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June 20, 2014

The method, used at Dachau, to input the gas into the gas chamber

Filed under: Dachau, Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 8:33 am

Yesterday, one of the readers of my blog provided a link to a website where I found the photo shown below.

Wheel used to turn on the gas which flowed through pipes into the Dachau gas chamber

Hand turning a wheel

The photo above shows what looks like a hand turning a wheel, which will turn on the gas that flowed through pipes, such as the pipes that were found, going into the Dachau shower room.  When the American liberators arrived at Dachau, on April 29, 1945, they had never before seen a homicidal gas chamber, but they assumed that the gas flowed through the shower heads in the large shower room, located just outside the camp.

I took the photo below, which shows two of the wheels, used for turning on the water, which flowed through the shower heads in the alleged Dachau gas chamber.

Pipes going into the Dachau shower room

Pipes going into the Dachau shower room

I took the photo above, through a window on the outside wall of BarackeX at Dachau, which is shown below.

Window on the outside wall in the rear of the Dachau gas chamber

Window on the outside wall in the rear of the BarackeX building, where the gas chamber is located

BarackeX building  at Dachau, where the gas chamber is located

BarackeX building at Dachau

The mass gassing of the Jews had been known since 1942, when the British first announced it over the radio. When the American liberators arrived at Dachau, they were immediately escorted to BarackeX, the gas chamber building, by a British SOE agent, Albert Guérisse, who was a prisoner there; he had been captured while fighting as an illegal combatant in the French Resistance.

An order had been issued from Berlin on July 23, 1942 to begin construction of BarackeX at a cost of 150,000 Reichsmark. On the blueprints for BarackeX, the homicidal gas chamber was called a shower room, but each of the four disinfection chambers was called a Gaskammer, the German word for gas chamber.

By the time that BarackeX was finished in 1943, millions of European Jews had already been killed in the gas chambers at Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor after being transported to the East, and millions more were destined to be sent to the death camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Dachau was mainly a camp for Communist political prisoners, anti-Fascist resistance fighters, most of whom were Catholic, and Soviet POWs.

The photograph above, taken in May 2007, shows Baracke X, the building where the infamous Dachau gas chamber is located.

Display on the wall where the door into the gas chamber is located

Display on the wall where the door into the gas chamber is located

The photograph above, which I took in 2003, shows a display on the wall near the door into the Dachau gas chamber; this display shows a drawing of the pipes, which are shown in the photo which I took through the window at the back of the building.

The display caption reads: “Drawings by Captain Fribourg, member of the French military mission May 1945.”

The drawing shows some “fittings” on the wall to the left of the control wheels which the display says “were stolen in the postwar years.” The title on the drawing of the pipes and wheels reads: “Operating facilities in the adjacent left corridor.”  This refers to the corridor behind the gas chamber.

Pipes on the wall behind the Dachau gas chamber Photo Credit: USHMM, courtesy of William and Dorothy McLaughlin Copyright: USHMM

Pipes on the wall behind the Dachau gas chamber
Photo Credit: USHMM, courtesy of William and Dorothy McLaughlin
Copyright: USHMM

The old photo above shows the pipes and control wheels, which I photographed through the window on the back wall of the gas chamber.

Besides the large homicidal gas chamber, disguised as a shower room, there were four smaller gas chambers in the BarackeX building.  The photo below, taken by the US Army on April 30, 1945, shows one of the smaller gas chambers.

U.S. soldier poses in  front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers

U.S. soldier poses in front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers in the BarackeX building

Door into small gas chamber is now bolted in the open position

Door into small gas chamber is now bolted in the open position

Degesch machine was used in the small gas chambers at Dachau

Degesch machine was used in the small gas chambers at Dachau

In the photo above, you can see a Degesch machine; these machines were on the wall inside the small gas chambers, but not in the gas chamber, disguised as a shower room.

The Degesch machine automatically opened a can of Zyklon-B gas pellets and poured the pellets into a wire basket, so that they could be retrieved after the gassing.  The large homicidal gas chamber at Dachau did not use Zyklon-B pellets.  The gas was liquid and it flowed through the shower heads, which were suspended from the 7.6 ft ceiling.

The official Holocaust story, which you must believe in 19 counries, is that sometimes water flowed through the shower pipes and sometimes, it was gas.  I previously blogged about a Holocaust survivor, who got the water, not the gas.

The photo below shows what the BarackeX building looked like when the American soldiers arrived.

