Scrapbookpages Blog

December 31, 2013

Both doors of Auschwitz gas chamber opened inward

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 12:33 pm

This morning, I was listening to a you-tube video of an old TV show presented by Montel Williams, many years ago.  Mark Weber and David Cole, both Jewish and both revisionists, were guests on the show.

David Cole pointed out, on the TV show, that both doors in the alleged gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp opened inward.  David Cole asked if the German engineers would have built a gas chamber with the doors opening inward, which would have made it difficult to remove the bodies after 900 people were allegedly gassed in the room at the same time.

I visited the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp, in 1998 and again in 2005, and I took photos of the doors. It didn’t occur to me that building the doors in this fashion would have been totally stupid, but David Cole is right.  How did they get the doors open with bodies pressed up against them?

How is it that the Germans allowed this stupid construction?  The answer is that the alleged gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp is a RECONSTRUCTION, done by the Soviet Union after the camp was liberated in January 1945.

Door in the Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Door into the Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

When the Auschwitz camp was liberated by soldiers of the Soviet Union,  the alleged gas chamber in the main camp had been turned into an air raid shelter by the Germans. The photo above shows an air raid shelter door on the left and a wooden door into former gas chamber on the right.  Neither of these doors was there when the Auschwitz gas chamber was allegedly used for gassing the Jews.  These are doors into an air raid shelter that was constructed in the Auschwitz morgue, which was right next to the crematorium, where dead bodies were burned.

Door into Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Door into Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Notice that the the door in the photo above, which was the back door into the gas chamber in 1998, has a glass window.  Allegedly, the Jews were prevented from breaking the glass because there was a German soldier standing outside the door, ready to shoot anyone who tried to escape. (Actually, this was originally the door into a washroom, before the reconstruction done by the Soviets.)

I blogged about the washroom at

When I visited the Auschwitz gas chamber in 1998, I was told by my tour guide that the prisoners entered the gas chamber through the air raid shelter door.  At that time, the Auschwitz Memorial Site was not yet admitting that the Auschwitz gas chamber is a reconstruction.

My 1998 photo of the back door into the gas chamber

My 1998 photo of the back door into the gas chamber

On my trip to Auschwitz in 1998, I was told that the door, shown in the photo above, was the back door of the gas chamber, and that the victims had entered through the air raid shelter door.  At that time, it was a crime to claim that the air raid shelter door was not there when the Jews were allegedly gassed in what was obviously a morgue.

December 30, 2013

New book tells about a Holocaust survivor who escaped from the Mauthausen gas chamber

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 11:15 am

My blog post today is about a book entitled My Bargain with God: The Story of Holocaust Survivor Lou Dunst, by Ben Kamin. Sunbelt Publishing, Inc., El Cajon, California, 2014.  You can read all about the book in a news article here.

The Nazis had a plan to kill all the Jews in Europe, known as “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question in Europe.”  Their plan was never accomplished, and today there are numerous survivors still living.  These survivors are publishing books, and their stories must explain how they beat the odds and weren’t gassed.

My photo of the Mauthausen gas chamber

Mauthausen gas chamber has shower fixtures on the ceiling

Here is a quote from the article about the story of Holocaust survivor Lou Dunst:

Lou and his brother survived Auschwitz only to be forced once again into a boxcar to another death camp, Mauthausen. Once again, they were herded into a gas chamber, expecting to die, choked to death by poisonous gas. “We were pressed together, naked, shrieking with horror, people falling on each other, some trampled, gasping for air, unable to think, function, even form some kind of prayer.” The killing machine did not work.

Sign on the wall of the Mauthausen gas chamber explains how th gassing apparatus worked

Sign on the wall of the Mauthausen gas chamber explains how the gassing apparatus worked

The killing machine, mentioned in the news article, was in a separate room behind one of the walls in the gas chamber. The machine was allegedly removed by the Nazis, on April 29, 1945, shortly before the camp was liberated on May 5, 1945.   Lou Dunst was liberated from Ebensee, a sub-camp of Mauthausen, on May 6, 1945.

The quote from the news article continues below:

Barely alive at the death camp Mauthausen, starving and thirsty, the emaciated inmates cried out for water or a little piece of stale bread, anything that could help them survive, but the guards only responded with contempt. “They told us not to worry; we were going to the gas chamber anyway.” The next morning the prisoners were shoved, pushed, kicked into the gas chamber. They waited for the smell of the gas, but it didn’t come. There was a malfunction in the system and the poisonous gas was not funneled through the gas lines to reach its destination so it did not work. Lou and the others miraculously got out from the gas chamber, hysterical, demoralized, relieved, confused, grateful, terrorized, but still not dead.”

The gassing apparatus was located in a small room behind the gas chamber

The gassing apparatus was located in a small room behind the gas chamber

The photo above shows one of the doors into the Mauthausen gas chamber on the left.  On the right, in the photo, is the gassing apparatus room; the gassing apparatus is no longer there.

The two photos below show the door handle on the outside of the room, and the door latch on the inside of the gas chamber.

Door handle outside the gas chamber at Mauthauen

Door handle outside the gas chamber at Mauthausen

Door latch inside the Mauthausen gas chamber

Door latch inside the Mauthausen gas chamber

The Mauthausen gas chamber was a fully functioning shower room in addition to being a gas chamber with a gassing apparatus behind one of the walls.

