Scrapbookpages Blog

August 4, 2016

What happened to the Gypsies during World War II?

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, World War II — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 1:25 pm

The Gypsies [who never gypped anyone] are now being honored at Auschwitz.

The road to the gas chambers at Birkenau

My photo of the road to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Gypsies walked down a road, similar to the road that is shown in the photo above, on their way to the gas chambers.

You can read about the gassing of the Gypsies in this news article:,Roma-Holocaust-victims-remembered-at-Auschwitz-death-camp

Brzezinka, 02.08.2016. Obchody Miêdzynarodowego Dnia Pamiêci o Zag³adzie Romów odby³y siê, 2 bm. w by³ym niemieckim obozie zag³ady Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Wziêli w nich udzia³ ocaleni Romowie i Sinti, przedstawicieli w³adz i dyplomatów. 2 sierpnia przypada 72. rocznica likwidacji tzw. obozu rodzinnego dla Cyganów. Noc¹ Niemcy zg³adzili w komorze gazowej 2897 ¿yj¹cych jeszcze Romów. (cat) PAP/Stanis³aw Rozpêdzik

Brzezinka, 02.08.2016.
Obchody Miêdzynarodowego Dnia Pamiêci o Zag³adzie Romów odby³y siê, 2 bm. w by³ym niemieckim obozie zag³ady Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Wziêli w nich udzia³ ocaleni Romowie i Sinti, przedstawicieli w³adz i dyplomatów. 2 sierpnia przypada 72. rocznica likwidacji tzw. obozu rodzinnego dla Cyganów. Noc¹ Niemcy zg³adzili w komorze gazowej 2897 ¿yj¹cych jeszcze Romów. (cat)
PAP/Stanis³aw Rozpêdzik

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

On 2 August 1944, nearly 3,000 Roma men, women and children from the so-called ‘Gypsy camp’ (Zigeunerlager) were murdered by the Nazis in gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau, which was run by the Germans in occupied Poland.

End quote

Why were those evil Nazis killing these innocent Gypsies, who had never gypped anyone? Why were the evil Nazis killing the innocent Jews, who had never jewed anyone down. Is there a verb for the Nazis? Did the Nazis ever nazi anyone?

I previously blogged about the Gypsies at

I wrote about the Museum for the Gypsies at Sachsenhausen, on my website at




The Majdanek concentration camp had a diesel-powered gas chamber — who knew?

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — furtherglory @ 8:38 am

Before you start thinking that I have lost my mind, read this quote from a news artitle which you can read in full at

Begin quote from the news article:

Another day’s entry [into Himmler’s diary], Martin Phillips at The Sun reports, casually mentions that Himmler flew to Poland, ate lunch in an airport hotel, then toured the SS Sonderkommando at the Majdanek concentration camp.

[You can read all about the Majdanek camp on my website at ]

The Sonderkommando were units of prisoners forced to dispose of the bodies at concentration camps, as Phillips points out. Himmler was there to see a new diesel-powered gas chamber in action, but no new prisoners were scheduled to arrive that day. So he waited while guards rounded up 400 Jewish women and girls from the nearby Lublin ghetto for a demonstration. Later that night, Himmler attended a banquet held in his honor.

One page that James Rothwell at The Telegraph notes, records when Himmler was informed that some police officers in Poland were refusing to fight for their Nazi occupiers. The last entry for the day states “9-10 pm: Orders all ten officers be executed and their families sent to concentration camps before going to bed.” [Throw mama from the train a kiss.]

End quote

Read more:

I happen to think that Himmler was one of the good guys. I have several pages about him on my website at

and at