Scrapbookpages Blog

May 25, 2011

Schindler’s List, the movie, is FICTION, FICTION, FICTION!!!

Filed under: Holocaust, movies — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 11:09 am

Steven Spielberg’s 1993 movie Schindler’s List looks like a documentary; it appears to be a true story that includes real Holocaust footage, but it is actually fiction, LOOSELY based on a true story.  The movie is based on a NOVEL entitled Schindler’s Ark, written by Thomas Keneally, an Australian author of several novels, who knew nothing about the Holocaust until he met a Holocaust survivor and began research for this book.

It has been several years since I purchased Keneally’s book in the FICTION section of a Barnes and Noble store, but as I recall, there was an introduction in which Keneally explained that he went to a luggage store in southern California in 1980 where he met the owner, a man named Poldek Pfefferberg, who was one of the Jews saved by Oscar Schindler.

When Pfefferberg found out that Keneally was a novelist, he told him the story of Oskar Schindler.  Then Pfefferberg went with Keneally to Poland where the two of them visited Kraków, where the Jewish Ghetto in the story was located; Pferrerberg showed Keneally some of the places associated with the Schindler story. In gratitude for all his help, Keneally dedicated his NOVEL entitled Schindler’s Ark to Pfefferberg.

In 1982, the book Schindler’s Ark won the Man Booker Prize for FICTION.    Why did Keneally classify his book as a NOVEL if it is a true story?  Because Keneally is a Catholic, who once aspired to be a priest; he learned in Catholic school not to include fictional stories in a book based on the truth and pass the stories off as the Gospel truth.

Keneally’s research for his book included finding old photographs which were used to create scenes in his book; Spielberg also used these old photos for scenes in his movie.

Jews shoveling snow on Holy Cross Street

The photograph above shows Jews being forced to shovel snow on Sw. Krzyza (Holy Cross Street) at the corner of Mikolajska street in the Stare Miasto (Old City) of Kraków. Stephen Spielberg recreated this scene in his movie Schindler’s List when he showed Jews shoveling snow on Poselska street.

The photo below was used for a reconstruction of the gate into the Podgorze Ghetto for a scene in Schindler’s List.

The gate into the Podgorze Ghetto, 1940

Scene from the movie Schindler’s List shows re-created gate

The photo below was used by Keneally to create a FICTIONAL scene in his NOVEL Schindler’s Ark, which was used by Spielberg in the movie.

Amon Goeth standing on a patio outside of his house

Amon Goeth in the movie, shooting prisoners

The photo below was the inspiration for another fictional scene in the movie Schindler’s List.

Goeth on his horse in the Plaszow camp

In the photo above, taken at the Plaszow camp, Commandant Amon Goeth is shown on his white horse. The groom for Goeth’s horse was 14-year-old Irwin Gotfried, who managed to survive the Holocaust. After the war, he emigrated to the San Francisco bay area where he lived in a community that included 2,000 other Holocaust survivors. In an article in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 16, 2005, staff writer Charles Burress wrote the following:

“That was me in the movie,” Gotfried said, referring to a scene from “Schindler’s List,” where the young groom is shot and killed by the commander. In real life, Gotfried was not shot and lived to become president of AGI Shower Door and Mirror Co. in Redwood City.

In the movie scene, where Gotfried is shot by Amon Goeth, Spielberg deviated from the real life story in order to make a point that is essential to the theme of the movie: Oskar Schindler was an exception. For the most part, the Nazis were depraved degenerates who were incapable of changing their ways. In a key scene in Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler attempts to teach Goeth that he would have “real power” if he would choose to pardon prisoners for minor infractions instead of summarily executing them. Goeth tries this suggestion, and even practices his pardon demeanor in a mirror, but he cannot overcome his intrinsic evilness. He pardons his 14-year-old groom when his work performance does not meet his standards, but then shoots him in the back with his high-powered rifle.

Today, the movie Schindler’s List is shown to students in American schools.  The parents of the students are required to sign a permission slip because the movie includes some nudity.  The schools should also require a signature, acknowledging that the parents and the students have read and understood an admission from Spielberg that the movie is FICTION.

