by the time the van arrived at Birkenau, its passengers were gassed to death.”

      Testimony of George Goiny-Grabowski (APMAB, Collection “Statements”)”

      I wrote about “gas vans” on this blog post:

      Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 12:40 pm

    • You could stop them laughing if you had any evidence to the contrary.

      But, you don’t……….so real history continues to win.

      Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 3:27 pm

      • Quote;- “The gas vans had an image showing a human head with a hand holding its nose”

        Yes, indeed – “real history” continues to win!

        Comment by Talbot — June 26, 2016 @ 4:47 pm

        • Quote;- “The gas vans had an image showing a human head with a hand holding its nose”

          “Yes, indeed – “real history” continues to win!”

          It does until you provide me the evidence I asked for.
          Prove to me where 1/2 the Jews that went to Chelmno didn’t die, Talbot. Show me where they were they were transported to.
          I’ll tell you what:
          We can start small. Prove to me where 10,000 went. Show me what camps they went to.
          I’ll start to take this whole denial thing seriously, then.

          Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 4:54 pm

          • “Prove they didn’t die”…
            Now that’s inverting things!
            Funny in all but Jewish justice the burden of proof lies with the accuser..:

            Comment by Schlageter — June 26, 2016 @ 5:12 pm

            • Yup….Jewish History lesson 101….WE have to prove something didn’t happen.
              Go figure! Or as they say don’t confuse us with the facts.


              Comment by jrizoli — June 26, 2016 @ 5:26 pm

              • “Yup….Jewish History lesson 101….WE have to prove something didn’t happen.
                Go figure! Or as they say don’t confuse us with the facts.”

                But something DID happen, Jim.

                Deniers believe Chelmno and the Reinhard Camps were transit camps, Jim.

                Now, if you have transit camps you are using them to send people somewhere.

                Koeher’s Report and the Hoefle Telegram both show the numbers sent to these camps.
                Where did they go afterwards?

                Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 5:38 pm

            • “Prove they didn’t die”…
              “Now that’s inverting things!
              Funny in all but Jewish justice the burden of proof lies with the accuser..:”

              This isn’t a trial.
              I want Talbot to prove at least some of this denier bullshit is true, Schlageter.
              Surely, if what deniers say is true and Chelmno was a transit camp, surely they have proof of where some of these Jews were transited TO.

              Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 5:32 pm

        • Speaking of heads, I wonder what ever happened to the shrunken head that was presented solemnly before the world’s gaze at the Nuremburg Tribunals. Was it reunited with its former body and then buried with full military honors in a war cemetery. Who knows!

          Comment by Talbot — June 26, 2016 @ 5:15 pm

          • “Speaking of heads, I wonder what ever happened to the shrunken head that was presented solemnly before the world’s gaze at the Nuremburg Tribunals. Was it reunited with its former body and then buried with full military honors in a war cemetery. Who knows!”

            That feels like a denier duck:

            Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 5:34 pm

            • After American soldiers had liberated the Buchenwald camp, they were astounded when the Communist prisoners took them on a tour of the camp, showing them pieces of tattooed human skin, two shrunken heads, preserved human body parts, an ash tray made from a human bone, and a table lamp with a lampshade allegedly made from human skin. The shrunken heads resembled those made by primitive tribes in South America.These artifacts had not been made from the bodies of Jews, as some people now allege.

              Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 6:30 pm

            • Before anyone rushes off and starts searching for missing Jews, then a practical experiment has to take place in order to prove that these murder weapons – namely the curious “gas vans” – actually worked according to the official holocaust narrative.

              The onus is on our holocaust friends to carry out this experiment, because it is they – over the last 70 years – who have maintained vehemently that these were the actual weapons of mass murder; and thus they have now got to satisfy the world that these vehicles are capable of this monstrous crime.

              Now, this experiment will involve finding a modern-day van of similar style and dimensions to the ones that were alleged to have been used back during WW2, and converting the exhaust system accordingly. A volunteer will be sought – namely Mr Jeff K. – and he would climb underneath the van to carry out the necessary switching of the main pipe to a flexible hose which leads upwards through the floor of the van (If Mr K. is unsure of the procedure then he can always contact the document that Willy Just is alleged to have sent to Walter Rauff).

              Mr K. will then climb into the cab, switch the ignition on, climb back out again and retire to a safe distance. After the specified amount of time that it is alleged the gassing occurred, Mr. K will pluck up all his courage and climb into the cab to switch off the ignition. He will then disappear back underneath the vehicle, and reverse the procedure with the exhaust system.

