Scrapbookpages Blog

February 28, 2015

Hitler made known his intentions, regarding the Jews, from the very beginning

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 5:03 pm

A new reader of my blog wrote this in a comment:

One may dispute certain aspects, figures, whatever of the Holocaust in general (for example, how many folks actually died at a camp or via the Einsatzgruppen), but the general reality of an intentional program to eliminate certain groups in a brutal manner is indisputable.

It is true that Hitler had “an intentional program” to eliminate the Jews.  He made his intentions known in a number of speeches and in his book entitled Mein Kampf

You can read Hitler’s intentions in several speeches and in quotes from his book.

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:

(Quote regarding “The Big Lie”) All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true in itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in tha art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existance founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies.” Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

Mein Kampf, 1925


Hitler’s Reichstag speech on January 30, 1939

We see clearly that this war could only end with the extermination of the Germanic peoples, or that Jewry must disappear from Europe. I already said it on September 1, 1939 [sic] in the German Reichstag…that this war will not end the way the Jews have foreseen it, namely that the European Aryan peoples will be exterminated; rather the result of this war will be the annihilation of Jewry. For once all the others will not bleed to death alone; for once the ancient Jewish law will come into play: an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth.


This quote is from Hiler’s speech on January 30, 1942 (monitored by the Allied monitoring service)

The Bolshevist monster, to which they want to deliver the European nations, will someday tear them and their people to pieces. The Jew will not however exterminate the European peoples, rather he will be the victim of his own plot.


Hitler’s words, in 1943, regarding the Jews

I have also left no doubt that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by those international money and finance conspirators, then that race, Jewry, which is the real guilty party in this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I also made it clear that this time, not only would millions of children of European Aryan races starve, not only would millions of grown men meet their death, and not only would millions of women and children be burned or bombed to death in the cities, but that the real culprit would atone for his guilt, even if by more humane means.

Quoted from Hitler’s Political Testament, page 3


This quote is from Mein Kampf, 1925, Volume 1, page 358

The most fearsome example of this kind is Russia where he (Jewry) allowed 39 million humans in truly fanatical wildness to die or starve in inhuman agony, in order to secure the mastery of a great people for a gang of Jewish literati and stock exchange bandits.

The result is not only the end of freedom for the people oppressed by the Jews, but rather also the end of these parasites of the peoples themselves. After the death of the victim, the vampire dies sooner or later.


The following quote is from Mein Kampf, 1925, Volume 1, page 61

Was there any excrement, any shamelessness in any form, above all in cultural life, in which at least one Jew would not have been involved? As soon as one even carefully cut into such an abscess, one found, like maggots in a decaying body, often blinded by the sudden light, a kike.


At no time did Hitler ever say that the Jews were a  superior group of people, who had never done anything wrong, but he wanted them out of Europe, for no reason at all.

Students in Copperas Cove, TX create mixed up Holocaust projects for school assignment

When I first read a news article here about 14 year-old students creating Holocaust projects for a school assignment, I had to look up the location of the town called Copperas Cove.  My first thought was that this was a town in the UK.  The project sounded like something that British students would do.

The news article begins with this quote:

COPPERAS COVE — It was a small suitcase filled with personal items, such as a handkerchief and a favorite necklace, from a young girl’s life that would soon end.

But to Crinity Easlick, 14, it represented what Anne Frank might have packed when she and millions of Jews were sent to concentration camps during World War II.

Easlick was one of about 175 eighth-graders at Copperas Cove Junior High School who made individual projects reflecting some aspect of the Holocaust for the school’s annual “Our Holocaust Living Library” presentations Thursday.

Easlick said Frank’s forgiveness impressed her the most. “Even when the Nazis killed her mother, she was positive and believed that everyone had a good heart.”

Oops! It appears that someone didn’t do enough research for her project. Anne Frank’s mother was not killed by the Nazis, nor by anyone else.  She died of tuberculosis in a hospital at Auschwitz in January 1945.

