Scrapbookpages Blog

June 30, 2014

“Der Dolchstoss” and the “Road to the Holocaust”

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 10:28 am
German poster shows Der Dolchstoss, the "stab in the back"

German poster shows Der Dolchstoss, the “stab in the back” (Click to enlarge)

You can read about Der Dolchstoss and the Road to the Holocaust on this website.

The photo below is shown in a video on the website. In the video, British historian Ian Kershaw explains the two world wars from the Jewish viewpoint, not to be confused with the “jewpoint.”

Inside the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp with the gate into the camp in the background

Inside the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp with the gate into the camp in the background

The photo above is frequently shown by Holocaustians and claimed to be a photo of the train tracks, outside the camp, going into the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. The photo actually shows the tracks INSIDE the camp. Whenever you see this photo, you can expect more lies to follow.

I previously blogged about this gate at

This quote is from the website about Der Dolchstoss and the Road to the Holocaust:

The road to the Holocaust was long and winding, with roots in late 19th-century German anti-Semitism leading to genocide in World War II. What, then, was the role of World War I?

World War I was “pivotal in the collapse of the defenses against anti-Semitism” in Germany, the Holocaust historian Christopher Browning has said.

Humiliating defeat made a wider swath of German society receptive to the view that Jews were ‘Germany’s misfortune,’ as anti-Semites had long put it, to blame for the country’s downfall and an obstacle to national resurgence.

In other words, “the Stab in the Back,” perpetrated by the Jews in World War I, didn’t happen.

Wikipedia calls the Stab in the Back a “myth.”  If you live in a country that still has free speech, you can read the other side of the “myth” on this website.

This quote is from the website, cited above:

Scheming Jews

The Jews played a very central and back-stabbing role in Germany’s defeat, in the following two ways:

1. The Jewish Lord Rothschild used his connections with American Jewry to get America into the war. This was, of course, very easy for the Jews there, who were in control of the media and were serving in senior government functions. In return, the British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour wrote a declaration, promising the Jews their own Zionist state in Palestine.

2. The Marxist Jews in Germany organized strikes and revolutions. Hitler expands on this in his book. These Jews were trying to stir division between the Bavarians and the Prussians, between the common man and the aristocracy, etc. Also they did their best to agitate the soldiers against their government.

These are two cunning, scheming methods. The first one capitalist and the second one communist, but both wholly Jewish. The average Fritz wasn’t so much aware of the first method, but many were aware of the second. It is hardly unreasonable to refer to this as a stab in the back. History books today describe this idea as an “anti-Semitic canard,” and a way of the generals to escape responsibility, while in facts stand proving that the loss of WWI was a result of Jewish manipulation.

If you have ever read a Holocaust survivor story, or if you have ever heard a Holocaust survivor speak, you know that every Jew, that was ever sent to a camp, was completely baffled by this unfair treatment. To hear them tell it, the Jews had never done anything to anger the Germans in the entire history of the world. What’s not to like?

Der Dolchstoss was not the only reason that Jews were deported, but it was one of the events that influenced Hitler and the German people in their desire to get the Jews out of Germany.

I took a photo of Der Dolchstoss poster in the Museum at Dachau in 1997.  This poster is now long gone. The original Museum at Dachau had a large section on the history of Germany, leading up to the Holocaust.  No more.  Das ist shon vorbei.  Now the Museum at Dachau is all about how the Jews were gassed in the shower room.


June 29, 2014

ABC news gets the Johann Breyer story wrong — watch video

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 9:44 am

At 0:25 seconds in this YouTube video, a woman says that Johann Breyer has been accused of crimes committed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Breyer was a guard at the Auschwitz main camp, which is called a “labor camp” in the video.  At the end of the video, it is claimed that investigators have “new evidence” proving what he [Breyer] did.

June 26, 2014

What should Auschwitz guard Johann Breyer have done to avoid being a war criminal

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 11:26 am

According to a news article, which you can read in full here, “Johann Breyer, 89, had successfully eluded a dark past that allegedly included the extermination of hundreds of thousands of people according to [German] prosecutors.”

There were 900,000 Jews allegedly “exterminated” at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Auschwitz II camp, according to the latest figures.

Beginning in May 1944, Breyer was a guard at the Auschwitz main camp, the Auschwitz I camp, which was mainly a prison for political prisoners, although there was a gas chamber in the morgue

In May 1944, while Breyer was working as a guard in the main camp, the gas chamber there was no longer in use, because it had been converted into a bomb shelter for the German guards in the camp.

According to Wikipedia: “On 14th June 1940, German authorities in occupied Poland organised the first mass transport of prisoners to the recently opened Auschwitz Concentration Camp [the main Auschwitz camp where Breyer was working in 1944]. The transport, which set out from the southern Polish city of Tarnów, consisted of 728 Poles, including 20 Jews.[1] They were “political” prisoners and members of the Polish resistance…”

Aerial view of the Auschwitz main camp

Aerial view of the Auschwitz main camp, which opened in 1940

Entrance into Auschwitz main camp Photo Credit: REUTERS

Entrance into Auschwitz main camp Photo Credit: REUTERS

Fence around Auschwitz main camp where Johann Breyer worked as a guard

Fence around Auschwitz main camp where Johann Breyer worked as a guard

What should Breyer have done to avoid charges, 70 years later, that include “the extermination of hundreds of thousands of people” at Auschwitz?

First of all, as a guard at the main Auschwitz camp, Breyer should have made it his business to learn that there was another Auschwitz camp, 3 kilometers down the road from where he was working as a lowly guard, and that this camp, known as Auschwitz-Birkenau, was an “extermination camp,” where Jews were being gassed upon arrival.