Continue reading PART TWO


  1. “A fictional account based on truth”–I agree–here are some of the facts—there was something called WW2, the Germans like other nations had internment/labor camps in which there were prisoners, the Germans used forced labor and imprisoned subversives and moral degenerates etc., all nations commit atrocities during wars etc. However the stuff that makes this film something to remember e.g. snipers shooting prisoners for game—is the usual complete nonsense

    Comment by Humpty Dumpty — June 9, 2016 @ 11:25 am

  2. I wish I’d never clicked on this link so I would never have read the ridiculous holocaust-denying that’s in the comments. This is really stupid. Don’t bother responding to this, either, I’m not coming back. I doubt any response would be thought out, either, it would just be petty and childish. Go on leading your ignorant lives.

    Comment by Idon'twanttogiveaname — May 1, 2016 @ 6:22 pm

  3. I actually know the luggage store owner whose story inspired the book and the movie. Please note I said “inspired” because absolutely NOBODY believes the book or the movie to be a verbatim account. That luggage store owner happens to be one of the most kind and loving souls on the planet. He told his story to anyone who came in his store who would listen because he wanted it to be known that Shindler saved his life and the lives of so many others. You are just being a tool.

    Comment by Meredyth — March 15, 2016 @ 6:28 pm

    • You wrote: “You are just being a tool.”

      Did you mean to write “You are just being a FOOL”?

      If you intended to write “You are just being a TOOL,” then of whom am I being a tool?”

      Comment by furtherglory — March 16, 2016 @ 5:50 am

  4. Wow. How the f* did you figure out how to write a blog? It’s idiots like you that simply ruin the internet. People pay to see MOVIES, they don’t pay to see documentaries. It also says ‘based’ on a true story, of course they adlibbed to tell more of the story but the the important stuff was real. Schindler did witness a lot of the things in the movie. One of your biggest points made here makes you the biggest idiot of all time. Goeth did not shoot the stable boy, idiot.. he shot the boy cleaning his bathtub which was not the same boy. Not even CLOSE to the same boy. What is this, all Jews look alike to you? Goeth’s random killing of people in the camps is well documented by both Germans that worked in the camp and the inmates. Uhg.. i’m not even going to try to explain how stupid you are, it’s pretty obvious by this post and your little Nazi wannabe’s commenting on this site. Uneducated, red-neck scum. I feel sorry for any children you have. I hope the hell they get taken away so they are properly educated so you don’t raise another racist imbecile.

    Comment by sylina — November 10, 2015 @ 9:23 pm

  5. To clarify:
    “The story of Schindler and Stern, the central figures in Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List, became known to the world at large primarily through Thomas Keneally’s 1982 novel Schindler’s Ark. Keneally, an Australian, never met Schindler, who died in 1974, but thirteen years ago in Los Angeles he did meet one of the more than 1,000 Jews whom Schindler had saved from the gas chambers. This chance encounter set him off on his research. Although Keneally’s book about the opportunistic Nazi businessman who ended up redeeming himself at the vortex of the Holocaust was factual, he decided to call it a novel because of the imagined or “re-created” dialogue that he felt was necessary to the narrative”.


    Comment by Stephen — October 28, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

  6. And another thng, no the crematorium could not possibly have kept up with the dead. That is why they built ditches and the bodies were thrown in and covered with petrol and burned in mass numbers. So your argument to deny on that is idiotic too. The accused tell you exactly what happened there as well as the survivors.

    Comment by shea — July 24, 2015 @ 12:11 pm

    • To whom are you addressing your comment? Who is denying that bodies were burned in ditches?

      Comment by furtherglory — July 24, 2015 @ 2:35 pm

    • Are you some sort of idiot? You do know that bodies don’t burn even remotely as well as you think that they do, even if you pour gallon after gallon of petrol on them? Try and get a hold of a simple hind-leg of a goat and attempt to burn it through in the same fashion that you think the Nazis burnt bodies in ditches. You will end up with a lot of hours wasted and the meat still being raw underneath the surface. You clearly do not know anything about cremating bodies.

