Scrapbookpages Blog

December 31, 2013

Both doors of Auschwitz gas chamber opened inward

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 12:33 pm

This morning, I was listening to a you-tube video of an old TV show presented by Montel Williams, many years ago.  Mark Weber and David Cole, both Jewish and both revisionists, were guests on the show.

David Cole pointed out, on the TV show, that both doors in the alleged gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp opened inward.  David Cole asked if the German engineers would have built a gas chamber with the doors opening inward, which would have made it difficult to remove the bodies after 900 people were allegedly gassed in the room at the same time.

I visited the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp, in 1998 and again in 2005, and I took photos of the doors. It didn’t occur to me that building the doors in this fashion would have been totally stupid, but David Cole is right.  How did they get the doors open with bodies pressed up against them?

How is it that the Germans allowed this stupid construction?  The answer is that the alleged gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp is a RECONSTRUCTION, done by the Soviet Union after the camp was liberated in January 1945.

Door in the Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Door into the Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

When the Auschwitz camp was liberated by soldiers of the Soviet Union,  the alleged gas chamber in the main camp had been turned into an air raid shelter by the Germans. The photo above shows an air raid shelter door on the left and a wooden door into former gas chamber on the right.  Neither of these doors was there when the Auschwitz gas chamber was allegedly used for gassing the Jews.  These are doors into an air raid shelter that was constructed in the Auschwitz morgue, which was right next to the crematorium, where dead bodies were burned.

Door into Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Door into Auschwitz gas chamber opens inward

Notice that the the door in the photo above, which was the back door into the gas chamber in 1998, has a glass window.  Allegedly, the Jews were prevented from breaking the glass because there was a German soldier standing outside the door, ready to shoot anyone who tried to escape. (Actually, this was originally the door into a washroom, before the reconstruction done by the Soviets.)

I blogged about the washroom at

When I visited the Auschwitz gas chamber in 1998, I was told by my tour guide that the prisoners entered the gas chamber through the air raid shelter door.  At that time, the Auschwitz Memorial Site was not yet admitting that the Auschwitz gas chamber is a reconstruction.

My 1998 photo of the back door into the gas chamber

My 1998 photo of the back door into the gas chamber

On my trip to Auschwitz in 1998, I was told that the door, shown in the photo above, was the back door of the gas chamber, and that the victims had entered through the air raid shelter door.  At that time, it was a crime to claim that the air raid shelter door was not there when the Jews were allegedly gassed in what was obviously a morgue.