Anne never knew how her mother died, nor even that she was dead.  Anne and her sister, Margot, were sent from Auschwitz on October 28, 1944 to the Bergen-Belsen exchange camp on a transport which, according to the International Red Cross, consisted of sick women who were expected to recover from their illness. Later, Anne and Margot both became ill with typhus and died in March 1945 during the horrendous epidemic in Bergen-Belsen. Both were buried in one of the unmarked mass graves at Bergen-Belsen.

Honorary tombstone at Bergen-Belsen for Anne Frank

Honorary tombstone at Bergen-Belsen for Anne Frank who was actually buried in a mass grave

The famous quote, which impressed this Texas student, was written in Anne’s diary, while she was in hiding in Amsterdam.

Here is the famous quote from her diary:

It’s difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.

But this was not the only mistake made by the Texas students.  This quote is also from the news article:

Zachery Lerue’s model of Auschwitz included an important but gruesome detail: ashes of the dead, which fell on the ground and were walked on by the living prisoners at the concentration camp.

Apparently, Zachery didn’t do any research to find out if ashes flew out of the crematoria chimneys and fell on the ground.

Every Holocaust survivor book that you will ever read, and some that you won’t read, includes testimony that ashes were flying out of the crematoria chimneys when the Jews got off the train at Auschwitz-Birkeanau.

Could this be true? I had to look it up on this Wikipedia page where I found this quote:

Contrary to popular belief, the cremated remains are not ashes in the usual sense. After the incineration is completed, the dry bone fragments are swept out of the retort and pulverised by a machine called a Cremulator — essentially a high-capacity, high-speed blender — to process them into “ashes” or “cremated remains”,[43][44] although pulverisation may also be performed by hand.

Photos taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau do not show smoke, nor ashes, flying out of the crematoria chimneys.

Crematory chimneys shown in  the background as Jews arrive on a train at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Two crematory chimneys shown in the background as Jews arrive  at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Jews arriving on train at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Click on photo for larger size)

Jews arriving on train at Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp (Click on photo for larger size)

The chimney of Krema II at Auschwitz-Birkenau is shown in the background on the right side of the photo above. Notice that there is no smoke and no ashes flying out of the chimney.

February 25, 2015

German woman arrested for wearing an Auschwitz T-shirt

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 12:59 pm


The photo above shows a woman in Germany wearing a T-shirt which says “University Auschwitz Est (established) 1941.”  An outline of the gate house into the Auschwitz-Birkeanu camp is shown in the middle.  The words “Final Solution” are on one side of the T-shirt.

Gate into Auschwitz-Birkenau shown from inside the camp

Gate into Auschwitz-Birkenau shown from inside the camp

I had to read this news article several times before I could understand what this news story was all about.  It is NOT about Auschwitz or the Holocaust; the story is about the Muslims living in Germany who are recruiting young German men to join a radical Islam group called Salafism.  I had no idea that there are thousands of Muslims in Germany and that they are recruiting young German men for jihad.

One thing that confused me is that Auschwitz was NOT established in 1941.  According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website, the three Auschwitz camps were established in 1940 and 1942, not in 1941.

This quote is from the news article:

German protester who wore ‘University of Auschwitz, 1941’ T-shirt faces prison
The unnamed woman wore the T-shirt during an anti-Islam rally in October [2014] in Cologne.

A woman in Germany could face up to five years in prison for inciting hatred after she was filmed at an anti-Islam rally wearing a T-shirt that compared the Auschwitz concentration camp to a university.

The woman, who has not been named under German privacy laws, was filmed at a demonstration last October wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “University Auschwitz, est. 1941”.

Under a silhouette of one of the infamous Nazi extermination camp’s most distinctive buildings, the T-shirt listed possible courses of study as “genetics, racial science, Final Solution”.

More than 1.1 million Jews were systematically murdered at Auschwitz, along with tens of thousands of gypsies, Poles and Soviet prisoners-of-war. […]

[The woman and her husband] were taking part in a rally organised by a group calling itself Hooligans against Salafism, or HoGeSa, which claimed to be against the rise of hardline Salafist Islam in Germany.

Under Germany’s Volksverhetzung law, inciting hatred against sections of the population or assaulting people’s human dignity is punishable by up to five years in prison.