      Comment by Wolfy Snackrib — September 14, 2015 @ 8:27 am

  7. […] actually wrote the book and what inspired the writer, most scenes described are pure fiction: ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story NEVER Told’ This documentary about […]

    Pingback by Our history is fake, April’s fools, propaganda for decades, Adolf Hitler and the monetary system, the bail out scam. | Bas Boon says — July 18, 2015 @ 7:41 am

  8. Wow…what idiots who do not believe this is a true story. Sounds like the the guy who says the movie is fiction-fiction-fiction/ may be a jew hater himself or even a Muslim. With the world becoming more anti-semitic today 2015 these types of words only encourage more persecution against the Jews. “He who curses the Jews shall be cursed and He that blesses the Jews shall be blessed. This may account for the shape our country has gotten to in the last fear years where we have a run away dept crisis which is at its largest ever. We have to borrow money to help other people out and when we do we help Israel but we also curse them by supporting the Arabic and Islamic countries who most call for the destruction of the Jewish nation. Be careful what you say…why not try and find some of the people who had family members of Schindler’s List. Do you think they are all lying ?

    Comment by Joseph M Turner — May 25, 2015 @ 6:18 pm

    • “He who curses the Jews shall be cursed and He that blesses the Jews shall be blessed”

      Nice addition of the jew word there. It says NOWHERE in my KJV that the jew is the inheritor of that blessing. Just as the entire 10 northern tribes were not jews, nor for that matter were the 2 southern tribes, that is to say what we today call jew. The filthy talmudic jews we see today did even exist until AFTER the Babylonian captivity! Sneaky is the kike. Always ready to alter history. Always there to profit from another`s misery.

      “This may account for the shape our country has gotten to in the last fear years”

      Sneaky jew. Shift the blame. It is our own fault that the West has fallen into the state it now languishes in? jewish usury, jewish media, jewish interference in Western politics, these are the true root causes of the filthy cesspit`s our once glorious nations are now in.

      The iNet is awakening the people. The truth again begins to break out. For centuries jews were not tolerated in England because their ways were known. Now they have so deeply entrenched themselves. They control 95% of all media companies and so have the power to shape opinion. Follow the money. Money stolen from the hands of decent working men through the jewish slave trap of usury. They are everywhere. In government. In law. In finance. Shaping the way our children are educated. Sneaky is the jew. he only serves himself and other jews. The goyim are animals, not worthy of even a thought. We are just a source of profit. Nothing else.

      The awakening is happening again though jew. Just as it always does. Too much have you interfered. To much pain and suffering have inflicted.

      “Wow…what idiots who do not believe this is a true story.”

      The book which the film is based on won the Booker McConnell Prize for FICTION. Obviously those who awarded this prize had knowledge and a sense of real history. Your holocaust is a joke. You are aware of Fred Leuchter I presume. Google him, check his credentials and read his expert testimony.

      Israel and zionism, the TRUE racist and supremicist movements of the 20th and 21st centuries.

      Comment by pilz971 — August 22, 2015 @ 2:14 am

  9. Who cares?

    Comment by DN Gregory — February 16, 2015 @ 4:45 pm

  10. […] Schindler’s List, the movie, is FICTION, FICTION, FICTION!!! In the documentary of Adolf Hitler “The Greatest story never told” it is claimed that the movie Schindler’s List is presented as the truth and even shown in the American schools and used in the educational system. Surely the story is loosely based on a true story, but it is interesting to see who actually wrote the book and what inspired the writer, most scenes described are pure fiction: […]

    Pingback by Our history is fake, April’s fools, propaganda for decades, Adolf Hitler and the monetary system, the bail out scam. - Bas Boon says — February 2, 2015 @ 7:55 am

  11. In 1983 I went through & survived “the gas chamber” at Parris Island.
    They shaved our heads & sprayed a similar compound to zyklon B (an insecticide) on us.
    It was used for the same reason as the Germans used it; to kill lice which transmits typhus which took so many lives.
    The irony is that “the gas chambers” were used to save lives, not take them.

