Scrapbookpages Blog

January 22, 2015

Soldiers in the First Army of the Ukrainian Front liberated Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945

Soldiers who participated in the liberation of Auschwitz

Soldiers who participated in the liberation of Auschwitz

The young woman in the center of the photo above is a Communist political prisoner named Olga. This is a still shot from the Soviet movie, which is shown to tourists at the Auschwitz Museum in the main camp. Note the badge worn by the elderly woman, which indicates that she is a political prisoner, aka an illegal combatant.

The liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 was the most important event that ever happened in the entire history of the world, so it is important to correctly identify the liberators.

A  recent news article, which you can read in full here, claims that it was Ukrainians, not Russians, who liberated Auschwitz.  The photo above was taken in February 1945 because the liberating soldiers did not have cameras with them.  The liberation had to be re-enacted.

Here is the real story of the liberation of Auschwitz:

On January 18, 1945, the three Auschwitz camps, called Auschwitz I, II and III, and the 40 satellite camps had been abandoned by the German Nazis. The prisoners, who chose to leave with the Germans, were marched out of the camp.

The gassing of the Jews at Auschwitz II, also known as Birkenau, had stopped at the end of October 1944. The evacuation of the Birkenau survivors to other concentration camps in the West had already begun in early October.

Anne Frank and her sister Margo were on one of the first transports out of Auschwitz, which took them to Bergen-Belsen, where they both died of typhus.

Aerial photos taken by the Allies showed that the roofs of crematoria buildings Krema II and Krema III and Krema IV at Birkenau had been removed in November 1944, so that the cremation ovens could be lifted out with cranes and transported to Germany.

Unfortunately, the four gas chambers in the Birkenau camp had not been destroyed by the Germans at the same time that the cremation ovens were lifted out of these building.

Photo of the ruins of a gas chamber, allegely found by the Soviet liberators in January 1945

 Ruins, allegedly found by the Soviets on Jan. 27, 1945, were photographed in Feb. 1945

My photo of the ruins of Krema II

My photo of the ruins of Krema II at Birkenau taken in 2005

Many people believe that Soviet soldiers really arrived shortly after the Germans left with some the prisoners on the “death march” out of the camp, and that the crematory buildings (Krema II, Krema III, and Krema IV) were actually destroyed by the Soviet soldiers before they officially liberated the camp.

Fortunately, Krema I in the main camp had been converted into a bomb shelter by the Germans, and it was not destroyed by the liberators.  The bomb shelter was later converted into a gas chamber, which is still shown to tourists.

For many years, it was claimed that the so-called gas chamber in the main camp was original, but now it is admitted that it is a “reconstruction.”

Re-enactment of child survivors marching out of Auschwitz-Birkeau

Re-enactment of child survivors marching out of Auschwitz-Birkeau

Another still photo from the movie taken at the re-enactment of the liberation of Auschwitz

Another still photo from the movie taken at the re-enactment of the liberation of Auschwitz

Note the little girl on the far left in the front row in the first photo above. She is on the left in the front row of the second photo above, which is also a still shot taken from the documentary film made by the Soviet Union in February, after they had liberated the camp.

The first photo shows a few of the 611 children at Birkenau, who greeted the liberators. They are holding out their arms to show their tattoos. Notice that the boy in the front is wearing a prison uniform which looks as though it would fit an adult.

This same film clip is included in a film entitled “The Nazis: Nazi War Crimes,” produced by the Soviet Union in which it was claimed that this same film clip was shot by the Nazis just before these children were killed at Babi Yar, a ravine near Kiev in the Ukraine.

Photo of the ruins of one of the Birkenau gas chambers was taken by the Soviets in 1945

Photo of the ruins of one of the Birkenau gas chambers was taken by the Soviets in Feb. 1945

So now that we know that the Soviets were not above telling lies about Babi Yar, I am inclined to believe that it was the Soviets who blew up the gas chambers at Birkenau before their official “liberation” of the camp on January 27, 1945.