You can read about the “Final Solution” on my website at

When I first started reading books about the Holocaust, years ago, I noticed that the word Muselmann (pl. Muselmänner), which means a Muslim person, was frequently used by the Jewish prisoners to mean a person who was very skinny and starving to death because they were repeatedly shoved out of the food line by the stronger Jews.

Prisoners at Mautausen line up for soup

Prisoners at Mauthausen line up for soup which was served in large barrels

Is this the revenge of the Muselmänner?  Are Muslims now converting young Germans to the Muslim religion so that they can kill German non-believers?

Former attorney Sylvia Stoltz convicted yet again of Holocaust denial

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 9:34 am
Sylvia Stolz, former German lawyer, convicted of Holocaust denial

Sylvia Stolz, former German lawyer, convicted of Holocaust denial

I previously wrote about Sylvia Stoltz in a blog post with the title Witch trials in Germany — yesterday and today. 

In Germany, Holocaust denial is called Volksverhetzung which, in English, means “Incitement of the Masses”  God forbid that anyone should incite the masses in Germany, which might result in the extermination of 6 million more Jews.

Today, I read a news story with the headline:

German Ex-Lawyer Convicted of Holocaust Denial in Munich

A former German attorney with well-known links to the far right has been convicted of Holocaust denial and sentenced to 20 months in prison.

Munich state court spokeswoman Andrea Titz said 51-year-old Sylvia Stolz was convicted of inciting racial hatred for denying the Holocaust in a 2012 speech. She argued during her trial that she was exercising her right to free speech.

Stolz already served time for Holocaust denial after a 2008 conviction related to her defense of notorious Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, who was convicted himself of the crime in Mannheim in 2007.

Zundel’s initial Mannheim trial collapsed after Stolz was banned from the proceedings on grounds she was trying to sabotage them. During the trial, she repeatedly denied the Holocaust and ended a legal document with “Heil Hitler.”

Sylvia Stolz

Sylvia Stolz

Look up the word “Stolz” on google translate and you will learn that it means “proud” in English. Sylvia Stolz is not only a proud German woman, she is also very brave.  She has literally given up her career as a lawyer to defend Holocaust deniers in Germany.

Correct me if I am wrong, but as I recall, Sylvia Stolz also defended Germar Rudolf in court in Germany.

Holocaust denial is now a crime in 19 countries, but people still continue to deny the Holocaust.  Strangely, no one has ever been able to prove the Holocaust to the satisfaction of the deniers.


February 23, 2015

94-year-old former SS sergeant charged with 3,681 counts of accessory to murder at Auschwitz (updated)

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 3:09 pm

Update  Feb. 24, 2015:

Former SS man who worked at Auschwitz main camp which has the sign "Arbeit Macht Frei"

Former SS man who worked at Auschwitz main camp which has the sign “Arbeit Macht Frei”

Quote from this news source:

Identified only as Hubert Z., a photo of him [shown above] in his Nazi S.S. uniform – emblazoned with the death’s head skull and double-lightning insignia of the feared military group – emerged today.

According to prosecutors in the city of Schwerin, north Germany, the now elderly man was a medical officer at Auschwitz.

He has been charged with complicity in the murders of 3,681 people with officials confident of a successful prosecution.

He is believed to have been an S.S. Unterscharfuehrer (junior squad leader) at the death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland where at least 1.1 million people, most of them Jewish, were systematically murdered during the Second World War.

The indictment against Hubert Z., who lives in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – the home state of Chancellor Angela Merkel – runs to 83 pages.

It is understood he was tracked down with the aid of the Simon Wiesenthal Nazi hunting agency in Israel and the Central Authority for the Prosecution of Nazi War Crimes in Germany.

“It is our contention that he underwrote the mass murder programme while in Auschwitz,” said a prosecutor.

It is known that the accused was born in the state where he lives and learned agriculture at college before he joined the S.S. in 1940.

He served as a medical orderly in the concentration camps of Sachsenhausen and Neuengamme in Germany before being sent to Auschwitz where his service records show that he commanded the S.S. medical service between 15 August and 14 September 1944.

