Scrapbookpages Blog

September 20, 2017

Look at that face!!!

Filed under: Trump — furtherglory @ 9:43 am

The face of Donald Trump

The first words spoken at the most recent convention to select the candidates for the presidential election were spoken by Donald Trump. The Donald was the first person to walk onto the stage at the convention. In his hateful remark, Trump was referring to Carly Fiorina, a Hewlett Packard executive, who had been chosen, by vote, to be the first speaker at the convention. As time goes on, the face of Donald Trump gets worse and worse.

Trump has already won the prize for the ugliest person in the world. How much worse can it get!


September 19, 2017

What the USHMM does not want you to know about Syria any more

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 8:52 am

These three videos were suggested in an outstanding comment made on my blog by Hermie.  They were in response to a recent blog post I made that you can read here:

The video above was filmed at the USHM and the other two I believe Hermie provided for balance.

You can read all about it in the article titled:

Reporting on the Holocaust Museum’s Retracted Genocide Study

in Tablet Mag that I provided a link to above.

Begin quote from Tablet Magazine

Number of dead in Syria since the beginning of the war: 500,000.

Number of days since the Obama administration has been in power: 241.

Number of pages in a controversial United States Holocaust Museum report on Obama’s decision not to intervene to stop the genocide in Syria: 193.

Number of days it took the museum to pull the report: Eight.

Number of museum board members contacted by The New York Times: 63.

Number of them who commented on the record: 0.

Number of lawmakers who are museum trustees: Eight.

Number of them who would comment: 1 (“Of all the monuments and symbols in our nation’s capital, none has a more important message than the Holocaust museum,” [Orrin] Hatch said in a statement. “It would be a tragedy for that message to be even slightly diminished by partisan politics.”)

Number of words in the New York Times piece about it: 1,358.

Number of those words that are “Jew” or “Jewish”: 0.

End quote

New York Magazine published some links to the papers that have been taken down on September 7, 2017.  You can see them by following the link to their article below.

Here Is the Syria Report Withdrawn by the US Holocaust Museum

Begin quote from September 7th New York Magazine article

Last night, a source outside the Holocaust Museum sent Daily Intel the study, which consists of six separate papers. Below are links to PDFs of the six, with the first being a brief summary of the entire effort by Lawrence Woocher, who is the Simon-Skjodt Center’s research director.

1. Lawrence Woocher, “Missed Opportunities for Prevention?: A Study of U.S. Policy and Atrocities in Syria since 2011.”

2. Mona Yacoubian, “Critical Junctures in US Policy toward Syria: An Assessment of the Counterfactuals”

3. Andrew Kydd, “Subsidizing Rebels, Taxing Atrocities: Saving Lives in Civil Wars”

4. Ian Lustick, Miguel Garces, and Thomas McCauley, “An Agent-Based Model of Counterfactual Opportunities for Reducing Atrocities in Syria, 2011 – 2014”

5. Daniel Solomon, “Evaluating Counterfactual US Policy Action in Syria, 2011 – 2016: A Review of Empirical Evidence from Related Cases”

6. Lawrence Woocher, “A Survey of Expert Judgments on the Effects of Counterfactual US Actions on Civilian Fatalities in Syria, 2011 – 2016”

End quote



September 18, 2017

Oktoberfest Contest

Filed under: Germany, Language, Music — furtherglory @ 5:16 pm

Click on the link in the photo above to hear a famous German song that is sung in beer joints. I have sung this song in German, in Germany. I have also danced to this song many times.

This is to announce a contest:  Winners will win by suggesting a German drinking song traditionally sung during Oktoberfest.

It has to be a song that I like enough to elevate from a comment to an outstanding comment, that has been elevated to the level of a blog post, in it’s own right, with the names of each winner announced!

US Holocaust Museum yanks Syrian Study.

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 8:43 am

Sara J. Bloomfield, the director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, is shown in the photo above.  Photo credit: Benjamin Myers/Reuters 17th NY Times article

Breaking news — read all about it in the link above.

Basically, the USHM has pulled its own report about the conflict in Syria because the report did not bow low enough to the Jews.

Begin Quote from September 17th New York Times article:

That characterization, echoed by other critics, incorrectly describes the report, according to several academics and Syria-watchers. They also said the study’s removal sets a troubling precedent for suppressing independent research.

“It’s absolutely shocking that they would pull a report simply because their supporters didn’t like the conclusions, which is the only way to interpret what they did,” said Marc Lynch, an international affairs professor at George Washington University and one of several experts interviewed by the study’s authors.

End Quote

If anybody archived the report and has a link to it, I would like to read about it in the comment section of this blog post.

September 17, 2017

Is Donald Trump off his rocker?

Filed under: Trump, Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 3:02 pm

To put it in other words: Is Trump bat crap crazy?

Recent photo of Donald Trump

According to this recent news article, Trump is mentally ill:

Begin quote from news article:

Only seven months into his puzzling presidency, Donald Trump has accomplished an odd achievement: He’s made Sigmund Freud relevant again. Although the father of psychoanalysis is no longer fashionable, the Freudian concept of psychological projection is alive and well.