              Afterwards he would climb back into the cab, and drive the van – whose interior is now full of fumes and carbon monoxide gases – for three miles, whereupon he will halt the vehicle and open the back doors to allow the toxic gasses to escape

              Upon returning to the starting point, Mr K. will then repeat exactly the same procedure. Now we don’t expect him to repeat it at least 500 times – which it is claimed what happened at Chelmno, but it would be necessary for him to manage 25 trips, because we would have to ascertain if the driver could cope with the stress and strain of carrying out such a deed, and just as importantly – the vehicle itself still being workable, and would not have seized-up, or even blown-up!

              If as a result of this experiment, it can be shown conclusively that such a system is viable and workable, then maybe we can assume that these missing Jews did perish at Chelmno. But if not, then we all – believers and deniers alike – have a big task on our hands in trying to find their whereabouts. But obviously we cannot proceed with stage 2, until Stage 1 has been completed and the results of the experiment known.

              Comment by Talbot — June 26, 2016 @ 6:35 pm

              • “Before anyone rushes off and starts searching for missing Jews, then a practical experiment has to take place in order to prove that these murder weapons – namely the curious “gas vans” – actually worked according to the official holocaust narrative.”

                I’m not going to bother with the rest of it.

                Blah, blah, blah, denier ducking, so on and so forth.

                Talbot, just stop.

                Two of the documents describe technical issues with the vans and what was done to overcome them.

                Frankly, this is tiring. Why don’t you simply admit that you don’t have any evidence to the contrary? That you simply have no explanation about what happened to the Jews you THINK transited through Chelmno and you are simply trying to head me off from asking anymore.

                I have documents related to the vans but for some reason you, or any other denier, can’t provide me with any evidence about Jews you BELIEVE transited through Chelmno to parts unknown.

                That goes for the Reinhard Camps and, frankly, Birkenau.

                Here’s the odd thing about Auschwitz:

                One of its functions was as a transit camp.

                We know inmates were transferred from there to other camps because those records exist. So, if the other camps were transit camps then records should exist for those inmates as well.

                Instead, when I ask for that information I get a lot of hemming and hawing.

                So, please. My advice to you is to get me some evidence that these denier theories are viable.

                But, before you get all excited, I will tell you that I know that Jews were, in fact, sent to the East. However, there is no evidence they went through Chelmno or the Reinhard Camps. So, a thousand or two thousand Jews here and there do not account for the some 2.5 million Jews that died at Chelmno, the Reinhard Camps or Chelmno.

                Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 6:59 pm

                • Jeff, I actually did say yesterday that I honestly don’t know where those Jews who were taken to Chelmno finally finished up. My former belief was that they were put to death there in the manner alleged, but after studying the evidence I now doubt very much that this did happen.

                  You are right, our exchanges are going nowhere – we just have to agree to disagree I’m afraid.

                  Comment by Talbot — June 26, 2016 @ 7:28 pm

                • “Jeff, I actually did say yesterday that I honestly don’t know where those Jews who were taken to Chelmno finally finished up. My former belief was that they were put to death there in the manner alleged, but after studying the evidence I now doubt very much that this did happen.

                  You are right, our exchanges are going nowhere – we just have to agree to disagree I’m afraid.”

                  So, you doubt that the Jews died there but you have no viable explanation on what happened to them.

                  Real history wins.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 7:51 pm

                • I’ve suggested to yall we go at this a different route. I’ll get yall booked in at the MGM. Yall can slug it out in the ring,before the main event starts. I get 40% of the receipts. Yall split the remaining 60%.

                  Comment by Tim — June 26, 2016 @ 8:31 pm

                • You wrote: “My former belief was that they were put to death there [in Chelmno] in the manner alleged, but after studying the evidence I now doubt very much that this did happen.”

                  I also doubt that anyone was killed at Chelmno. One thing that I forgot to mention in my blog post is that the Chelmno camp was very close to a major river. They could have put the Jews on boats and drowned them, or they could have taken them down the river to kill them some place else. There were no facilities for killing the Jews at Chelmno. There were only vans to transfer them to some other place. This was very inefficient.

                  Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 8:29 pm

                • Again as we can see, it was a typical normal Transit camp yet the Holohucksters have to take something that’s innocent and turn it into a Horror Disneyland picture and this is what they do with all the information that deals with the camps.
                  Then on top of it all they asked us to prove that it wasn’t a horror Disneyland camp.
                  Simple answer because it wasn’t.