Breyer was a young man, 17 years old, when he enlisted in the German Army. After he was transferred, from the Buchenwald camp [where he had worked for several years] to Auschwitz, he was still a young man, in the prime of life. He could have easily made regular 3K runs to Auschwitz-Birkenau, to meet the 158 trains that brought Jews to the extermination camp.  He should have known that the 216,000 Jews on those 158 trains were all taken immediately to one of the 4 gas chambers in operation in 1944, and he should done something to stop this horror.

Auschwtiz-Birkenau was a 425 acre site where Jews were gassed upon arrival

Auschwtiz-Birkenau was a 425 acre site where Jews were gassed upon arrival (Click to enlarge)

Newbies to the Holocaust saga might be confused about why the Nazis built a 425-acre camp for the purpose of gassing the Jews upon arrival.  This was how the Nazis tried to fool later generations. The thousands of wooden barracks at Birkenau were fake buildings, that were never used to house prisoners.  Besides that, Auschwitz-Birkeanu was never used as a transit camp; the location of the camp was not selected by Heinrich Himmler because of all the train lines coming into this location.

Old women in one of the barracks at Auschwitz-Birkeanu after the camp was liberated

Old women in one of the barracks at Auschwitz-Birkeanu after the camp was liberated

Don’t let the photo above fool you. These women are actresses, posing in a fake barrack at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Old women were immediately gassed upon arrival.  Johann Breyer had a duty to the Jews to stop this massacre.

Johann Breyer was a German soldier, who might have mistakenly thought that his duty was to serve his country (My country, right or wrong) but he was wrong. His duty was to save the Jews from the gas chambers, located 3 kilometers down the road, from where he was a guard.


The quote is from the news article, cited above:
The German government alleges that Breyer served in the Nazi “Death’s Head Guard Battalion” from 1943 to 1945 at Auschwitz and another location according to court papers. They have charged Breyer with complicity in the murder of more than 216,000 Jews from Hungary, Germany, and Czechoslovakia who were deported to Auschwitz in southern Poland on 158 trains. The Germans have asked him to be extradited. Breyer has repeatedly denied any involvement in the deaths of Jews. “Not the slightest idea, never, never, ever,” Breyer told the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1992. “All I know is from the television. What was happening at the camps, it never came up at that time.”
So the gassing of the Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau “never camp up at that time”?   Is he saying that the gassing story was only learned later?  Before you say that this is impossible, remember that Elie Wiesel, who was a prisoner at Auschwitz, didn’t know about the gassing of the Jews at Birkenau. He wrote, in his famous book, entitled Night, that the Jews were tossed into burning pits.  This book was written a few years after the war, when Elie should have known about the gas chambers.

Painting done by a Holocaust survivor shows babies being tossed into a burning pit at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Painting done by a Holocaust survivor shows babies being tossed into a burning pit at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Men selected for labor at Auschwitz-Birkenau were not gassed

Men selected for labor at Auschwitz-Birkenau were not gassed

Women and children walking to the gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkeanu

Women and children walking to the gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkeanau

Look at the background in the two photos above. The train that brought these two groups of Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau is shown in the background. Notice that the fence posts are the same in both photos.

At Auschwitz-Birkenau, the women who were selected to be gassed immediately walked down the same road, that was used by the men who had been selected for labor.  How was Johann Breyer, working as a guard 3 kilometers away, supposed to know that all the prisoners in BOTH of these groups were gassed?  Yet there are still thousands of survivors, who are still living, and lauding the Germans for putting an innocent former German soldier on trial.

Before becoming a guard at the Auschwitz I camp, Johann Breyer had worked at the Buchenwald concentration camp as a guard.  He was transferred to Auschwitz in 1944.

This quote is from a previous American court case against Breyer in 1994:

Breyer was initially assigned to the Buchenwald concentration camp where he served in the SS Totenkopf guard unit from February, 1943 to May, 1944. At Buchenwald, Breyer was trained to use a rifle and guard prisoners. In uniform, Breyer accompanied prisoners to and from work sites, and stood guard with a loaded rifle at the perimeter of the camp, under orders to shoot any prisoner trying to escape who failed to heed a warning to stop. In May, 1944, Breyer was transferred to Auschwitz, a death camp complex established in Nazi-occupied Poland. Again uniformed as an SS Totenkopf guard and armed with a rifle, Breyer patrolled the camp’s perimeters and escorted prisoners to and from work. In August, 1944, Breyer took a paid leave, never to return to guard duty. While Breyer denied that he personally engaged in any abuse of prisoners, he was aware that prisoners were tortured and killed at Buchenwald and Auschwitz.

June 25, 2014

Should old American soldiers be brought into court on a stretcher and tried for World War II war crimes?

German soldiers, killed by Lt. Bill Walsh, after they had surrendered

German soldiers, killed by American Lt. Bill Walsh, after they had surrendered

I previously blogged about the killing of German soldiers by Lt. Bill Walsh, shown in the photo above, at

Today’s news is filled with stories about Johann Breyer, an 89-year-old former German soldier, who has been accused of being an accessory to murder in 158 cases, involving the gassing of Jews at Auchwitz-Birkenau in 1944.  Breyer was a guard at the Auschwitz main camp, and had no involvement with the 158 trains that brought 216,000 Jews to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in May 1944.  There is no evidence that any of these 216,000 Jews were killed in a gas chamber.  There is no evidence that gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

If Johann Breyer can be brought to trial in Germany for alleged crimes committed in 1944, can old American soldiers be tried for the well-known killing of German soldiers, who had surrendered with their hands in the air, in April 1945 at Dachau?

