Scrapbookpages Blog

July 31, 2017

A new museum will soon open at the Treblinka death camp

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 11:49 am

You can read here about the new museum that is going up at the site of the Treblinka death camp:,Poland-to-open-new-museum-at-German-Nazi-Treblinka-death-camp

Recent photo of Treblinka death camp

When I started studying the Holocaust, and going to the sites of the former camps, the first place that I went, was to Treblinka. I put up a section on my website about Treblinka:

My 1998 photo of the stones in the Treblinka symbolic cemetery

You can read all about Treblinka on my website at

The pages on my website, which are cited above, are strictly kosher. No Holocaust denial! When I went to visit Treblinka, I was a Holocaust believer. I did not start on the path to Denial, until after I saw Treblinka.

To understand what caused me to get on the path to Denial, start by reading this page on my website:

July 30, 2017

A famous Holocaust photo that is back in the news….

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Uncategorized, World War II — furtherglory @ 4:09 pm

Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and other high-ranking U.S. Army officers on April 12, 1945, view the bodies of prisoners who were killed during the evacuation of the Ohrdruf camp in Ohrdruf, Germany. Courtesy | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park.

The photo above, from the July 30th, 2017 Joplin Globe, marks the start of the Holocaust as we know it today.

The following quote from my website tells the story of the photo:

Begin quote from my website

On April 4, 1945, American soldiers of the 4th Armored Division of General Patton’s US Third Army were moving through the area south of the city of Gotha in search of a secret Nazi communications center when they unexpectedly came across the ghastly scene of the abandoned Ohrdruf forced labor camp [shown in the photo above].

A few soldiers in the 354th Infantry Regiment of the 89th Infantry Division of the US Third Army reached the abandoned camp that same day, after being alerted by prisoners who had escaped from the march out of the camp, which had started on April 2nd.

Prior to that, in September 1944, US troops had witnessed their first concentration camp: the abandoned Natzweiler camp in Alsace, which was then a part of the Greater German Reich, but is now in France.

Ohrdruf, also known as Ohrdruf-Nord, was the first Nazi prison camp to be discovered while it still had inmates living inside of it, although 9,000 prisoners had already been evacuated from Ohrdruf on April 2nd and marched 32 miles to the main camp at Buchenwald.

According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the camp had a population of 11,700 prisoners in late March, 1945 before the evacuation began.

The photograph at the top of this article, taken at Ohrdruf on April 8, 1945, shows survivors who had escaped during the evacuation of the camp, but came back after the American liberators arrived.

One of the American liberators who saw the Ohrdruf camp on April 4, 1945 was Bruce Nickols. He was on a patrol as a member of the I & R platoon attached to the Headquarters company of the 354th Infantry Regiment of the 89th Infantry Division, Third US Army.

According to Nickols, there were survivors in the barracks who had hidden when the SS massacred 60 to 70 prisoners on the roll call square, before they left the camp on April 2nd. The body of a dead SS soldier lay at the entrance to the camp, according to Nickols.

The American soldiers were told by Ohrdruf survivors that these prisoners had been shot by the SS on April 2nd because they had run out of trucks for transporting sick prisoners out of the camp, but there were sick prisoners still inside the barracks when the Americans arrived.

Among the soldiers who helped to liberate Ohrdruf was Charles T. Payne, who is Senator Barak Obama’s great uncle, the brother of his maternal grandmother. Charles T. Payne was a member of Company K, 355th Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Division.

According to an Associated Press story, published on June 4, 2009, Charles T. Payne’s unit arrived at the Ohrdruf camp on April 6, 1945.

End quote from my website

The following is an excerpt from an Associated Press article:

Begin quote

“I remember the whole area before you got to the camp, the town and around the camp, was full of people who had been inmates,” Payne, 84, said in a telephone interview from his home in Chicago.

“The people were in terrible shape, dressed in rags, most of them emaciated, the effects of starvation. Practically skin and bones.”

When Payne’s unit arrived, the gates to the camp were open, the Nazis already gone.

“In the gate, in the very middle of the gate on the ground was a dead man whose head had been beaten in with a metal bar,” Payne recalled. The body was of a prisoner who had served as a guard under the Germans and been killed by other inmates that morning.

“A short distance inside the front gate was a place where almost a circle of people had been … killed and were lying on the ground, holding their tin cups, as if they had been expecting food and were instead killed,” he said. “You could see where the machine gun had been set up behind some bushes, but the Germans were all gone by that time.”