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 26, 2016 @ 8:39 pm

                • “I also doubt that anyone was killed at Chelmno. One thing that I forgot to mention in my blog post is that the Chelmno camp on very close to a major river. They could have put the Jews on boats and drowned them,”

                  That’s really odd, whatever gave you that impression? How is drowning them in a river more efficient than killing them with gas vans?

                  “or they could have taken them down the river to kill them some place else.”

                  Again, why?

                  “There were no facilities for killing the Jews at Chelmno. There were only vans to transfer them to some other place. This was very inefficient.”

                  Except that the camp used gas vans to kill the Jews transported there.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 26, 2016 @ 8:53 pm

                • You wrote: “Except that the [Chelmno] camp used gas vans to kill the Jews transported there.”

                  There were two survivors of the Chelmno camp. Did they offer any proof of what happened there?

                  Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 9:02 pm

                • You wrote: “Except that the camp used gas vans to kill the Jews transported there.”

                  When was it proved that gas vans were used at Chelmno to kill people?

                  Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 9:14 pm

                • FG….. Jeff and his Holohuxster buddies are just spreading their Horror Disneyland stories so that they get people to believe what they want them to believe. Complete nonsense.


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 26, 2016 @ 9:20 pm

                • Wether they used them to gas or not ,they looked like you could make a sweet camper out of it. Get some of your buddies together and take it to deer camp when bow season opens. You could fit a lot of happy hunters in that thing. You wouldn’t be at the mercy of the hotels,when out of state hunters,need a place to stay

                  Comment by Tim — June 26, 2016 @ 9:39 pm

                • Jeff wrote: “But, before you get all excited, I will tell you that I know that Jews were, in fact, sent to the East. However, there is no evidence they went through Chelmno or the Reinhard Camps. So, a thousand or two thousand Jews here and there do not account for the some 2.5 million Jews that died at Chelmno, the Reinhard Camps or Chelmno.”

                  Think about the last sentence of your comment next time a Holohoaxster claims that he’s just proved the ‘Holocaust’ with a handful of bones or some mundane concrete fondations found somewhere in Eastern Europe. Great food for thought in fact…

                  Comment by hermie — June 28, 2016 @ 3:00 pm

                • A friend of mine stops at my house stays for the day and leaves I never ever hear from him again…..I guess he must of been killed.
                  Thats the reasoning that we’re dealing here with the HoloHuxsters…..
                  So what other scenarios can we come up with here? To the Holohuxsters there is only one he was killed in a homicidal gas chamber…..
                  And you wonder why we are HoloHoax deniers……


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 28, 2016 @ 3:10 pm

                • “A friend of mine stops at my house stays for the day and leaves I never ever hear from him again…..I guess he must of been killed.”

                  What kind of friend doesn’t figure out why a friend never comes around again?????????????

                  “Thats the reasoning that we’re dealing here with the HoloHuxsters…..
                  So what other scenarios can we come up with here? To the Holohuxsters there is only one he was killed in a homicidal gas chamber…..
                  And you wonder why we are HoloHoax deniers……”

                  Well, I keep asking you for proof of all this denier stuff.
                  No, I just wonder why you aren’t honest about it….even to yourselves.

                  Comment by Jeff K — June 28, 2016 @ 7:34 pm

                • “Think about the last sentence of your comment next time a Holohoaxster claims that he’s just proved the ‘Holocaust’ with a handful of bones or some mundane concrete fondations found somewhere in Eastern Europe. Great food for thought in fact…”

                  Yet no proof exists for imaginary Jewish camps in the Soviet Union. Remind your local deniers of this.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 28, 2016 @ 4:53 pm

                • edit: foundations

                  Comment by hermie — June 28, 2016 @ 3:01 pm

                • Jeff wrote: “Yet no proof exists for imaginary Jewish camps in the Soviet Union. Remind your local deniers of this.”

                  No proofs for millions of Jews killed at the Reinhardt camps and Chelmno either.

                  And with the rule of a normal burden of proof, one could conclude: it’s a lie, a groundless charge. 😉

                  Comment by hermie — June 29, 2016 @ 4:08 am

                • “No proofs for millions of Jews killed at the Reinhardt camps and Chelmno either.”

                  Nope, you know what I think?

                  “And with the rule of a normal burden of proof, one could conclude: it’s a lie, a groundless charge. ;-)”

                  Nope, it means that you have no evidence and real history wins.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 5:20 am

                • Jeff why don’t you ask these people where they went?
                  Millions of Jews survived the HoloHoax ended up in different places that’s the true story so you have to just ask the people that survived don’t ask us we weren’t there but the Jews and the money went you just don’t want to ask them because you know the answer you’re going to get it would turn into the camps and survived not the answer you want.



