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December 1, 2013

College students in Pennsylvania don’t know the Nuremberg laws from a hole in the ground…

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 11:57 am

A recent news story in an online newspaper in Philadelphia has this headline:

Nuremberg? Forget it. They don’t even know Hitler.

The city of Nuremberg was Hitler's favorite city in Germany

The city of Nuremberg was Hitler’s favorite city in Germany

This quote is from the news article:

When Rhonda Fink-Whitman decided to test college students’ knowledge of the Holocaust, lugging a video camera to four local campuses, she discovered some amazing facts:

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Amsterdam. Josef Mengele was an author. And JFK led the Allies during World War II, assisted by an American Army general named Winston Churchill.

Hardly any students had heard of the Holocaust, the Nazis’ systematic murder of six million Jews. And when her questions turned to the Night of Broken Glass, the Nuremberg Trials, or the meaning of the phrase the Final Solution, forget it.

Why is it that college students in Philadelphia don’t know the first thing about the Holocaust? Because only 5 states in the United States of America MANDATE Holocaust education, and Pennsylvania is not one of those states.

Rhonda Fink-Whitman, the author of a novel, entitled 94 Maidens, wants to change all that.  She has made a video of her interviews with Philadelphia students. Her video shows that the students are completely uneducated about the Holocaust and World War II, except for the students, who transferred from states like New Jersey, which is one of the 5 states that mandate Holocaust education.

Why should college students in America be concerned with what happened in Europe 70 years ago?  Because it could happen here.  Half of the survivors of the Holocaust are living in America.  These students don’t know the meaning of the word “genocide.”  The Jews in America could be genocided again, unless today’s students in Philadelphia learn the meaning of the term “by-stander,” which they also don’t know.

You can watch the YouTube video, entitled “94 Maidens The Mandate Video,” below:

So what were the Nuremberg laws, which are mentioned in the video?

The term “Nuremberg Laws” means the laws, pertaining to the Jews, in Hitler’s Germany.  These laws, which were signed by Hermann Göring, were announced at the annual Nazi party rally at Nuremberg in 1935.

However, the term “Nuremberg Laws” could also mean the ex-post-facto laws, passed by the Allies after World War II, which were used in the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, at which the German war criminals were put on trial in November 1945.

The “1935 Nuremberg Laws” defined who was a Jew, based on heredity, and allowed German citizenship only to the Germans, who did not have Jewish ancestors.

The Nuremberg Laws formed the basis for the plans that were made on January 20, 1942, at the Wannsee Conference, for “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe.” The Nuremberg Laws were used to determine who would be transported, from Germany and the Nazi occupied countries, to the infamous concentration camps, such as Dachau, Treblinka, and Auschwitz.

Here is a little known fact, that the students should also know: The Nuremberg Laws denied the Jews the right to fly the Nazi flag, but at the same time, protected the right of the Jewish Zionists to fly their own flag, which is now the blue and white flag of Israel.

Why did Hitler allow the Jews to fly the Zionist flag?  Because he wanted the Jews to leave Germany and set up their own country in Palestine.  Read “the Transfer Agreement” to learn more about this.

The city of Nürnberg, which is located in the German state of Bavaria, is famous for its medieval walls and its ancient castle, and also for gingerbread cookies, toy manufacturing, Gothic churches, Nürnberger bratwurst and the Christmas market.

The city of Nuremberg, after the bombed ruins were rebuilt

The city of Nuremberg, after the bombed ruins were rebuilt

Nürnberg dates back to the year 1050 and for around 500 years, it was the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, sometimes referred to by historians as the First Reich or first German empire.

The National Socialists, aka Nazis, made Nürnberg the unofficial capital of their empire, which was known to Americans as the Third Reich. The Second Reich was the unification of the German states in 1871.  The first Reich was “the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.”

In January 1945, 90% of the old city of Nürnberg was destroyed when it was bombed by the Allies because of its historic importance to Hitler and the Nazis. The famous Nürnberg Castle and the city wall were damaged in the bombing raid, but have since been restored.

On April 20, 1945 (Hitler’s 56th birthday), the city of Nürnberg was captured by three divisions of the American Seventh Army, after a fierce battle that had lasted for several days.

It was at the Zeppelin Field, just outside the city of Nürnberg, that the National Socialists had staged huge annual party rallies. Each rally would be preceded by a performance of the Wagnerian opera, “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg,” the story of Hans Sachs, which was Hitler’s favorite opera.

Because of its close association with the Nazi party, the city of Nürnberg was chosen as the site of the International Military Tribunal, the war crimes trial, which started in November 1945 at the Justizgebäude (Palace of Justice).

