Scrapbookpages Blog

December 7, 2017

Doki no Sakura: Why is this song playing today?

Filed under: Uncategorized — furtherglory @ 12:08 pm

December 6, 2017

Jews getting more restitution is back in the news!

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Language, World War II — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 12:28 pm

On December 6th, 2017 the Jewish Telegraph Agency published an article entitled “Senate committee advances restitution bill for Holocaust survivors” which you can read in full by following the link below:

Begin quote

The JUST Act is designed to build on the international Terezin Declaration on Holocaust Era Assets and Related Issues of 2009, which affirms that the protection of property rights is an essential component of a democratic society based on the rule of law and recognizes the importance of restituting or compensating Holocaust-related confiscations made during the Holocaust-era between 1933 and 1945.

End quote

So what else is new?  For one thing, I notice that “restituting” has now become a verb.

Here is an example of this new verbs used in a sentence.  Victims of Jewing are restituting even more cash.

A German woman is seen here  “Restituting” herself!

I copied the above picture from another article on Wolfgang Lauinger, published in the Evening Standard on December 6th, 2017, which you can read by following the link above.

December 5, 2017

Adolf Hitler’s Jewish neighbor

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — furtherglory @ 1:25 pm

The story of Adolf Hitler’s Jewish neighbor is in the news:

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

Edgar Feuchtwanger was 5 years old when Adolf Hitler looked at him for the first time.

It was 1929. The child peered out of his window in Munich and watched the future chancellor of Germany step out of a black automobile. Hitler glanced up and made eye contact with the boy. That was when the boy’s nanny, Rosie, slammed the window shut and made him go to bed.

Some time later, Feuchtwanger was taking a walk with Rosie in his neighborhood when the same man [Hitler] emerged from a building and entered a vehicle. “He looked at me quite benevolently, because he had no clue who I was,” says Feuchtwanger. “People in the street shouted immediately, ‘Heil Hitler!’ But he didn’t salute back. He just lifted his hat a little bit. And then he got into the car.”

Every kid grows up with a mean neighbor. For Feuchtwanger, that neighbor would eventually be responsible for the systematic genocide of six million Jews. [now down to 1.1 million] And Feuchtwanger’s prominent literary family was Jewish.

In 1929, Hitler was on the rise, his power growing; he took up residence at Prinzregentenplatz 16, in a luxurious nine-room apartment visible from the boy’s childhood window. “I knew he wasn’t a good thing,” Feuchtwanger says, speaking via Skype in his German-British accent. His parents were politically engaged; they read the papers and paid close attention to their neighbor’s virulent anti-semitism.

End quote

The Jews had plenty of time to get out of Germany before they were Holocausted, and many of them did. Now the Jews are back in Germany and it seems that they are now safe there. The Germans have learned their lesson.

This 99-year-old Holocaust survivor who was imprisoned for being gay ‘doesn’t deserve compensation’

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 10:45 am

The following is a quote from a Pink News article which you can read by following the link above, dated December 5th, 2017.

Begin Quote

He survived the Holocaust, only to spend months in prison for being gay when he returned home.

And now, 99-year-old Wolfgang Lauinger has been denied compensation by Germany.

End Quote

(Creative Commons)

Wolfgang Lauinger  wants money from the German Government.

The article is a little vague, but apparently Lauinger “survived” the Holocaust by moving to America, but when he got back to Germany in 1950, he was locked up in Germany for being gay in public.  Now he wants money.

It is unclear in the article why the Germans don’t want to pay him , but apparently, he was never actually convicted.  He just spent 5 months in jail while awaiting trial.

December 4, 2017

Alleged Shinder’s list survivor unable to identify Amon Goeth

Filed under: Holocaust, World War II — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 1:19 pm

Rena Finder was born in Krakow, Poland, in 1929

You can read Rena’s tale in the  Dec 4th Telegram news article linked to above.

Begin Quote from Telegram news article

“After the Holocaust was over, and someone showed me a picture of [Amon] Goeth, I did not know who he was. I was too afraid to ever look him in the face, so I never knew what he looked like.” The one thing she did notice about him was that he had two very large dogs, that were vicious themselves. She claims that large dogs still scare her to this day….