                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 5:26 am

                • “Jeff why don’t you ask these people where they went?
                  Millions of Jews survived the HoloHoax ended up in different places that’s the true story so you have to just ask the people that survived don’t ask us we weren’t there but the Jews and the money went you just don’t want to ask them because you know the answer you’re going to get it would turn into the camps and survived not the answer you want.”

                  Jim, please provide the basis for this assertion, that millions survived the Holocaust.
                  Do you have numbers per year? Five years? By decade?
                  What census was done to determine this?
                  Does this number include Jews and other victims or just Jews?
                  Let me know.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 5:56 am

                • Jeff I already went over this with you in past post this has to do with the reparations close to 4 million Jews receive compensation for extorting/stealing money away from the countries for the them.
                  I think a good question to ask is do non Jews get reparations money?. according to the Holohucksters there was at least 5 or 6 million people that weren’t Jews that died in camps right?


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 9:19 am

                • Christ, Jim, why can’t you answer a question?


                  BTW, the article mentions that the US paid out something like 3 billion dollars to the heirs of the Japanese interred in the US during the war.

                  Would you like to whine about that as well?

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 9:35 am

                • Some more information, Jim.


                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 9:37 am

                • Since you won’t do any fucking research on your own:

                  Click to access Summary%20of%20Major%20Holocaust%20Compensation%20Programs.pdf

                  That lists both Jewish and non-Jewish compensation.

                  Not hard, Jim. I did that in about 10 minutes. On my lunch break.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 9:45 am

                • Jeff produced this piece of information from the website ” ” in his endeavours to provide evidence that mass murder was taking place at Chelmno;-

                  “The third van which came to Chlemonski’s Square on that day (Tuesday) brought the bodies of my wife and two children – a 7 year-old boy and a 4-year old girl. They were thrown out of the vehicle. I laid myself down near my wife’s body and wanted to be shot. An SS-man approached me and said, “this burly man can still work very well.

                  He whipped me three times and forced me to continue working. At midday they gave us food. We had to get out of the trench without shovels and form a circle. The SS-men formed an outer circle around us. We were given black coffee and food brought in packs by Jews.

                  Generally we were fed well. That evening Krzewacki from Klodawa (whose given name I cannot remember) hung himself in the basement. Another Jew, whose name I cannot remember either, did the same. I was going to hang myself too, but was finally persuaded not to do that.”

                  We must remember that this testimony has never been thoroughly tested in a proper court of law – or even in a tribunal of enquiry. Nobody has verified or corroborated this statement – and yet Mr K has the sheer audacity to produce this kind of stuff as his proof of genocide at Chelmno.

                  Pathetic – isn’t it ?

                  Comment by Talbot — June 29, 2016 @ 11:38 am

                • “Jeff produced this piece of information from the website ” ” in his endeavours to provide evidence that mass murder was taking place at Chelmno;-

                  “The third van which came to Chlemonski’s Square on that day (Tuesday) brought the bodies of my wife and two children – a 7 year-old boy and a 4-year old girl. They were thrown out of the vehicle. I laid myself down near my wife’s body and wanted to be shot. An SS-man approached me and said, “this burly man can still work very well.

                  He whipped me three times and forced me to continue working. At midday they gave us food. We had to get out of the trench without shovels and form a circle. The SS-men formed an outer circle around us. We were given black coffee and food brought in packs by Jews.

                  Generally we were fed well. That evening Krzewacki from Klodawa (whose given name I cannot remember) hung himself in the basement. Another Jew, whose name I cannot remember either, did the same. I was going to hang myself too, but was finally persuaded not to do that.”

                  We must remember that this testimony has never been thoroughly tested in a proper court of law – or even in a tribunal of enquiry. Nobody has verified or corroborated this statement – and yet Mr K has the sheer audacity to produce this kind of stuff as his proof of genocide at Chelmno.

                  Pathetic – isn’t it ?”

                  What’s pathetic is you have no evidence to refute it.

                  Let’s see, I’ve produced the following:
                  Witness testimony
                  Perpatrator testimony
                  Victim testimony

                  All of this corroborates and converges on the fact that the Germans used gas vans.

                  What have you provided?

                  Nothing. I’m being kind here, Talbot.

                  So, please produce evidence that refutes the above.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 11:45 am

                • All a bunch of liars….

