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July 17, 2014

Holocaustianity — a religion created by the Jews for gentile consumption

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 8:05 am
Holocaustianity church in Washington, DC is a place for the goyim to worship

Holocaustianity church in Washington, DC is a place for the goyim to worship

Inside the Holocaustianity church in Washington, DC

Altar in the Holocaustianity church in Washington, DC

The photo immediately above shows the altar in the 6,000 square-foot Hall of Remembrance on the second floor of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, which is on 14th Street in Washington, DC. The room has 6 sides which represent the 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, and the 6-pointed Star of David, which is the Jewish emblem. The Hall is three stories high and there is a 6-sided skylight at the top.

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is a place for non-Jews to worship in the Holocaustianity religion. When I visited the Museum, a few years ago, I did not see anyone that I could identify as Jewish.

The title of my blog post today comes from an entry on Metapedia which I have quoted below:

Holocaustianity (also known as the Holocaust religion and Shoaismus) is a secular religion, created by proponents of Talmudism for gentile consumption since the late 20th century. It is based primarily upon enforced guilt and self-loathing over alleged Jewish casualties during World War II and the supposed “moral authority” in the world of Talmudic Jews. It acts as the spiritual wing of the international exploitation racket known as the Holocaust industry. The religion is the de facto state religion in Germany, United States, France and elsewhere. The pilgrim’s site “Israel” which is at the same time also a home of many priests of the Shoaismus is visited by believers often and with pleasure and seems to the pilgrim to give plentiful material blessing.

There are several quotes from individuals on the Metapedia page for Holocaustianity, including this quote from Eli Wiesel:

In the beginning was the Holocaust. We must therefore begin again. We must create a new Talmud and compile new midrashim, just as we did after the Surban, the destruction of the Second Temple. We did so then in order to mark the new beginning until then we lived one way, from then on nothing could be the same.

Elie Wiesel: High Priest of Holoaustianity, 1967

14th Street entrance into the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

14th Street entrance into the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC

Altar in USHMM has an eternal flame

Altar in USHMM has an eternal flame

Metapedia acknowledges that, as in all religions, there are heretics who don’t believe the gospel truth that is promoted in Holocaustianity.

The following quote is from Metapedia:

Like other religions before it has also got of the Shoaismus to lift the separation of state and religion. In some states, as for example of the FRG, this connection of Shoaismus and state is so narrow that heretics, i.e. the apprenticeship deviating from the Shoaismus is pursued drastically by criminal law. In addition heretics which are called themselves Revisionists are pursued by the Shoaists as a Holocaust-doubting people and are incarcerated every now and then also for several years. [H]eretic works are put on an index to prevent the spreading or also immediately drawn and pulped.

Besides, one must write by no means heretic so revisionist, Holocaust-denying everything, works to be pursued as a heretics, but it is enough just like that to express doubt in from the Shoaists as an evident fact the honoured holy Holocaust. Also bare sympathy manifestations for Revisionisten or revisionist works are sufficient to loose favour of the ruling.

According to the Metapedia page, Angela Merkel and Glenn Beck are both “Known Shoaists.”   I don’t think so.  IMHO, they are both just trying to protect themselves.