Scrapbookpages Blog

September 7, 2017

Ursula Haverbeck is back in the news

Filed under: Germany, Uncategorized — Tags: — furtherglory @ 2:31 pm

Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck is a famous Holocaust denier. She won’t stop denying, no matter how many times she is sent to prison.



  1. Comment by eah — September 14, 2017 @ 6:44 pm

    • HUNTING GERMAR RUDOLF book p 237

      What kind of a country is it where a considerable part of the people
      think that singing their national anthem could be illegal?
      – What country is it where folksingers might be put in jail for singing
      peaceful songs?
      – What kind of a country is it where a mother of five gets a prison term for
      having sold one CD with peaceful music on it?
      – What country is it where a pastor raising his national flag in his church
      would get kicked out of his parish for being an extremist?
      – What country is it where somebody raising his country’s flag would be
      harassed by his neighbors for being an extremist?
      – What country is it where a teacher suggesting that all students should
      sing the national anthem first thing every morning would lose his job for
      being an extremist?
      – What country is it where showing uncompromised flags of its past is
      considered a threat to “public peace”?
      – What country is it where people can get fined for raising an arm to wave
      their hands at a person?
      – What country is it where people can be fined for collecting and displaying
      full-scale models of historical weapons?
      – What country is it where one can be fined or sent to jail for showing
      symbols and insignia that have been, and still are, used in many cultures
      for centuries and millennia?
      – What country is it where a professor who writes his disbelief about certain
      historical events in a footnote, written in Latin, in a scholarly anthology
      can be prosecuted and threatened with jail?
      – What country is it where a judge, writing a well-founded, but highly
      controversial book on historical topics, sees his book confiscated and
      burned, his pension cut, and his PhD title withdrawn as a result of this?
      – What country is it where a highly renowned historian writing a wellfounded
      book of his country’s history can be threatened with prosecution
      because what he found out is not liked by the authorities?
      – What country is it where a history teacher is sent to jail for uttering historical
      dissent in a private letter to a high-profile personality?
      – What country is it where a professor criticizing internationalism can be
      kicked out of his job, harassed, prosecuted and driven into suicide?
      – What country is it that sends a historical dissenter to prison for more
      than two years just because he published peaceful, scholarly historical
      – What country is it that denigrates, defames and humiliates its war veterans
      to such a degree that finally one of them burns himself publicly in
      protest against what he calls a “Niagara flood of lies” against his generation?
      – What country is it that outlaws the commemoration of such a selfsacrifice
      and punishes everybody who dares to publish this man’s last
      – What country is it where well-founded, heavily footnoted books on political
      and historical topics, authored by academics with solid credentials,
      can be confiscated and burned by the authorities?
      – What country is it where authors, editors, publishers, printers, wholesalers,
      retailers, importers and exporters, warehouses, and customers buying
      more than two copies of a certain medium can be prosecuted for
      producing, stocking, importing/exporting, distributing dissenting political
      and historical literature?
      – What country is it that hides from its citizens which media are outlawed,
      so that one cannot possibly know whether or not one commits a crime
      when distributing such media?
      – What country is it where judges are threatened with prosecution because
      they did not punish political and historical dissenters harshly enough?
      – What country is it that outlaws the introduction of exonerating evidence?
      – What country is it that prosecutes defense lawyers if they try to introduce
      exonerating evidence on behalf of their clients?
      – What country is it that does not keep records of what is said and is happening
      during trial proceedings?
      – What country is it that has institutions designed to conduct political trials?
      – What country is it that has a huge spy agency designed to snoop on opposition
      – What country is it where members of certain political opposition groups
      considered constitutional can nevertheless be deprived of some of their
      civil rights?
      – What country is it that, according to experts, will be a totalitarian state
      very soon, if things keep developing as they have so far?
      – What country is it where even the mainstream media admit that this country is in
      a state of hysteria while persecuting political dissidents?
      – What country is it where the head of state asks for children to spy on
      their parents and parents to spy on their children to make sure they do
      not harbor unwanted political views?
      – What country is it where authorities and the public declare publicly to
      fight everything that is deemed to be politically on the right?
      – What country is it where the authorities declare that half of their population
      deserves to be ostracized for harboring political views?
      – What country is it that is proud of conducting more than 10,000 criminal
      prosecutions every year against persons for having committed peaceful
      “thought crimes”?
      – What is the country in the world with the second harshest censorship
      after China?
      What country would that be???
      The correct answer is:

      Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 14, 2017 @ 6:45 pm

    • Holocaust did took place. Poland lost ~10.000,000 citizens to German and Soviet occupation. Germany attakced Poland Sept. 1, 1939, Soviets on Sept.17, 1939. One from the west, one from the east. in Poland there were about 1,000,000 jews ledt before war, according to their own accounts, ~500,000 “survived”, so how many Jews died???
      How many Jews killed other Jews??? even German soldiers weren’t this monstrous to people in camps as Jews themselves. Who were Kapo’s?? Jews…Who were police in getthos??? Jews… who wrote about attrocities haapening within walls of getthos?? Jews.
      You want to stand up to Jewish “holo-business” propaganda? Use jewish chronicles, Jewish writers records, they’ve all written what had really happened to them.
      German high ranks WANTED POLANS TO DISAPEAR….AUSCHWITZ WAS FOR POLANS, FOR SLAVS, not for Jews. Auschwitz was a complex of couple camps, some even say there were 47 sub camps, and one of those sub-camps was for Jews, Birkenau. by best wishes, not more than 800,000 people died in those camps. and there were at lest 100 camps, and how many sub camps? who knows.
      Polans were mainly used as slave labour, barely fed, and often used for medical experiments. Aspirin was tested on Polish women in camps.
      IG FARBEN, complex of many German coroporations were requesting, and getting thousands upon thousands of people from camps to work as slaves, where did all those people go?? they did not rturn home to families, where are they??
      Germans used polans in slave labour in coal mines, reports say, that before allied forces get there, Germans locked 20-30,000 people in only 1 mine, and destroyed lowere levels. after 70 years, no one is allowed to mine there. Miners claim they not allow to go bellow some level. Why? Government in Poland isn’t Polish. haven’t been since 1939, or maybe even before that.
      Polans and slavs were used in stone querries. People were dying frequently from exhaustion, lack of food. Where are their bodies?
      Americans destroyed many and many trucks of German documentation, it will never be possible to learn what really took place and where. We can only count on human memories, and hope they’re accurate. but what good will it do, if no one want’s to listen, no authorities want to allow excavations in places they point to???
      German civilians, French, Belgian, Netherland…..civilians, gathered their own neighbors jews and sent them to camps. Considering years prior, most Jews already migrated to Poland, Ukraine, Hungary…since they were removed from the west europe, and 500,000 “survived”, where did all the Jews go???
      to Palestine, not death camps. Death camps were for Polans, Russians, Bulgarians, Hungarians….all those, who fought either Germans or Soviets. Death camps were on both sides, not only in countries they occupied, but within their own, before/after war borders.
      Soviets were in majority, Jewish. at least 80% high ranks and decision people were Jewish, even Putin confirmed it a year or two ago. CIA reports confirm it. And Israel was built by Polish Jews, Mossad and other agencies were created by Polish Jews, only after 1968 Israel was flooded by Russian Jews.