                  “Most of the memoirs and reports of Holocaust survivors are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”

                  –Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p6.

                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 11:51 am

                • “All a bunch of liars….

                  “Most of the memoirs and reports of Holocaust survivors are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”

                  –Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p6.”

                  Jim, it would be nice if you would something original up. You’ve copied this about 50 times.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 12:13 pm

                • People have to know the truth and how we’re being lied to and they should see it everyday.


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 12:38 pm

                • “People have to know the truth and how we’re being lied to and they should see it everyday.”

                  I enjoy rhetoric as much as the next man, Jim.

                  But, really, it would be nice if you actually provided real evidence every once in awhile.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 12:45 pm

                • Jeff produce some information from a website named “

                  “The Jews were made to get inside the van. This job was done by three Poles, who I believe were sentenced to death. The Poles hit the Jews with whips if they did not get into the gas vans fast enough. When all the Jews were inside the door was bolted. The driver then switched on the engine, crawled under the van and connected a pipe from the exhaust to the inside of the van. The exhaust fumes now poured into the inside of the truck so that the people inside were suffocated.”

                  So, we are now being told that Poles were heavily involved in this alleged extermination enterprise as well as the Germans. OK, but we’ll have to ask Mr K. if this in fact true. Were Polish individuals involved in the Chelmno operations? – and were these men later sentenced to death? If so, would you kindly provide us with these men’s names, and full details of their trials?

                  The website goes on to say that ” the driver then switched on the engine, crawled under the van and connected a pipe from the exhaust to the inside of the van”. ( So he was doing this while the engine was actually running!!! ). Once again, we have to ask Jeff if this was indeed the procedure that was being undertaken.

                  Comment by Talbot — June 29, 2016 @ 12:29 pm

                • “The Jews were made to get inside the van. This job was done by three Poles, who I believe were sentenced to death. The Poles hit the Jews with whips if they did not get into the gas vans fast enough. When all the Jews were inside the door was bolted. The driver then switched on the engine, crawled under the van and connected a pipe from the exhaust to the inside of the van. The exhaust fumes now poured into the inside of the truck so that the people inside were suffocated.”

                  So, we are now being told that Poles were heavily involved in this alleged extermination enterprise as well as the Germans. OK, but we’ll have to ask Mr K. if this in fact true. Were Polish individuals involved in the Chelmno operations? – and were these men later sentenced to death? If so, would you kindly provide us with these men’s names, and full details of their trials?

                  The website goes on to say that ” the driver then switched on the engine, crawled under the van and connected a pipe from the exhaust to the inside of the van”. ( So he was doing this while the engine was actually running!!! ). Once again, we have to ask Jeff if this was indeed the procedure that was being undertaken.”

                  Please provide evidence that Chelmno was a transit camp.

                  If you can’t then it was a death camp. All the nitpicking over details doesn’t change that fact.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 12:42 pm

                • You wrote: “Were Polish individuals involved in the Chelmno operations? – and were these men later sentenced to death?”

                  I blogged about Chelmno at

                  Comment by furtherglory — June 29, 2016 @ 12:47 pm

                • just in case you missed it Jeff would probably like me to mention it again….

                  “Most of the memoirs and reports of Holocaust survivors are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”

                  –Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p6.

                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 1:03 pm

                • “just in case you missed it Jeff would probably like me to mention it again….

                  “Most of the memoirs and reports of Holocaust survivors are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”

                  –Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p6.”

                  Oh, look. More rhetoric from Jim, no actual evidence.

                  Wow, color me surprised (yawn).

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 1:19 pm

                • A third website that Jeff produced was the following;-


                  It is a document that he has produced before, which details an alleged exchange of a “Top Secret” communication between someone named Willy Just, and Walter Rauf – who we’ve been led to understand was the “big cheese” in the SS motor pool.

                  Well, Walter Rauf was an authentic, and extensively documented character in the National Socialist regime – but the question is;- who exactly is Willy Just? There is no reference in the document to his rank that he held in the SS, nor any mention of his expertise in motor mechanics.

                  But if we accept the communication at face value, then he claims to know a thing or two about “gas vans”, because he’s pointing out to Rauf all the alleged problems that these vehicles experienced, and how they could be put right.

                  But before we can accept this “Top Secret” letter as genuine, then Jeff has to produce some evidence that Willy Just is a real person, and not some fabricated character created by Soviet Intelligence.

