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June 9, 2013

More about soap made from Jews….it wouldn’t suds and it wouldn’t foam

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 8:28 am
Bar of soap made from Jewish fat

Bar of soap made from Jewish fat

Soap made from Jewish fat is honored

Eyal Ballas at grave of soap in Hod Hasharon

The photo above shows Eyal Ballas, the director of the film Soaps, at a grave in Israel.  The words on the tombstone, where soap made from Jews was buried, read “Soap from martyrs.”

This morning, I searched for more news about the soap made from Jewish fat and found this quote here:

Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt told The Jewish Week that “there is no proof that the Nazis made Jews into soap in a mass fashion … There were attempts, but it was never practical.”

I interpreted this as an attempt by Ms. Lipstadt to save the myth of the Jewish soap, just as the myth of the gas chamber at Dachau has been saved by claims that there was no mass gassing at Dachau, but a few people were gassed for the purpose of testing and for the training of the SS men in how to gas prisoners.

The “attempts” at making soap from Jews was mentioned in the testimony at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal on February 19, 1946.

This quote is from the Nuremberg testimony:

In the Danzig Anatomic Institute semi-industrial experiments in the production of soap from human bodies and the tanning of human skin for industrial purposes were carried out. I, submit to the Tribunal, as Exhibit Number USSR-197 (Document Number USSR-197), the testimony of one of the direct participants in the production of soap from human fat. It is the testimony of Sigmund Mazur, who was a laboratory assistant at the Danzig Anatomic Institute.
“Q: ‘Tell us how the soap was made out of human fat at the Danzig Anatomic Institute.’

“A: ‘In the courtyard of the Anatomic Institute a one-story stone building of three rooms was built during the summer of 1943. This building was erected for the- utilization of human bodies and for the boiling of bones. This was officially announced by Professor Spanner. This laboratory was called a laboratory for the fabrication of skeletons, the burning of meat and unnecessary bones. But already during the winter of 1943-44 Professor Spanner ordered us to collect human fat, and not to throw it away. This order was given to Reichert and Borkmann.

” ‘In February 1944 Professor Spanner gave me the recipe for the preparation of soap from human fat. According to this recipe 5 kilos of human fat are mixed with 10 liters of water and 500 or 1,000 grams of caustic soda. All this is boiled 2 or 3 hours and then cooled. The soap floats to the surface while the water and other sediment remain at the bottom. A bit of salt and soda is added to this mixture. Then fresh water is added, and the mixture again boiled 2 or 3 hours. After having cooled the soap is poured into molds.’ “

“The fat of the human bodies was collected by Borkmann and Reichert. I boiled the soap out of the bodies of women and men. The process of boiling alone took several days- from 3 to 7. During two manufacturing processes, in which I directly participated, more than 25 kilograms of soap were produced. The amount of human fat necessary for these two processes was 70 to 80 kilograms collected from some 40 bodies. The finished soap then went to Professor Spanner, who kept it personally.

“I used this human soap for my personal needs, for toilet and for laundering. For myself I took 4 kilograms of this soap.” I omit one paragraph and continue the quotation.

“Reichert, Borkmann, Von Bargen, and our chief professor, Spanner, also personally used this soap.”


  1. Velvel “Tuvi” Gutman’s masterpiece of mummery MONUMENTS OF SOAP, the complete film compliments of hoaxbuster Eric Hunt here :

    Comment by who dares wings — June 10, 2013 @ 6:41 pm

    • Excellent film with great music, good imagery, etc. etc. etc. BUT too long and repetitious. Does not stick to the subject of soap made from Jews. However,the film does make you think — the Jews were killed for absolutely no reason, except that they were the Chosen. Were the Romanian Nazis jealous of the innocent Chosen ones because they were better than the inferior non-chosen? The film could have given just a hint of why the Jews were killed.

      Comment by furtherglory — June 11, 2013 @ 6:26 am

  2. When I asked the owner of this private military museum in Lokev Slovenia about the provenance of the chunk of Jewish soap on display he said he’d bought it from a German militaria dealer and his wife was so upset by this purchase that she’d made him throw the paperwork away. I don’t speak Slovenian. The woman who took me there and was translating for me started to get visibly upset about where the conversation was going so I dropped it.

    Comment by who dares wings — June 9, 2013 @ 9:39 am

  3. 2001-12-28

    Lupu’s Lens

    The 75-year-old filmmaker educates teens about anti-Semetism.

    By Gaby Wening

    His leather jacket underscoring a full-growth white beard and tzitzit, 75-year-old Lupu Gutman is much like his films, where tradition is refracted through the modernity of the camera lens.

    Gutman is now distributing copies of his haunting documentary, “Monuments of Soap,” to all the branches of the Los Angeles Public Library. The film is a tour through the remnants of post-Holocaust European graveyards, examining the monuments that were erected to mark the burial of the soap that was made of Jewish flesh.

    Gutman has been making films for almost 50 years, and today, he edits his documentaries in a corner of his one-room Pico-Robertson apartment. Though a veteran filmmaker, documentary cinema is a relatively new venture for him, having begun work in this genre only after he moved to America in 1986.

    After surviving the Holocaust, Gutman became a star of the Romanian film industry, writing and directing features for the communist government. However, he grew “sick and tired of the stupid and false propaganda” that he was required to create, he told The Journal, and knew that if he remained in Romania, he would not survive. So he came to America, and took advantage of the freedom offered to make cinema véritas, and to use his films to educate and inspire others about Jewish history and traditions.

    “My target [audience] is teenagers” Gutman says. “I can’t convince anti-Semites not to be anti-Semites — that is stupid. But the kids who go to libraries — they should know.”

    Gutman’s creative efforts are aimed at saving the memory of lost communities. He recently returned from Romania, where he began a project filming the last 74 synagogues remaining in the country. He is looking to raise funds that will enable him to travel to Romania to complete the project, so that the treasures of this once proud and vibrant community will not be lost in the decaying urban sprawl.

    “In Romania, before the war, there were over 400 synagogues,” he explains. “Now there are no more Jews in these places, and they are turning the synagogues into garages. I know how beautiful the synagogues are — and I thought that I needed to capture their image professionally, so that, in a manner of speaking, they can be saved.”

    Gutman, whose apartment holds his small collection of European relics, such as a yellow star, and a piece of Torah scroll parchment that he salvaged after it had been made into a lampshade, is primarily focused on the preservation of the past.

    “I am not interested in business” he says. “What I have is enough for me.”

    For more information on Lupu Gutman and his films, call (310) 271-6887. To see “Monuments of Soap,” contact the history department at your local branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.


    Joachim Neander Ph.D is a tenacious defender of the Jewish soap legend. More from him on Dr. Bonner… Whoops! I mean Dr. Spanner…here:

    Comment by who dares wings — June 9, 2013 @ 9:09 am

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