      Germany lost about 2-4 000 000 people AFTER WAR. not in fights. German soldiers were so scared of Russian captiviti, that they were going to american captiviti, not knowing, that most germans from soviet captivity will return, and in american camps they were refused food, water, care…. Germans were dying by hundreds in american camps from famine.

      I’m Polish. my grandpa was fighting against germans, he was captured, but he befriended some german soldier and he returned home, and was friends with that german long after war. My grandma was helping jews to leave country, I don’t know what happened, she never said, but she had no good word to say about jews. Jews occupied Poland since WW2. read documents, don’t believe me. read.
      I don’t like Germans in most, but that comes from the believe they have in most, that they are somehow “more civilized” and have any moral responsibility to govern over Poland. whatever you think of street questionairs, many do say the same thing. That we Polans, are “wild” and Germany need to watch over us.
      Polans are in most good and trusty people, and that’s our worst curse. We trust people cannot be that bad, to be willing to kill, rob and destroy. But you can only get so much, before we wake up en mass…

      Comment by Barbara — March 23, 2018 @ 1:35 pm

      • You wrote: “in reply to eah.”

        eah was kicked off my blog several months ago. Everything that he ever wrote on my blog was deleted by me. How are you replying to something that he wrote which is now long gone?

        Comment by furtherglory — March 24, 2018 @ 10:15 am

  2. The kind of mentality the ‘Holocaust’ begets:

    Comment by eah — September 13, 2017 @ 6:21 am

    • Here is the tweet the French authorities want this guy to delete:

      Comment by eah — September 13, 2017 @ 6:21 am

    • So twitter asked him to delete the tweet — if he doesn’t, the next step is probably French authorities will demand not allow the tweet to be viewed in France (this happens a LOT now — Germany is worse) — if he offends too many times, these countries will demand his entire account be blocked — or that delete his account — in twitter parlance this is called getting ‘shoahed’ — both of these also happen often these days, mostly to accounts that espouse white identity and/or ‘name the Jew’.

      Comment by eah — September 13, 2017 @ 6:47 am

  3. The foto below alone would be enough to get Höss’ alleged “confession” thrown out — a responsible judge would have to tell a jury to disregard it — since he was clearly physically abused, and very probably tortured.

    Torture and Testicle Crushing at NurembergFollowing reports that defendants were tortured at the Malmedy massacre trial, the US Army formed the “Simpson Commission” to investigate the alleged misconduct. Judge Edward L. Van Roden was part of this commission. According to Van Roden’s book, American Atrocities in Germany, out of 139 cases of treatment of alleged German “war criminals” who were investigated by the commission—and who were subsequently put on trial by the American Military Tribunal in Dachau after World War II—”137 of these Germans were tortured by having their testicles crushed.”


    It became apparent at once that if only 1 million Jews had died at Auschwitz, as was now officially admitted, it no longer became possible to state that 2.5 million Jews had been killed there under Höss while he was a commandant there. The “confession” by Höss that 2.5 million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz under his auspices was therefore worthless. It had been a confession clearly extracted under torture.

    It’s all worthless — of no probative value in any decent courtroom.

    Comment by eah — September 12, 2017 @ 3:25 am

    • Comment by hermie — September 12, 2017 @ 7:40 am

    • @eah

      “The foto below alone would be enough to get Höss’ alleged ”confession” thrown out — a responsible judge would have to tell a jury to disregard it — since he was clearly physically abused, and very probably tortured.”

      Couldn’t have happened to a nicer fellow.

      Hoess states he was only tortured after his initial capture, not during the IMT and not later during his trial in Poland, though he did claim some verbal abuse while imprisoned in Poland. The authorities put a stop to it and Hoess claimed his jailers in Poland treated him decently after that. I’ll point out for those who didn’t read Commandant of Auschwitz that Hoess repudiates any mention of four million victims, Jews or otherwise. His number matches those I’ve given elsewhere. If he was coerced to write anything in his memoirs you would think he would have confirmed the “official” death toll.

      “Torture and Testicle Crushing at Nuremberg — Following reports that defendants were tortured at the Malmedy massacre trial, the US Army formed the “Simpson Commission” to investigate the alleged misconduct. Judge Edward L. Van Roden was part of this commission. According to Van Roden’s book, American Atrocities in Germany, out of 139 cases of treatment of alleged German “war criminals” who were investigated by the commission—and who were subsequently put on trial by the American Military Tribunal in Dachau after World War II—”137 of these Germans were tortured by having their testicles crushed.”

      It’s a load of crap.

      “Mr. CHAMBERS. Today in the examination of other witnesses and in some of the printed stories based on the Simpson report, there is reference made to the fact that a rather surprising percentage – I think out of 139 cases all but 2 of the Germans had had their testicles damaged beyond repair. Where did you find the evidence on that?
      Mr. SIMPSON. None at all.
      Mr. CHAMBERS. Were there charges made to that effect?
      Mr. SIMPSON. No; no claim was made to that effect in any of the records we inspected, and we diligently tried to find them.
      Senator MCCARTHY. Just a second. Did you read Colonel Everett’s affidavit, Judge?
      Mr. SIMPSON. Yes.
      Senator MCCARTHY. You say there was no claim made. You read that before you conducted your investigation?
      Mr. SIMPSON. I suppose you are correct. When I say no claim was made, I am too broad in that. I like to separate between the realm of allegation and the realm of proof. I want to say I found no proof of that. ”