He said he only moved some 200-300 feet (60-100 meters) inside of the camp. But that was enough to capture images so horrible that Gen. George S. Patton Jr. ordered townspeople into Ohrdruf to see for themselves the crimes committed by their countrymen – an order that would repeated at Buchenwald, Dachau and other camps liberated by U.S. soldiers.

“In some sheds were stacks of bodies, stripped extremely – most of them looked like they had starved to death. They had sprinkled lime over them to keep the smell down and stacked them several high and the length of the room,” Payne said.

End quote

On April 11, 1945, just a week after the discovery of the Ohrdruf camp, American soldiers liberated the infamous Buchenwald main camp, which was to become synonymous with Nazi barbarity for a whole generation of Americans.

Buchenwald is located 5 miles north of the city of Weimar, which is 20 miles to the east of Gotha, where General Dwight D. Eisenhower had set up his headquarters.

The Ohrdruf forced labor camp was a sub-camp of the huge Buchenwald camp. Ohrdruf had been opened in November 1944 when prisoners were brought from Buchenwald to work on the construction of a vast underground bunker to house a new Führer headquarters for Hitler and his henchmen. This location was in the vicinity of a secret Nazi communications center and it was also near an underground salt mine where the Nazis had stored their treasures.

A. C. Boyd was one of the soldiers in the 89th Infantry Division who witnessed the Ohrdruf “death camp.” In a recent news article, written by Jimmy Smothers, Boyd mentioned that he saw bodies of prisoners who had been gassed at Ohrdruf.

There has been some speculation that the Germans might have tested an atomic bomb near Ohrdruf. In his book entitled “The SS Brotherhood of the Bell,” author James P. Farrell wrote about “the alleged German test of a small critical mass, high yield atom bomb at or near the Ohrdruf troop parade ground on March 4, 1945.” The “troop parade ground” was at the German Army Base right next to the Ohrdruf labor camp.

Why did General Eisenhower immediately order a propaganda campaign about Nazi atrocities? Was it to distract the media from discovering a far more important story?

The first news reel about the Nazi camps called Ohrdruf a “murder mill.” The camp was claimed to be a place where prisoners were killed; the possibility of an atomic bomb being made was not mentioned.

That’s all she wrote — and she rubbed that out. [lines from a song]



July 29, 2017

How would you define the term “Polish death camp”?

Filed under: Auschwitz, Germany, Holocaust, Uncategorized — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 3:22 pm

Is this a photo of a Polish death camp? Or a photo of a  death camp in Poland?

What is a “Polish death camp”?  Is it a death camp located in Poland, or is it a death camp run by Polish people?

This news story is concerned with this problem:,German-broadcaster-refuses-to-apologise-for-%E2%80%98Polish-death-camp%E2%80%99-reference-report

The following quote is from the news report:

Begin quote

Auschwitz survivor Karol Tendera launched legal action over the promotion of a ZDF documentary about the liberation of Majdanek and Auschwitz, WWII German Nazi death camps located in occupied Poland.

In the promotional material on the website, the expression “Polish death camps” was used. The description was changed after Polish authorities protested.

In April 2016, a Kraków district court found that ZDF had damaged Tendera’s dignity and national identity by referring to WWII German Nazi concentration camps Majdanek and Auschwitz as “Polish death camps”.

The use of the term “Polish concentration camp” by international media outlets has sparked numerous complaints from Poland in recent years, prompting some news agencies to change their style guidelines.

In 2007, following a Polish request, the World Heritage Committee attempted to clarify the matter by listing the Auschwitz camp as a “German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp”. (pk)

End quote

As a person who has a degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri, I think that the proper term would be “a death camp in Poland” not “a Polish death camp.”

The term “Polish death camp” implies that the death camp was run by Polish people. The term “a death camp in Poland” does not imply that the death camp was run by Polish people, although it was located in the country of Poland.

July 28, 2017

The words of Anne Frank…

Filed under: Holocaust, Uncategorized — Tags: — furtherglory @ 1:19 pm

Photo of Anne Frank at the age of 13

The following words are a famous quote from The Diary of Anne Frank:

It’s difficult in times like these: Ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.

We began in Berlin where we visited the Wannsee house….

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 10:58 am

The title of my blog post today is a quote from a news article which you can read in full at

My photo of Wannsee house

The purpose of my blog post today is to warn you that the Wannsee house is in a SUBURB of Berlin, not in the heart of the city of Berlin. If you call a taxi in the city of Berlin, and tell the driver to take you to the Wannsee house, where the Holocaust was planned, you will be in for a long, and expensive, ride.