End quote

My comment:  Note that Hubert Z. has a degree in agriculture and that he “underwrote the mass murder program”.  It’s been 70 years since he allegedly committed these crimes. Are the Jews getting him mixed up with  Heinrich Himmler, who also had a degree in agriculture and a first name that starts with an H.  How was such a low-level officer in the SS allowed to “underwrite” mass murder in the Auschwitz main camp, at a time when the gas chamber had been converted into a bomb shelter for the SS men?

Continue reading my original post:

A news story in the Guardian newspaper, which you can read in full here, claims that a former SS soldier will be put on trial for accessory to murder for the deaths of 3,681 people in the Auschwitz gas chamber.

The news article does not say that the murders took place at Auschwitz-Birkenau, but at Auschwitz, which I interpret to mean the main camp at the Auschwitz complex.   The photo that accompanied the article shows the main Auschwitz camp, which had a gas chamber, until it was converted, in 1944, to a bomb shelter for the SS men.

The gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp

The gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp after it was converted into a bomb shelter

My 1998 photo shows the  SS hospital in the background with the roof of the gas chamber in the foreground

My 1998 photo shows the SS hospital in the background with the roof of the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp in the foreground

The entire news article is quoted below.

Begin quote:

Auschwitz suspect charged in Germany on 3,681 counts
Former SS sergeant charged with 3,681 counts of accessory to murder in Nazi extermination camp.

German prosecutors have charged a 94-year-old man with 3,681 counts of accessory to murder over allegations he served in the Nazis’ Auschwitz death camp.

Stefan Urbanek, a spokesman for prosecutors in Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, said on Monday that the suspect was an SS sergeant who served as a medic in an SS hospital in Auschwitz. In that role, Urbanek said the man helped the extermination camp function and could thus be charged as an accessory to the 1944 killings.

My 1998 photo of the SS hospital, taken from the roof of the gas chamber

The SS hospital in the Auschwitz main camp in the background with the gas chamber in the foreground

Urbanek would not release the suspect’s name, in line with privacy laws.

The man is one of 30 former Auschwitz suspects against whom federal investigators recommended in 2013 that state prosecutors pursue charges under a new precedent in German law.

The suspect’s lawyer, Peter-Michael Diestel, told the Bild newspaper that there was no evidence of any “concrete criminal act” by his client.

End quote

Someone please help me out here.  This man was an SS soldier who was working as a medic in the SS hospital, which was across the street from the Auschwitz gas chamber.

Were Jews taken to the SS hospital to be gassed in 1944 after the gas chamber was converted into a bomb shelter?

The photo below shows that the main Auschwitz camp is quite small.  The white building in the center was the camp kitchen.

Aerial view of the Auschwitz main camp, which was quite small

Aerial view of the Auschwitz main camp, which was quite small

The prisoners in the main camp were mostly political prisoners and illegal combatants.  There were very few Jews in the main Auschwitz camp.  I doubt that there were 3,681 Jews in the main camp at any time in the camp’s history.  Besides that, how is the exact number of Jewish deaths in the main camp known? The Nazis did not keep records of the names of people who were gassed.


February 22, 2015

Cincinnati, a city that once had a large German enclave, now has a Holocaust exhibit

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 10:38 am

You can read about the current Holocaust exhibit in Cincinnati in a news article here.

This quote is from the news article:

CINCINNATI — Visitors can explore the very depths of human cruelty — but also the heights of human hope and perseverance — at a new exhibit on the Holocaust [in Cincinnati] running through May 26.

“Unlocking the Gates of Auschwitz Seventy Years Later” opened in late January at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of perhaps the most infamous Nazi concentration camp of World War II. An estimated 1.1 million prisoners, most of them Jewish, died at the camp.

The story is told largely through the recollections of two Cincinnati-area residents who survived Auschwitz.

Bella Ouziel, 89, and Werner Coppel, 90, relate their experiences through video interviews interspersed with more than 100 concentration-camp documents, photographs and other artifacts.