      “Senator MCCARTHY. Yes. Am I correct in saying that you did find evidence to indicate that a sizable number of those men sentenced to die were crippled to at least some extent because of having been kicked in the testicles?
      Judge VAN RODEN. We found that to be so. But I have seen some of the articles in the papers and some were exaggerated. I read one the other day saying that all but two of the men had been injured for life. We did not find that.
      Senator MCCARTHY. But you found –
      Judge VAN RODEN. That some of them had been injured in their testicles. We could not find out how many.
      As a side note, here is what was Van Roden’s evidence consisted of (MMI, vol I, p. 250):
      Senator BALDWIN. In your statement sometime ago that was made in February 1949, you said American investigators of the United States Court in Dachau, Germany, used the following methods to obtain confessions: Beating and brutal kickings. What evidence can you tell us there was of that?
      Judge VAN RODEN. The only evidence I can recall was what the person who came before us talked to us about, and the petitions that were filed, and I suppose Colonel Everett, of course, spoke to us and told us what he knew, and he presented, I think, two affidavits he had while in Washington, either then or before that time. I cannot remember the specific stories for each of those various things, but we learned that in the course of our investigation over there. ”


      “Senator HUNT. Judge Van Roden, I have here before me a magazine known as the Progressive, I believe it is called.
      Judge VAN RODEN. I have seen that.
      Senator HUNT. Which carries, I presume, a written article by you, at least it accredits the article to you, and that makes some rather serious, very serious and direct charges, and I would like to ask you some questions with reference to the source of your information for making those charges.
      Judge VAN RODEN. Before you do so, Senator, I want this to be made very definitely of record. I did not write that article. I had made a talk at a Rotary Club meeting in our county and a gentleman who was there took some notes on the talk, and I understand that is supposed to be a condensation of the things, some of the things that I said at that Rotary Club gathering. The gentleman who actually did write that article, actually is the author of it, telephoned to me that it was to have a byline. I did not know what a byline was, believe it or not, gentlemen. Then I was startled by receiving a copy of that as the author of that article. I am not the author of that article.
      Senator HUNT. Let me ask you, Judge, after having read the article, would you like to say that the statements in there are statements made by you, or are they incorrect statements attributed to you?
      Judge VAN RODEN. Well, some are correct and some are not correct. Senator HUNT. Judge, in your report of January 6, 1949, which you signed along with Colonel Simpson and Col. Charles W. Lawrence, this paragraph appears:
      There was no general or systematic use of improper methods to secure prosecution evidence for the use at the trials.
      Now, does that statement reflect your position as a member of the board?
      Judge VAN RODEN. I would say so as stated therein. ”

      You can read the rest in the link I provided….if you bother to.

      Undoubtedly there were cases of torture, Hoess and
      Konrad Morgen come immediately to mind. But this crap about 135 men crippled for life is a load of shit.


      It became apparent at once that if only 1 million Jews had died at Auschwitz, as was now officially admitted, it no longer became possible to state that 2.5 million Jews had been killed there under Höss while he was a commandant there. The “confession” by Höss that 2.5 million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz under his auspices was therefore worthless. It had been a confession clearly extracted under torture.”

      Except that Hoess went on to clear the record. As I’ve stated. Repeatedly. While in the captivity of “Communists” who wanted the death toll higher.

      “It’s all worthless — of no probative value in any decent courtroom.”

      It’s a good thing it doesn’t matter, then. Researchers believed the numbers were off since the beginning.

      Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 12, 2017 @ 10:55 am

      • Jeff You said….
        Researchers said the numbers were off from the beginning……..ya Jeff but they still use them today.
        So they use the numbers when it serves them well.


        Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 12, 2017 @ 3:05 pm

        • @Jim Rizoli

          “Jeff You said….
          Researchers said the numbers were off from the beginning……..ya Jeff but they still use them today.
          So they use the numbers when it serves them well.”

          No, they do not. Only deniers obsess about the magical disappearing number at Auschwitz.

          Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 12, 2017 @ 4:40 pm

          • Jeff

            The 4 million, 6 million figures were well established by fellow HoloHuxsters and the numbers stuck with the public.
            To say that the 4 million figure was not the excepted figure is a lie.

            Since the Revisionist exposed the 4 million Auschwitz figure as a bold face lie you HoloHuxsters had to say it wasn’t excepted by HoloHoax historians etc….just to cover your asses.
            What else are you going say? You were caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
            The number was spread around for a long time until they changed it around 1990. When exposed for lying you change the figure.
            Oh, and you thought no one would notice…..LOL

            Read the text below carefully…..


            1) [Downward Revision of the Number of Auschwitz Victims] From 1945 to 1990, the figure of 4 million victims in Auschwitz was considered self-evident and was accorded judicial notice in the Federal German courts. But where did this figure come from? It originated with Soviet war propaganda. On March 1, 1945, an official Soviet announcement stated for the first time that “at least five million people were exterminated” in Auschwitz. This figure was then reduced to four million in the official Soviet communiqué of May 7, 1945. This number of 4 million victims – put about by Soviet war propaganda, in other words by the NKVD, and in no way proven by any evidence whatsoever – was adopted by the public in western countries, and persisted unchanged until 1990, when it was officially reduced to 1.5 million virtually overnight. Currently the number of Auschwitz victims is set at a remaining 631,000 to 711,000, and a further reduction has not been ruled out.

            2) [The Total Number of Jewish Victims] To this day the total number of Jewish victims is generally given as 6 million. According to the current opinion of the German experts on contemporary history, this figure was first provided to the Americans by SS Sturmbannführer Dr. Hoettl in spring 1945, and repeated at the IMT in Nuremberg on November 26, 1945. It must be noted, however, that this selfsame figure was demonstrably first put forth in the foreign press as early as January 4, 1945, several weeks prior to the January 27, 1945, liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp (with its alleged 4 million victims) – put about by none other than the infamous Soviet Minister of Propaganda, Ilya Ehrenburg. Thus it was Ehrenburg who came up with the figure of six million. [cf. Joachim Hoffmann, Stalin’s War of Extermination 1941 – 1945, Theses & Dissertations Press, Capshaw, AL, 2001, pp. 189f.

            Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 12, 2017 @ 5:50 pm

            • @ Jim Rizoli:


              Yes, Jim?

              “The 4 million, 6 million figures were well established by fellow HoloHuxsters and the numbers stuck with the public.”

              Nope. I also don’t give a damn what the public thinks.

              “To say that the 4 million figure was not the excepted figure is a lie.”

              ACCEPTED, damnit. Jim, mistakes like that will earn you a lecture from eah.
              Wait, you’re a denier, never mind.
              What “four million” are you talking about, Jim? The Soviets never used “Jews” when they talked about Auschwitz, Jim. That includes the plaque. The Soviets talked about Europeans that died at Auschwitz and didn’t specifically mention Jews. Did they exaggerate? Yup. But, they exaggerated numbers and never mentioned Jews.
              Now, the US and British got a large number but they never said “four million.”