General Patton’s Army was accused of several incidents in which German prisoners of war were shot, which he admitted in his autobiography.

Patton wrote the following entry in his diary on 4 January 1945:

“The Eleventh Armored is very green and took unnecessary losses to no effect. There were also some unfortunate incidents in the shooting of prisoners. I hope we can conceal this.”

In another incident involving the shooting of German and Italian Prisoners of War, an American captain was acquitted on the grounds that he had been following the orders of General Patton, who had discouraged American troops from taking prisoners during the landing of the US Seventh Army in Sicily.

A third execution of German soldiers who had surrendered on April 29th, known as the Webling Incident happened in the village of Webling on the outskirts of of the town of Dachau. American soldiers of the 222nd Regiment of the 42nd Rainbow Division executed soldiers of the German Home Guard after they had surrendered. The Home Guard consisted of young boys and old men who were forced into service in the last desperate days of the war to defend their cities and towns.

After an investigation by the US Army resulted in the court martial of the soldiers involved in these killings, General George S. Patton tore up the papers and tossed them in the wastebasket.

Col. Howard A. Buechner, the American medical officer who was there when Waffen-SS soldiers were executed during the liberation of Dachau, wrote in his book The Hour of the Avenger, regarding the court martial of soldiers in the 45th Thunderbird Division:

“Public outrage would certainly have opposed the prosecution of American heroes for eliminating a group of sadists who so richly deserved to die.”

German soldiers, who so richly deserved to die, had nothing to do with the Dachau concentration camp

German soldiers, who so richly deserved to die, had nothing to do with the concentration camp

I previously blogged about another incident in the killing of innocent German soldiers at Dachau at

German soldiers were imprisoned at Dachau

German soldiers were imprisoned at Dachau

In early July 1945, the U.S. Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC) set up War Crimes Enclosure No. 1 in the former concentration camp at Dachau for suspected German war criminals who had been rounded up by the U.S. Third Army War Crimes Detachment.

In the photo above, accused German war criminals are shown entering the prison compound of the former Dachau concentration camp.

The authority for charging the defeated Germans with war crimes came from the London Agreement, signed after the war on August 8, 1945 by the four winning countries: Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the USA. The basis for the charges against the accused German war criminals was Law Order No. 10, issued by the Allied Control Council, the governing body for Germany before the country was divided into East and West Germany.

Law Order No. 10 defined Crimes against Peace, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity. A fourth crime category was membership in any organization, such as the Nazi party or the SS, that was declared to be criminal by the Allies. The war crimes contained in Law Order No. 10 were new crimes, created specifically for the defeated Germans, not crimes against existing international laws. Any acts committed by the winning Allies which were covered under Law Order No. 10 were not considered war crimes.

Every member of the elite SS volunteer Army was automatically a war criminal because the SS was designated by the Allies as a criminal organization even before anyone was put on trial. Any member of the Nazi political party, who had any official job within the party, was likewise automatically a war criminal regardless of what they had personally done.

Under the Allied concept of participating in a “common plan” to commit war crimes, it was not necessary for a Nazi or a member of the SS to have committed an atrocity themselves; all were automatically guilty under the concept of co-responsibility for any atrocity that might have occurred.

The basis for the “common plan” theory of guilt was Article II, paragraph 2 of Law Order No. 10 which stated as follows:

2. Any person without regard to nationality or the capacity in which he acted, is deemed to have committed a crime as defined in paragraph 1 of this Article, if he was (a) a principal or (b) was an accessory to the commission of any such crime or ordered or abetted the same or (c) took a consenting part therein or (d) was connected with plans or enterprises involving its commission or (e) was a member of any organization or group connected with the commission of any such crime or (f) with reference to paragraph 1 (a), if he held a high political, civil or military (including General Staff) position in Germany or in one of its Allies, co-belligerents or satellites or held high position in the financial, industrial or economic life of any such country.

Thirty thousand German soldiers were held, without trial, as prisoners for years after the war. Note that the name of the camp indicated that all German soldiers were war criminals.

As far as I know, there were no American soldiers put on trial for killing German soldiers who had surrendered with their hands in the air.

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Shouldn’t old soldiers in American be treated the same as old soldiers in the German army?

Unfortunately, the policy in America is to cover up crimes committed by US soldiers.  Remember Bradley Manning?

This quote is from an article, which you can read at

[US] Soldiers who have blown the whistle on atrocities committed by others in uniform, meanwhile, have been subjected to the full force of the government’s wrath. Since 2008, six soldiers have been charged with espionage for revealing information to journalists about atrocities committed by U.S. soldiers. When Private Bradley E. Manning sent Wikileaks a video of U.S. soldiers gunning down civilians in Iraq, he was arrested, and he has been detained in inhumane conditions in solitary confinement since. As Mazahir M. Hussain noted, “Bradley Manning should’ve really considered committing some war crimes instead of exposing them, [it] worked well for Frank Wuterich.”


June 23, 2014

Johann Breyer was complicit in the murder of 216,000 Jews in the gas chamber at Auschwitz — Updated

John Breyer, at the age of 17, when he was in the German army

John Breyer, at the age of 17, when he was in the German army

Update July 23, 2014:  John Breyer has died while awaiting trial.
You can read about it here.  He will probably be put on trial, even after his death. I wrote that Breyer might be put on trial after his death here.