The photo above shows the ruins of one of the gas chambers. How did the Soviets know that the ruins, shown in the photo, are the ruins of a gas chamber?

Why were there so many child survivors of Auschwitz, which are shown in the Soviet film of the re-enactment of the liberation?  Apparently, the Soviet soldiers did not know that children under the age of 15 were gassed at Auschwitz.  There were 611 children still alive when the Soviet liberators arrived.


  1. FG, I’m interested in this sentence you wrote:

    “The prisoners, who chose to leave with the Germans, were marched out of the camp.”

    Do we have evidence that they were given a choice to stay or go other than Eli Wiesel (and I think Primo Levi might have stated this also). But they were both hospitalized at the time. When looking further into this, I first came across the wikipedia entry at claiming:

    Himmler ordered the evacuation of all camps in January 1945, charging camp commanders with “making sure that not a single prisoner from the concentration camps falls alive into the hands of the enemy.”[62]

    I wasn’t able to see the exact reference in footnnote 62 (Friedlander, Saul (2009). The Years of Extermination. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-198000-8.) though but then came across which states:

    In April, 1945, he signed an official order (which still exists in his own handwriting) that the camps would not be surrendered and that no prisoner “fall into the hands of the enemies alive.”

    Notice that this is claiming April 1945 (at least 2 months after Auschwitz liberation).

    And then I came across your very interesting discussion with who+dares+wings in 2011, comment #5 at

    “… there is a Hitler in every human being!”

    I’m inclined to believe that the Himmler (and elsewhere I’ve seen it being from Hitler) directive is bogus; but do we have solid evidence for thinking that the Auschwitz inmates (or any CC camp inmates) were explicitly given a choice to not evacuate in general (other than hospitalized)? It’s not clear to me that was the case. I’m most interested in this particular question. But secondarily, I’d be interested if anyone reading this has read that Friedlander book so we can get this statement taken off the wiki entry as a bogus entry (which has been directly repeated in over 3 pages of google searches for this exact quote – from the wiki).

    As my quote above states, the order was “in his [Himmler’s] own handwriting”! I’d like to see this order. If anyone reading this knows where I can see it, please tell me.

    Comment by blake121666 — January 24, 2015 @ 2:24 am

    • Hi Blake,

      An interesting question that does come up so often. I think most revisionists have a real problem with this. In my considered opinion, only the hospital patients and/or those too infirm or too young to carry out the march (which was only one day, with a several hour rest halfway through for sleep) were allowed to remain behind. The idea that people had a choice to go or stay comes from Elie Wiesel’s book Night !!! And he didn’t even say in it what they attribute to him. Eliezer himself was in the hospital and was told he could stay there and his father too, to take care of him. It was inferred that it was only for hospital patients.

      The idea that prisoners had a choice has grown into a “belief” of some revisionists who simply like it because it helps them make the points they want to make. But it is not accurate.

      Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 25, 2015 @ 8:07 pm

  2. not sure if you have seen this article, but it was the first article on Yahoo today. Marta Wise is her name, and she recalls the day when the russians liberated her from auschwitz when she was only 10 years old.

    Comment by cronie — January 23, 2015 @ 9:29 am

  3. Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna just proved himself being complete idiot and ignoramus. First Ukrainian Front was called “Voronezh” Front previously and was named after city in Russia. Any name given to a “Front” (conglomeration of several Armies) would not represent ethnic background, or nationality of personnel, but rather destination of strategic, or tactical operations.

    At the end of war in Europe there were four “Ukrainian Fronts”, four “Byelorussian Fronts” and one “Baltic Front” of the Red Army. That alone, pretty much describes where exactly they were fighting,
    Against Japan, the Red Army formed 1st and 2nd “Far-East” Fronts and one “Trans-Baikal” Front.
    Should we say that “far-easterners” and “trans-baikalians” defeated Japanese in Manchuria in august of 1945?