Old buildings in Over-the-Rhine neighborhood (Click on the photo for a larger size)

Old buildings in Over-the-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati (Click on the photo for a larger size)

Cincinnati, Ohio once had a famous German-American enclave called “Over the Rhine.”  That section of the city is no longer German-American and no one knows, nor cares, that Cincinnati was once famous for it’s large German-American community.  You can read about it on Wikipedia at

This quote is from Wikipedia:

At the turn of the 20th century, the neighborhood population [of Over-the-Rhine]  reached a peak of 45,000 residents, with the proportion of German-Americans estimated at 75 percent.[7] By 1915 the more prosperous people left the dense city for the suburbs.[22] They were not replaced in as great numbers because new immigrants were attracted to fast-growing industrial cities in the Great Lakes region.[22] Over-the-Rhine became one of several old and declining neighborhoods that formed a ring of slums around the central business district.[22] Many people thought Over-the-Rhine would eventually disappear, swallowed up by the city’s growing business district.[18]

You can read about the current Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, and see photos of the beautiful buildings, built by the Germans, at

I previously blogged about the German-American town of Hermann, MO which now features Holocaust education in the schools.

The Holocaust has taken over every aspect of American life.  All we ever hear about is the Holocaust and the survivors who are writing books, or out on the lecture circuit, teaching young people about the Holocaust religion.  Enough already!



Israel demands that the UN condemn Iran’s Holocaust denial cartoon contest

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 8:06 am
Gatehouse into the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp

Gatehouse into the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp

If cartoons about the Prophet Mohammed are condemned, should cartoons about the Holocaust be banned? The Prophet is an icon of the Muslim religion; the Holocaust has the status of a religion to many people, who call it Holocaustianity.

You can read about this controversy in a news article with this headline:

Israel demands UN condemn Iranian cartoon contest about the Holocaust

Contest is said to be in response to the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed by Charlie Hebdo

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote:

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, has demanded that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other UN member countries to condemn Iran’s planned international cartoon contest on Holocaust denial.

“This contest legitimizes Holocaust denial and encourages Holocaust deniers to continue their incitement,” Prosor said. “It ridicules one of the darkest events in human history, and it cheapens the death of millions of Jews who were murdered. The horrors of the Holocaust are still fresh in the collective memory.”

“The cartoon exhibition runs in contravention to the international community’s decision to perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust and to internalize its lessons,” he wrote.

“If the UN wishes to remain loyal to its founding principles and values in which it believes, it is incumbent upon it to speak loudly against anti-Semitism,” Prosor concluded.

The deadlines for submissions for the contest, which is due to take place in two months, must be before April 1rst and the winner will receive a cash prize of $12,000, and those who come in second and third place will receive $8,000 and $5,000.

The contest is said to be in response to controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was targeted last month in a massacre where 12 people were killed.

The organizers of the event, Iran’s House of Cartoon and the Sarcheshmeh Cultural Complex, say that the competition is in line with the Western values of freedom of expression.

This is the second time that the event is being held and the contest’s secretary Masud Shojaei-Tabatabaii asked in 2006 “why is it acceptable in Western countries to draw any caricature of the Prophet Muhammad, yet as soon as there are any questions or doubts raised about the Holocaust, fines and jail sentences are handed down?”

End Quote

Holocaust denial is now against the law in 19 countries. If you make fun of Holocaust denial, you might go to prison for 5 years.

February 20, 2015

Judgment at Nuremberg — the 1961 movie about German judges on trial

Palace of Justice at Nuremberg where trials were held

Palace of Justice at Nuremberg where trials were held after World War II

Yesterday, I watched the 1961 black and white movie, about the Judge’s trial at Nuremberg, on the TV movie channel.  When I first saw this movie in 1961, I knew nothing about the Holocaust, nor about the crimes committed by the Nazis.  I didn’t understand the movie whatsoever, when I saw it in 1961, yet I gave it high praise.

This was a movie which had the best possible actors, including a young unknown actor, William Shatner, who later became famous as Captain Kirk.

One thing that was accurately portrayed in the movie was how the German civilians groveled before the Americans after the war.