Lou Dunst is indeed lucky to have survived the notorious Mauthausen camp where prisoners could be gassed in the shower room, that is, if the gassing apparatus was working on the day that they were scheduled to take a shower.

This quote is from the news article about the book:

Finally the doors [of the gas chamber] opened and the stunned slaves [prisoners] rush out into the open air.  The Nazis pushed and shoved the scared and naked prisoners into the central meeting ground, where the commandant of Mauthausen casually remarked: “To burn our bodies was too expensive. Instead, he would send us to a place where we would vanish without any cost to the Third Reich.”

Lou and Irving were transferred once again, this time to Ebensee, a sub-camp of Mauthausen, where they were to work underground making pilotless VI rockets that would rain down on London. At Ebensee, one of the harshest death camps, Lou was placed on a pile of corpses; hardly breathing and with little pulse, Lou awaited death.

On May 6, 1945, American GI Robert Persinger of the Third Cavalry of General George S. Patton’s Third Army drove his tank, the Lady Luck, through the camp fence to liberate the inmates of Ebensee. Irving Dunst grabbed Persinger’s hand and tugged him over to his brother’s seemingly lifeless body on the pile of corpus and shouted: “That’s my brother. Please rescue him.”

The photo below shows a pile of corpses at Ebensee.  The soldier in the photo, which was taken on May 8, 1945, is Al Winters.

Dunst was on a pile of corspes at Ebensee when he was resuced

Lou Dunst was on a pile of dead bodies, like this, at Ebensee when he was rescued

You can read about Ebensee on my website at

December 28, 2013

Brick barracks at Auschwitz are crumbling — the USA has not given any $ for restoration

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 12:44 pm

According to a news article, which you can read in full here, the USA has not made good on its promise to send $15 million to help with the $160 million restoration project at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

There are 45 brick barrack buildings at Auschwitz-Birkenau (the Auschwitz II camp) and 42 of them are currently closed to tourists because they are dangerously close to falling down.

Early morning photo of brick barracks, 2005 photo

Early morning photo of brick barracks, 2005 photo

There are now 1.5 million tourists who visit Auschwitz each year, and you have to get up pretty early in the morning to get a photo without hundreds of tourists in the picture.  I took the photo above, in 2005, from the top of the gate tower at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

This quote is from the news article:

Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp where 1.1 million Jews and other victims were murdered, was not built to last forever. But that’s exactly what the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation is charged with doing, and it is collecting $160 million from a group of 28 countries to make that possible.

Germany has pledged $80 million; Poland has committed $12 million; Israel has paid half of its $1 million pledge. The United States joined the group of countries in 2010, when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said her department would give $15 million to the endowment.

But because of technicalities in the legislative budgeting process, none of that money has been sent to the foundation to date, making the United States the only country not to have made good on any part of its pledge.

Brick barracks at Auschwitz were built with no foundations

Brick barracks at Auschwitz were built with no foundations

The brick barrack buildings were built by Soviet POWs at Auschwitz-Birkenau.  The buildings were set upon bare ground with no foundations.  The bricks were taken from Polish houses which were torn down to make room for the camp, which covers 425 acres.

Brick buildings at Auschwitz-Birkenau are deteriorating

Women’s kitchen building on the right

Ruins of Krema II with the women's kitchen in the background

Ruins of Krema II with the women’s kitchen in the background

Krema II was one of the buildings at Auschwitz-Birkenau which housed a gas chamber and cremation ovens.  The building was only a stone’s throw from the women’s kitchen.  This was a very dangerous set-up because some of the Zyklon-B gas fumes could have wafted over to the women’s kitchen where food was being cooked.  How stupid was that!  What were they thinking?

Interior of brick barrack building

Interior of brick barrack building

Uneven floor in brick barrack building is a hazzard

Uneven floor in brick barrack building is a hazzard

In the interior of the brick barrack buildings, the floor was laid directly on the ground, not set into sand.  The floor is very uneven, making it dangerous for tourists to walk upon.

This quote is from the news article:

Were the U.S.’s $15 million contribution to fall through, the impact on the foundation could be disastrous, and the Polish embassy in Washington has been in touch with the State Department about the matter.

“We are fully aware of how complicated the appropriations process can be, but we still remain very hopeful,” Maciej Pisarski, deputy chief of mission at the Polish embassy told the Journal on Dec. 20. “This is a noncontroversial issue.”

Rabbi Andrew Baker, director of international Jewish affairs at American Jewish Committee, remembered the 2009 push to get the U.S. on board as not being particularly fraught.

“I don’t think it was a hard sell,” Baker, who served for a time on the International Auschwitz Council, said. “I think everyone recognized that it was the right thing to do.”

The consensus that Auschwitz must be preserved — as a reminder of the attempted genocide of the Jews of Europe, and as a refutation of those who would deny the facts of that Holocaust — extends far beyond Washington.

Note that the article mentions “the attempted genocide of the Jews of Europe.”  Attempted genocide? I thought that the Holocaust WAS a genocide.

The brick barrack buildings were built to house Soviet POWs, not to ATTEMPT the genocide of the Jews.  By letting the buildings fall down and rot away, this would help to “deny the facts of that Holocaust.”

My suggestion would be to charge admission to see Auschwitz.  Does Disneyland collect money from the U.S. government to pay for the upkeep of its buildings? Charging only one dollar for admission would bring in $1.5 million PER YEAR.