              The highest number given in Soviet documents is 2,965,000 Jews in regards to Auschwitz. We had a conversation here:


              “Since the Revisionist exposed the 4 million Auschwitz figure as a bold face lie you HoloHuxsters had to say it wasn’t”


              Accepted, damnit.

              “by HoloHoax historians etc….just to cover your asses.”

              Nope, wrong. Gerald Reitlinger gave a much lower number for Auschwitz in his book in the 1950’s, same with Raul Hilberg in the 1960’s. That was back in the dim, old days before the internet allowed deniers to spread their crap all over the place.

              “What else are you going say? You were caught with your hand in the cookie jar.”

              WTF are you talking about? Read what I said above.

              “The number was spread around for a long time until they changed it around 1990. When exposed for lying you change the figure.”

              Yawn, Christ, I’m not going to repeat myself.

              “Oh, and you thought no one would notice…..LOL”

              Um, LOL?

              “Read the text below carefully…..”

              I’m literally panting with anticipation.


              1) [Downward Revision of the Number of Auschwitz Victims] From 1945 to 1990, the figure of 4 million victims in Auschwitz was considered self-evident and was accorded judicial notice in the Federal German courts. But where did this figure come from? It originated with Soviet war propaganda. On March 1, 1945, an official Soviet announcement stated for the first time that “at least five million people were exterminated” in Auschwitz. This figure was then reduced to four million in the official Soviet communiqué of May 7, 1945. This number of 4 million victims – put about by Soviet war propaganda, in other words by the NKVD, and in no way proven by any evidence whatsoever – was adopted by the public in western countries, and persisted unchanged until 1990, when it was officially reduced to 1.5 million virtually overnight. Currently the number of Auschwitz victims is set at a remaining 631,000 to 711,000, and a further reduction has not been ruled out.”


              No, that 631,000-711,000 is a mixture of Pressac and some other putz I can’t remember. The official number is 1.1 million with about 960,000 gassed, the other deaths coming from other causes.

              “2) [The Total Number of Jewish Victims] To this day the total number of Jewish victims is generally given as 6 million.”

              Generally, yes, estimates fall between 4.8 million to a high of six million

              “According to the current opinion of the German experts on contemporary history, this figure was first provided to the Americans by SS Sturmbannführer Dr. Hoettl in spring 1945, and repeated at the IMT in Nuremberg on November 26, 1945. It must be noted, however, that this selfsame figure was demonstrably first put forth in the foreign press as early as January 4, 1945, several weeks prior to the January 27, 1945, liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp (with its alleged 4 million victims) – put about by none other than the infamous Soviet Minister of Propaganda, Ilya Ehrenburg. Thus it was Ehrenburg who came up with the figure of six million. [cf. Joachim Hoffmann, Stalin’s War of Extermination 1941 – 1945, Theses & Dissertations Press, Capshaw, AL, 2001, pp. 189f.”


              Note that the above says “four million victims” and doesn’t specify Jews. The Soviets said the same.

              Hottel only produced heresay, allegedly from Eichmann. The World Jewish Congress actually provided a report saying 5.7 million Jews died during the war.

              You can see that here:


              This has been fun, Jim.

              Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 12, 2017 @ 6:43 pm

  4. Enormous Ass Hat wrote:

    “A ‘red herring’, another kind of logical fallacy — thrown in here instead of admitting/addressing the complete lack of forensic evidence, or the absurdity of numerous ‘survivor’ stories.”

    It’s wasted on you. You’d claim it was a Soviet forgery.

    “You stupid fag.”

    You seem to have an obsession with “fags.” I think it has to do with your hidden desire to fondle Hitler Youth behind the Berghof. Sad you were born too late. I’m sure you could find videos on-line to help you work that out.

    Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 7:12 pm

    • Where did the Jews go if the Nazis didn’t kill them?

      Still the absurd question about allegedly missing Jews — you are so abysmally fucking stupid you cannot see this goes both ways.

      Opferzahlen der Konzentrationslager AuschwitzInsbesondere hat er erneut klargestellt, dass die Opferzahl von 2,5 Millionen auf den Angaben von Adolf Eichmann beruht. — after the war, it was claimed 4m died at Auschwitz, most of them gassed Jews — Höss said 2.5m Jews were gassed while he was Kommandant; these numbers supposedly came also from Eichmann (see the link) — yet now it is claimed only 1.1m died in total, and many believe that will soon be lowered even further — this includes deaths from sickness etc, including during the typhus epidemic of 1942-3, where at times over 150 people died every day (which is why the Germans built the crematoria) — what happened to all of those allegedly gassed Jews? — given that > 400k Hungarian Jews were supposedly gassed during a (relatively) few weeks in 1944, this means these Hungarian Jews were most of the total of gassed Jews — since the death toll from disease etc over the life of the camp has to be several hundred thousand, that leaves relatively few other/non-Hungarian gassed Jews, at a “death camp” where Jews were allegedly gassed/cremated on an industrial scale, night and day.

      How could Höss and Eichmann have been so wrong? — if they didn’t know, who did?

      Also it was claimed 1.5m died at Majdanek, most of them gassed Jews — now less than 80k is generally accepted — what happened to all those allegedly gassed Jews?

      But despite the constantly changing story/numbers, the obvious lies, including the absurd ‘survivor’ stories, and worst of all the ‘Sonderkommando’ fabrications, we’re still supposed to believe in an industrial scale gassing operation at Auschwitz and elsewhere.

      Only an intellectual child could believe that — or a coward afraid to voice obvious doubts due to the moral condemnation heaped on anyone who does — with you both shoes fit — you pathetic cretin.

      Comment by eah — September 10, 2017 @ 11:16 am

      • eah the little bitch said:
        “Still the absurd question about allegedly missing Jews — you are so abysmally fucking stupid you cannot see this goes both ways.”

        No, bitch, I can figure out how to separate crap from fact.

        “Opferzahlen der Konzentrationslager Auschwitz — Insbesondere hat er erneut klargestellt, dass die Opferzahl von 2,5 Millionen auf den Angaben von Adolf Eichmann beruht. — after the war, it was claimed 4m died at Auschwitz, most of them gassed Jews —”

        No, Nancy, what was claimed was that four million Jews died in THE CAMPS as a whole, not centered specifically in Auschwitz. The other two million died of other causes. There was understandable confusion over where and how the Jews died and the information was incomplete. Only later as additional information came to light did this become clearer.
        The Soviets never specifically mentioned Jews in connection with Auschwitz. The plaque that deniers mentally masturbate over never even mentioned Jews. The report that the World Jewish Congress provided the IMT mentions 5.7 million dead Jews, not six.

