Scrapbookpages Blog

December 1, 2017

Jews were packed, like sardines, into gas chambers

Filed under: Auschwitz, Germany, Holocaust — furtherglory @ 11:22 am

In case you have never opened a can of sardines, and you don’t know how they are packed, the sardines are packed end to end, both directions.

You can read about how the Nazis packed the Jews, like sardines, into gas chambers, at

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

On scraps of notepaper Marcel Nadjari, a Greek Jew, described how thousands of Jews were herded into the gas chambers daily. He saw them “packed in like sardines”.

In 1944, the 26-year-old was burning with a desire for revenge. He had heard from fellow Greek Jews that his mother, father and sister Nelli had died at Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, in Nazi-occupied southern Poland, the year before.

“Often I thought of going in with the others, to put an end to this. But always revenge prevented me doing so. I wanted and want to live, to avenge the death of Dad, Mum and my dear little sister,” he wrote.

He was among about 2,200 members of the Sonderkommando – Jewish slaves of the SS who had to escort fellow Jews to the gas chambers. Then they had to burn the bodies, collect gold fillings and women’s hair, and throw the ashes into a nearby river.

Sieg Heil Viktoria

Filed under: Germany, Language, Music, World War II — Tags: — furtherglory @ 7:37 am

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