Scrapbookpages Blog

December 5, 2017

This 99-year-old Holocaust survivor who was imprisoned for being gay ‘doesn’t deserve compensation’

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 10:45 am

The following is a quote from a Pink News article which you can read by following the link above, dated December 5th, 2017.

Begin Quote

He survived the Holocaust, only to spend months in prison for being gay when he returned home.

And now, 99-year-old Wolfgang Lauinger has been denied compensation by Germany.

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(Creative Commons)

Wolfgang Lauinger  wants money from the German Government.

The article is a little vague, but apparently Lauinger “survived” the Holocaust by moving to America, but when he got back to Germany in 1950, he was locked up in Germany for being gay in public.  Now he wants money.

It is unclear in the article why the Germans don’t want to pay him , but apparently, he was never actually convicted.  He just spent 5 months in jail while awaiting trial.


  1. Then again he’s a Jew . He’s gonna look for anyway to make a buck.

    Comment by Tim — December 7, 2017 @ 2:44 pm

  2. “He got back to Germany in 1950.” I thought anything connected with the holo,was dead by then. It was the Nazis that locked up gays,right. There were no Nazis in the 50’s running the government . Germany had already been through enough with the holo BS. So why would they take a risk by locking up someone who was gay ? If he got busted for prostitution,I’d go along with this. However he said he got lockdown,because he was gay. Tell him to shut the f–k up. He’s 99 years old. He’ll be dead before they even get through the red tape to start working on his fictional claim.

    Comment by Tim — December 7, 2017 @ 2:42 pm

  3. He doesn’t “deserve” compensation because he is not Jewish.
    He doesn’t deserve compensation because he was not a victim of what Jews claim happened to them.
    And there was no “Homocaust”.
    “Germany in 1950, he was locked up in Germany for being gay in public. Now he wants money.”
    Should he ask compensation from the former East Germany or West Germany?
    Being publicly homosexual was against the law in many countries until the 70’s like prostitution. Like hermie wrote.
    Even celebrities were convicted for this kind of behavior in few last decades. Artist known as George Michael got punished for public lewdness.

    Comment by Mikael — December 6, 2017 @ 9:19 am

  4. The newspaper article states: “spend months in prison for being gay”

    Nobody spent months in prison in Nazi Germany for being gay. Some men spent months for engaging in street-level homosexual prostitution.

    To this gay crybaby, I would just say the favorite sentence Holocaust believers say to the convicted Holocaust revisionists: if you don’t want to go to prison, don’t break the law… 😉

    Comment by hermie — December 5, 2017 @ 9:19 pm

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