    Comment by Dave — November 15, 2013 @ 3:51 pm

  12. We’ve heard the term “holocaust survivor” so many times that it’s become an oxymoron.
    What kind of holocaust could it have been with so many survivors?
    The holohoax has to be the biggest lie of the 20th century.
    The Red Cross estimated after visiting many of the camps in 1945 that about 300,000 died from typhus & starvation, not the ridiculous 6 million figure thrown about by the real Nazi’s in Israel & Hollywood.
    The true holocaust that Jews like Spielberg & Polanksi will NEVER make movies about is the one that killed 20 million Russian Christians under Jewish Bolshevism.

    Comment by Dave — November 15, 2013 @ 3:47 pm

  13. It’s a fucking MOVIE, for Christ’s sake. Only idiots like Americans would believe that anything out of Jeweywood was fact.

    Comment by Big M — November 15, 2013 @ 11:30 am

  14. Thank you for your post. You have brought some well researched details that challenge the current version of the hollywood version of the Shoah holocaust which we can call Holocaustianity. Holocaustianity is the new Religion of today, where Hitler plays Satan, Deutschen play Romans as “Willing Executioners”, Auschwitz plays Calvary, Gas Chamber plays Cross & Israel plays the resurrected Messiah.

    The usual comments on this subject reflect more the BELIEVE of this new religion and less facts based on scientific methodology or law.

    For Example people use the word “Nazi” as if it is a term that Hitler used. Neither Hitler or his Party used the term, which is clear if you read “Mein Kampf” in the original Deutsch. They used National Socialists or NS for short form for “Nationalsozialismus”. The “Nazi” Meme was used, like the term HERETIC, WITCH, TERRORIST to de humanize & demonize the Deutschen Folk so that they could be slaughtered. People who cannot get this simple fact straight are either suffering form Holocaustianity or suspect of will full deception. In either case they are unreliable witnesses. Unfortunately your use of this word also makes your posts unreliable.

    Another important point that you give evidence to, in your post, is the unreliability of the witnesses. Remember in a court of law, THE BURDEN OF PROOF, is on the person making the accusation. It is not burden of the accused to proof their innocence but to proof that the accuser has not made their case. In other words it is not a question if the Shoah happened, but if the accuser has made the case, that the accused is guilty of the Shoah.

    Over the years the witnesses have continually changed their story over many of the fundamental accusations. Anyone of these accusations, in a court of law, a judge could instruct the jury to completely disregard the witness’s testimony. In other words it has been shown over & over again that the accuser has not made their case, which gives evidence to this being a religious issue not a legal or scientific issue.

    Comment by Hans — November 15, 2013 @ 11:07 am

    • You wrote: “Unfortunately your use of this word [Nazi] also makes your posts unreliable.”

      I am writing a BLOG, not a college textbook, or a history book.

      I am aware that the word Nazi was not used by the National Socialists. The word comes from the German pronunciation of the first two syllables of the word National. This word was made up by non-German journalists who needed a short word to use in headlines on stories about the National Socialists.

      My audience is mostly people who know absolutely nothing about anything, much less anything about National Socialists. I use the word “Nazi” because everyone is familiar with this word.

      My blog is not a “reliable” source of anything. If you want reliable, go to Wikipedia.

      Comment by furtherglory — November 15, 2013 @ 12:40 pm

  15. […] based on a novel entitled Schindler’s Ark.  If the fictional book had not been made into a fictional movie by Steven Spielberg, the name Amon Goeth would be unknown today.  Amon Goeth was a minor criminal, […]

    Pingback by Granddaughter of Amon Goeth, the Schindler’s List balcony sniper, publishes her memoir | Scrapbookpages Blog — September 29, 2013 @ 11:46 am

  16. Oskar Shindler was a traitor. A shell of a man. He should have been gassed with the filthy Jews.

    Comment by Nazi Pride — August 21, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

  17. well the jews and no other people were throw out of every european country throughout history . do you really think these countries were wrong and the jews innocent every single time?