Update: Dec. 29, 2013:

After reading some of the comments on this blog post, I have come to the conclusion that the number 6 should be honored at Auschwitz by charging $6.00 admission to the famous death camp, or its equivalent in money used in other countries.  That would bring in enough money to rebuild the whole Auschwitz-Birkenau camp to its original condition, including the gas chambers.

Another change that should be made at Auschwitz:  Visitors should be arrested immediately if they laugh out loud. On my trip to Auschwitz in 2005, a young Jewish man was laughing at the famous photo of a woman and two children walking to the gas chamber. He tried to engage me in a conversation about the gas chambers, but I was horrified by his disrespect, and I refused to talk with him.


December 27, 2013

Yad Vashem races to collect 6 millon names of Holocaust victims

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 1:19 pm

As everyone in the world knows by now, there were 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust, but what were their names?  Those sly Nazis didn’t record the names of their victims in the genocide of the Jews, known today as “The Holocaust.”  Now the Holocaust Museum in Israel, Yad Vashem, is trying to collect the names of all 6 million victims.

Entrance into Yad Vashem museum in Israel

Entrance into Yad Vashem museum in Israel

The issue of the lack of names was addressed in a news article, published world-wide today by the Associated Press; you can read the article in full here.

This quote is from the news article:

Contrary to popular belief, the Nazis did not keep meticulous records. They kept tabs on the identity of Jews in Germany, Austria and elsewhere in central Europe, but ordered the wholesale murder of communities elsewhere that were not documented. They also tried to cover up many of their crimes.

The statement above is correct. Way back in the 1940s, when the Jews were being transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, one of the main killing centers in the Holocaust, some of the victims were sent directly, from the incoming trains, to the gas chambers.  Others were kept for a few weeks at Auschwitz, before being transferred to other camps.  No records of the names of those who were gassed were ever kept, nor the names of those who were transferred.  Only the Jews, who were assigned to live in the barracks at Auschwitz, were registered and given a number, which was tattooed on their arm.

Records in all the Nazi concentration camps were kept on IBM Hollerith cards. The code for those who were gassed at Auschwitz was F-6, which was the code for “special treatment.”  The code for Jews who were transported to another concentration camp was also F-6, for “evacuations.”

Jews who were transported, from the ghettos in Europe, to the three Operation Reinhard camps (Belzec, Sobibor and Treblink)  were not registered; they were gassed immediately upon arrival.  The victims were not given a code number, nor tattooed.  Their names are unknown, except to some of their relatives, who are now being questioned by researchers in Israel.

This quote is from the news article, cited above:

Yad Vashem’s goal is to collect the names of all 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The memorial’s very name — Yad Vashem is Hebrew for “a memorial and a name” — alludes to its central mission of commemorating the dead as individuals, rather than mere numbers like the Nazis did.

It hasn’t been an easy task.

The project began in 1955, but over the following half century, fewer than 3 million names were collected, mostly because the project was not widely known. Many survivors refrained from reopening wounds, or they clung to hopes that their relatives might still be alive.

Those clever Nazis!  They predicted that some day, there would be a world-wide religion, called Holocaustianity, and they diabolically obfuscated the numbers, so that some day, a cult of Holocaust denial would arise.  According to the news article, the main purpose of collecting names now is “to combat Holocaust denial.”  Good luck with that!

Where did the 6 million number come from?  From Adolf Eichmann, the alleged mastermind of the Holocaust?  No, Eichmann mentioned FIVE MILLION victims, not six million.

During his trial in Poland, Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz, changed the figure in his confession to a total of 1,130,000 Jews that were gassed but declared “During my tenure at Auschwitz, millions of people died, whose exact number I cannot determine.”

When Rudolf Hoess was questioned on the witness stand at the Nuremburg IMT, he claimed that, after each gassing action, the records were destroyed.  The only person who knew the actual numbers, according to Hoess, was Adolf Eichmann.

At the Nuremberg IMT, a quote, allegedly made by Eichmann in 1945, was introduced into evidence:

“I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction.”

So why is the number of 6 million used today, instead of 5 million?  6 million just sounds better. Since there is no way of knowing the actual number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust, why not just go with 6 million?

December 25, 2013

Is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising a “myth”? Say it isn’t so!

In a recent article, headlined “Haaretz’s Holocaust Revisionism,” Eugene Kontorovitch wrote that “A new level of vileness has been reached in the pages of Haaretz.”

Haaretz is Israel’s leading newspaper.  It is the equivalent of the New York Times in America.

This quote is from the article written by Kontorovitch on December 23, 2013:

[Haaretz] has crossed all prior bounds of decency and published a criticism of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, calling it a “myth,” and accusing its heroes of being responsible for the ultimate liquidation of the Ghetto. Despite disagreements on diplomatic, territorial, and religious issues, the memory of the Holocaust–its heroes and victims–had been the great unifying porch in post-War Jewish consciousness. Now the Holocaust is fair game too.

The [Haaretz] article’s argument is that maybe if the fighters had not been so uppity, if they had not made a fuss–then the Nazis, who had already murdered 500,000 Jews of Warsaw, might have let the remaining 50,000 live. Maybe! It is not a new argument. Rather, the author amazingly resurrects and endorses the arguments of the Judernat, the Jewish collaboration government of the Ghetto. With every new deportation, they urged restrain with increasing urgency–maybe they will let the rest of us live, and if you fight, all the past deportations would be a sacrifice in vain.