My photo of the entrance to the famous  Wannsee house


My photo of the rear of the Wannsee house

The following is a quote from my website:

After World War II ended on May 8, 1945, the Allied powers began a search for the Nazi documents that they would need as evidence at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal which was set to begin in November 1945. They found tons of paperwork including secret documents hidden in salt mines and behind walls in the Nazi administration buildings. But the one most important document, the order signed by Adolf Hitler which gave the authority for the genocide of the Jews, was never found.

Finally, in 1947, long after the first proceedings of the Nuremberg IMT had ended, the minutes of a conference held on January 20, 1942 at a villa in Wannsee, a district of Berlin, were found. At this conference, the plans for the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” had been discussed. Today, tourists can stand in the very room where the plans were made for the genocide of the Jews.

The photograph above shows the front of the Wannsee villa, as you approach from a short straight driveway off a street named Am Grossen Wannsee. (Wannsee is pronounced VON-say.) The property has now been converted into a Holocaust Museum, which opened in 1992 on the fiftieth anniversary of the conference.

Begin quote from news article:

The Holocaust remains a crime that boggles the imagination, a tragedy that is as mysterious as it is horrifying. I’ve read dozens of books on the subject, most recently Lawrence Rees’s outstanding work, The Holocaust. Taken together, these thorough studies map out the figures, methods, and very mechanics of the Nazi slaughter. But what I failed to grasp even after such extensive reading was a profound understanding of just how the Nazis believed they could actually succeed in slaughtering an entire nation across an entire continent— all while at war with much of the known world. How could they possibly have set out on a plan of murder so vast that it defies all logic? How did they think they even had the wherewithal to pull it off?

Though tormenting in the extreme, I believe this journey has given me a clue. The Nazis, I have come to understand, would eradicate the Jewish nation by always holding out the possibility that, against most of the evidence, some might still live. The Jews were led to believe that if they just cooperated, their children would survive. They could not believe that Hitler would be hateful enough to eradicate an entire nation which could be used for labor in a time of war. A hatred this extreme and so utterly self-destructive had no precedent in world history. Cognitive dissonance played a further role, and the Jews could simply not accept that the Nazis intended their total annihilation.

End quote

What I am trying to tell you, in this blog post, is that the Jews will never understand why they were Holocausted. What’s wrong with lying, stealing and cheating, as the Jews have always done?


Who remembers the “dancing Israeli Jews” on 9-11?

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 8:17 am

This video is quite long, but if you watch it all the way to the end, you will see two-faced Trump sing a different tune. Enjoy!

July 27, 2017

It was a year ago today that Trump asked the Russians to help him win the election

Filed under: Trump, Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 7:55 pm

You can read all  about it here:

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

WASHINGTON ― On July 27, 2016, Donald J. Trump stood behind a lectern in a Miami suburb and asked the Russian government to intervene in the 2016 election.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump told a crowded press conference, referring to messages his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, kept on a private server and deleted. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Twelve months later, top U.S. intelligence officials have said Russian state-backed entities did something similar to what Trump asked for: They hacked and released internal Democratic Party emails to embarrass Clinton and aid Trump. The leaked materials dominated media coverage for weeks, notably in the lead-up to Election Day itself.

End quote



Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book will double down on Russia’s interference and James Comey’s involvement in her stunning election defeat

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 4:01 pm

The following quotes are from a news article I blogged about briefly yesterday, published in “theHill” on which you can read in full at

Begin quote from news article cited above:

The memoir’s focus on how Russia and Comey, the former FBI director fired earlier this year by President Trump, cost Clinton the White House would run counter to recent messaging from Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats about the party’s disappointing 2016 results.

“When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Schumer told The Washington Post earlier this week. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

End quote

I had no idea that James Comey was involved in the Russian interference in the American presidential election.

This quote is also from the news article:

Begin quote

While the book will zero in on Russia and Comey — which Clinton has said are the two biggest contributing factors to her loss — it will also examine other factors she blames for a role in her defeat, including sexism and misogyny…

At a Recode tech conference in May, Clinton said, “I take responsibility for every decision I make — but that’s not why I lost” — a sentiment she has also told allies.


“She [Hillary] believes she would have won and that Russia and Comey ultimately brought her down,” one longtime adviser said. “She feels validated by all the news circulating out there about Russia.”

End quote

The Jew who kissed [Doctor] Mengele’s boots in order to survive

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 11:30 am

Dr. Josef Mengele is never given the title of Doctor, because he killed Jews. Anyone who kills Jews does not deserve any respect.