The movie shows that the American soldiers and the German civilians, who had had nothing to do with the killing of the Jews, nor the conduct of the war, were getting along fine, and living it up in the German bars.  The Germans were “whistling past the graveyard.”

The movie starts out with a photo of the Nazi emblem, as the credits roll.

Nazi emblem designed by Albert Speer

Nazi emblem designed by Albert Speer in 1933

Then we see the emblem blown up with a mighty blast.

Building at the Zeppelin Field where the Nazi eagle was blown up

Building at the Zeppelin Field where the Nazi eagle was blown up

This quote is from the 1945 news reel, which shows the blowing up of the emblem:

A swastika will no longer flaunt its crooked arms above the Nazi shrine. With the situation well in hand, the Yanks stage a review. Newsreel and Signal Corps camera men made this record of the last days of Hitler’s Germany. The cleansing fires of the war have purged Germany of Nazi power. Let’s be sure it never again rises from her ashes.

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the Judges trial, which is the subject of the 1961 movie:

Begin Quote:

The trial depicted in the film [Judgment at Nuremberg] was part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials (formally the Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals), a series of twelve U.S. military tribunals, held after World War II (1946-49) in the Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, that tried surviving members of the military, political, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany for war crimes following the Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT).

The film focuses on the trial of certain judges who served before and during the Nazi regime in Germany and who either passively, actively, or in a combination of both, embraced and enforced laws that led to judicial acts of sexual sterilization and to the imprisonment and execution of people for their religions, racial or ethnic identities, political beliefs and physical handicaps or disabilities.

End quote

During the film, there were many atrocities shown, which were not actually mentioned during this trial; this was a film about the trial of the Nazi Judges, not the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal. The movie showed the gas chamber at Dachau, as well as the shrunken heads found at Buchenwald, and other alleged Nazi crimes.

I wrote about the showing of the shrunken head, at the Nuremberg IMT, in this previous blog post:

I previously blogged about the Nuremberg Trials at

Should the judgment at Nuremberg be thrown out?

This article explains the trial:

Begin quote:
Judges Judging Judges—Judgment at Nuremberg

By Michael Asimow, UCLA Law School (August 1998)

Stanley Kramer’s masterpiece Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) stands alone as the finest film about judges ever made.

In the film, four Nazi judges are placed on trial at Nuremberg before a panel of three American judges. Three of the German judges are Nazi thugs but one of them, Ernst Janning (played by Burt Lancaster), was quite different.

Janning had been a famous and aristocratic legal scholar, a drafter of the Weimar constitution, and a man who detested Hitler and the Nazis. Yet he remained on the bench under the Third Reich.

All defendants are convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. The chief American judge, Dan Haywood (played memorably by Spencer Tracy), brushes aside the various excuses offered by defense counsel Rolfe (a role for which Maximilian Schell won an Oscar).


The Nuremberg war crime trials presented many thorny jurisprudential issues, such as the problem of ex post facto criminal law and the issue of how the court obtained jurisdiction over the defendants. In particular, what justification is there for an international (rather than a German) tribunal to try a case in which the offenses were committed by Germans against other Germans?

Judgment at Nuremberg is based on the third Nuremberg trial (there were a total of thirteen) . Charges were brought against sixteen functionaries in the legal system—judges, prosecutors, and officials of the Ministry of Justice. They were by no means the worst offenders in the Nazi justice system, but the worst offenders were dead.

Janning is a conglomeration of several actual defendants, including Franz Schlegelberger who was formerly undersecretary in the Ministry of Justice. Schlegelberger offered the defense that if he were to resign, a worse man would take his place. The Court thought there was much truth in this but convicted him anyway.

The key evidence against Janning was the Feldenstein case. Feldenstein was an elderly Jew convicted under the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor for having sex with Irene Hoffman, a much younger Aryan woman (played by Judy Garland).

Janning was the judge and he sentenced Feldenstein to death. At the Nuremberg trial, Janning conceded that he had decided to condemn Feldenstein even before the trial began, regardless of what the evidence would show.