        “Höss said 2.5m Jews were gassed while he was Kommandant; these numbers supposedly came also from Eichmann (see the link)”

        Hoess also said later that he didn’t feel the numbers were realistic and mentioned a number of around 1.3 million, a number Pieper and Van Pelt came close to in their research in the camp. Stop wasting my time with bullshit denier canards debunked a long time ago. Time didn’t stop in 1947, continuing research continues to clarify where and how Jews died.

        “— yet now it is claimed only 1.1m died in total, and many believe that will soon be lowered even further”

        Yeah, I won’t hold my breath.

        “— this includes deaths from sickness etc, including during the typhus epidemic of 1942-3, where at times over 150 people died every day (which is why the Germans built the crematoria) — what happened to all of those allegedly gassed Jews?”

        WTF are you talking about? Final totals are about 960,000 Jews gassed with the rest dying of various other causes.

        “— given that > 400k Hungarian Jews were supposedly gassed during a (relatively) few weeks in 1944, this means these Hungarian Jews were most of the total of gassed Jews”

        Catch up and read current research on the subject. There are about 330,000 Hungarian Jews that are unaccounted for. The rest either remained in the camp or were transferred out to other camps.

        “since the death toll from disease etc over the life of the camp has to be several hundred thousand, that leaves relatively few other/non-Hungarian gassed Jews, at a ”death camp” where Jews were allegedly gassed/cremated on an industrial scale, night and day.”

        Again, catch up to the current research. Auschwitz didn’t operate “night and day,” it happened in spurts. This also applies to the other death camps, they also experienced lulls. The Hungarian action was the longest sustained action.

        “How could Höss and Eichmann have been so wrong? — if they didn’t know, who did?”

        Actually Hoess came close and Eichmann’s testimony was heresay at the IMT and deniers often misquote what was actually said.

        “Also it was claimed 1.5m died at Majdanek, most of them gassed Jews — now less than 80k is generally accepted — what happened to all those allegedly gassed Jews?”

        No, tard, the Soviets never specified Jews in regards to Majdanek. They overestimated the amount of dead based upon the alleged cremation abilities of Majdanek and the amount of clothes, shoes and other items they found. They didn’t understand that Majdanek was nothing more than a collection point, not a major extermination camp. Once scholars began to delve into the camp they realized the number was too high, Hilberg himself estimated a number much closer to what is given.

        “But despite the constantly changing story/numbers, the obvious lies, including the absurd ‘survivor’ stories”

        I give a fuck all about what survivors said, the only “survivor” accounts I accept are contemporary accounts given in journals and diaries or interviews they gave after the war. Anything more than about 10 or 15 years after the event means that memories are tainted.

        “and worst of all the ‘Sonderkommando’ fabrications, we’re still supposed to believe in an industrial scale gassing operation at Auschwitz and elsewhere.”

        See above.

        “Only an intellectual child”

        Deniers are the intellectual children.

        ” could believe that — or a coward afraid to voice obvious doubts due to the moral condemnation heaped on anyone who does”

        Aaaaaaawwwwww, I give a fuck all about denier rhetoric. Sorry, sounds like whining and bitching. That or denier wish fulfillment.

        “— with you both shoes fit — you pathetic cretin.”

        No, what I see are pathetic Nazi wannabes who long for the “good old days” where Jews were put in their place and there was never a brown or black person to be seen. You are simply sad. Frankly, you all lack balls, Jim may be as dumb as stump but he at least has the courage to step out of denier echo chambers to share his “knowledge.”


        Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 10, 2017 @ 2:36 pm

  5. @Jim Rizoli:
    “Jeff you have no evidence to present so how are we going to believe it?”

    Jim, I’ve tried. It gets brushed off as fake.

    Why waste my time?

    Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 7:07 pm

  6. The liberal looney tunes (no offense to Bugs and gang), the psychopathic ALT-LEFT, the mind-numbing mainstream media, the bogus so-called ‘SKEPTICS’ have a hit list, and the worst place ON EARTH is Germany for this, with the #1 crime being a holohoax denier. But make no mistake, backing away from those of us who cherish what we have seen and learned and talk about concerning the GREATEST HOAX of the 20th and 21st Centuries won’t exclude you from the demonizing, marginalizing and criminalizing that is to come. See my funnel below.

    THE WITCH HUNT: PC/ALT-LEFT’S PERCEPTION OF ALL OF US (It’s all in the REdefinition).

    Any of us who are any of these can be inserted into this pipeline at any time by the mind-numbing, brain-dead, hateful psychopathic politically correct ALT-LEFT in and/or out of office. It’s a matter of lumping us all into one group and redefining us. Do not think because you are ONLY one of these or two of these, you will escape. WE might make the distinction – THE ALT LEFT WON’T (And that includes the liberal politicians).

    Bible-Believing Christians = Conservatives = Constitutionalist = Gun rights supporter = FREE SPEECH supporter = Voted for Ron Paul/DonaldTrump and ALL SUPPORTERS = Holo(caust)Hoax Skeptics/”Deniers” = White Nationalist = Extreme Right = White Supremacist = NeoNazi = racist = HOMEGROWN TERRORIST (RADICALs)

    (Substitute your name (from the list into the term,”white nationalist”)

    Comment by dianekayking — September 8, 2017 @ 8:19 am

    • with the #1 crime being a holohoax denier

      Here is a case to watch: Mord an Maria L.: Angeklagter gesteht falsche Altersangabe — an Afghan who entered Germany during the 2015 Flüchtlingskrise (and lied about his age) is accused of killing a young woman in Freiburg — Nach der Tat legte er sein bewußtloses Opfer in die Dreisam, einem Fluß am Radweg — he beat and raped her, then threw her in a river — „Wenn der Täter das Opfer nicht in den Fluß geworfen hätte, dann würde Maria L. heute noch leben“, sagte der Staatsanwalt — if he had not thrown her in the river, she would still be alive — it will be interesting to see what sentence he gets — honestly, it is 50:50 if he gets a longer or shorter sentence than they give ‘Holocaust’ deniers — In ihrem am 15. Februar 2007 verkündeten Urteilsspruch folgte die Kammer dem Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft und verurteilte Zündel wegen Volksverhetzung, Beleidigung und Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener zu fünf Jahren Haft — Zündel was sentenced to 5 years.