There can be no more terrible case of “blaming the victim” than laying any responsibility for the liquidation of the Ghetto at the feet of the fighters.

It is true, the Jewish “communal leadership”–and the rabbis–opposed the uprising. That is what made it brave. The Judenrat had no right to decide if residents of the Ghetto died in gas chambers or fighting for their freedom.

Starving children in the Warsaw Ghetto

Starving children in the Warsaw Ghetto

Was it wrong for the Judenrat to cooperate with the Nazis, in an attempt to save as many Jews as possible?  I blogged about this question at

Were there ever as many as 500,000 Jews living in Warsaw?  The 500,000 figure might be a bit of an exaggeration.  The way I heard it, when I visited Warsaw in 1998, was that there were 450,000 Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, before deportations to the Treblinka death camp began in 1942.  I blogged about the Treblinka death camp at

Before World War II started on September 1, 1939, there were 375,000 Jews living in Warsaw, as many as in all of France, and more than in the whole country of Czechoslovakia. Only the city of New York had a larger Jewish population than Warsaw.

The first Jews had settled in Warsaw after King Kasimierz the Great welcomed Jewish refugees from Western Europe to Poland in the 14th century, but during the 15th century they were expelled from the city of Warsaw, just as they were in Krakow. Between 1527 and 1768, Jews were banned from living in Warsaw.

After Poland was partitioned for the third time in 1795, between Russia, Prussia and Austria, the Jews began coming back to Warsaw, which was in the Russian section. By the start of World War I, Jews made up forty percent of the population of the city of Warsaw. During the 19th century, and up until the end of World War I, Warsaw was in the Pale of Settlement where all Russian Jews were forced to live. When Poland regained its independence after World War I, Warsaw was once again a Polish city. From the beginning, the Jewish district was located southeast of Old Town Warsaw.

The Nazis liked to take action against the Jews on Jewish holidays, so it was on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, that the announcement was made on October 12, 1940 that “Jewish residential quarters” were to be set up in Warsaw. The Ghetto would comprise 2.4 percent of the city’s land, but would contain 30% of the city’s population, according to the U.S. Holocaust Museum. To create the Ghetto, the Nazis moved 113,000 Christian residents out and moved 138,000 Jewish residents in. The rest of the Warsaw Jews were already living in the area of the city, which became the Ghetto.

It was on April 19, 1943 (Passover, a Jewish holiday) that Ukrainian and Latvian soldiers, in the German SS, marched into the Warsaw ghetto, entering at the northern border of the Ghetto on Zamenhofa street. It was not until May 16 that the SS was able to defeat the handful of resistors, who lasted longer than the whole Polish army when the Germans and the Russians jointly invaded Poland in September 1939.

The greatest hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was Mordechai Anielewicz, the leader of the Z.O.B., a Jewish Resistance Organization, which fought against the Germans as illegal combatants during World War II.

Memorial to the ghetto fighters in Warsaw

Memorial to the ghetto fighters in Warsaw

One of the stops on the Memory Lane tour of Warsaw, which I took in 1998, was the monument pictured above, which honors the Jewish Z.O.B. resistance fighters; it is the work of sculptor Nathan Rappaport and is sometimes referred to as the Nathan Rappaport Memorial. It is located on ul. Zamenhofa, the street where the fighting began in the Warsaw uprising.

In the photo above, the front of the monument is shown. It depicts several of the resistance fighters with Anielewicz in the front, holding a hand grenade in his hand.

At the start of the fight, a few hand grenades were virtually the only weapons that the Jews had. After they killed a few SS soldiers and the others retreated, the resistance fighters took the weapons from the hands of the dead SS men, and continued the fight the next day when the soldiers returned.  There were 16 SS soldiers killed in the uprising.

The other side of the Warsaw memorial to the ghetto fighters

The other side of the Warsaw memorial to the ghetto fighters

The back side of the Warsaw Memorial, shown in the photo above, depicts the Jews marching to a gas chamber.

Famous photo of Jews marching to the gas chamber at Auschwitz

Famous photo of Jews marching to the gas chamber at Auschwitz

The photos below are included in the Stroop Report.

An underground room where the ghetto fighters his from the SS soldiers

An underground room where the ghetto fighters hid from the SS soldiers during the Warsaw uprising

Destruction in the Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising

Destruction in the Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising

The two black and white photos above are from The Stroop Report, a 75-page book, which consists mostly of telegrams, sent during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Four of these telegrams from the Stroop Report are quoted below:

April 25, 1943:

In total, 1690 Jews were captured alive. According to stories from the Jews, there have definitely also been parachutists dropped here and bandits who have been supplied weapons from an unknown location. 274 Jews were shot, and as on other days, uncounted Jews were buried alive in the blown-up bunkers and, as near as can be determined, burned. With today’s bounty of Jews, a very large portion of the bandits and lowest elements of the Ghetto has, in my opinion, been captured. Immediate liquidation was not carried out due to the onset of darkness. I will attempt to obtain a train for T II (the Treblinka death camp) for tomorrow, otherwise the liquidations will be carried out tomorrow.

April 26, 1943:

At this time there are no more captured Jews in Warsaw. The previously mentioned transport to T.II (Treblinka death camp) was successful.