She claims that the award winning film [Schindler’s List], produced by Steven Spielberg, is exactly what life was like during that time.

End Quote.

Her inability to identify Amon Goeth from a photo, and her belief that it was exactly like in the fictional movie makes me think she was never really in Plaszow.

Click on the link above to see many other articles about Schindler’s list.  You can also click on the link below to read several other articles I have written about Rena Finder.

New Pictures of Ursula Haverbeck, the appealing German grandmother

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, World War II — Tags: — furtherglory @ 12:53 pm

I am officially dubbing Ursula the appealing German Grandmother.  There is no new news about her, but new very appealing photos of her are appearing in the various news articles reporting on her recent appeal.

Ursula looks happy and appealing as she enters the courtroom in this image from Yeshiva World.  Notice her fashionable brown overcoat.

Ursula Haverbeck im Landgericht Detmold

Ursula looks very appealing wearing her red vest in her Spiegel photo.  Notice the brown coat draped over her chair.

The last link above is to a German language article.

You can read more articles and see more pictures of appealing Ursula by following this link below.

December 3, 2017

The FBI Trump-Russia probe

Filed under: True Crime, Trump — furtherglory @ 12:55 pm

You can read all about it in this recent news article:

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former adviser K.T. McFarland were the Trump transition officials who spoke to former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn about his contacts with Russian officials, CNN reported over the weekend.

McFarland told a friend in an email [that] when she was on Trump’s transition team that Russia “threw” the U.S. election to Trump, The New York Times reported Saturday.

McFarland went on to serve in the Trump White House and has been nominated to be the U.S. ambassador to Singapore. CNN also reported she met with investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking at contacts between Russians and the Trump administration.

read more:

End quote

So that is what happened!

On election night, I went to bed, confident that Hillary would win, based on the information that she had 3,000 more votes than Trump had. The next morning, I was amazed to learn that Trump had won the election. How did that happen?

Something wrong! as Dr. Henry Lee used to say.

December 2, 2017

Was the famous Lachau document a forgery?

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — furtherglory @ 2:25 pm

The famous “Lachout document” has been recently revealed as a forgery.

You can read about the Lachout document on my web site:

The English translation of the Lachout document is reprinted below:

Military Police Service Vienna, Oct. 1, 1948
10th. copy
Circular No 31/48

1. The Allied Investigation Commission has established so far
that no persons were killed by the use of poison gas in the
following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald,
Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its
extension camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen
(Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof,

In all these cases it could be proved that the confessions
were the result of torture and the testimonies were false.

This fact has to be taken into account in war crime
investigations and interrogations.

Former concentration camp prisoners testifying that persons,
especially Jews, were killed with poison gas in these
concentration camps, are to be informed of this finding by the
Allied Investigation Commissions. Should they insist in their
testimony, a charge of false testimony is to be filed against

2. Paragraph 1 of circular 15/48 can be canceled.

The commander of the
Military Police Service:
Mueller, Major

At the American Military Tribunal proceedings against the staff members at Mauthausen, there were confessions from the accused about the gas chamber there, as well as eye-witness testimony. The Lachout document claims that there was no gas chamber at Mauthausen and that these confessions were obtained by torture.

The following information about the controversial Lachout document is from this Holocaust revisionist web site:

Begin quote

Emil Lachout was a lieutenant in the Military Police Service in Austria in 1948. His job was to accompany the Military Police and members of the Allied War Crimes Commission during the arrests of alleged war criminals to ensure that the suspects were not tortured or abused. Lachout was also involved in the investigation of the Austrian camps, including Mauthausen. (29-7890 to 7895) In 1944, Lachout had been a member of the German Military Police. (29-7948)

The Allied War Crimes Commission was composed of two military police investigators from each country and two Austrian observers, himself and Major Müller. It had been formed as a result of Allied mistreatment of alleged war criminals in such trials as Malmédy where it had been proved that false statements were extracted by torture. The Allies wanted to prevent such things from happening again. (29-7895 to 7897) The Commission was disbanded in 1949, and was reconstituted thereafter only for individual cases. (7901)