      Comment by eah — September 8, 2017 @ 1:25 pm

      • Like I said: watch this case.

        Comment by eah — September 11, 2017 @ 8:56 am

        • It’s a tragedy. There is no disputing his guilt and it sounds like the prosecutors in this case are not buying his version of what happened.

          Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 11, 2017 @ 11:18 am

        • Good to hear that a top EU official was at last impacted by the EU genocidal migration policy in the worst possible way. I would hear such good news more often.

          “May you outlive your children” (Persian or Chinese saying), all you EU bastards…

          Comment by hermie — September 11, 2017 @ 6:17 pm

          • @Hermie:
            “would hear such good news more often.”

            That someone’s daughter was raped and murdered? That’s good news to you?

            Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 11, 2017 @ 7:35 pm

            • BD wrote: “That someone’s daughter was raped and murdered? That’s good news to you?”

              Yes, that is. The Globalist destroyers of nations & peoples deserve to reap what they have sown. Many commoners have suffered such a fate for decades. I would certainly not cry when/if more culprits pay the price of their misdeeds. This EU official just needs to rationalize the rape and death of his daughter with the thought that she is a collateral damage of the war against the peoples intended to hasten the coming of King of the World Moshiach and the blessings of the Messianic Age. Or he can regard the rape and death of his daughter as some kind of immediate karma.

              Comment by hermie — September 12, 2017 @ 3:32 am

              • @hermie:
                “Yes, that is. The Globalist destroyers of nations & peoples deserve to reap what they have sown. Many commoners have suffered such a fate for decades. I would certainly not cry when/if more culprits pay the price of their misdeeds. This EU official just needs to rationalize the rape and death of his daughter with the thought that she is a collateral damage of the war against the peoples intended to hasten the coming of King of the World Moshiach and the blessings of the Messianic Age. Or he can regard the rape and death of his daughter as some kind of immediate karma.”

                Good to know. So, if a white man does this to the daughter of an EU official, that is rapes and murders her, should this official feel justified in hastening the genocide of the white race?

                Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 12, 2017 @ 4:08 am

                • Brycesdaddy wrote: “Good to know. So, if a white man does this to the daughter of an EU official, that is rapes and murders her, should this official feel justified in hastening the genocide of the white race?”

                  If such a pretext can help him to justify his genocidal views and works, good for him. Everybody needs reasons after all…

                  Comment by hermie — September 12, 2017 @ 7:39 am

  7. Armes Deutschland — ‘when everyone votes for something no one wants’ — a continuation of the status quo.

    Comment by eah — September 7, 2017 @ 8:48 pm

    • “Armes Deutschland — ‘when everyone votes for something no one wants’ ”

      This is not how democracy works. The Moguls of Public Opinion shapes people’s mind – i.e. tells people what they want – and then the masses (deceptively dreaming themselves as a group of free thinkers) vote accordingly, so sharing in the farce with their fantasized ‘free choice’ (i.e. with their manufactured consent).

      Democracy is a sneaky cancer, and the Masonic States of Amerikike is a dying cancerous organ metastasizing the virulent democratic cancer throughout the globe for the sole final benefit of the Jewish parasite and its Messianic dreams of world domination.

      Comment by hermie — September 8, 2017 @ 7:13 pm

      • Comment by hermie — September 8, 2017 @ 7:24 pm

        • Comment by hermie — September 10, 2017 @ 6:56 pm

  8. 5 days since your previous post. I was a little worried. Glad to hear from you again. Are you well, FG?

    Comment by hermie — September 7, 2017 @ 4:28 pm

  9. Jeff
    If you want to believe your Hoax how about explaining how you can cremate 4400 bodies per day and that was somewhat the lowest of the lies that were said some HoloHuxsters said upward to 10-25,000 ish…. Are you out of your mind!

    From Iagace testimony at the Ernst Zundel trial 1985

    “Lagacé stated that this claim was “preposterous” and “beyond the realm of reality.” To
    claim that 46 retorts could cremate over 4,400 bodies in a day was “ludicrous.” Based
    on his own experience, Lagacé testified that it would only have been possible to
    cremate a maximum of 184 bodies a day at Birkenau”.

    Even if they could cremate 1 body per hour x 20 hrs 20 bodies per each crematory 46 crematories that would only be 920 bodies.
    Far cry from the 4400……

    His whole testimony here…

    I guess Jeff and his Skeptic HoloHuxsters know more than Ivan Legace…
    Care to show us how you make the numbers work. Oh, I know there was some gamma ray machine that went zap …..all gone.


    Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 7, 2017 @ 3:20 pm

    • @Jim Rizoli:
      “If you want to believe your Hoax”

      Jim, what does all that jibber jabber have to do with Nazi grandma?

      Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 7, 2017 @ 7:59 pm

      • Jeff it has plenty to do with the topic because Ursula is a “holocaust” denier she doesn’t believe the nonsense that you Holohucksters are passing around and you want to see her in jail yet you can’t prove your side of the Holohoax.
        You still haven’t answered my question about the lies of the crematoria. Again the Holohoax is not about how many people died it’s about how many people could be cremated in a day to keep up with those that died so obviously there is something wrong with the figures wouldn’t you say.
        The people that should be in jail are thr Holohucksters who have been lying from the last 75 years.


        Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 7, 2017 @ 8:57 pm

        • @Jim Rizoli:
          “Jeff it has plenty to do with the topic because Ursula is a “holocaust” denier she doesn’t believe the nonsense that you Holohucksters are passing around”

          Sounds like a personal problem.

          “and you want to see her in jail”

          Actually, no I don’t.

          “yet you can’t prove your side of the Holohoax.”

          Proof is wasted on you, Jim.

          “You still haven’t answered my question about the lies of the crematoria.”

          What “lies?”

          “Again the Holohoax is not about how many people died”

          Um, yeah, it kinda is.

          “it’s about how many people could be cremated in a day to keep up with those that died”

          Sometimes they couldn’t.

          “so obviously there is something wrong with the figures wouldn’t you say.”


          “The people that should be in jail are thr Holohucksters who have been lying from the last 75 years.”

          Well, someday if someone like Hitler takes over you may get your wish.

          Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 8, 2017 @ 8:02 am

  10. We’ve been talking about Nazi grandma for awhile now:

    Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 7, 2017 @ 2:44 pm

    • Has part of the discussion been that she’ll soon be 89 y/o and is being imprisoned for (essentially) having a different opinion about an historical event? — something that really ought not to be possible in a decent society — there are many state organs/broadcasters in Germany, eg ARD, ZDF, usw usw — you’d think the German Establishment would just use them to flood the ears and eyes of Germans — and the world — with all the evidence for the ‘Holocaust’, in order to counter anything said or written by this poor lone old woman — instead of jailing her.