    Comment by Gasan — January 22, 2015 @ 5:58 pm

    • Good information Gasan, thanks for that.

      But I don’t think Schetyna was being an idiot; this is more likely a calculate snub to the Russians, whose leader, Mr. Putin, has not been invited to the commemoration ceremony at Auschwitz next week.

      Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — January 22, 2015 @ 10:04 pm

    • “The photo above shows the ruins of one of the gas chambers. How did the Soviets know that the ruins, shown in the photo, are the ruins of a gas chamber?”

      Because atrocity-propagandists had been claiming there were gas chambers in the Birkenau crematoriums since at least March 1944 (see below).

      The Germans dismantled the crematoria, Carlo Mattogno found two German documents that prove it; the Germans also blew them up. If they hadn’t, the Soviets would’ve just knocked holes thru the ceiling/walls, dragged a few corpses in, and invited the world’s press to come see the factory of death.

      Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — January 22, 2015 @ 10:18 pm

      • I visited the women’s camp in Birkenau in 2005 and took a photo of wash basins in one of the buildings. I don’t think that there was running water in this building, but there were basins where the women could wash in cold war. You can see photos of the women’s camp on my website at

        Scroll down to see the photo of two wash basins. Keep in mind that, in the 1940ies, millions of people, including me, were living him homes with no running water.

        Comment by furtherglory — January 23, 2015 @ 9:04 am

      • What is your evidence for writing that “the Germans also blew them up” indicating that the Germans blew up the crematoria buildings. There were a lot of prisoners still in the camp, who had declined to join the march out of the camp. Did any of them testify that they saw the Germans blow up these buildings?

        Comment by furtherglory — January 23, 2015 @ 9:10 am

        • Not that I can think of, but what witnesses supposedly told Soviet investigators isn’t worth much. The Germans blew up the crematoria for a very good reason:

          Click the button indicated on the image below to turn the English subtitles on/off.

          Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — January 23, 2015 @ 10:41 am

      • Hi Black Rabbit. You wrote:
        “Mr. Putin, has not been invited to the commemoration ceremony at Auschwitz next week.”

        Putin was invited in exactly the same way every other govt. leader was invited. Unfortunately, that was not good enough for Vlad Putin.

        As Vincent Reynouard points out in his video which you have posted below: “The Soviets lied shamelessly at Auschwitz, at Majdanek, at Krasnodar and at Katyn.” The Soviets lied all the time; it was their method of operation. President Putin is in the same vein — he lies all the time. But for some reason, so many “truth-seekers” want to believe this shameless liar.

        To all the readers of this blog, for more information about the 70th Anniversary commemoration at Auschwitz on Tuesday, check out and especially this page: Thanks!

        Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 23, 2015 @ 4:20 pm

        • I don’t think “truth-seekers” necessarily support Putin, but they do recognise there has been a unrelenting campaign against Putin and Russia in the West since late 2013.

          Here’s typical articles from two Jewish owned (the latter Russian-Jewish owned) British newspapers on Putin:

          No head of state has formerly been invited to Auschwitz for the commemoration this year; unlike they have been in previous years. Supposedly because this year they want to focus on the victims.

          Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — January 24, 2015 @ 12:18 am

            • “… there has been a unrelenting campaign against Putin and Russia in the West since late 2013.” says Black Rabbit.

              But those articles you give as “proof” of this appeared in late 2014!! In February 2014, Putin occupied and grabbed Crimea, part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine which was experiencing turmoil at that time, simply on the basis that mostly Russian-speaking people lived there. This is illegal, and since Putin’s Russia identifies so completely with the legality of the verdicts of the Nuremberg Tribunals, it is also immoral. That is when the West became critical of him, and rightly so.

              So where are the examples of the West picking on Putin from late 2013? As furtherglory said about the Germans destroying the Birkenau Crematoriums, the links you have offered are a non-sequitur.

              Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 24, 2015 @ 6:47 am

              • You are not quite correct in regards of Crimea, Carolyn.
                This region had never been part of the Ukraine until 1954. “Bang-the-Shoe” Nikita Khrushchev issued a decree and the people of Crimea woke up in a different Soviet Republic. That involved also change of the official language of which the majority of population has little, or no command.
                No wonder that people of Crimea decided to rejoin Russia 60 years later.
                This is absolutely identical episode as return Sudetenland and Danzig to Germany.

                Comment by Gasan — January 24, 2015 @ 11:20 am

                • No, it is not. The Germans in the Sudetenland had been persecuted by the Poles since 1920-21. By 1938, it had escalated to murder, theft of their property, loss of employment and refusal to allow them their language. This never happened to the Crimeans at all. They spoke Russian if they wanted; supposedly the majority spoke Russian, but still very many spoke Ukraine. There was no discrimination against language. Ukraine was not really Russia because, as you say, they are a different people with a different language. But the Sudetenland WAS Germany prior to the Versailles Treaty and there is no difference between them and any other Germans.

                  Krushchev was the head of the CPU and was total boss; in that capacity he handed Crimea over to Ukraine … way back in 1954, 60 years previously!! A long time it has been part of Ukraine. On the other hand, it was not a German ruler, but enemies of Germany who turned the Sudeten Germans over to the Poles against their will. The two are not in the least bit comparable. Thus it is you, Gasan, who in your enthusiasm for Mr. Putin, or maybe for Russia, is not correct in your thinking.

                  I know a lot of people will try to make this same comparison for the same reasons you are doing it. But they are not thinking it through. Please don’t screw around with history. 🙂

                  This I think is criminally irresponsible::

                  Putin is stupid, a total liar, and these “separatists” are just like little boys who have been given advanced military weapons to play with. Shocking. I hope you see the light soon.

                  All the best, Carolyn

                  And thanks to furtherglory for allowing a bit of off-topic commenting.

                  Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 24, 2015 @ 6:40 pm

                • Excuse me, the Sudeten Germans were forced to become a part of Czechoslovakia and were persecuted by the Czechs. It’s ME that is screwing up geography. 🙂

                  Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 24, 2015 @ 7:47 pm

                • Dear Carolyn.
                  With all due respect (and you know for a fact that I have a great respect for you), it appears to me that you are a little confused with some of the historical facts.
                  The Germans of the Sudetenland had never been persecuted by the Poles since they have never lived anywhere near Poland. You have mistaken them with the people of Danzig and West Prussia. The Sudetenland was/is the part of Czech Republic.
                  It was never part of Germany proper, but Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
                  But you are correct that in both places the Germans were persecuted and even massacred.

                  As far as the Ukrainian affairs:
                  I have visited the most parts of that county on numerous occasions in the 70-80th.
                  The Russian language is my native and I am in a pretty good command of the Ukrainian one.
                  Tell you what: The Ukrainian language was non-existent in Crimea. The population just did not use it all. They have never understood: why they region was transferred to the Ukraine in the first place.
                  The same is true for the Eastern regions of the Ukraine, who you call “the separatists”. These are the regions of Donetsk , Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov. All those regions had been transferred to the Ukraine in the middle 20th by the Bolsheviks.
                  And you know for a fact, who they were. Right? Are we on the same page?
                  Did they feel threatened by new illegal Ukrainian government? You bet!

                  Do you hear them chanting: “Take the Muscovite (Russian) to the gallows”?
                  The people of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine responded accordingly.

                  I do not have any particular enthusiasm about Russia or president Putin. However, they are part of my culture to some extent. Most important, I can see clear the pattern of Western propaganda: Hitler=Saddam=Ahmadinejad=Putin.
                  And we both know who has control over that propaganda.


