Scrapbookpages Blog

July 22, 2013

Germany is making a big mistake in trying to ban David Irving from all hotels in Berlin

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 7:39 am

David Irving is planning to give a talk in “the heart of Berlin” in September this year.  It has been reported in the news, for months on end, that the hotels in Berlin will not allow him to stay there, nor hold a meeting where he can give a talk about history.  Yes, history!  David Irving is the foremost historian of World War II.  He is NOT the foremost Holocaust expert.

Correct me if I am wrong but it is my impression that David Irving now believes some of the Holocaust claims, specifically that the Treblinka camp was a “death camp.”  I previously blogged about Treblinka and David Irving’s proposed visit to the camp here.

Irving was originally charged with being a Holocaust denier when he famously said that “more people died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car than died in the gas chamber at Auschwitz.”  At the time that he said this, the Auschwitz Museum was telling visitors that the gas chamber in the main camp was original.  The so-called gas chamber in the Auschwitz main camp is actually a “reconstruction” done by the Soviet Union after the war. So Irving was correct, and the Holocaustians were wrong.  It is now admitted by the staff at the Auschwitz Museum that the so-called gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp is a “reconstruction.”

I have a first edition of Irving’s book Hitler’s War, which was originally published as a very small book with no index.  This means that you have to read the whole book to find the page where Irving says that Hitler knew nothing about the gassing of the Jews.  It was this statement that originally got David Irving into trouble as a “Holocaust Denier.”

I think that it is time for the German people to apologize to David Irving for accusing him of Denial when it was actually Irving who was right, and it was the Holocaustians who were lying about the so-called gas chamber in the main camp at Auschwitz.


  1. Some say Irving is “controlled opposition”. He blew the trial and gets a lot of publicity. Publicity for the other side is usually for controlled opposition, as the press is not free today. The lying main stream media has had that fact leaked before.

    Comment by Dennis Gannon — March 13, 2018 @ 8:38 am

  2. David Irving bases most of his work on documentary evidence, and none has been found yet to prove that Hitler gaveg the order for the “Final Solution”, or even that he knew anything about gas chambers.

    Comment by catleugh — October 19, 2013 @ 5:18 am

  3. cweinblatt & neveragain!
    Please, produce the complete list of six millions for our review. Please include names, dates and places of birth and other relevant information regarding the victims.

    Comment by Gasan — July 23, 2013 @ 9:51 pm

  4. David Irving is evil, like Hitler. He discounts the veracity of the Holocaust. Only a mendacious person would do this. Allowing him a public forum is tantamount to promoting evil. If you cannot understand why virtually every professional historian in the free world condemns Irving, if you cannot understand why Irving was blasted out of the courtroom by Deborah Lippstadt and global historians, then perhaps you should examine your morality. Almost every single historian around the world and every free government agrees that millions of innocent Jewish families were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany, more than half in gas chambers. Why would you believe someone with no such credentials? Only a bigot or someone ignorant could agree with Irving.

    Comment by cweinblatt — July 22, 2013 @ 4:01 pm

    • Why did Justice Gray state this in the trial judgment then, ignorant Charles:

      My assessment is that, as a military historian, Irving has much to commend him. For his works of military history Irving has undertaken thorough and painstaking research into the archives. He has discovered and disclosed to historians and others many documents which, but for his efforts, might have remained unnoticed for years. It was plain from the way in which he conducted his case and dealt with a sustained and penetrating cross-examination that his knowledge of World War 2 is unparalleled. His mastery of the detail of the historical documents is remarkable. He is beyond question able and intelligent. He was invariably quick to spot the significance of documents which he had not previously seen. Moreover he writes his military history in a clear and vivid style. I accept the favourable assessment by Professor Watt and Sir John Keegan of the calibre of Irving’s military history and reject as too sweeping the negative assessment of Evans.”


      Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — July 22, 2013 @ 5:08 pm

    • You wrote: “… if you cannot understand why Irving was blasted out of the courtroom by Deborah Lippstadt and global historians…”

      The trial was discussed, in great detail, in the 30 comments on this blog post:

      “Holocaust denier” David Irving will visit Treblinka death camp

      I don’t want to explain the trial again, so read the comments.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 23, 2013 @ 11:27 am

    • Here is a copy of a comment that I made on a previous post, which has 30 comments about the lawsuit against Lippstadt:

      Begin Quote:
      When I heard Irving speak, it was all about the Enigma machine used by the Nazis to encode their messages during World War II. Irving is primarily a World War II historian and he had recently done more research on the Enigma codes.

      When I heard Irving speak, it seemed to me that he was trying to prove the Holocaust, using information from the encoded messages about the number of Jews who were sent to Treblinka. Irving believes that the Nazis used euphemisms in their encoded messages, so that if the messages were intercepted and the code was broken, no one would know what they were talking about.

      Irving said that Heinrich Himmler ordered the encoded messages to be rewritten for the report that was submitted to Hitler. Irving believes that Himmler didn’t want Hitler to know that the Jews were being killed in the three Action Reinhard camps: Treblinka, Bekzec and Sobibor. The encoded messages about Treblinka had the words “special treatment” which is believed by Holocaust historians to be a euphemism for “gassing.” In his report to Hitler, Himmler cut out the words “sondern behandlung” which is German for “special treatment.”

      Irving first got into trouble when he wrote in his book “Hitler’s War” in 1977 that Hitler did not know about the Holocaust until 1943. This amounted to Holocaust denial because Hitler ORDERED the Holocaust, so of course, he knew about it before 1943.

      Irving believes that the changing of the wording in the report to Hitler proves that Hitler did not know about the gassing of the Jews at Treblinka, but Irving also believes that the encoded messages prove that Jews were gassed at Treblinka.
      End Quote

      Comment by furtherglory — July 23, 2013 @ 11:45 am

    • You wrote: “David Irving is evil, like Hitler. He discounts the veracity of the Holocaust.”

      No, it was the people at the Auschwitz Museum who lied. They claimed that the “gas chamber” at the Auschwitz main camp was the original “gas chamber” that was used to kill people. They knew that the “gas chamber” had been reconstructed by the Soviet Union after the camp was “liberated” in January 1945, but they LIED.

      The MORGUE at the Auschwitz main camp had been converted into an air raid shelter by the Germans. The Soviets “reconstructed” the air raid shelter to make it into a “gas chamber.” Anyone with half a brain could see that this “reconstructed” gas chamber would not have worked. It has a glass window in one of the doors, for Heaven’s sake. And a floor drain, along with two drains for toilets. For years, the tour guides at Auschwitz lied to visitors, telling them that this room was a “gas chamber,” when clearly it was not.

      David Irving told the truth about the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz when he said that more people had died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car than had died in the Auschwitz “gas chamber.” Is that what you mean by “discounts the veracity of the Holocaust”?

      Comment by furtherglory — July 23, 2013 @ 1:29 pm

      • This will be my last post. I ask only that you take your Holocaust denial to any History chair at any university in the free world. When virtually every free government, museum and university in the world agree that millions of innocent Jewish families were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany, how do you think you look by questioning or denying it? If you think that you know more than governments and universities, then by all means ply your idiocy. I’ll sign off with one simple question. What could possibly motivate any person today to deny Holocaust facts? The German government admitted their guilt. The perpetrators, designers, planners, soldiers, guards, camp employees, survivors and people living near death camps have all testified under oath that millions of innocent Jews were murdered. And here you come, without credentials, to deny this. You might as well deny the existence of gravity. So, again I ask, why would anyone today want to deny the facts of the Holocaust, proven by literally thousands of thesis and dissertations, as well as exhaustive research by many dozens of governments. Why? Do you hate Jews so much that you want to deny those murdered 70 years ago the circumstances of their murder? Now if you say that the History departments at Harvard, Stanford or Oxford are lying about the Holocaust, please just say it in the open. If you want to say that the governments of Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and most of the Middle East are all lying about Holocaust facts, please just say it. After all, that’s exactly what you are doing. Why?

