Scrapbookpages Blog

February 14, 2017

Were there two women at Auschwitz, named Edith Stein and Edith Steiner?

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Uncategorized, World War II — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 10:24 am

Sometimes it is possible to find the light of love even in the darkest of times. Like Edith Steiner who was just 20 when she barely escaped death while being held at the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Nazis. John Mackay, the then-23-year-old Scottish soldier who saved Edith, is still with her celebrating their 71st Valentine’s Day together. Edith and her mother were the only remaining members of their family who had not been sent to the gas chambers which meant certain death. But they were saved by a commando team – which Mackay was a part of – that freed a number of Jewish prisoners from the clutches of the Nazis in Poland.

Sometimes it is possible to find the light of love even in the darkest of times. Like Edith Steiner [shown above] who was just 20 when she barely escaped death while being held at the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Nazis. John Mackay [shown above], the then-23-year-old Scottish soldier who saved Edith, is still with her celebrating their 71st Valentine’s Day together.
Edith and her mother were the only remaining members of their family who had not been sent to the gas chambers which meant certain death. But they were saved by a commando team – which Mackay was a part of – that freed a number of Jewish prisoners from the clutches of the Nazis in Poland.

End quote from this news article:

I didn’t know that Scottish soldiers liberated Auschwitz. Stupid me!

I wrote about the liberation of Auschwitz on my website at

The following quote is from my website:

The Auschwitz main camp, the Birkenau death camp and the Monowitz labor camp were liberated by soldiers of the Soviet Union in the First Army of the Ukrainian Front, under the command of Marshal Koniev, on January 27, 1945.

End quote

How could I have been so wrong! Now I know that it was actually Scottish soldiers who liberated Auschwitz — NOT!



  1. “According to the couple’s daughter, Sharon Mackay, Edith Steiner and her mother survied six weeks in Auschwitz in June 1944.”
    So she was liberated already in summer 1944?
    “The pair had to keep moving for 18 months however, to avoid wolves and evade capture.”
    Maybe they could have lived with wolves like Misha did..

    Comment by Mikael Olafsson — February 15, 2017 @ 1:47 pm

  2. OT

    From 2010 — a video of Ernst Zündel being released from prison in Mannheim — scroll ahead to about 4:50 — later you see that Ursula Haverbeck (among others) was there to greet him — in total he has spent 7 years of his life behind bars — the people who enact and enforce these laws against ‘Holocaust denial’, Volksverhetzung, usw, are just plain evil.

    Comment by eah — February 14, 2017 @ 2:40 pm

    • You wrote: ” in total he [Ernst Zundel] has spent 7 years of his life behind bars — the people who enact and enforce these laws against ‘Holocaust denial’, Volksverhetzung, usw, are just plain evil.”

      I wrote about Ernst Zundel on these blog posts:

      Comment by furtherglory — February 14, 2017 @ 3:59 pm

  3. If you visit the link, there is no byline — otherwise I would normally email the reporter — instead there is a link to a DailyMail story (the reporter is named, but I won’t bother), where it says:

    The prisoners, who were held in Auschwitz at the time when ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele was conducting his evil experiments, were being marched to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany to face summary execution in the death throes of the Third Reich.

    Yes — the Nazis were going to ‘summarily execute’ them, but had to march them to B-B first — that was the one and only official place in the Third Reich where ‘summary executions’ were allowed — so they had to go there — all the way there — on foot.

    Many — too many — ‘Holocaust’ stories are filled with nonsense like this — but they need not worry: virtually no one questions or thinks twice about any of it.

    Comment by eah — February 14, 2017 @ 11:43 am

    • When most HoloHuxsters are concerned with “where did the Jews go if they weren’t killed”….the only thing that concerns me is this…

      From a Jew himself who understood the issues…
      “most of the memoirs and reports of Holocaust survivors are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”
      –Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950,
      Vol. 12, p. 65

      An event written so much about as the HoloHoax stands and falls on the truthfulness of those that describe the event…in this case as a famous quote goes….
      Houston we have a problem.


      Comment by Jim Rizoli — February 14, 2017 @ 12:37 pm

      • “where did the Jews go if they weren’t killed”

        In this context, it’s a completely ridiculous and fallacious ‘argument’ — it attempts to shift the burden of proof away from those claiming this horrendous crime was committed.

        Comment by eah — February 15, 2017 @ 3:02 am

  4. Edith and her mother were the only remaining members of their family who had not been sent to the gas chambers which meant certain death.

    No it didn’t — ask Irene Zisblatt and others who claim to have escaped from a gas chamber — by ‘going back’ — ‘I just kept going back’ — etc etc.

    Comment by eah — February 14, 2017 @ 11:36 am

  5. furtherglory said:

    “I didn’t know that Scottish soldiers liberated Auschwitz. Stupid me!”

    No…’ve got it all wrong.

    Auschwitz was “liberated” by black American Soldiers…..I know that because Barry Soetoro’s great-uncle was there.

    You people need to get your facts straight…..c’mon!

    Comment by Sockpuppet2012 — February 14, 2017 @ 10:53 am

  6. That is incredible! Maybe Jeff and his HoloHuxster buddies can explain that one to us? LOL
    Oh I know, where did the Jews go is the most important thing….Maybe they all went with the Scottish Commando team that liberated Auschwitz before the Soviets did…LOL There has to be a page in history about this…. I guess these people can write their own history.


    Comment by Jim Rizoli — February 14, 2017 @ 10:44 am

    • You wrote: “Maybe Jeff and his HoloHuxster buddies can explain that one to us?”

      When I started going to Holocaust sites in 1998, I though that there must be something wrong with my brain. I kept seeing things, that could not have been true, like shower rooms that were supposed to have been gas chambers.

      Comment by furtherglory — February 14, 2017 @ 11:43 am

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