                  Comment by Gasan — January 24, 2015 @ 8:22 pm

                • Gasan,

                  I corrected myself about Poland before you did, yet you still wanted to give me your lesson. My correction was posted at 7:47 and your comment was posted at 8:22. We’re so grateful for these timestamps. :-))

                  Bottom line, you like Russia and Putin more than the West. Almost all the pro-Putin people have that same reason. You don’t base it on this particular situation and who is right or wrong, guilty or innocent, as you should. You base it on past occurrences with which you want to even the score in some way. The Ukraine govt. never persecuted those who lived in Crimea, nor did they with the Ukrainians-Russians who lived in the Donetsk region. These folks have NO valid excuse to bring in heavy military weaponry from Russia to attack their fellow countrymen because they insist they are Russians, not Ukrainians. They should have emigrated to Russia if they consider themselves Russians. Ukraine has been in existence since 1991! Over 20 years. If they want to fight a civil war, they should do it on their own without outside help. These are the only issues it should be judged on.

                  So no, we are not on the same page today.

                  Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 25, 2015 @ 3:41 pm

                • Carolyn,
                  It was not my intention to give your lesson. I was typing long comment, being interrupted and did not see you post before posting mine.
                  I am just trying to share some information and my knowledge of the country’s history. It has nothing to do with liking/not liking Putin, or Russia.

                  The new government wanted to introduce Ukrainian language as only official language of the county and trust me: all kinds of discrimination and persecutions would follow. I have shown you the video where mob chanting about bringing all Russians to the gallows? Isn’t it enough evidence?
                  There is no proof that Russia brings heavy weaponry to the region of Donetsk or at least, I have not seen any.
                  As far as outside help:
                  Would you kindly watch this video and tell us: what language does speak that fully armed “Ukrainian” soldier at 2:32 of running time?

                  “Off my face, off my face, please!”

                  Again, it was not my intention to give you any lessons.

                  Comment by Gasan — January 25, 2015 @ 7:09 pm

                • I am sorry but you have not convinced me of a thing with this video, only confirmed me in what I already think. Of course I could not understand a word of it. The man who said in very natural English, Get out of my face, does not prove anything to me, although it’s interesting. I thought some of the men in the beginning were speaking Russian, while the young woman with the mic and most of the later people were speaking Ukrainian. It’s all a tragic affair and I blame Putin for it … still. If he has a case to make (he controls a world-wide network of agents) against the West, he should make it. But what he says is only laughable. Denials and denials.

                  I do think there are way too many Jews in this Ukrainian thing, but Jews are NOT what Putin and the “rebel” thugs are complaining about. No, they only complain about Nazis and fascists.

                  I have to end this conversation, and we’ve used up too much space here already. No hard feelings at all, Gasan.

                  Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 25, 2015 @ 8:29 pm

                • No hard feeling here, either. We have been good friends for quite a while.
                  Join me on Facebook.

                  Comment by Gasan — January 25, 2015 @ 9:52 pm

                • I would, but I’m so anti-jew that I don’t use faceberg. Just posted this:

                  Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 27, 2015 @ 1:05 pm

                • What is “faceberg?” Do you mean Facebook? Facebook allows Holocaust denial.

                  Comment by furtherglory — January 27, 2015 @ 1:21 pm

    • Thanks for this explanation.

      Comment by furtherglory — January 23, 2015 @ 9:06 am

  4. Here in the UK the BBC ( our state broadcaster ) is showing many films with regard to the official history of the ” Holocaust ” . It is the BBC ‘s ” Holocaust season”. Compare how the MSM promotes the ” Holocaust” in contrast to the crimes of the Red Army . I would think 99% of westerners have never heard of Katyn.

    Comment by peter — January 22, 2015 @ 3:50 pm

    • Yes, peter, Britain is the most shameless nation in Europe when it comes to promoting the holohoax, and the BBC is their main vehicle, though not the only one. For a counter to all that crud at this time of year, go to http://JAN27.ORG and tell others to go there too. :-)) You won’t regret it.

      Comment by Carolyn Yeager — January 23, 2015 @ 4:28 pm

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