        Comment by cweinblatt — July 23, 2013 @ 2:44 pm

        • You wrote: “Now if you say that the History departments at Harvard, Stanford or Oxford are lying about the Holocaust, please just say it in the open.”

          I have said it “in the open” that history professors have lied about the Holocaust. I have written over 1,000 posts since I started my blog on Feb. 5, 2010. Read this blog post:

          Why did the Jews at Auschwitz march out of the camp with the Nazis instead of waiting for the Soviet liberators?

          On the blog post, cited above, I quoted professor Harold Marcuse who wrote this in a comment:

          Begin Quote:
          In any case the death marches in 1945 were a largely futile attempt to keep human evidence of and witnesses to atrocities from falling into Allied hands. That rationale hinged on the illusory notion that the Germans would ultimately defend some territory and in some bizarre way “win” the war. When some responsible German officials realized beyond doubt that the war was lost, they drew the “logical” conclusion and burned the marching prisoners alive, as happened at Ohrdruf, Gardelegen and numerous other places. For them apparently, dead evidence was better than alive evidence.
          End Quote

          Prisoners were not burned alive at Ohrdruf and numerous other places. At Gardelegen, some prisoners were burned, but NOT while they were marching.

          This is just one example of a history professor lying about the Holocaust.

          Most of my blog posts have been about exposing Holocaust lies. For example this post:

          Comment by furtherglory — July 23, 2013 @ 6:14 pm

    • cweinblatt wrote: “Almost every single historian around the world and every free government agrees that millions of innocent Jewish families were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany, more than half in gas chambers.”

      There used to be a time when almost every single astronomist and government believed the sun revolved around the earth…

      Comment by hermie — July 23, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

  5. I, too, am not certain Germans exterminated Jews by the millions in gas chambers and in mobile gas vans during WWII. This doubt has been a burden on my conscience for too long now and I need some relief. Do any Holocaust deniers here have Southern Poverty Law Center spokesperson Mark Potok’s phone number, or an email address for him? I want to confess my heresy, accept the truth, be absolved and get on with my life. I don’t want to end up like David Irving unable to book a hotel room anywhere in the world over a niggling two million mass murdered oversight. Thank you in advance.

    Comment by who dares wings — July 22, 2013 @ 11:56 am

    • David Irving’s great sin was NOT that he denied that 1.5 million Jews were murdered (6 million minus 4.5 million equals 1.5 million.).

      No, the mortal sin that Irving committed, for which he can never be forgiven, was what he wrote in a footnote of Hitler’s War. I looked it up on Wikipedia and this is the exact quote:

      Begin Quote:
      In the first edition of Hitler’s War, Irving footnotes, “I cannot accept the view… [that] there exists no document signed by Hitler, Himmler or Heydrich speaking of the extermination of the Jews”
      End Quote

      I don’t recall the footnote in Hitler’s War being as it is written on Wikipedia. I recall that it was something about Hitler not knowing, until 1943, that Jews were being killed.

      If you are a Holocaust Denier, don’t expect to be absolved of your sins. On your tombstone, it will read “Here lies [your name], Holocaust Denier. May he NEVER rest in peace.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 22, 2013 @ 1:25 pm

  6. Fools should be permitted to speak without fear of GOVERNMENT REPRISAL (that is other than if they are inciting violence against citizens). Businesses should also be free to refuse service to public figures who they wish not to be associated with.

    Do you agree with Irving and his claim that about 4.5 million Jews were murdered?

    Comment by NeverAGAIN! — July 22, 2013 @ 7:54 am

    • I didn’t know that David Irving claims that 4.5 million Jews were murdered.

      I have no idea about how many Jews were murdered, since the Germans didn’t keep records of the Jews who were murdered in the gas chambers. Jews were sent to Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec — and never seen again, except for a few who escaped. I don’t know if they were murdered at those camps, or if they were “transported to the East.”