Update June 24, 2014:

According to a news article, which you can read in full here, Johann Breyer has been charged with crimes committed at the Auschwitz II camp, from May 1944 to October 1944, when the Hungarian Jews were brought to the camp in 158 trains. Starting in May 1944, Breyer was a perimeter guard at the Auschwitz I camp, which was 3 kilometers from the Auschwitz II camp.  Before that, he was a perimeter guard at the Buchenwald concentration camp, where there was no gas chamber.

The following quote is from the news article:

In Germany, Breyer was accused in connection to the extermination of approximately 158 trainloads of Jewish prisoners coming from Hungary, Germany and Czechoslovakia. This is documented to have occurred between May 1944 to October 1944. Thousands of women, men and children from the trains were sent to their deaths in the gas chambers. Breyer has denied any direct involvement in the execution process. Prosecutors argue that being a perimeter guard [at the main Auschwitz camp] and his overall presence in the camps is being involved in the process and that his role served to aid in the the deaths.

The reporter, who wrote this article used a photo from this page of my website:

Unfortunately, the reporter didn’t read the text on my website, after stealing the photo, or she would have known that the Jews, who were gassed between May 1944 and October 1944, were gassed at the Auschwitz II camp, aka Auschwitz-Birkenau.  My photo shows the gate into the Auschwitz I camp, where Breyer was a guard, but the gas chamber in this camp was no longer in operation in 1944.

Another news article, which you can read in full here, also gets the story completely wrong.

This quote is from the article, cited above:

As an armed guard at the Nazi concentration [main] camp at Auschwitz and a member of the notorious SS “Death’s Head” battalion, the authorities charged on Wednesday, Mr. Breyer was complicit in the gassing of 216,000 Jews taken [to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp] in 1944 from Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany.

The Germans, seeking to have him extradited to stand trial, have charged him with 158 counts of aiding and abetting in murder — one count for each of the 158 trainloads of Jews taken to the killing center at [the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp] in a six-month span. Most of the so-called deportees, including many thousands of women, children and old people, were killed in gas chambers almost immediately after arriving at Auschwitz [Birkeanau], with their bodies burned in four crematories.

Mr. Breyer acknowledged two decades ago, when first questioned by the American authorities, that he had worked as a guard at Auschwitz [main camp], but he said that he had done so involuntarily and had nothing to do with the gassings. His lawyer, Dennis Boyle, insisted Wednesday that Mr. Breyer had worked in a prison section of Auschwitz [ main camp], not among the guards in the extermination area [Auschwitz-Birkeanu]. “He was absolutely not one of those guards,” Mr. Boyle said.

You can read about the history of the “Death’s Head” unit of the SS on this page of my website:

Continue reading my original post:

According to a recent news article, which you can read in full here, 89-year old former German SS soldier Johann Breyer, now living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the USA, has been charged with being “complicit” in 158 cases of murder in the deaths of 216,000 Jews at Auschwitz.

Complicit? What does that mean? It means that he was present, somewhere inside one of the three Auschwitz camps, when 216,000 Jews arrived on 158 trains, and he did nothing to prevent the Jews from being taken to the gas chamber.  If he had tried to prevent the deaths of these 216,000 Jews, he would have been shot, on the spot, but he would have gone down in history as a hero, who tried to save Jews from an ignominious death.

Copy of the "criminal complaint" against Johann Breyer

The “criminal complaint” against Johann Breyer (click on the photo to enlarge)

The Talmud teaches that “He who saves a single life, saves the world entire.”

Are the names of the 216,000 Jews, who arrived on these 158 trains known?  Yes, but there was always a “selection” done by Dr. Josef Mengele, who was always at the ramp, looking for twins for his experiments.

The Jews, who were gassed immediately after they got off the trains in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, were not registered, so their names are unknown.

Each of the Holocaust survivors, who is still alive today, has a story about why they were not gassed.

Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau

What the news article didn’t tell you is that Breyer will be prosecuted in a German court, under the “common design” theory, an ex-post-facto law, that was made up by the Allies after the war. Under this concept, every German man or woman was guilty of murdering Jews, if they were anywhere near a concentration camp during World War II, working in any capacity. Even a person, who once worked as a baker, or a supply clerk in a Nazi camp, is guilty under the “common plan” or “common design” concept that was dreamed up by the Allies after the war.

This quote is from the news article:

An 89-year-old Philadelphia man [Johann Breyer] was ordered held without bail today on a German arrest warrant charging that he aided and abetted in the deaths of 216,000 Jews while he was a guard at the Auschwitz death camp.

The “Auschwitz death camp” was Auschwitz-Birkenau, aka Auschwitz II, which was located near the “Judenrampe” (shown in the photo below) where the Jews got off the trains, before the tracks were extended inside the camp when the Hungarian Jews were deported in May 1944.

The train ramp, from where the Jews were taken to the Auschwitz II camp

The train ramp, from where the Jews were taken to the Auschwitz II camp to be gassed

However, this quote from the news article says that Breyer worked at the Auschwitz I camp:

Breyer testified in U.S. court that he served as a perimeter guard at Auschwitz I, which was largely for prisoners used as slave laborers, though it also had a makeshift gas chamber used early in the war; it was also the camp where SS doctor Josef Mengele carried out sadistic experiments on inmates.

But [Breyer] denied ever serving in Auschwitz II, better known as Auschwitz-Birkenau, the death camp area where the bulk of the people were killed.

Note that, according to the news article, the Auschwitz I camp had a “makeshift gas chamber.”  What does that mean?  Is this a reference to the fact, now admitted, that the gas chamber in the main camp was created by the Soviets after the war?