      You can stop posting such links; no one is interested, fag.

      Comment by eah — September 7, 2017 @ 8:12 pm

      • eah the fucktard says:
        “Has part of the discussion been that she’ll soon be 89 y/o and is being imprisoned for (essentially) having a different opinion about an historical event?”

        Yes, fucktard. If you actually followed what was being said you’d see her age mentioned several times.

        “— something that really ought not to be possible in a decent society —”

        Take it up with the German government, whiny bitch.

        “there are many state organs/broadcasters in Germany, eg ARD, ZDF, usw usw — you’d think the German Establishment would just use them to flood the ears and eyes of Germans — and the world — with all the evidence for the ‘Holocaust’”

        Yet dumb fuckers like yourself would just call it propaganda, right, Enormous Ass Hat?

        “in order to counter anything said or written by this poor lone old woman — ”

        Well, dipshit, if you looked on Skeptics you’d actually see evidence. It’s also in other places I’ve linked you to. But, being the blind, Hitler-loving fucktard like yourself disregards it because you can’t stomach the fact that your beloved Hitler and German people were capable of such actions.

        “instead of jailing her.”

        Maybe Nazi granny should stop breaking the law.

        “You can stop posting such links; no one is interested, fag.”

        I’ll post what I want, numb nuts. No, wait, you don’t have balls. Sorry, my mistake, I take it back, fucklet.

        Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 8, 2017 @ 7:57 am

        • stop breaking the law

          What “law” did she break? — what “law” did the other elderly Germans (eg Oskar Gröning) recently prosecuted for Behilfe zum Mord break? — “LOL” — I may be many things, but “dumb” I am not — she did not break any specific “law” — there is a law in Germany against Volksverhetzung (‘inciting racial hatred’) — the German Establishment has simply declared that denying the ‘Holocaust’ amounts to inciting hatred of Jews — so anyone who denies the ‘Holocaust’ is de facto guilty of Volksverhetzung — no evidence of inciting hatred of Jews (whatever that might be) is ever presented; none is needed — just like Gröning did not break any specific “law” — no evidence that Gröning participated in, or even knew about, any murders was presented at his “trial” — no evidence that any murders were committed at the camp where he worked during the time he worked there was presented — it isn’t needed: the Germans simply stipulate that it was a “death camp”, and that murders took place there — these are nothing more than Stalinist show trials — they have nothing to do with justice or “law”.

          You fucking idiot.

          Comment by eah — September 8, 2017 @ 9:28 am

          • I guess I have to believe nonsense like this…..

            The wild fantasies of Olga Lengyel in her book
            Five Chimneys (London, 1959). Claiming to be a former inmate of Auschwitz, she
            asserts that the camp cremated no less than “720 per hour, or 17,280 corpses per
            twenty-four hour shift.” She also alleges that, in addition, 8,000 people were burned
            every day in the “death-pits”, and that therefore “In round numbers, about 24,000
            corpses were handled every day” (p. 80- 1). This, of course, would mean a yearly rate
            of over 8-1/2 million. Thus between March 1942 and October 1944 Auschwitz would
            finally have disposed of over 21 million people, six million more than the entire world
            Jewish population. Comment is superfluous.

            This is what the HoloHuxsters at the skeptics site must believe.


            Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 8, 2017 @ 12:13 pm

            • @Jim Rizoli:
              “This is what the HoloHuxsters at the skeptics site must believe.”


              Also, did you actually read the book?

              Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 1:31 pm

            • I guess I have to believe nonsense like this

              Yes, you do — there is nothing else — they push these ‘survivor’ stories, no matter how absurd (and very many of them are absurd), as an appeal to emotion, which is a kind of logical fallacy — they do this because forensic evidence is completely lacking.

              Comment by eah — September 9, 2017 @ 6:12 pm

              • Enormous Ass Hat said:
                “they do this because forensic evidence is completely lacking.”

                You wouldn’t believe any evidence, anyway.

                Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 6:17 pm

                • Jeff you have no evidence to present so how are we going to believe it?


                  Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 9, 2017 @ 6:19 pm

                • You wouldn’t believe any evidence, anyway.

                  A ‘red herring’, another kind of logical fallacy — thrown in here instead of admitting/addressing the complete lack of forensic evidence, or the absurdity of numerous ‘survivor’ stories.

                  You stupid fag.

                  Comment by eah — September 9, 2017 @ 6:26 pm

            • The same thing is true of the ‘Holocaust’, apparently — it’s all based on a kind of moral shaming/intimidation — and in some countries fear of legal repercussions.

              Comment by eah — September 9, 2017 @ 6:36 pm

              • Enormous Ass Hat wrote:

                “The same thing is true of the ‘Holocaust’, apparently — it’s all based on a kind of moral shaming/intimidation — and in some countries fear of legal repercussions.”

                You seem to have this weird obsession with rape when it comes to people of color.

                Oh, do your secret homosexual desires include this fantasy, along with your desire to fondle Hitler Youth?

                Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 7:16 pm

            • This mandatory belief is pushed at the highest levels — an imprimatur from authority.

              Comment by eah — September 9, 2017 @ 6:41 pm

          • The Enormous Asshat (eah) wrote:

            “What “law” did she break? -”

            You answered your own question, fuckwit.

            “what “law” did the other elderly Germans (eg Oskar Gröning) recently prosecuted for Behilfe zum Mord break?”

            You just answered your own question again, tardlet.

            ”I may be many things, but “dumb” I am not —”

            Yeah, you are a fucking retard.

            “she did not break any specific “law” — there is a law in Germany against Volksverhetzung (‘inciting racial hatred’) — the German Establishment has simply declared that denying the ‘Holocaust’ amounts to inciting hatred of Jews — ”

            So, there you go.

            How Germans interpret their own fucking laws is up to the German Judicial system to decide, no matter how much you bitch about it. It’s up to GERMANY to decide how it enforces it’s laws. If Germans don’t like it then they need to change it through whatever process they use to enact, change or eradicate the laws of their land. So, suck it up. The Germans give a fuck all about what you or I think.

            “so anyone who denies the ‘Holocaust’ is de facto guilty of Volksverhetzung — no evidence of inciting hatred of Jews (whatever that might be) is ever presented; none is needed —”

            Again, it’s a German problem. I’ve already voiced my opposition to such laws but, as I said, the Germans could give a fuck what I think…..and rightfully so.