“I think he’s crazy,” said Sen. Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, speaking into an open microphone about Trump. J. Brien Comey, father of fired FBI director Jim Comey, thinks Trump belongs “in an institution.” Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin has questioned the president’s “mental stability.”

These aren’t isolated examples. Many prominent liberals, conservatives, moderates, and libertarians have concluded that the president is off his rocker. The tangible evidence for that proposition is thin, and Trump seems to be enjoying himself more and more. Maybe we’re all just projecting.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” is the phrase used by those sympathetic to the president to explain liberals’ hair-on-fire response to anything Trump says or does. TDS is also an occupational hazard of being a member of the Republican establishment or a movement conservative who cares about such trite concepts as political principles.

This became clear again last week in the hysteria over Trump’s approach to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In response to the administration’s original announcement rescinding DACA, liberals came unglued. Not content to call the decision dumb and racist, which they did, they played the sanity card. “It is lunacy,” opined Minnesota’s Democratic governor, Mark Dayton. The president, added HBO comedic pundit John Oliver, is out of his mind. “Utter insanity,” proclaimed Susan Hay, a co-ounder of a Florida-based pro-immigrant and refugee nonprofit.

That was then. A few days later, after dining on Chinese food (you can’t make this stuff up) at the White House with Democratic congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Trump reversed field on DACA. In the real world, such a development is called processing new information. In modern U.S. politics, it’s considered treason — or insanity. This time, it was conservatives who melted down. Ann Coulter pronounced it the death of the GOP brand; Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hardliner, claimed it would “crack” Trump’s core base of support; various commenters on conservative news sites theorized that Trump had been taken over by aliens. Not the illegal kind, the kind from outer space.

Since before Trump’s inauguration, Democratic attorneys in the nation’s capital have contemplated replacing Trump under the 25th Amendment’s requirement that the president is able to “discharge the powers and duties of his office,” i.e., impeaching him on grounds he’s intellectually incapacitated.

End quote

Trump has many supporters who love him. They don’t think that he is insane.

September 16, 2017

Donald Trump admired Hitler’s speeches, according to a news article

Filed under: Trump, Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 3:45 pm

A photo of Adolf Hitler in the early days; Heinrich Himmler is shown behind him.

Donald Trump admires Hitler’s speeches — so it is said.

Trump kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches near his bed, according to a news article which you can read in full at

On my website, I wrote about the speeches that Hitler made:

There is an old saying that Hitler was more loved by more people than any other man in history.  Trump is very wise to study Hitler’s speeches.


The famous stairs of death at Mauthausen

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 2:37 pm

My photo of the stairs of death at Mauthausen

The word Mauthausen is pronounced MOWT HOUSEN, not Mat hassen.

You can read about the stairs of death at the Mauthausen concentration camp in the recent news article, cited above.

One of my photos, shown at the top of the page, is included in the article, with no credit given to me.

You can read what I wrote on my website about the stairs of death  at

I have a whole section on my website about Mauthausen:

The town of Mauthausen is a very beautiful place. You can see my photos of the town at

One of my photos of the town is shown below.



What is a private e-mail server? And why would anyone want one?

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 9:26 am

Hillary Clinton allegedly committed a great crime by having a private e-mail server. When news of this got out, it cost her the election. She became known as “crooked Hillary”.

So what is an e-mail server and why would anyone have one?

Basically, the answer to the questions above is that a private e-mail server allows the recipient of the e-mail to see where the e-mail is actually coming from, although it is claiming to come from a different source.

I used to work in the employment business as a recruiter. I worked for Management Recruiters, the company that invented recruiting for low level professional jobs, as opposed to recruiting candidates for high level management jobs, which was done by recruiters who were known as “head hunters”.

Recruiting was originally started by high level head-hunter companies which recruited managers away from one company and placed them with another company. It was considered bad form for a company to recruit an employee themselves. That’s why companies used professional recruiters who did the dirty work for them.

But to get back to Hillary, why did she have an e-mail server? I think that it was because she wanted to see where her e-mail messages were actually coming from. Was this a crime?  I don’t think so. Apparently James Comey was involved. He was sniffing around and looking at Hillary’s e-mail.  We don’t know, but apparently he is the criminal here, not Hillary.


Auschwitz memorial buys degenerate art.

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 8:16 am
Olère painting showing himself as inmate (courtesy of Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial)

Self portrait of David Olère stealing food from his fellow prisoners

You can read all about it by following the link to the BBC news article above.  Basically the story is that the Auschwitz memorial bought a bunch of his degenerate art work.  Some other pictures are also shown in the article.

I wrote about degenerate art on these previous blog posts:

September 15, 2017

Hubert Zafke, who is 96, is too old to stand trial.

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 10:36 am

nazi trial

Begin quote from news article:

Hubert Zafke, 96, has – after a legal fiasco of a trial in which he was in court for four days over two years – has finally been pronounced too sick to answer for his crimes in the murders of 3,681 people.

 They died during the period that farmer’s son Zafke served as an SS medic at the camp in German-occupied Poland.

End quote from news article

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