Lachout personally saw instances of tortured Allied prisoners. He talked to them privately and had to “break the ice” in order to get statements from them. Sometimes the men didn’t dare to speak because they suspected an Allied officer was there as well. On the basis of his observations, Lachout had instructed that the men be examined by doctors; it was clear that the men had been tortured. (29-7960)

The Commission conducted an investigation, in which Lachout was involved, into the allegation that a gas chamber had been used in Mauthausen. It concluded that there were no gas chambers in the camp. In the investigations he was involved in, they found that many of the accusations made, particularly by former concentration camp inmates, were false. (29-7897, 7898)

Although Lachout was not personally involved in the investigations of camps in Germany, his office received documentation from the War Crime Commissions located there, pursuant to which he freed prisoners who had been wrongly accused and imprisoned. (29-7951)
End quote


New Ursula Haverbeck photo!

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: — furtherglory @ 12:46 pm
Deutschland Zwei Jahre Haft für Holocaust-Leugnerin Haverbeck | ARCHIV (picture-alliance/dpa/C. Jasper)

Ursula looks so sad!  She has lost another appeal.  This photo appears to be a file photo, because her outfit does not match other photos of her November 28th, 2017 court appearance.

On  Nov 28, 2017 Deutsche Welle had another article about Ursula Haverbeck which you can read in full here:

Begin quote

Haverbeck has been handed several jail terms but has yet to be jailed….

…the 89-year-old woman lost her appeal to a prior conviction on Tuesday. However, four months were shaved off her original conviction of 18 months. Prosecutors wanted the sentence upheld, [but] Haverbeck’s lawyers were seeking exoneration…..

This Tuesday’s appeal verdict is not final, either. Haverbeck’s lawyers intend to take the case to the Higher Regional Court in the town of Hamm, their last chance to challenge the sentence.

End Quote

You can click on the link above to read many other articles that  I have written about Haverbeck.  Notice in two other more recent articles about the events of November 28th, 2017 she is wearing a different outfit than in the picture above which appears to be a file photo.

Oskar Groening — the SS man who observed the gassing of the Jews at Auschwitz

Filed under: Auschwitz, Holocaust — Tags: — furtherglory @ 9:17 am

My photo of the gas chamber at Auschwitz

I took the photo above, in the Auschwitz main camp, while my tour guide was screaming at me that I COULD not take photos. She should have said “you MAY not take photos”. I could take photos, so I did.

The following text is quoted from my web site which you can read in full by following the link above.

Oskar Groening, an SS man who worked at Auschwitz-Birkenau, said that the gassing of the Jews, during the Holocaust, was done at night in two old farmhouses.

As told by Laurence Rees, Groening said that he had witnessed a gassing operation one night after he had been awakened by an alarm because a number of Jews had escaped as they were being marched to the gas chamber. He saw the lights on in one of the farm houses, and seven or eight bodies out in front of the building. He assumed that these were the bodies of escapees who had been caught and shot.

Groening was “overcome by curiosity,” according to Lawrence Rees, and Groening and his comrades stayed around to watch what was going on at the farm house. They saw an SS man, wearing a gas mask, pour Zyklon-B pellets through a hatch in the side of the cottage wall. They heard screaming for a minute, followed by silence. Then an SS man went up to the door, and looked through a peephole to see if all the prisoners were dead.

This remote area at Auschwitz-Birkenau was a good location for the use of Zyklon-B which was a dangerous chemical that had the potential to kill the SS men who had to throw it inside the building.

Until March 1942, the gassing of the Jews had been done in Krema I at the Auschwitz main camp. Krema I was situated between the SS hospital and the Gestapo building, not a good location for the use of dangerous poison gas.

In his autobiography, Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant at Auschwitz-Birkenau, wrote regarding the gassing of the Jews in the little white house:

Begin quote

“Hundreds of men and women in the full bloom of life walked all unsuspecting to their death in the gas chambers under the blossom-laden fruit trees of the orchard. This picture of death in the midst of life remains with me to this day. I looked upon them [the Jews] as enemies of our people. The reasons behind the Extermination Program seemed to me right.”

End quote

Oskar has been in the news quite a bit lately, and you can click on the link above and then scroll down to read the many news articles.

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