Or is the term “makeshift gas chamber” an admission that the so-called gas chamber in the main camp was a morgue room that could not have been used as a homicidal gas chamber?

Will the prosecution have to prove that the “makeshift gas chamber” in the main camp could have been used to kill people?  No, of course not. It is “common knowledge” that Jews were gassed inside what looks like a morgue room in the main Auschwitz camp.

Gas chamber in main Auschwitz camp was located in the morgue room

Gas chamber in main Auschwitz camp was located in the morgue room (Click on photo to enlarge)

Quote from the news article:

By early 1943, [Breyer] arrived at Auschwitz, still a [17-year-old] teenager. He allegedly became a member of the Death’s Head battalion. In the next year, 216,000 Jews arrived by train and “were exterminated upon arrival,” the indictment says. They “were taken from the train ramp by armed Death’s Head guards directly to the gas chambers for extermination. … The armed Death’s Head guards were under orders to shoot to kill anyone who tried to escape.”

Note that all the Jews, who had arrived by train, “were exterminated upon arrival.”  What? There were no selections?  Where was Dr. Mengele when these 216,000 Jews arrived by train? Maybe he was sick.  It is known that Dr. Mengele got typhus while he was at Auschwitz, so maybe he missed doing the selections from 158 trains.

You can read about the “Death’s Head” battalion on my website at

The photo below shows the “Death’s Head” emblem. Any German soldier, who wore this emblem, was a criminal, under the ex-post-facto laws of the Allies.

Death's Head emblem worn by SS men on their caps.

Death’s Head emblem worn by SS men on their caps.

If Johann Breyer is renditioned to Germany for prosecution under the “common design” charge, he will be automatically convicted because there is no defense against the “common design” charge. Any German person, who was anywhere near a German concentration camp is automatically guilty, regardless of his or her job at the camp.

John Breyer claims that he does not have a tattoo, which all SS soldiers were supposed to have, showing their blood type. Dr. Mengele did not have this tattoo either.  If an SS soldier were caught after the war, he would have been instantly recognizable as an SS soldier, so apparently these soldiers were given a choice in the matter, since the tattoo marked them as a “war criminal.”

June 22, 2014

“photogenic felon” looks like a “Hitler youth” sez Bob Beckel on “The Five” talk show

Filed under: California, Germany, TV shows — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 7:46 am
Mug shot of a criminal in California that has gone viral

Mug shot of a criminal in California has gone viral

Update, July 2, 2014:  Fox News reported today that the “photogenic felon” has signed with an agent, who will be in charge of finding modeling jobs for him. His photo would be great in advertisements, but what kind of products would show him — with his teardrop tattoo, which means that he has killed people.

Read my original post:

On Friday, Bob Beckel said, on “The Five” talk show on Fox News, that “the photogenic felon” shown in the photo above looks like a Hitler Youth.

I think that what über liberal Bob Beckel was trying to say is that this 30-year-old American felon looks like the worst criminal in the world.  The worst criminals in the world are the Germans, especially the German citizens who were followers of Hitler.

When I started to write this blog post today, I had to look up the spelling of the name, to make sure that I got it right. I thought that the correct spelling would be Bechel since this is obviously a German name.  During World War I, a lot of German-Americans changed the spelling of their names; his family had probably changed their name long before that.

Bob Beckel is on The Five show on Fox News

Bob Beckel is on The Five show on Fox News

How many blue-eyed “Rhineland bastards” were in the Hitler Youth?

A mixed race German boy

A mixed race German boy

I was surprised to learn that the “photogenic felon” is from Stockton, California, which is only a few miles from Sacramento.  Around 20 years ago, I was riding on a city bus in Sacramento, and a little boy about 10 years old was sitting across from me.  He had beautiful light blue eyes, and the light complexion of a mixed race African American person.  I was stunned by his uncommon good looks.  It could be that this little boy grew up to be the “photogenic felon.”

In Germany, in the 1930s, there were Afro-German children, who were the offspring of French soldiers stationed in the Rhineland. When Hitler came to power, he ordered that these children must be sterilized or leave Germany.  You can be sure that none of these children, with African blood, were in the Hitler Youth.

This quote about Afro-Germans, in World War II, is from Wikipedia:

Under eugenics laws during the Third Reich, race alone was not sufficient criteria for forced sterilization, but anyone could request sterilization for themselves or a minor under their care.[12] The cohort of mixed-race children born during occupation were approaching adulthood when, in 1937, with Hitler’s approval, a special Gestapo commission was created and charged with “the discrete sterilization of the Rhineland bastards.”[13] It is unclear how much these minors were told about the procedures, or how many parents only consented under pressure from the Gestapo.[14] An estimated 500 children were sterilized under this program, including girls as young as 12.[15]

Bob Beckel’s comment was a grave insult to today’s German people.

If you don’t know who Bob Beckel is, you can read more about his antics on “The Five” TV show at


June 20, 2014

Holocaust survivor was saved from the gas chamber at Auschwitz because “the camp commander was afraid to carry out more exterminations”

Filed under: Dachau, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 2:48 pm

You can read the full story of Holocaust survivor Dina Rosenberg Jacobson in this news article at

This quote is from near the end of the article, cited in the link above:

Toward the war’s end, Jacobson said she was among a group of women sent to the gas chamber at Auschwitz, but released after 24 hours. She said in a 1977 interview she believed the camp commander was afraid to carry out more exterminations.

The “camp commander” is not named in the article. This could have been Josef Kramer, or it might have been Rudolf Hoess.