      The confessions that were obtained by torture are unreliable. The records, from Auschwitz, which were eventually released by the Russians, are too embarrassing to be quoted here.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 22, 2013 @ 8:39 am

      • The Germans DID keep records of the numbers killed in gas chambers. They kept records of everything. Research them at Bad Arolson and the United States National Archive. Or, visit any of the Nazi death camps for yourself. Irving is a bigot and a liar. Virtually every historian around the world agrees that millions of innocent Jews were exterminated. So, if you and David Irving know more than people who have PhDs in European History, then you live in some other universe. Nazi leaders admitted planning the extermination of millions of Jews at the Wannsee Conference. Read the records for yourself on the Internet. Germany released drawings of gas chambers in death camps three years ago. Check for them at Israeli web sites. Death camp workers admitted to murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children (read it in the transcripts of the Nuremburg Trials (no, there was no torture there).The camp commandants admitted to murdering millions of Jews, even though they had an out. They could have denied it; instead, they said they were just “following orders.” Then you have the witnesses from the camps, the workers and the prisoners, who all admitted to the torture, brutality, starvation, forced labor and gas chambers (all of these transcripts are available for you on the Internet). And after all of this, you want to believe in deniers like Irving? Why? You know that he’s lying. Everyone knows he’s lying – especially those who perpetrated the crimes against humanity. And, by the way, the records from Auschwitz were not released by Russians. If you saw something that insinuated that, you read a false representation.

        Finally, after five years of daily research on the Shoah, I have a mountain of links that prove what I’m saying is true. I can provide them to anyone’s e-mail address.

        Comment by cweinblatt — July 22, 2013 @ 4:35 pm

        • It’s not a surprise that you’re a holo-novelist Charles.

          – There is not one solitary piece of documentary evidence that proves the Germans operated homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, Birkenau, Chelmno & the so-called Reinhardt camps, so your claim that the Germans DID keep records of the numbers killed in gas chambers” is absurd.

          – I visited Auschwitz (thrice), Birkenau (thrice), Monowitz, Treblinka (twice), Belzec (twice), Sobibor (twice), Majdanek (thrice), Bergen-Belsen, Neuengamme, Sachsenhaussen and Ravensbrueck in 2012. And I can assure you that there are no Germans records of homicidal gassings at any of them.

          – If a doctor in European history expresses any scepticism about the homicidal gas chambers, [s]he is likely to have their PhD withdrawn, as happened to Henri Roques, or as in the case of New Zealander Joel Hayward, Jewish groups will demand their doctorate is withdrawn. Expressing scepticism of the German homicidal gas chambers is a criminal offence in much of Europe, which helps to explain why few academics are willing to do so.

          – There’s no mention whatsoever in the minutes of the Wannsee Conference of a plan to exterminate millions of Jews, although they do detail the NS plan to ethnically cleanse German occupied Europe of Jews.

          – Germany did not release drawings of gas chambers three years ago (you are actually referring to something that happened in 2008). It was merely a false-call by a German newspaper (quickly taken-up by Netanyahu). Robert Jan van Pelt, Lipstadt’s Auschwitz expert at the Irving libel trial, quickly rubbished the claim:

          – Many affidavits made by Jews who claimed that they had been forced to partake in the gassing or cremating of “hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children” were read out, and at not just the Nuremberg trial, but in the hundreds of trials which were held in the years immediately followings the war. When individually examined, these testimonies can be shown to be riddled with lies, exaggerations, and malice against the Germans.

          – Several Germans confessed to the murder of millions of Jews at the Nuremberg trials, either in person of in affidavits. These men can be divided into two categories. First: Men who received miniscule sentences (or even acquittals) in relation to those of their former colleagues, or they were never even put on trial. In the case of Wilhelm Hoettl, the man accredited with the “six million” figure, he not only never stood trial for his senior role in the Hungarian action, but he began working for the OSS (later the CIA) in 1945. The second category, consists of men like Rudolf Hoess and Otto Ohlendorf, men who confessed at Nuremberg to exterminating Jews on order from Himmler, but were shortly after tried and executed themselves. As has been extensively proven in the case of Hoess (who confessed to gassing 2,500,000 people at Auschwitz before December 1943 and several anachronism at Nuremberg), Jews in the British army threatened that his young children with deportation to Russia, where they would be shot. A loving parent will go to extraordinary lengths to protect their children.