                  Comment by Talbot — June 29, 2016 @ 1:17 pm

                • “A third website that Jeff produced was the following;-


                  It is a document that he has produced before, which details an alleged exchange of a “Top Secret” communication between someone named Willy Just, and Walter Rauf – who we’ve been led to understand was the “big cheese” in the SS motor pool.

                  Well, Walter Rauf was an authentic, and extensively documented character in the National Socialist regime – but the question is;- who exactly is Willy Just? There is no reference in the document to his rank that he held in the SS, nor any mention of his expertise in motor mechanics.

                  But if we accept the communication at face value, then he claims to know a thing or two about “gas vans”, because he’s pointing out to Rauf all the alleged problems that these vehicles experienced, and how they could be put right.

                  But before we can accept this “Top Secret” letter as genuine, then Jeff has to produce some evidence that Willy Just is a real person, and not some fabricated character created by Soviet Intelligence.”


                  Someone wake me up when Holocaust deniers actually provide some type of evidence for the “transit camp” theory.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 1:22 pm

                • Jim Rizoli Holocaust Survivor speaks out


                  Comment by jrizoli — June 29, 2016 @ 2:17 pm

                • That’s cute, Jim.

                  But, since you have no evidence you are just a hack video maker with nothing original to say.

                  Comment by Jeff K. — June 29, 2016 @ 2:46 pm

              • I was moved to tears by your holocaust survivor account, Mr Rizoli – can we not set up a charitable trust foundation for the general public to send in their donations to help compensate you for your terrible experience in those awful death camps. I just cannot imagine what it was like – what with all those ferocious guard dogs launching vicious attacks upon inmates buttocks and testicles. Were you forced to carry the Zyklon B cans to the gas chambers in order to earn a turnip in your watery cabbage-soup each day?

                Comment by Talbot — June 29, 2016 @ 3:27 pm

  3. Also “Auschwitz-Birkenau photo has been enhanced to make the child survivors look worse”…. I think it was just to clear up the photo since it was enlarged. This happens all the time. Nizkor did it with the cremation pit photograph.

    Comment by Lóegaire — June 26, 2016 @ 10:28 am

    • You wrote: “I think it was just to clear up the [Auschwitz-Birkenau] photo since it was enlarged.”

      Enlarging a photo does not change the photo; it just makes it larger.

      I started enlarging photos in my home darkroom around 50 years ago. I was a student at the Glenn Fishbach school of photography where I learned to print prize-winning photos. One of my photos won first prize at the state fair. It won because of the printing of the photo, not because of the subject matter.

      Comment by furtherglory — June 26, 2016 @ 10:39 am

  4. Its been a game since the 1990’s…. Look up KZ manager.

    Comment by Lóegaire — June 26, 2016 @ 10:25 am

  5. This is nothing new. There’s a game where you fight your way through the subway,against all black gang members. To win the game you kill former Israeli front man Sharon (I think that’s his name). The next one,”shoot the wetbacks”. You’re a USBP agent and you shoot as many wets as possible,before they cross the Rio Grande. Back on the early 80’s was an arcade game. It was called “Custer’s Revenge”. Sure you can figure that one out. Somewhere in the game,he rapes a female Native American . In addition to being racist,it promotes violence against women. Here’s my question. “How come the Jews don’t scream and hollar about these games. They’re no different from a holo game

    Comment by Tim — June 26, 2016 @ 10:02 am

  6. Totally off topic, but my girlfriend was reading John Birmingham’s LIFE AT THE DAKOTA the other night and asked me if I knew that U.S. Army Department of Psychological Warfare Brigidier General C.D. Jackson was Jewish. I replied, “Not that know of.” She then read me a passage in which Birmngham reports that Jackson was the scion of a Jewish family named Jacobson who owned a marble company (Jacobson Marble Co.) and that he changed his name when he went to work for Henry Luce whose family were Protestant missionaries and a representive of America’s then very WASPY elite. If it’s true that C.D. Jackson was Jewish than that makes two top Syke War Brigidier Generals (William S. Paley is the other) who may have had more than just a political-military interest in promoting the idea that the Germans industrially mass murdered six million Jews (and only Jews) in gas chambers especially designed and built for this purpose.

    Comment by who dares wings — June 26, 2016 @ 9:48 am

  7. To show you how that picture of the children was staged noticed the prison guard uniforms that they are wearing they are all too big for them what they did was they took the prison Garb clothing put it on them to make it look like they were prisoners in the camp this clothing was not clothing line by children.
    Just another despicable Act of the Jew run media.


    Comment by jrizoli — June 26, 2016 @ 9:34 am

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