The photo below shows Dr. Josef Mengele on the left, Rudold Hoess in the center and Josef Kramer on the right. Dr. Mengle made the selections for the gas chamer, and the other two men were, at separate times, commandants at Auschwitz

Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess, and Josef Kramer

Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess, and Josef Kramer

What did the “camp commander” think would happen to him if he carried out more “exterminations”?   The extermination [ausrotten] of the Jews had been ordered by Hitler. The camp commander should have been afraid of what would happen to him if he didn’t carry out more “exterminations.”  Did he expect mercy from the Allies if he stopped the “exterminations”?  His goose was already cooked because he had carried out some “exterminations” already.  [Extermination is the Holocaust believers definition of ausrotten. The German definition of ausrotten is “to get rid of.”]

This quote is also from the article about Dina Rosenberg Jacobson:

Dina Rosenberg Jacobson looks down at [the number tattooed on her arm]. “8-2-7-7-9,” she said, without emotion. “That is the name.”

But not the essence of this Holocaust survivor who, as a young woman seven decades ago, lost nearly all her family and was stripped of her own name and humanity in a concentration camp.

Dina Rosenberg was NOT stripped of her own name.  She was given a unique number, that was exclusively her identification, so that she could not be confused with any other young woman with the name Rosenberg, which is a very common name for Jews.

Here is the gist of Dina Rosenberg’s story, as told in the news article:

In Auschwitz, she and other prisoners got up at 3 a.m. and went to bed at 10 p.m. They moved big rocks back and forth all day long in an effort to break their spirit. They knelt for hours on gravel until their legs bled. She lost hearing when a guard hit her. Stale bread and rotten cabbage soup was a meal. Hunger and thirst was a constant. A wrong look at a guard or wavering in line could earn punishment or death. Countless times, she saw others pulled or herded into the gas chamber.

Why did the guards at Auschwitz allow witnesses to see them pulling or herding the Jews into the gas chamber? Did they want to make sure that, after the war, the Allies would know that Jews had been killed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz?

Were there signs on the gas chamber buildings at Auschwitz, so that witnesses like Dina Rosenberg would know that the Jews were being gassed?

U.S. soldier poses in  front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers

U.S. soldier poses in front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers at Dachau

At Dachau, the Nazis had the courtesy to put a sign, which said “Gaszeit” [gas time] on the door to a gas chamber so that witnesses would know that the Jews were being “herded into the gas  chamber.”  What’s the use of gassing Jews if no one knows about it?

The tattoo number on Dina Rosenberg’s arm is unique: 8-2-7-7-9. Is it possible that the Nazis created a new series of numbers, just for her.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has an article which explains the tattoo numbers:

This quote is from the USHMM website:

The site of the tattoo was changed to the outer side of the left forearm. However, prisoners from several transports in 1943 had their numbers tattooed on the inner side of their left upper forearms. Tattooing was generally performed during registration when each prisoner was assigned a camp serial number. Since prisoners sent directly to the gas chambers were never issued numbers, they were never tattooed. […]

A third series of numbers was introduced in March 1942 with the arrival of the first female prisoners. Approximately 90,000 female prisoners were identified with a series of numbers created for female prisoners in March 1942 until May 1944. Each new series of numbers introduced at Auschwitz began with “1.” Some Jewish prisoners (but not all) had a triangle tattooed beneath their serial number.

In order to avoid the assignment of excessively high numbers from the general series to the large number of Hungarian Jews arriving in 1944, the SS authorities introduced new sequences of numbers in mid-May 1944. This series, prefaced by the letter A, began with “1” and ended at “20,000.” Once the number 20,000 was reached, a new series beginning with “B” series was introduced. Some 15,000 men received “B” series tattoos. For an unknown reason, the “A” series for women did not stop at 20,000 and continued to 30,000.

Dina Rosenberg’s tattoo number does not fit into the explanation of the numbers, given by the USHMM.  I did some more research to find out what year Dina was sent to Auschwitz. I learned that she had died recently at the age of 92.  The news of her death can be read at

I had to go back to the USHMM website and read the information about the tattoo numbers again.  I found the information quoted below:

A separate series of numbers was introduced in January 1942 for “reeducation” prisoners [non-Jews] who had not received numbers from the general series. Numbers from this new series were assigned retroactively to “reeducation” prisoners who had died or been released, while their superseded general-series serial numbers were reassigned to new “general” arrivals [Jews].

So Dina’s number was not unique after all. She was given a number that had previously been assigned to a non-Jew.  She died at the age of 92, so she was born in 1922 and was 20 years old when she arrived at Auschwitz in 1942 — too old for the gas chamber.  She was kept alive so that she could tell her story, for years on the lecture circuit, claiming to be a witness to the prisoners being gassed at Auschwitz.

Rest in peace, Dina. You did your part in keeping the gas chamber story alive.


The method, used at Dachau, to input the gas into the gas chamber

Filed under: Dachau, Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 8:33 am

Yesterday, one of the readers of my blog provided a link to a website where I found the photo shown below.

Wheel used to turn on the gas which flowed through pipes into the Dachau gas chamber

Hand turning a wheel

The photo above shows what looks like a hand turning a wheel, which will turn on the gas that flowed through pipes, such as the pipes that were found, going into the Dachau shower room.  When the American liberators arrived at Dachau, on April 29, 1945, they had never before seen a homicidal gas chamber, but they assumed that the gas flowed through the shower heads in the large shower room, located just outside the camp.

I took the photo below, which shows two of the wheels, used for turning on the water, which flowed through the shower heads in the alleged Dachau gas chamber.