          Comment by The Black Rabbit of Inlé — July 22, 2013 @ 6:41 pm

          • Excellent, logical and succinct reply to the holo- novelist Charles. However it is akin to arguing about the existence of Christ with someone who brings up the Shroud of Turin as their item of proof. Holocaustiality is a de facto state religion these days and requires no forensic evidence or documents to support it.

            Comment by peter — July 23, 2013 @ 12:21 am

            • This is very uncool Peter of you to write, there are tons more evidence to say the shrine of Turin is genuine than that any jew was gassed or actually killed only because he was a jew in any camp. And at least on the shrine scientist have been allowed several times to do real research, while anyone investigating a gaschamber ends up in prison. We live in a disgusting world full of Lies and Hatred, and the culprits are the ones that did not go to a gas chamber.

              Comment by wolf — July 24, 2013 @ 4:42 pm

        • I don’t need a PhD in European History to know the big H is a lie, I just use my common sense

          Comment by DB — July 23, 2013 @ 12:19 am

        • You wrote: “The Germans DID keep records of the numbers killed in gas chambers.”

          The prisoners who were sent immediately to the gas chamber at Auschwitz were NOT registered in the camp and no record of them exists. The prisoners who were sent almost immediately to a labor camp were also not registered in the camp, so it is impossible to figure out which prisoners were gassed and which prisoners were transferred to another camp.

          The train records were confiscated by the Soviet Union and have never been released, so the number of Jews who arrived at Auschwitz is unknown.

          The Germans kept records on Hollerith cards. Code 6 on the cards was for “special handling.” The Holocaustians say that special handling meant “sent to the gas chamber.” However, there were prisoners who had Code 6 on their card and were later found alive and well at another camp.

          If there were any records of the “numbers killed in gas chambers,” these records would have been presented at the Nuremberg IMT, but no such records were presented.

          At the American Military Tribunal, there were no German “war criminals” that were accused of gassing prisoners. There were no records of the prisoners who had allegedly been gassed, so this charge was not included in the accusations against the Germans by the Americans.

          Bradley Smith has made a career out of asking for the NAME of one person who was gassed. No one has ever come up with a name because there are no records of prisoners who were gassed.

          Comment by furtherglory — July 23, 2013 @ 10:14 am

        • cweinblatt wrote: “The Germans DID keep records of the numbers killed in gas chambers. They kept records of everything. Research them at Bad Arolson and the United States National Archive.”

          Has this ridiculous trick already worked with anyboby? 😉

          “The archives torn from the bowels of the Third Reich, the depostions and accounts of its chiefs permit us to reconstruct in their least detail the birth and the development of its plans […] Only the campaign to exterminate the Jews, as concerns its completion, as well as in many other essential aspects, remains steeped in fog. […] As concerns the concept proper of the plan for total extermination, the three or four principal actors are dead. No document remains, and has perhaps never existed.” – Leon Poliakov, Breviaire de la haine (Breviary of Hate) , Paris, 1979, p. 134.

          “there was a Holocaust, which is, by the way, more easily said than demonstrated.” – Raul Hilberg, 2007, shortly before dying, after studying the ‘Holocaust’ for 6 decades.

          “The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence.” – Justice Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000.

          Comment by hermie — July 23, 2013 @ 3:06 pm

    • Whom are you calling “Fools?” David Irving is no fool. The man is a walking encyclopedia. I have met him and heard him give a talk, such as the proposed talk that he wants to give in Berlin. He knows the laws regarding Holocaust denial in Germany, so I don’t think he will make another mistake in comparing the number of people who died in Ted Kennedy’s car with the number of people who were gassed at Auschwitz. He paid for his mistake when he was imprisoned for a year in Austria. He went to Austria to give a talk, but before he could speak, he was captured by the Holocaust police on the way to the place where he was scheduled to speak.

      Comment by furtherglory — July 22, 2013 @ 10:31 am

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