Today I am writing about Holocaust survivor Sam Pivnik. The following quote is from a news article about him, which you can read at

Begin quote from news article:

Ninety-year-old Sam Pivnik, who lives at Jewish Care’s Clore Manor Care Home, hasn’t celebrated his birthday since the German Nazis invaded Poland and took away his childhood in the village of Bedzin on the day he turned 13.

Sam Pivak at the age of 12, and today at the age of 93

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

“Sometimes we had more to eat sometimes we had less”, says the man who lived in a household of ten. But his father’s artisan status as a tailor with his own shop meant they got by – until Hitler’s laws against Jews kicked in. Sam’s father lost his job, his status and soon his family were forced into Bedzin ghetto until they were put on cattle trucks on 6 August 1943 and sent to Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camp.

“I’m telling you God looked after me. The cattle trains…I can’t describe…it’s sheer God’s will to survive.”

When the train finally stopped, he heard people whisper: ‘Say you are older, say you are 16’. Sam was 15. People below the age of 16 wouldn’t be taken into the camp but would instead be sent to the gas chamber.

He says that when he exited the train: “We were yelled at. Like cattle, whipped.” SS officers jabbed at them with guns as large dogs barked. Two groups were formed, families with old people and children and another with men aged from their teens to 50s. Sam’s mother shoved him in the direction of the men’s group telling him to save himself and get in line with the men. Sam did and told her he’d see her tomorrow. It was to be the last time he ever saw her.

His father, mother, sister Chana, brothers Meir, Wolf and Josef were all murdered in the gas chamber on arrival. His other sister Handel survived for 10 days before she too was selected for the gas chamber. “I couldn’t do anything for them or for myself”, he says, his eyes fixed ahead.

Sam Pivnik, (pictured far left) was given the job of Rampkommando at Auschwitz

That day, Sam’s hair was shaved, given a dead man’s striped uniform to wear and, as prisoner number ‘135913’, he was picked to work at the Birkenau ramp. He listened as bolts on the cattle trucks were slid back and fresh arrivals he called ‘poor damned souls’ emerged from the trains blinking from the brightness.

Death lottery

Nazi documents confirm Sam survived half a year in Auschwitz – a rare feat. He describes the ‘selection process’ of people to the right given life, to the left gas.

To illustrate, Sam lifts his finger in the air and stares in the distance, imitating the action of the gloved hand belonging, he says, to the man known as the ‘Angel of Death’ Dr Josef Mengele. Sam’s finger darting this way and that, says out loud: “Right. Left. Left. Right. Left.” And at this time, Sam the teenager is immortalised in a photograph at Auschwitz today. For in his job as Rampkommando he was told to stand to the side by the train to prevent anyone who came out of it from slipping away from the ‘selection process’ past the throng. But he knows there was nowhere to run to.

Dragging the dead

He says ‘I barely noticed them now. Toddlers clinging to their mothers. Orthodox elders trying to talk to the Kommando, asking for an explanation of the inexplicable, old people wide-eyed and shaking’, he wrote in a book about his story ‘Survivor: Auschwitz, The Death March And My Fight For Freedom’. ‘And I went about my business as I always did, dragging the stiff, sh*t-caked bodies out of the trucks, trying not to breath in the stench. We laid them down on the concrete. It looked like a battlefield, as it always did.’

As the bodies were carted away, they made way for coats, bags and it was Sam’s job of emptying the trucks that helped him survive another day. There he scoffed bits of food left in the wagons and pocketed jewellery to bribe others.

End quote from news article

And so it goes — another heart-warming story of a Holocaust survivor who has lived to a ripe old age. Why do Holocaust survivors tend to live long lives? I believe that it is because of their meager diet consisting of potatoes and vegetables, with very little meat.


July 26, 2017

Russia and Comey — Hillary Clinton has said these 2 are the two biggest contributing factors to her loss

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 6:48 pm

According to a recent news article in “theHill” published on

Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book will double down on Russia’s interference and James Comey’s involvement in her stunning election defeat, according to sources familiar with the memoir. 

Privately, Clinton has told friends and longtime associates that she “wants the whole story out there” as she rushes to tweak and put the finishing touches on the book due out in September.

“She really believes that’s why she lost, and she wants to explain why in no uncertain terms,” one longtime ally said. “She wants the whole story out there from her own perspective. I think a lot of people are going to be really surprised by how much she reveals.”

The ally said the book of personal essays will be a “bombshell.”

The memoir’s focus on how Russia and Comey, the former FBI director fired earlier this year by President Trump, cost Clinton the White House would run counter to recent messaging from Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats about the party’s disappointing 2016 results.

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