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July 22, 2010

Should Holocaust lying be a crime?

Filed under: Dachau, Germany, Holocaust, TV shows, World War II — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 6:39 am

As most people know, Holocaust denial is a crime, punishable by 5 years in prison, but up to 20 years in prison in Austria.  Gerd Honsik was recently  sentenced to 5 years in prison in Austria for saying that there were no gas chambers in Germany, including Mauthausen and Dachau.  You can read about him here.

What about fake Holocaust survivors who tell outrageous lies in the books they write, such as the book entitled A Memoir of the Holocaust Years by Misha Defonseca who wrote a fake story about her escape, when she was four years old, from the Warsaw ghetto. Misha claimed that she was adopted by wolves, but was outed by the New York Times in an article that you can read here.

What about Herman Rosenblat who allegedly survived by eating apples thrown over the fence by a nine-year-old girl, in a sub-camp of Buchenwald; you can read about that story here.

I’m not talking about mistakes which are made about the Holocaust, like mixing up Rudolf Hoess, the Auschwitz Commandant, and Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, who flew solo to the UK to try to make peace with the  British during WW II. The biggest mistake I’ve ever heard was when Alan Colmes said on TV that “gas ovens” were used in the concentration camps to kill the Jews.

On the old Hannity and Colmes TV show on 12/13/06, Alan Colmes showed a photo  of two cremation ovens at Buchenwald with the remains of partially burned bodies visible, as he said: “A number of people at this conference and your organization have said things like ‘The gas chambers did not exist.’ I want to put up on the screen the furnaces that were used to kill Jews.”

Cremation ovens at Buchenwald were not “gas ovens” for killing Jews

I wouldn’t put Colmes in prison for 5 years for saying that the Nazis killed Jews in gas ovens and I wouldn’t put Sean Hannity in prison for confusing Hoess and Hess in one of his books.  But what about Holocaust survivor Irene Zisblatt who told a lie about swallowing diamonds at Auschwitz?  You can read about her here.

Several years ago, the book entitled Fragments: Memories of a Childhood by Binjamin Wilkomirski was exposed as a fake account of the author’s alleged stay in the Majdanek concentration camp and other camps.  After Wilkomirski admitted writing a fake memoir, the book was not withdrawn from the list of books that students in America were assigned to read; it was merely reclassified as a novel.

Another novel that is similar to Wilkomirski’s book is The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski, a Polish writer whom I first learned about on my visit to Poland in 1998.  His book was published in America in 1965; it is routinely assigned to American college students to read, although the stories that he wrote were made up, according to my Polish tour guide.

If a person deliberately tells a lie for the purpose of making money off a book and public speeches, shouldn’t that be a crime?  Shouldn’t such a person be put into prison?  Maybe not for 5 years, like Holocaust deniers, but for 90 days, like Lindsay Lohan.  I would even allow a statute of limitations on Holocaust lies that would save  Elie Wiesel from 90 days in jail, although there is no statue of limitations for Nazi war crimes. You can read about Elie Wiesel here.


  1. Don’t see how it’s a crime to say anything whereas I believe in free speech but I do believe it should be known and pointed out as ignorance and all people should be educated and know what the truth is so people who say such ridiculous things can be looked at as what they are, liars and haters. Now I myself am not claiming to know everything and one reason for me posting here was to see if I could get some information from others on the Holocaust. From what I know yes it did happen but is the 6,000,000 number inflated at all? And also what about Jewish companies doing business with Hitler during the Holocaust? I would just like to get more info on these particular subjects as I have read somewhat into it but not that in depth and not knowing if the sources were 100% reputable.

    Comment by Niter1cbs — April 19, 2015 @ 8:41 am

  2. What we need, is the truth about the Holocaust, which I believe we do not have. That, is the Crime !

    Comment by seesaints — April 17, 2015 @ 11:29 am

    • I agree.

      Comment by Niter1cbs — April 19, 2015 @ 8:43 am

  3. Lying about the “holocaust” is a hate crime; exclusive of Judaics, it is a crime against every ethnic group on the planet, particularly Germans.

    Comment by shafarnullifidian — April 16, 2015 @ 10:00 am

  4. RUTH BADER GINSBURG: “Do I think it should be a crime to deny the Holocaust? That is a very difficult question.”

    Comment by Michael Santomauro — April 16, 2015 @ 7:15 am

  5. Holocaust revisionists and deniers – in general – don’t have a personal financial ax to grind. There’s hardly a profit motive in being ostracized and a social pariah. Holocaust(tm) Liars do it do defraud the public. There’ s prestige and financial incentives. They publish books. They appear on media interviews pushing their ‘Holocaust”(tm) product that Hollywood Jews with a personal interest in spreading the fraud distribute worldwide.They get fat contracts for speaking tours and paid honorariums for lying through their teeth to school kids. They ‘re got their hands out for any goodies that are available to the poor “persecuted Jew” And, finally, they’re accessories in a massive smear campaign and defamation of the German People. This isn’t a group of persecuted victims. It’s a Jew crime syndicate.