    Comment by Philip — March 4, 2013 @ 6:08 pm

    • You wrote: “…no other people were throw[n] out of every [E]uropean country throughout history…”

      This quote is from Wikipedia:
      Begin Quote
      The later stages of World War II, and the period after the end of that war, saw the forced migration of millions of German nationals (Reichsdeutsche) regardless of ethnicity, and ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) regardless of which citizenship, from various European states and territories, mostly into the areas which would become post-war Germany and post-war Austria. These areas of expulsion included pre-war German provinces which were transferred to Poland and the Soviet Union after the war, as well as areas which Nazi Germany had annexed or occupied in pre-war Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, northern Yugoslavia and other states of Central and Eastern Europe.

      The movement of Germans involved a total of at least 12 million people, with some sources putting the figure at 14 million, and was the largest movement or transfer of any population in modern European history.
      End Quote

      You can read more at Wikipedia at

      Don’t feel bad about not knowing about the ethnic Germans who were expelled after World War II. I first learned about the expellees when a woman who had been expelled wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper in response to a Jew who was complaining about how the Jews were treated in Germany. On my first trip to Dachau, I did NOT learn about the ethnic Germans who lived in the camp for 17 years after it was liberated. It was only later that I learned about the Germans who lived in the Dachau barracks after the war. No one cares about crimes committed against the Germans during and after World War II.

      The ethnic Germans were kicked out because of their ethnicity, not because they had done anything wrong.

      Comment by furtherglory — March 5, 2013 @ 7:34 am


        Comment by Philip — March 5, 2013 @ 7:47 am

      • They were kicked out because of what the nazis did during the war. Don’t give me that shit.

        Comment by Nazi Pride — August 21, 2013 @ 7:06 pm

  18. ya the whole thing was made up…….. What a dope….. im sure it was worse them this movie……. get real!

    Comment by Bruce Michaud — February 25, 2013 @ 6:23 pm

    • They should’ve died. All of them.

      Comment by Nazi Pride — August 21, 2013 @ 7:07 pm

  19. […] previously blogged about the movie Schindler’s List here and […]

    Pingback by Holocaust survivor was one of the few Jews to leave Auschwitz alive, thanks to Oskar Schindler « Scrapbookpages Blog — February 16, 2013 @ 12:18 pm

  20. […] The movie Schindler’s List should not be shown to school children because the movie is fictional.  I previous blogged about the fictional aspects of Schindler’s List here. […]

    Pingback by Amon Goeth had two different maids named Helen and lived in three different houses at the Plaszow concentration camp « Scrapbookpages Blog — September 30, 2012 @ 6:08 pm

  21. lol, What a dolt you are. Much like Titanic was as fictional movie, the events surrounding it were in fact true. Like Schindler’s list, it could not be told from a holistic and honest perspective because the man who wrote it was not writing a genuine documentary. This is generally understood, except by idiots such as yourself. The importance of the book and film is to understand the grand scheme of what has happening at that time, and not the factuality of the individual accounts. Who the hell cares what actually happened to the stable boy. The message is in the entire story itself. Much like the bible shouldn’t be taken literally, so shouldn’t this. But instead be revered as a way of understanding.

    Comment by Mark — May 1, 2012 @ 8:10 pm

  22. They showed us this in school and nobody told me it was fiction, I assumed it was a true story. I was totally mindraped then.

    Comment by john — January 25, 2012 @ 3:40 pm


    Comment by Alyssa Smi — November 24, 2011 @ 10:22 am

  24. Gotfried’s claim made the Jewish Weekly as well.

    Comment by Black Rabbit — May 28, 2011 @ 10:44 am

  25. lol at Irwin Gotfried’s boast!

    Comment by Black Rabbit — May 28, 2011 @ 10:40 am

  26. People don’t want to hear (or see or read) the non-fiction stories. They either find it boring, can’t or wont believe it, and sometimes find man’s true actions (both then and now) repulsive.
    That’s why my novels are historical fiction. Yes they include pieces that are true, but they are, primarily, FICTION.

    Comment by Dave McGowan — May 25, 2011 @ 7:07 pm

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