May 13, 1943:

The few Jews and criminals still remaining in the ghetto have for 2 days used the refuges available in the ruins in order to go back to their well-known bunkers at night, and there to eat and supply themselves for the next day. No evidence on further bunkers known to them can be obtained from the captured Jews. The rest of the inhabitants, where the fire fight took place, were destroyed by the strongest explosive charges. From a Wehrmacht operation 327 Jews were captured today. These captured Jews will only be sent to T.II.

May 24, 1943:

Of the overall total of 56,065 captured Jews, about 7,000 have been destroyed in the course of the large-scale action in the former Jewish living quarter. 6,929 Jews were destroyed (vernichtet) by transport to T. II, so that overall, 13,929 Jews were destroyed. It is estimated that, in addition to the number of 56,065, 5 – 6,000 Jews were destroyed (vernichtet) by explosions and fire.

Famous photo included in the Stroop report on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

Famous photo included in the Stroop report on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

I previously blogged here about the famous photo, shown above, which was included in the Stroop Report.  The Stroop report was introduced into the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, including this photo.

December 24, 2013

Did the Nazis plant birch trees at Auschwitz to cover up their crimes?

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 6:30 am
Birch trees at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2005

Birch trees at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2005

The subject, of the birch trees at Auschwitz-Birkenau, came up in a comment by a regular reader of my blog.  I am answering his comment in my new post today.

The reader’s comment is quoted below:

I once had some literature that I got from Auschwitz in 1991 which unfortunately I seem to have mislaid, but anyway, it stated that the Nazis planted birch trees around Birkenau because they grew quickly and would cover up their crimes.

But Birkenau is named after the birch trees, surely. And of course they are visible in photos. They would not name a camp after some trees and then plant the trees later, would they?

Birkenau might have been named after the birch trees, which appear to have been deliberately planted at the western end of the Auschwitz II camp, which is now called Auschwitz-Birkenau. In the background of the photo above, you can see the water treatment plant, built with bricks.  The birch trees do not hide anything.

The German word Birken means birches in English. The camp was most likely named after the birch trees.

When I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in 2005, there was a sign outside the gatehouse, which said that the seven villages of Brzezinka, Babice, Broszkowice, Rajsk, Plawy, Harmeze, and Brzeszcze-Budy were torn down to provide space for the 425-acre Birkenau camp.

Google Translate gives the German translation of Brzezinka as Birkenau but I don’t know if the Polish word Brezzinka actually means Birkenau in German.

The birch trees are at the far end of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, and do not hide anything. The location and the placement of the trees suggests that they were deliberately planted, but not to hide anything.

Birch tree grove at western end of Auschwitz II camp

Birch tree grove at western end of Auschwitz II camp, aka Auschwitz-Birkenau

I took these photos of the birch trees at Auschwitz-Birkenau, not because I thought that the trees were attractive, but because I was disappointed in the famous birch trees at Birkenau, which are not nearly as beautiful as the birch trees in California.

Hungarian Jews waiting to be gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Hungarian Jews waiting to be gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Jews, shown in the photo above, are looking toward the Sauna which is across the road in front of them.  The Sauna had a shower room and disinfection chambers to kill lice in clothing in steam chambers.  The photo above is from the Auschwitz Album, a book of photos taken by the SS men at Auschwitz. However, this photo is claimed by Holocaustians to show the Jews waiting for the gas chambers in Krema IV and Krema V which are behind them.

Crematorium IV which was blown up by the prisoners

Crematorium IV which was blown up by the prisoners

The photograph above shows the gas chamber building known as Crematorium IV, or Krema IV, taken in the Summer of 1943 after it became operational. This building was blown up by Jewish inmates in a camp rebellion on October 7, 1944.

Notice the trees behind the Krema IV gas chamber, shown in the photo above.  These trees are hiding the building from the people outside the camp, but they appear to be full grown trees, that were there before Auschwitz-Birkenau was set up as a camp.

The Krema IV gas chamber, disguised as a shower room, was located above ground in the wing of the building which is to the left in the picture. Note that the roof line of the gas chamber is lower than the roof of the main part of the building. Zyklon-B poison gas pellets were thrown into the fake shower room through windows on the outside wall of the gas chamber.

Krema IV was located just north of the clothing warehouses which were set on fire by the Germans when they abandoned the camp on January 18, 1945.

As for deliberately planting trees to hide evidence, take a look at the photo below, which shows the International Monument at the end of the railroad tracks that were extended inside the camp in May 1944.

Trees behind the International Monument at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Trees behind the International Monument at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The International Monument, shown in the photo above, was built on top of a road that went north, from the end of the main road at the western end of the camp, to the Sauna where incoming prisoners took a shower and received clean clothes that had been disinfected with steam.  On the other side of this road, beyond the monument, was farmland where Polish civilians could see everything going on inside the camp, before these trees were planted, and the road was covered by this grotesque monument.

Visitors to the camp today do not realize that the main camp road did not end at the Krema II and Krema III gas chambers.  The prisoners passed the two crematoria, then turned to the right, onto the road that is now covered by the International Monument, and continued on to the Sauna, where they took a shower.

Prisoners walking west toward the road where the International Monument now stands

Prisoners walking west toward the road where the International Monument now stands

The prisoners in the photo above are looking toward the photographer who is standing in front of Krema II.  They are passing Krema III, which is in the background. Notice that there are babies and young children in this group, and others who are too old to work, but they are not heading into the gas chambers, which were allegedly located in the crematoria.  They are headed toward the intersection of the main camp road and another road that leads to the Sauna.  That road is currently covered by the International Monument.