    Comment by David CHristie — April 16, 2015 @ 7:12 am

  6. This is called perjury if they said it in court. It’s getting more and more lately. Thats why they are coming at the revisionist to stop discussion from happening.

    Comment by Joe Rizoli — April 13, 2015 @ 9:50 am

  7. I think they should go to jail. if they can put Holocaust deniers in jail for telling the truth I think people that lie about it should be in jail too.

    Jim Rizoli

    Comment by Jim Rizoli — April 12, 2015 @ 8:03 pm

  8. Reblogged this on murderbymedia.

    Comment by rollingwriter — April 3, 2015 @ 3:01 pm

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    Comment by sonofeurope — March 31, 2015 @ 8:23 am

  10. Reblogged this on Celto-Germanic Romance.

    Comment by macseafraidh — March 30, 2015 @ 8:47 pm

  11. As a Holocaust Revisionist fanaticism is now mainstream in the legal community, that it is affecting my divorce case:

    Letter from The Mandel Law Firm (Steven J. Mandel) 12-9-13

    Justice Matthew F. Cooper: “Is that [Jewish] agenda to dilute the Aryan race?” On page 20:

    Click to access Newsletter%20727.pdf

    Michael Santomauro
    Cell: 917-974-6367

    Comment by Michael Santomauro — March 30, 2015 @ 6:14 pm

  12. Reblogged this on okisurrenda.

    Comment by aces_boss_yo — March 30, 2015 @ 12:12 pm

  13. Yes there is one guy who STILL goes around America telling kids the Germans made soap out of inmates, even tho its been dissmised as another whopper ( as glory put it).

    Comment by mark — June 15, 2011 @ 7:15 am

  14. oviosly yes that person was crazy for think like that about the jews that so stupid

    Comment by adriana — January 20, 2011 @ 6:26 am

  15. It should be a crime.

    I’ve sued Irene Zisblatt (the evil liar who torments millions of children with her lies about repeatedly defecating and swallowing her mommy’s diamonds).

    I feel Zisblatt is a criminal, molesting children’s minds.

    As can be seen by my fate, there are severe consequences to bright children waking up from Holohoax lies.

    Spielberg and Berenebaum, whose Oscar winning film is a damned hoax, are criminals and should be brought up on charges ranging from fraud, conspiracy, etc.

    These liars are committing genocide against non-Jews by promoting their phony genocide. Both through their social engineering in white countries and outright genocide in arab countries.

    Comment by Eric Hunt — July 23, 2010 @ 10:51 am

    • Holocaust lies are sometimes called “Whoppers.” You have to admit that Irene told the biggest Whopper of all time, although no one cares.

      Your lawsuit didn’t even make it into the mainstream news. I’ve been watching the news on TV a lot lately and it’s all about Shirley Sherrod, Mel Gibson, and Lindsay Lohan; in other words, it’s about important stuff.

      Irene made the mistake of selecting a school teacher, Gail Ann Webb, to help her write her book. Ms. Webb didn’t know enough about the Holocaust to be able to tell Irene about the outrageous mistakes that Irene made in her story.

      Irene made the mistake of including too much in her story in an attempt to include everything about the Holocaust. For example, Irene told about being selected for an inspection by Ilse Koch who was looking for “unblemished skin” in order to make leather lampshades. Zisblatt claimed that she and several other girls were sent on a train to the Majdanek camp in Lublin where Ilse Koch was expected to arrive, but she never made it, so Irene was saved from becoming a lampshade.

      Ms. Webb didn’t know enough to tell Irene that Ilse would have been looking for tattooed skin for her lampshades. Ms. Webb didn’t know enough to tell Irene that Ilse Koch would not have traveled to Lublin on the eastern side of Poland. Irene should have claimed that she was sent to Buchenwald, where Ilse Koch was living at the time. The moral of this story is that, If you are going to write a fake Holocaust survivor story, consult someone who knows something about the Holocaust to help you concoct a believable story.

      Irene didn’t worry a bit about your lawsuit, Eric. She just ignored the lawsuit and went right on making money by telling her story and selling her book to middle school children.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 24, 2010 @ 10:15 am

  16. Of course it should be a crime. But the state prosecutors have to bring charges against those doing so, and when it comes to the big H they would be immediately fired if they did so. What an uproar that would cause!

    That leaves it up to individuals to sue, but I think an individual has to show personal harm has been done them in order to be successful. Difficult to impossible in today’s PC environment.

    This leaves these liars free to ply their trade with impunity. Not fair.

    Comment by Skeptic — July 22, 2010 @ 11:12 am

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