The building where the Nuremberg IMT took place

The building where the Nuremberg IMT took place (Note the eyelid windows on the roof.)

After the war, Nuremberg was in the American zone of occupation and American troops were stationed in the city until 1992.

A restored church in Nuremberg has "eyelid" windows

A restored Christian church in Nuremberg has “eyelid” windows on the roof

Nuremberg castle in the background and former home of Albrect Durer in the foreground

Nuremberg castle in the background with the former home of the famous German artist, Albrect Dürer, in the foreground

One of the towers at the Nuremberg castle

One of the towers at the Nuremberg castle


  1. The students she’s interviewing pay $30 000+ tuition. There answers mean more repetitive Holocaust studies for poor high school students as Whites Become a minority in N. America.

    Comment by David — October 24, 2016 @ 10:42 am

  2. FG wrote: “Her video shows that the students are completely uneducated about the Holocaust and World War II, except for the students, who transferred from states like New Jersey, which is one of the 5 states that mandate Holocaust education.”

    “Her video INTENDS TO show that […] in order to justify the alleged need for forced Holocaust propaganda in every state of America” would be truer. I can’t believe somebody is naive enough to think that jewess didn’t deliberately kept the interviews of the most uneducated students she was able to find, concealing the interviews of the very numerous students better knowing Holocaust ‘History’ than their own country’s History.

    Comment by hermie — December 2, 2013 @ 12:12 am

  3. Maybe that women can also care to remember OTHER genocides like the Armenian genocide or even the Native American genocide (Las Casas). You try to make it seem like you care about others by saying that genocide still occurs, but you don’t really. You only care about yourself and your people. Not saying there is anything wrong with that, but don’t try to make it seem like you do. Notice how that black girl was bringing up African American history? Yeah they have their own history to worry about. The thought doesn’t even occur to Mrs. Fink-Whitman. She just brushes it off because she only wants to hear about Jews.
    I understand this is personal to you, but this is like proselytizing. History is so vast how do you decide what should be mandatory? You’re picking a small sample anyways. Hands down more people know about the Holocaust then the Armenian genocide. Please this is hardly a big deal. You want to reach out and educate then fine, but leave the government out of this. You have a huge Holocaust museum in DC. The capitol! How much more do you need really?

    Comment by Kageki — December 1, 2013 @ 11:25 pm

    • The video seems to me to be fake and contrived. I find it hard to believe that college students anywhere in America do not know all the details of the Holocaust. Even though Holocaust education is not MANDATED in Pennsylvania, I am sure that the Holocaust is taught in the schools there. In states where it is mandated, e.g. California, students are introduced to the subject in kindergarten.

      Comment by furtherglory — December 2, 2013 @ 8:20 am

      • FG
        The Pennsylvania Students visiting Nürnberg may need a hole in the ground, the old inner part of the city has no sewage system!

        Comment by Herbert Stolpmann — December 7, 2013 @ 3:26 pm

  4. College studets should know, at least, the history of USA and the entire world. By the waym in 1918/18 President Woodrow Wilson at Versailles has shown a deep lask of knowledge of Eurpean history and geographie. So he forced the other states to sign a Peace Treaty that resulted in a disaster and lead to Second World War and the Holocaust,. I wonder whet is the level of knowledge at USA Universities as i am oftern asked to answer absurd questions and go very angry.

    Comment by Wolf Murmelstein — December 1, 2013 @ 12:39 pm

    • Herr Murmelstein:
      First of all I give a stuff how angry you get. Second, Wilson was not that stupid as you claim.:During the peace talks at Versailles, Woodrow Wilson presented a moderate voice. He had no doubts that Germany should be punished, but he wanted those in power punished – not the people. On January 1918, Woodrow Wilson had issued his ‘Fourteen Points’ as a basis for peace. He also had an idea for a League of Nations to maintain world peace. In international affairs, Woodrow Wilson proved somewhat naïve. He wanted to place the trust for future world peace in the hands of the League of Nations, yet America refused to join it. By refusing to join the League, the American political structure had seriously weakened the forerunner of the United Nations. Woodrow Wilson spent time after 1919 criss-crossing America trying to ‘sell’ the idea of the League. On September 26th 1919, he collapsed and his political career ended suddenly. He was an invalid for the rest of his life and died in 1924.

      Comment by Herbert Stolpmann — December 1, 2013 @ 5:42 pm

    • Nothing much good can happen until the American Empire weakens a lot more. Why don’t you start a group that advocates an end to the US military presence in Germany? If you start such a group I’ll promise to pass out leaflets (with all the information you request) to the European tourists.

      Comment by fnn — December 2, 2013 @ 3:10 pm

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