Pipes going into the Dachau shower room

Pipes going into the Dachau shower room

I took the photo above, through a window on the outside wall of BarackeX at Dachau, which is shown below.

Window on the outside wall in the rear of the Dachau gas chamber

Window on the outside wall in the rear of the BarackeX building, where the gas chamber is located

BarackeX building  at Dachau, where the gas chamber is located

BarackeX building at Dachau

The mass gassing of the Jews had been known since 1942, when the British first announced it over the radio. When the American liberators arrived at Dachau, they were immediately escorted to BarackeX, the gas chamber building, by a British SOE agent, Albert Guérisse, who was a prisoner there; he had been captured while fighting as an illegal combatant in the French Resistance.

An order had been issued from Berlin on July 23, 1942 to begin construction of BarackeX at a cost of 150,000 Reichsmark. On the blueprints for BarackeX, the homicidal gas chamber was called a shower room, but each of the four disinfection chambers was called a Gaskammer, the German word for gas chamber.

By the time that BarackeX was finished in 1943, millions of European Jews had already been killed in the gas chambers at Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor after being transported to the East, and millions more were destined to be sent to the death camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Dachau was mainly a camp for Communist political prisoners, anti-Fascist resistance fighters, most of whom were Catholic, and Soviet POWs.

The photograph above, taken in May 2007, shows Baracke X, the building where the infamous Dachau gas chamber is located.

Display on the wall where the door into the gas chamber is located

Display on the wall where the door into the gas chamber is located

The photograph above, which I took in 2003, shows a display on the wall near the door into the Dachau gas chamber; this display shows a drawing of the pipes, which are shown in the photo which I took through the window at the back of the building.

The display caption reads: “Drawings by Captain Fribourg, member of the French military mission May 1945.”

The drawing shows some “fittings” on the wall to the left of the control wheels which the display says “were stolen in the postwar years.” The title on the drawing of the pipes and wheels reads: “Operating facilities in the adjacent left corridor.”  This refers to the corridor behind the gas chamber.

Pipes on the wall behind the Dachau gas chamber Photo Credit: USHMM, courtesy of William and Dorothy McLaughlin Copyright: USHMM

Pipes on the wall behind the Dachau gas chamber
Photo Credit: USHMM, courtesy of William and Dorothy McLaughlin
Copyright: USHMM

The old photo above shows the pipes and control wheels, which I photographed through the window on the back wall of the gas chamber.

Besides the large homicidal gas chamber, disguised as a shower room, there were four smaller gas chambers in the BarackeX building.  The photo below, taken by the US Army on April 30, 1945, shows one of the smaller gas chambers.

U.S. soldier poses in  front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers

U.S. soldier poses in front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers in the BarackeX building

Door into small gas chamber is now bolted in the open position

Door into small gas chamber is now bolted in the open position

Degesch machine was used in the small gas chambers at Dachau

Degesch machine was used in the small gas chambers at Dachau

In the photo above, you can see a Degesch machine; these machines were on the wall inside the small gas chambers, but not in the gas chamber, disguised as a shower room.

The Degesch machine automatically opened a can of Zyklon-B gas pellets and poured the pellets into a wire basket, so that they could be retrieved after the gassing.  The large homicidal gas chamber at Dachau did not use Zyklon-B pellets.  The gas was liquid and it flowed through the shower heads, which were suspended from the 7.6 ft ceiling.

The official Holocaust story, which you must believe in 19 counries, is that sometimes water flowed through the shower pipes and sometimes, it was gas.  I previously blogged about a Holocaust survivor, who got the water, not the gas.

The photo below shows what the BarackeX building looked like when the American soldiers arrived.

Old photo of BarackeX building, taken in 1945 after Dachau was liberated

Old photo of BarackeX building, taken in 1945 after Dachau was liberated

The photo above shows American soldiers looking at a pile of bodies in front of the BarackeX building. Behind the bodies is a wooden structure, with no roof, which is hiding the holes that were used for pouring the Zyklon-B pellets into the gas chamber.

Outside wall of BarackeX was hidden by a wooden structure

Outside wall of BarackeX was hidden by a wooden structure

After it was learned that the gas used by the Germans in their homicidal gas chambers was in the form of pellets, that could not go through the holes in shower heads, it was miraculously found that the pellets had been put into the Dachau gas chamber through two small chutes on  the outside wall, that were hidden by a wooden screen.

There are very strict laws in Germany, regarding the denial of homicidal gas chambers in the concentration camps, so the tour guides tell the tourists, who flock to Dachau, that the gas chamber was used, and the gas was put into the room through two holes on the outside wall.  Don’t deny this, unless you want to go to prison for 5 years.

Just because you are living in America, which has free speech, don’t think that you are protected.  You can be renditioned to Germany and put on trial for Holocaust denial. Ignorance is no excuse, so just remember what I have told you about the Dachau gas chambers.


June 19, 2014

Former Auschwitz guard “needs to be brougt to trial, even if he passes away…”

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 8:59 am

The title of my blog post today is a quote from Serita Gochal, whose parents and in-laws were Holocaust survivors, according to a news article and video which you can see here.

On the video, Serita can be heard saying: “even if he [Johann Breyer] passes away, he still needs to be brought to trial.”

It is not clear whether Serita thinks that he should be tried in absentia “even if he passes away” or if she wants his dead body to be brought into court and propped up for a trial.

In the video, it is said that Breyer “admits to being a former Nazi and SS guard” at Auschwitz. In that case, of course he is guilty of a war crime. After Word War II was over, the Allies created a new law, called “common design” or “common plan” which made it a crime for any person to be associated with a German concentration camp in any way.