            “just like Gröning did not break any specific “law” — no evidence that Gröning participated in, or even knew about, any murders was presented at his “trial” —”

            So? Again, I’ve voiced my opposition to the conviction of men and women who served in concentration camps. Groening is particularly unique, he voiced his opposition to Holocaust deniers and was open about his experiences. A particular point in his favor is that he repeatedly tried to transfer out of Auschwitz because he found the extermination of Jews distasteful. My feeling on this is that he had no choice where he served and his only option after a transfer request was denied was desertion…and that was essentially a death sentence.

            So, your babbling about him doesn’t mean shit to me, short bus.

            “no evidence that any murders were committed at the camp where he worked during the time he worked there was presented -”

            Babble, babble. Evidence is wasted on deniers, ass hat. Groening himself said that gassings occurred and that he participated in hunting for Jews that managed to escape one night. He saw the bodies and was told what happened to them.

            “it isn’t needed: the Germans simply stipulate that it was a “death camp”, and that murders took place there —”

            Yep, that’s called history. Groening never denied that killings took place, he simply never personally took part.

            “these are nothing more than Stalinist show trials — they have nothing to do with justice or “law”.”

            Except that according to GERMAN law (which is all that counts) these were legitimate trials.

            “You fucking idiot.”

            Aaaaaawwwww, sticks and stones. You need to work harder on your insults, you are incredibly boring.

            Where did the Jews go if the Nazis didn’t kill them?

            Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 9, 2017 @ 12:42 pm

            • Groening never denied that killings took place, he simply never personally took part.

              Yet he was charged with ‘accessory to murder’ — and you state that so matter-of-factly, as if it is significant or worth noting — but denying that killings took place there, that it was a “death camp”, would have gotten him charged with the additional crime of Volksverhetzung, as I said above — with certainty his legal counsel advised him to whine and grovel — put himself at the mercy at the court — due to the massive corruption of the German judicial system wrought by the ‘Holocaust’.

              This kind of asinine comment is exactly why I call you a fucking moron.

              And a fag — what kind of “man” ( brycesdaddy1105) writes such nonsense?

              Comment by eah — September 10, 2017 @ 10:50 am

              • The fucking retard eah wrote:

                “Yet he was charged with ‘accessory to murder’ — and you state that so matter-of-factly, as if it is significant or worth noting”

                Why do you persist in whining about this to me, you dumbass? How many times do I have to say that I oppose this? GERMANY chose to charge him with accessory to murder, a decision I disagree with. However, this was THEIR DECISION to make, not mine.
                Christ, clean the Nazi shit from your eyes.

                ” — but denying that killings took place there, that it was a ”death camp”, would have gotten him charged with the additional crime of Volksverhetzung, as I said above —”

                Familiarize yourself with Groening’s history before making an ass of yourself. Groening was originally cleared, had he kept quiet about his experiences it’s likely nothing would have happened to him. Instead, he openly challenged deniers and went on record about what happened and what he saw.

                “with certainty his legal counsel advised him to whine and grovel — put himself at the mercy at the court —”

                Except that he had previously GONE ON RECORD about what he saw and experienced. Laurence Rees interviewed him for both his book and his documentary on Auschwitz, both the book and the documentary came out years before he was charged.
                Again, tard, it’s in your best interest to look at who Groening was and what he did/said before his trial. That would save you from looking like an ass.

                “due to the massive corruption of the German judicial system wrought by the ‘Holocaust’.”


                You always brighten my day with the retarded things you say.

                “This kind of asinine comment is exactly why I call you a fucking moron.”

                Really? Only a complete fucking retard would make an ass of himself by not keeping up with Groening’s history and then spouting off about it.

                “And a fag — what kind of ”man” ( brycesdaddy1105) writes such nonsense?”

                Aaaaawww, you hurt my feelings.

                Not. You simply lack any sort of imagination with your insults, it’s like talking to a cranky 17-year-old girl that got stood up at the prom.

                Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 10, 2017 @ 2:59 pm

            • Groening never denied that killings took place

              To emphasize what an intellectual infant you are: 1) during the trial, the prosecution never offered proof that murders were committed at the camp, let alone during the time of Gröning’s employment, and 2) denying that murders happened at a camp the Germans have stipulated was a “death camp” could have lead to additional criminal charges against him.

              Yet you mention that Gröning never denied killings took place as if it is in some way significant, even probative.

              You are a total fucking moron and intellectually corrupt/dishonest.

              Comment by eah — September 10, 2017 @ 12:58 pm

              • The denier whiner eah says:

                “To emphasize what an intellectual infant you are:”

                That’s amusing coming from a deluded denier.

                “1) during the trial, the prosecution never offered proof that murders were committed at the camp, let alone during the time of Gröning’s employment, and”

                The trial wasn’t about satisfying denier whining about gas chambers, it was about establishing the guilt or innocence of Groening. Unlike retarded deniers like eah the prosecutors accept the fact of gas chambers and what the camp was. There’s no need to keep proving the actions of Germans at Auschwitz, the goal was determining Groening’s fate.

                “2) denying that murders happened at a camp the Germans have stipulated was a ”death camp” could have lead to additional criminal charges against him.”


                I used all caps so you’ll actually pay attention to what I’m saying. You seem to have some sort of block about it.

                “Yet you mention that Gröning never denied killings took place as if it is in some way significant, even probative.”

                It is, for the reasons I gave above. Also, his statements significantly match other witness statements about Auschwitz.

                “You are a total fucking moron and intellectually corrupt/dishonest.”

                Considering who this is coming from I won’t take it seriously. Like all deniers, you are a joke.

                Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 10, 2017 @ 3:54 pm

                • All testimony of Germans or anyone else saying that there were homicidal gas Chambers we’re obviously lying because the facts show they were no homicidal gas Chambers.
                  The story was written by the Zionist and the cast of characters had to go along with what was in the script.


                  Comment by Jim Rizoli — September 10, 2017 @ 4:32 pm

                • @Jim Rizoli:

                  “All testimony of Germans or anyone else saying that there were homicidal gas Chambers we’re obviously lying because the facts show they were no homicidal gas Chambers.”

                  Sure they do. I know it makes you feel better to say that and nothing I’m going to say will make the slightest amount of difference.

                  “The story was written by the Zionist and the cast of characters had to go along with what was in the script.”

                  It must be remarkably easy to live your life, Jim. It requires no real research on your part, just the constant mantra that anyone who contradicts you must be lying.

                  Comment by brycesdaddy1105 — September 10, 2017 @ 6:57 pm

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