However, like everything else in the movie, the Feldenstein case presents serious issues. There was solid evidence presented at the trial that Feldenstein and Hoffman had a sexual relationship, even though they denied it and Hoffman continued to deny it at Nuremberg. Given that evidence, is it right to say that Janning’s decision to find Feldenstein guilty was itself a war crime?

End Quote

February 16, 2015

Auschwitz survivor Gena Turgel walked out of a gas chamber alive

Filed under: Buchenwald, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 8:35 am

On my blog statistics, I always check what potential readers were searching for when they found my blog.  There are frequent searches which include the phrase “walked out of a gas chamber alive.”

I wrote about Gena Turgel on my website at

Gena Turgel was saved from the gas chamber when she walked out alive, not realizing that she had been sent to a gas chamber at the age of 21.

Gena Turgel was born in 1925, so she was 21 in late 1944, or early 1945.  Auschwitz was abandoned by the Germans in early 1945 when the prisoners were marched out of the camp on January 18, 1945.

According to recent news stories, Gena spent two months in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp before she was sent to Buchenwald, and was then transferred to Belsen.

This quote is from a recent news story:

Turgel, an elegant woman with more than a hint of mischief in her blue eyes, survived not one or two, but three Nazi concentration camps.

In the most notorious of all, Auschwitz-Birkeanau, she was herded naked into a gas chamber with hundreds of others.

Yet Turgel, who was 21 at the time, walked out alive.

She had no idea the Nazis had tried to kill her until a woman she knew said, “Don’t you know what has just happened to you? You were in the gas chamber!”

Turgel still looks amazed to have cheated death.

“I completely lost my voice,” she said. “I just never realized I was in the gas chamber … it must not have worked.”

All this is very confusing to me, so someone please check my math.  Gena was apparently sent to a gas chamber at Auschwitz in the days just before the prisoners were marched out of the camp on January 18, 1945. At that time, the gas chamber in the main camp had been converted into a bomb shelter. Yet, photos that are included in the news articles about her escape from the gas chamber show the ovens in the main camp.

Before she was sent to Auschwitz, Gena had spent 2 and 1/2 years in the Plaszow camp, which was the camp shown in the film Schindler’s List. There were 3 gas chambers, still in existence at Auschwitz-Birkenau, just before the march out of Auschwitz on January 18, 1945.

Auschwitz was the largest railroad hub in Europe, and prisoners were sent there from other camps, in order to be transferred to another camp. Gina was apparently sent from the Plaszow camp to Auschwitz, so that she could be transferred to the Buchenwald camp.  So how did she end up in a homicidal gas chamber, at the age of 21, in the very last days of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp?  Was she actually sent to a shower room at Birkenau, to get rid of any lice on her body, before being transferred to another camp?

The shower room at Auschwitz-Birkeanu

The shower room at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The photo above shows the shower room in the building called “the central Sauna” at Auschwitz-Birkenau.  The shower heads have been removed.

I first learned about Gena Turgel ten years ago when I read a news story in the Daily Mail:

This quote is from the article in the Daily Mail in 2005:

Gena Turgel entered the gas chamber at Auschwitz and lived to tell the tale.

In the winter of 1944, the 21-year-old was made to strip naked with her mother inside the concentration camp’s extermination block and wait, but miraculously the deadly poison was never released.

“We were trembling. I didn’t know where we were. Inside, it looked terrible. A woman came in that I recognised from a previous camp. She was very shocked I was there and went out again.

“We waited a while and then water came through the walls. It was wonderful. For many weeks we had had no water on our backs. We were all drinking it.

“As we came outside, the women there said how wonderful it was to see us. They screamed with happiness. I didn’t understand what they meant. I said ‘What are you shouting about?’

“They said ‘Don’t you know? You were in the gas chamber.’ I lost my voice. I couldn’t produce any saliva.”

Gena puts her survival down to a “power over a power” and believes that God was watching over her.

“The woman who came in. I never saw her again. Perhaps she did something.”

More than 60 years on, the great-grandmother still cannot believe how lucky she was to escape death.

“Many times, I have to touch myself to check I’m really alive. One appreciates life so much.”