Hungarian Jews headed toward the Sauna at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Hungarian Jews headed toward the Sauna at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The photo above is from the Auschwitz Album, a book of photos, taken by the Germans, which also includes the previous photo of Jews walking past Krema III.  Notice the gate in the background on the far upper right hand side.  This gate opens into the enclosure around the part of the camp where the Sauna is located.

My 2005 photo of the gate into the section where the Sauna is located is shown below.

Gate, on the right hand side opens into the section where the Sauna is located

Gate, on the right hand side opens into the section where the Sauna is located

December 23, 2013

European Court of Justice maintains that the Nazi gas chambers are a “historic fact”

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 9:56 am

You can read a news story, which explains the difference between the laws, pertaining to the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust, at

This quote is from the news article:

The [European Court of Justice] drew a distinction between the Armenian case and [the] appeals it has rejected against convictions for denying the Nazi German Holocaust against the Jews during World War II.

“In those cases [convictions for denying the Holocaust], the applicants had denied the historical facts even though [the historical facts] were sometimes very concrete, such as the existence of the gas chambers. They had denied the crimes perpetrated by the Nazi regime for which there had been a clear legal basis. Lastly, the acts that they had called into question had been found by an international court to be clearly established.”

What “international court” was it that “clearly established” the “existence of gas chambers”?  Is this a reference to the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, where Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau, testified about the gas chambers?

I previously blogged about the Nuremberg testimony of Rudolf Hoess at

Testimony at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg also established the “historical facts” that 4 million people were killed by the Nazis at Auschwitz and that 1.5 million people were murdered at Majdanek.  These “historical facts” have now fallen by the wayside, but it is still a crime to “call into question” the gas chambers.  It used to be a crime to claim that the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp was a reconstruction, but now the reconstruction is being admitted.

You can see photos of the reconstructed gas chamber at Auschwitz on my website at

Just because the Auschwitz gas chamber is a reconstruction doesn’t mean that you can deny that the room was a gas chamber at one time.  The belief in gas chambers is still required by law.

December 21, 2013

Where is the Dachau Memorial Hall located?

Filed under: Dachau, Germany — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 10:01 am

Every morning, when I check my blog stats, I look to see what search terms people have used to find my blog.  This morning, I saw that someone had searched on “noor inayat khan monument Dachau.”

There is a plaque on the wall of the crematorium at Dachau, which is shown in my photo below, but I didn’t know, until now, that there is a monument to Noor Inayat Khan at Dachau.  The monument must have been put up some time after May 2007, which was the last time that I saw the Dachau Memorial Site on the grounds of the former Dachau concentation camp.

But why is there a monument ONLY to Noor Inayat Khan at Dachau?  There were FOUR British SOE agents who were executed at Dachau.  Why do the other three get no respect?  I previously blogged about the execution of Noor Inayat Khan at

Plaque on wall of Dachau crematorium in honor of 4  British SOE agents

Plaque on wall of Dachau crematorium in honor of 4 British SOE agents

I did a google search on “noor inayat khan monument dachau” and found a photo of a plaque on Wikipedia commons, which is shown below.   I also found an entry on Wikipedia for the British Soe agents who were executed at Dachau, which also showed the photo below, that was taken on 12 July 2007.

Plaque in honor of Noor Inayat Khan in "Dachau Memorial Hall"

Plaque in honor of Noor Inayat Khan in “Dachau Memorial Hall”

The last time that I was at the Dachau Memorial Site, it was on two separate days in May 2007.  Apparently this “monument” was put up, in the “Dachau Memorial Hall,” sometime between May and July, 2007.  I did not see the “Dachau Memorial Hall” when I visited in May.  I didn’t even know that such a thing existed.  Someone please tell me where “the Dachau Memorial Hall” is located.

The Dachau Museum is located in this building

The Dachau Museum is located in this building

The museum at Dachau is located in the large building, shown in the photo above, but where is the “Dachau Memorial Hall”?  I have been to Dachau on at least 10 separate days, and I never saw the “Dachau Memorial Hall.”

Wikipedia has the following information about Noor Inayat Khan:

On 11 September 1944, Noor and three other SOE agents from Karlsruhe prison, Yolande Beekman, Eliane Plewman and Madeleine Damerment, were moved to the Dachau Concentration Camp. In the early hours of the morning of 13 September 1944, the four women were executed by a shot to the head. Their bodies were immediately burned in the crematorium. An anonymous Dutch prisoner emerging in 1958 contended that Noor was cruelly beaten by a high-ranking SS officer named Wilhelm Ruppert before being shot from behind.[13]

The source for this information is this: Basu, Shrabani Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan” Sutton Publishing, 2006

I have written about the alleged death of four British SOE agents at Dachau on my website at

I have written about Noor Inayat Khan on my website at

December 18, 2013

Doubting the Holocaust could soon be a crime in Italy

Italy is one of the last countries in Europe to allow freedom of speech with regard to the Holocaust, but that might soon change, according to a blog post, which I have quoted below.

Famous Holocaust deniers and a possible future Holocaust denial prison

Famous Holocaust deniers and a photo of a possible future Holocaust Revisionist Penitentiary

Begin quote from the post, written by a fellow blogger:

Freedom of thought and expression is under threat in Italy, as Italian turn-coats in Parliament introduced a new amendment to the country’s criminal code that would make doubting the sacred “holocaust” a crime.