Old photo of BarackeX building, taken in 1945 after Dachau was liberated

Old photo of BarackeX building, taken in 1945 after Dachau was liberated

The photo above shows American soldiers looking at a pile of bodies in front of the BarackeX building. Behind the bodies is a wooden structure, with no roof, which is hiding the holes that were used for pouring the Zyklon-B pellets into the gas chamber.

Outside wall of BarackeX was hidden by a wooden structure

Outside wall of BarackeX was hidden by a wooden structure

After it was learned that the gas used by the Germans in their homicidal gas chambers was in the form of pellets, that could not go through the holes in shower heads, it was miraculously found that the pellets had been put into the Dachau gas chamber through two small chutes on  the outside wall, that were hidden by a wooden screen.

There are very strict laws in Germany, regarding the denial of homicidal gas chambers in the concentration camps, so the tour guides tell the tourists, who flock to Dachau, that the gas chamber was used, and the gas was put into the room through two holes on the outside wall.  Don’t deny this, unless you want to go to prison for 5 years.

Just because you are living in America, which has free speech, don’t think that you are protected.  You can be renditioned to Germany and put on trial for Holocaust denial. Ignorance is no excuse, so just remember what I have told you about the Dachau gas chambers.



  1. Just because you are living in America, which has free speech, don’t think that you are protected.

    Unless you are a citizen of a country where ‘Holocaust denial’ is a crime, or a naturalized American originally from a country where ‘Holocaust denial’ is a crime and it can be shown that you lied about your past in order to gain entry to the US, and later US citizenship, then you have nothing to worry about. And for the latter case the US would have to agree to revoke your citizenship and extradite you, which I doubt would be done for the crime of ‘Holocaust denial’. You’d have to be suspected of being a concentration camp guard for something like that to happen.

    Comment by eah — June 20, 2014 @ 1:28 pm

  2. Oh man, did I find a good book about C.D. Jackson and General R.A. McLure of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). These two along with Sir Bruce Lockhart of the PWE (Political Warfare Executive), the “black propaganda” department of the SOE (Special Operations Executive) of MI5, where the men who cooked up this Nazi homicidal gassing hoax at Dachau, along with William S. Paley future head of CBS. C.D. Jackson was a friend of Daryl Zanuck who may or may not have been involved in enlisting Hollywood director George Stevens to film Dachau’s homicidal gas chamber which was really just a shower room retrofitted to resemble what these disinfo agents thought a gas chamber should look like. The book I found is entitled “A Certain Arrogance: The Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Cold War Manipulation of Religious Groups by US Intelligence.” The late professor George Michael Evica is the author and the reason this book is valueable is because there is so very little information on the career of C.D. Jackson available. His natty Jewish pal William S. Paley’s papers are still sealed. They both worked alongside David Sarnoff, the Jewish US Signal Corps Brigadier General famous for hornswoggeling Philo T. Farnsworth out of any income from his patent on the television.

    Comment by whodareswings — June 20, 2014 @ 10:40 am

  3. Furtherglory wrote: “The Degesch machine automatically […] poured the pellets into a wire basket, so that they could be retrieved after the gassing.”

    The Americans who built the Dachau homicidal gas chamber should have incorporated such a device to their chutes because nobody with a functional brain would believe that the Germans designed and built a gas chamber lacking any device to retrieve the Zyklon pellets after each gassing, what would have forced them to wait for dozens of hours (until the pellets had released all their cyanide content) before being able to ventilate the room and drag the dead bodies out of the “gas chamber” for cremation.

    Furtherglory wrote: “I previously blogged about a Holocaust survivor, who got the water, not the gas.”

    How did you get water from dummy shower heads?

    Comment by hermie — June 20, 2014 @ 9:28 am

    • According to some of the survivors of Auschwitz, the shower heads were not “dummy” shower heads. Several survivors have said that either water or gas could come out of the shower heads in the Auschwitz gas chambers.

      Comment by furtherglory — June 20, 2014 @ 9:46 am

      • Furtherglory wrote: “According to some of the survivors of Auschwitz, the shower heads were not “dummy” shower heads. Several survivors have said that either water or gas could come out of the shower heads in the Auschwitz gas chambers.”

        One of Pressac’s main arguments was a document about shower heads – labeled “dummy” by Pressac for no reason – supplied to a Birkenau Krema (don’t remember which one).

        Comment by hermie — June 20, 2014 @ 5:23 pm

    • The Americans, who built the homicidal gas chamber in the shower room at Dachau, did not know anything about gas chambers. At first, they didn’t know that the gas was in the form of pellets. After they learned that, they still didn’t know that the pellets should be retrieved and returned to the manufacturer to be filled with gas, and used again.

      Comment by furtherglory — June 20, 2014 @ 9:50 am

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