February 12, 2015

Bill O’Reilly’s hilarious jokes about Hitler on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Filed under: Germany, TV shows — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 11:55 am

A reader of my blog made a comment in which the readers of my blog were directed to a recent show on Kimmy Kimmel Live which featured Bill O’Reilly making fun of Hitler’s health problems.

The show was hilarious, but a good journalist would have also told the other side of the story, which is that Hitler was literally worshiped by millions of people, but sadly, Hitler had the misfortune to fall into the hands of incompetent doctors who doped him up on bad drugs.

I wrote about Hitler on this page of my website:

American soldiers stand at the picture window of the Berghof after the building was destroyed

American soldiers stand at the picture window of the Berghof after the building was destroyed by American bombs

The Berghof before it was wantonly destroyed by Americans

The Berghof before it was wantonly destroyed by Americans in the last days of World War II

Berghof ruins after vindictive American bombing

Berghof ruins after vindictive American bombing

This quote is from the page of my website, cited above:

Begin quote:

In 1938, a train station was built at the small town of Berchtesgaden to handle the hordes of Hitlerpilger (Hitler pilgrims) who flocked to the Obersalzberg to see Hitler’s home, called the Berghof. Today, tourists arrive at this same train station in Berchtesgaden on their way to see Hitler’s former Tea House, called the Eagle’s Nest by Americans. The drive from the town of Berchtesgaden to the Obersalzberg plateau at 3,300 feet is one of the most scenic routes in Germany.

Hitler’s admirers used to gather at the Berghof just like the Elvis fans who stood outside Graceland, hoping to get a glimpse of their idol. The German people literally worshiped the ground that Hitler walked on. After Hitler made an occasional appearance to greet his fans, they would gather up the sand upon which Hitler had stood. Hitler was known as “the people’s Chancellor” because he was a common man, and he did what the German people wanted. Before World War II started, Hitler was more loved than any other leader in world history; his approval rating was 98%. As the man who was responsible for the deaths of 60 million people, including 6 million Jews, Hitler has now become the most hated man in the world.

The road from Munich to Berchtesgaden is the “old Nazi party road,” the first Autobahn built by Hitler to connect Berlin, Nürnberg and Munich with Salzberg and Linz in Austria. Tour buses from Munich bring visitors to the Obersalzberg where they get on another bus that takes them up to the Kehlsteinhaus aka the Eagle’s Nest.

In 1942, a honeycomb of bunkers was built into the mountainside at the Obersalzberg for air raid shelters. One of the largest surviving bunkers is under the documentation center and it is open to visitors.

The saga of Hitler, the Obersalzberg and Berchtesgaden is told at the documentation center, called Dokumentation Obersalzberg, which opened in 1999. Dokumentation Obersalzberg tells how Hitler first visited the Obersalzberg in 1923 and was inspired by views of the Untersberg, the mountain where the spirit of Karl der Grosse (Charlemagne) is said to slumber.

Karl der Grosse was the King of the Franks who was crowned as the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas day in the year 800. This was the first time that the German people were united under one ruler, although the Holy Roman Empire included other ethnic groups.

Hitler’s great accomplishment was that he united the German ethnic group into one empire under one leader for the first time: “ein Folk, ein Reich, ein Führer.” This was achieved by annexing Austria and the Sudetenland in 1938. The famous conference in which the Sudetenland was given to Germany in October 1938 was held at the Berghof.

Ethnic Germans in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were relocated to the part of Poland that was annexed into the Greater German Reich in 1939. Finally, with the conquest of France in 1940, the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine were added to the Greater German Reich.

End quote

Sadly, all this history was canceled out by O’Reilly’s school boy farting jokes.

O’Reilly should have mentioned that German people today still visit Hitler’s Eagles’s nest and relive the happy years before American troops destroyed Germany to satisfy the Jewish call for Revenge, Revenge, Revenge.

The Eagle's Nest was saved from American bombs

The Eagle’s Nest was saved from American bombs

What’s next?  Will Bill O’Reilly make fun of President Roosevelt because he was in a wheel chair?  During World War II, most Americans did not know that Franklin D. Roosevelt could not walk.  Virtually no Americans knew that Hitler farted.


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