The legislation was signed Tuesday by politicians across several parties, including the center-left “Democratic” Party, the center-right People of “Freedom” Party and the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, ANSA reported.

“It would be a significant response to all those episodes of revisionism, alas all too present in Italy and in Europe, that seek to distort history and memory,” said “Democratic” Party Sen. Monica Cirinna.

The demented Italian politician relished at the prospect of jailing people for having the wrong “attitude,” adding: “A hateful attitude, which now becomes a prosecutable crime.”

“Hateful attitude” is a Zionist code word for non-compliance with Jewish supremacy.

Holocaust denial is already either implicitly or explicitly illegal in 17 countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland and Romania.

However, Italian law makers will not try to outlaw skepticism of Communist or Zionist atrocities, only the questionable holocaust story.

Zionist psychopaths are very pleased with the new developments.

End Quote

I was horrified when I read the blog post which I have quoted above.

The most highly respected Holocaust Revisionist is Carlo Mattogno, who is an Italian citizen, if I am not mistaken.  Even if he is a citizen of another country now, he could be renditioned to Italy for trial, the same way that Germar Rudolf was renditioned to Germany, where he was “persecuted” for Holocaust denial.

I have read some of the writing of Carlo Mattogno, and he definitely DOES NOT  have a “hateful attitude.”  Just the opposite.  The writing of Carlo Mattogno is remarkable for its lack of hatred.

In a trial of a “Holocaust denier” in Germany, there is no defense.  Note the photo of Sylvia Stolz in the group photo at the top of this page.  Stolz is a lawyer, who was put in prison because she defended her client, a Holocaust denier, who was on trial.

If Italy does pass a law against Holocaust denial, aka Holocaust Revisionism, it will probably include a clause which says that the Holocaust is the truth, and there is no defense against the law, for that reason.  In Germany, the Holocaust is “manifestly obvious.”

The Holocaust is not “obvious” to men like Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno.

You can read below what Mattogno wrote about himself and his research on the Holocaust:

My own contributions to the progress of revisionism began in 1985 with the publication of Il rapporto Gerstein. Anatomia di un falso,[27] for which I used the copious wealth of archival documentation, which I had been able to identify in the preceding years. In January of 1984, at a time when the work was already finished, I sent a few selected pages to Pierre Guillaume to allow him to judge the contents, hoping that it could be published in French. Towards the end of the month, I received an answer from Prof. Faurisson in the name of P. Guillaume, stating his appreciation of the extract I had sent and saying that they had been “très agréablement surpris” (very pleasantly surprised) to discover a text which was “manifestement de haute qualité scientifique” (obviously of high scientific quality). This praise caused me to persevere in revisionist studies.

Until the end of 1989, I maintained a correspondence with various archives in Europe, America, and Israel and received by mail the documents I needed. In 1989, I made my first visit to the Museum and the Camp at Auschwitz and began to collect directly the photocopies of the original documents in the archives. This work resulted in the book Auschwitz: la prima gasazione,[28] a critical and detailed analysis refuting the alleged first homicidal gassing in the basement of Block 11 of the Auschwitz camp, which had served as a model of further assumed gassings. In 1994, I published a reply to the second book on Auschwitz by Jean-Claude Pressac[29], entitled Auschwitz fine di una leggenda.[30] Together with the refutation by Prof. Faurisson and contributions by other scholars it was included in the work organized and edited by Germar Rudolf Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten. Eine Erwiderung an Jean-Claude Pressac.[31]

From 1995 on, I had access to the documents in Moscow and elsewhere, as I mentioned above. Thanks to these sources, I wrote a book on the structure and operation of the Central Construction Office at Auschwitz, entitled La “Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz,”[32] as well as an essay under the title “Sonderbehandlung” ad Auschwitz. Genesi e significato,[33] both containing a wealth of documents in the appendix, and finally an extensive two-volume work on the history and the technicalities of the cremation ovens at Auschwitz, not yet published. From June 1997 onwards, many of my articles appeared also in the journal Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsschreibung, and since 2003 also in the English sister magazine The Revisionist. The fact that my correspondence with Prof. Faurisson ceased in 1995, the year in which I first visited the Moscow archives together with Jürgen Graf and Russell Granata, is not just a coincidence. From that time on, our positions with respect to the tasks of revisionist research and to the value of historical results achieved by it were too far apart and collisions were inevitable.

If Carlo Mattogno is living in Italy, he had better get out of that country FAST.  America is probably the only safe haven left for Holocaust revisionists.

It has gotten to the point where even bloggers are sent to prison for denying the Holocaust, as reported in this news article, about a Swiss blogger, who was convicted of Holocaust denial:

December 15, 2013

The original guidebook for the Majdanek camp, published in 1986

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 12:10 pm

A regular reader of my blog asked me, in a comment, to put up a photo of the cover of the original guidebook, published in 1986, which was being sold at the Majdanek Memorial Site, when I visited the former camp in 1998. The cover of the guidebook is shown in the photo below.  All the letters on the black background are pure white, although the letters at the top are yellowed with age.

Cover of Majdanek Guidebook, published in 1986

Cover of Majdanek Guidebook, published in Warsaw in 1986

Here are two of the black and white photos, which are included in the guidebook.