Fake guard tower at  Auschwitz-Birkenau

Fake guard tower at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The photo above shows a guard tower that has been added recently at the former Auschwitz-Birkeanu camp.  There is no way to get into the guard tower, because it is a fake tower. Notice the barbed wire fence in the background.

You can read about the “Dachau trials,” conducted by the American Military Tribunal, after World War II, in which the ex-post-facto “common plan” law was used, on my website at

In the video, in which 89-year-old Johann Breyer is accused of “aiding and abetting” the murder of the Jews at Auschwitz, it is stated that, as a guard, Breyer, “along with all the other guards, made it possible” to kill the Jews.  Of course, Breyer is guilty of mass murder because if he had not been a guard at Auschwitz, the Jews could have escaped.

Barbed wire fence around the men's camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Barbed wire fence around the men’s section at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp

Johann Breyer should have cut the wires in the fence, shown in the photo above, so that the Jews could have escaped from Auschwitz-Birkenau. If Breyer had done that, he would have been put on trail by the Germans and probably shot, but at least he would not have been a “war criminal” for not allowing the Jews to escape.

In the video, it is stated that Breyer is guilty of aiding in the murder of 200,000 to 300,000 Jews. What about the other 700,000 or 600,000 Jews, who were murdered at Auschwitz? Why isn’t Breyer guilty of aiding in those murders?

It is pointed out in the video that there were 158 TRAIN LOADS of Jews brought to Auschwitz.  Yet Breyer is only guilty of aiding in the murder of 200,000 to 300,000 Jews?  If he was there, he is guilty of the murder of 900,000 Jews at Auschwitz. That’s the law!

It is not clear, in the news article, whether Serita Gochal’s parents and in-laws were survivors of Auschwitz, or some other camp. They could have been prominent Jews in the Star camp at Bergen-Belsen, and that’s how they survived.  But it doesn’t matter: “even if [Breyer] passes away, he still needs to be brought to trial.”

I previously blogged here about Jewish revenge and the trial of John Demjanjuk, who was brought into a German court on a stretcher, and tried under the “common plan” ex-post-facto law.  God forbid that Johann Breyer should be given a pass, just because he is 89 years old, and close to death.

REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE. That is the law of the Jews!

June 18, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars movie has scenes showing the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam

Filed under: Holocaust, movies — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 11:04 am

I saw the movie entitled The Fault in Our Stars yesterday.  The movie is fictional, and is based on a 2012 best-selling novel by John Green.

Hazel and Gus, the two main characters in the movie

Hazel and Gus, the two main characters in the movie

The title of the movie comes from a line in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, in which the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus:

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,  but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

In my humble opinion, the movie gets off to a slow start, but improves as it goes along. I thought that the first scenes should have been more dramatic, to get our attention.

I perked up when it was announced in the movie that the two main characters were going to take a trip to Amsterdam. The most famous thing to see in Amsterdam is the Anne Frank house, so naturally I was anxious to see if the movie would include a visit to the house, which is now part of a  Museum.

The Anne Frank house in Amsterdam

The Anne Frank house in Amsterdam

The early scenes in Amsterdam show the area close to the Anne Frank house, but not the house. At first, I thought that the movie was not going to show the house, since it has nothing to do with the plot of the movie. There were scenes showing the canal boats which pass the house, and the church that is near the Anne Frank house is also shown in the background of some scenes.

A canal boat passing the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam

A canal boat passing the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam

I was standing in front of the Anne Frank house, when I took the photo above. Passengers can get off the boat and enter the house, which is now a Museum.

Church that is very near the Anne Frank House

Church that is very near the Anne Frank House

Just when I had given up, and had decided that the Anne Frank house would not be shown in the movie, the two main characters in the movie decide to visit the house.

The entrance into the Anne Frank house is from another house that is next door; visitors must stand in a long line before they can get in. The house next door is shown in the photo below.

House that is next door to the Anne Frank house

House that is next door to the Anne Frank house

Entrance into the Anne Frank Museum is through a modern building at 267 Prinsengracht, which is shown in the photo below.

Entrance into the Anne Frank Museum

Entrance into the Anne Frank Museum

The front door into the Anne Frank house is not open

The front door into the Anne Frank house is not open

Just after Hazel and Gus enter the Anne Frank house, Hazel asks an attendant if she can take the elevator. She is told that there is no elevator, which is a bald-faced lie.  I was also told that there was no elevator when I asked.

The steps up to the attic, where Anne Frank hid, are shown in the movie. These steps are so steep that they should really be called a ladder. Hazel has to drag her oxygen tank with her up the steps.

There are no scenes of the rooms where Anne and her family hid.  Would it have killed them to show the rooms?

The reason that the rooms are not shown is because the Anne Frank house is a money machine.  The Museum rakes in billions (maybe trillions) of dollars by charging admission.  No photos are allowed to be taken, because the Museum wants to sell photos of the rooms. No photos of the rooms can be put on the Internet because the Museum folks will demand that they be taken  down. Don’t even try it.

But to get back to the elevator. The exit from the Museum is through a building next door which has a modern elevator.  Important people are taken up to the attic by this elevator and they enter the Museum through what is the exit for the lowly tourists.

I felt that the movie was disingenuous in telling poor Hazel that she had to climb the steep stairs, dragging her oxygen tank behind her.

The Museum personnel should have come clean and said, “Yes, there is an elevator, but it is only for important people, not for you, Honey. We don’t care if you die while climbing the stairs; you are not good enough to use the elevator.”

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