The back door of the gas chamber, which is located near the entrance at Majdanek

The back door of the gas chamber, which is located near the entrance at Majdanek

The inside of the main gas chamber at Majdanek, looking toward the back door

The inside of the main gas chamber at Majdanek, looking toward the back door

On the first page of text in the Guidebook, there is a Table of Contents, which lists “The gassing of the Prisoners” in section 5. of Chapter 7.  (There are 9 chapters in the book, which has 189 pages of text.)

When I visited the camp, for the first and only time in 1998, I was accompanied by a non-Jewish tour guide, who had been provided for me, in advance, by a Tour company in New York City. Before going to the former camp, we had visited a yeshiva in Lublin.  I didn’t even know, at that time, what a yeshiva was, and I was very anxious to get to the camp while there was still enough light to take photos.  One of my photos, taken during the fading light, is shown below.

You can read what I wrote about Majdanek in 1998 on these pages of my website:

My photo of a guard tower at Majdanek, taken in 1998

My photo of a guard tower at Majdanek, taken in 1998

As my tour guide and I were driving down a major road, that ran through the city of Lublin, suddenly she said “Look over there — that’s the Majdanek camp.”  I was so taken aback that I could not set my camera properly to take a photo.  This was a “death camp,” where 1.5 million people had been killed — and it was on a major highway? My tour guide sensed that I was acting suspiciously like a depraved Holocaust denier, and that made me even more nervous.

My first thought at my first sight of Majdanek was just like my first thought when I saw the Dachau camp for the first time: Something wrong!

The Majdanek gas chambers were in the section of the camp that was very near the highway, so that is where I began my tour of the camp.

This quote is from the Guidebook, which I purchased at the Visitor’s Center, where I watched a movie, all by myself, since I was the only English-speaking person there on that day.

5. The concrete gas chambers in Majdanek adapted for the use of Cyclone B, were opened in October 1942. Earlier, however, exploiting Auschwitz experience with that gas for killing Soviet Prisoners of War, gassing was begun in a makeshift chamber. Evidence thereof is offered by the efforts of the camp administration to obtain Cyclone B. On 25 July 1942, the administration applied to Tesch and Stabenow International Gesellschaf für Schädlingsbekampfung (International Comany for Pest Control) abbreviated to Testa and performing the function of an intermediary in supplying camps for poison gas, for 1,474 cans of Cyklone B. […]

The gas took effect within 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the weather, humidity, temperature, quality of the gas, and the state of the health of the condemned.

The technique of killing with the gas is presented below by Perry Broad, an employee of the gas, and the state of health of the condemned. A similar technique was applied in Majdanek.

[quote from Perry Broad] “Right after the cans are opened, their content is poured into the holes.  Each time the opening is covered immediately… The driver starts the engine [of the truck], whose deafening throb is louder than the deadly screams of the hundreds of people being killed by the gas… Cyclone acts rapidly. It consists of hydrocyanic acid in solid form. When it is poured out of the cans, gas evaporates from the grains…” […]

Photo of cans of CycloneB is included in old guidebook

Photo of cans of CycloneB is included in old guidebook

The gas chambers in Majdanek were also equipped with  installations for the use of volatile gas. An examination carried out by the Polish-Soviet commission immediately after the liberation of the Majdanek camp showed that carbon monoxide had been used.

The human losses in the Majdanek camp were enormous. According to the findings of Zdzislaw Lukaszkiewicz, about 300,000 Poles, Jews, Soviet citizens, and prisoners of other nationalities perished as a result of both forms of extermination, direct and indirect during the three years of the camp’s existence.  (Source: page 91 of a book written by Lukaszkiewicz)

What?  The total number of deaths at Majdanek was 300,000?  That’s not what the Soviet prosecutors claimed at the Nuremberg IMT, where the number 1.5 million was given.

Now the number of deaths at Majdanek has dwindled down to a total of 78,000 deaths, including the deaths of 59,000 Jews. However, the number of 6 million deaths has not changed.  Those sly Nazis managed to kill 1.4 million Jews at some other location, which is still unknown.

The two photos below were also included in the Guidebook that was published in 1986.

Bodies of prisoners found in the crematorium which was burned down

Bodies of prisoners found in the crematorium which was burned down

The Soviets claimed that the Germans had burned down the wooden crematorium building, after killing the prisoners from the Gestapo prison in Lublin, in front of the ovens.  It is more likely that these political prisoners were killed by the Soviet soldiers who were in Lublin that day.

Photo of "Majdanek labor camp" is included in the Guidebook of 1986

Photo of “Majdanek labor camp” is included in the Guidebook of 1986

On my trip to Poland in 1998, I also purchased a small book, about 5 by 8 inches in size, entitled Majdanek The Concentration Camp of Lublin, by Anna Wisniewska. This book is currently available from  It has a black and white photo of the huge monument at Majdanek on the cover.

Book Cover of 1997 book about Majdanek

Book Cover of 1997 book about Majdanek

This quote is from page 46 of the book, the cover of which is shown above:

Of the 235,000 victims of Majdanek, 48% were Jews, 31% were Poles, 16% were citizens of the SU (Soviet Union) and 5% were all the remaining nationalities.

So between the publication of a book in 1986 and the publication of this book in 1997, the number of deaths at Majdanek dropped from 300,000  down to 235,000.

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