Scrapbookpages Blog

July 4, 2016

Iby Knill is still alive at 92 and still lying her head off

Filed under: Dachau, Germany, Holocaust — furtherglory @ 3:25 pm
Iby Krill tells her sad story to students

Iby Krill tells her sad story to students in England

Two years ago, I wrote about Iby Knill on this blog post:

According to a news article which you can read in full here, Iby is still alive and still lying her head off.

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

As she told the story of her upbringing in former Czechoslovakia and Hungary, and her young adult life, there was visible shock as students heard the harrowing details of the war. Mrs Knill said she was transported 250 miles in a cramped train from Hungary to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

She said: “When we arrived I was registered as a political prisoner and a nurse, which probably saved my life. In the six weeks I was there, 600,000 people arrived at the camp, with the trains queuing up to bring people in. When we were taken to be showered, we didn’t know whether we were going to die or not as the showers and gas chambers were side-by-side; you just had to stand and hope for the water to come down.”

End quote

My photo of the gas chamber at Dachau

My photo of the allleged gas chamber at Dachau

Photo of a real shower room

Photo of a real shower room at Dachau which is frequently claimed to have been a gas chamber

How cruel the Germans were! They couldn’t even let these innocent Jews take a shower without putting them into a room where water showers and gas showers were side by side. What company manufactured the gas showers? Inquiring minds want to know!

The first photo above shows holes in the ceiling of the alleged combination shower room and gas chamber in the Dachau camp. All of the shower heads have been stolen by students and only the holes remain. The second photo shows a real shower room that is frequently called a gas chamber.

Another quote from the news article:

Begin quote

One story which evoked a big reaction from students stemmed from her time in Germany, as the hospital she [where she] worked at was being evacuated towards the end of the war.

“One woman who had recently given birth put her baby on some straw by the door on the wagon we were in to get it more air. A German officer jumped up into the wagon and stood on the baby, killing it, in front of the mother.”

End quote

How many times have you heard a Jew describe how the German soldiers stomped on babies as the mothers watched?

Strangely, I have never met any German men who acted cruel, at least not to me. Have the German men changed that much since World War II?

Ely Wiesel was a “global symbol of dignity and righteousness”

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 12:07 pm
Monument to the prisoners who died at Monowitz

My photo of the monument to the prisoners who died at the Monowitz camp

The figures in the photo above are supposed to look like the fence posts at Monowitz.

The title of my blog post today comes from a quote in a news article which you can read in full here:

The following quote is from the news article, cited above:

Begin quote

It began with Night, Mr. Wiesel’s seminal memoir of Jewish life, such as it was, in the Nazi camps. Though he struggled to find an American publisher and the book barely sold at first, Night caught on and changed the world. It gave voice to the voiceless, and turned Mr. Wiesel into a living symbol of the martyrdom of the innocent. It is impossible to finish his book and be unaffected by the experience.

Mr. Wiesel was an unusually gifted communicator. He wrote dozens of memoirs, novels, plays, essays, and more, overwhelmingly focused on the Holocaust and its legacy. He sold millions of copies of Night, alone. But his communication skills extended well beyond the written word. Mr. Wiesel’s quiet, still voice, softly accented with a European inflection, and his sad, puppy dog eyes made him an astonishing and captivating speaker.

And speak he did, for Mr. Wiesel did not see the abject horror of the Holocaust and its relentless machinery of mass death as a one-off aberration. Instead, he saw it as an ever-present threat to humanity. What happened to the Jews yesterday could happen to someone else today, he correctly reasoned, and frequently added his voice on behalf of those who were in the genocidal crosshairs. From Cambodia to Rwanda, from Kosovo to Darfur, Elie Wiesel spoke out eloquently and urgently. In doing so, he transformed himself from a chronicler of the Holocaust into a global symbol of dignity and righteousness.

End quote

You can read about Monowitz on my website at

Prisoners working at Monowitz

Prisoners working at Monowitz

The following information about Monowitz is from my website, written before I became a Holocaust denier:

Auschwitz III, aka Monowitz, was established in 1942 at the site of the chemical factories of IG Farbenindustrie near the small village of Monowitz, which was located four kilometers from the town of Auschwitz. The IG Farben company had independently selected this location around the same time that Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler decided, in April 1940, to locate a new concentration camp in the town of Auschwitz. The most important factory at Monowitz was the Buna Werke, which was owned by the IG Farben company.

Of the three Nazi concentration camps located near the town of Auschwitz, the Auschwitz III camp was the most important to the Nazis because of its factories which were essential to the German war effort. The Monowitz industrial complex was built by Auschwitz inmates, beginning in April 1941. Initially, the workers walked from the Auschwitz main camp to the building site, a distance of seven kilometers.

The decision to build chemical factories at Auschwitz transformed both the camp and the town. On February 2, 1941, Herman Göring ordered the Jews in the town to be relocated to a ghetto, and German civilians moved into their former homes.

Auschwitz quickly went from a primitive Jewish town of 12,000 inhabitants to a modern German town of 40,000 people which included an influx of German engineers and their families. Both the main Auschwitz camp and the Birkenau camp were expanded in order to provide workers for the factories. Before Monowitz became a separate camp with barracks buildings, the prisoners had to walk from the other camps to the factories.

When I visited Auschwitz in October 1998, I was told that some of the Monowitz factories were still in operation, but this area was off limits to visitors. On my trip to Auschwitz in October 2005, I hired a taxi driver to take me to the site of the factories, but I was told that they didn’t exist anymore. On my way back to the Krakow airport from Auschwitz, the taxi driver from my hotel pointed out the factory buildings, partially hidden behind the concrete wall.

End quote from my website


reporter who walked three times through the ashes of Auschwitz lauds Elie Wiesel

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 8:23 am
My photo of the barracks at Birkenau

My photo of the barracks at Birkenau

The following quote is from a news article which you can read in full here.

Begin quote

Three times I’ve walked through the ashes of Auschwitz, the most meaningful being that day with [Elie] Wiesel. I emerged looking not just at the big picture of persecution, but also looking at the small one. Asking questions like, how would I have handled it if someone stole my shoes? For inmates slavishly worked to the edge of extinction, shoes could be the margin between life and death.

End quote

I have been to Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II three times, but I have never walked through any ashes there. Where are the ashes?  Visitors to Auschwitz-Birkenau [Auschwitz II] are advised to stay on the road through the camp because there are pot holes hidden in the tall grass that covers the remains of the camp.

Maybe Greg Dobbs, the man who wrote the article, was writing metaphorically. Allegedly, there was no grass when Birkenau was in use because the prisoners allegedly ate the grass.

This quote is also from the article:

Begin quote

But at the same time, one might have thought that Wiesel also, somehow, could have been happy, 40 years later, in that singularly sad spot. Happy that the degenerate dregs of Auschwitz no longer were a death camp but a muscular monument to his people’s survival. Happy that by becoming the archivist of arguably the most malicious mass murders in the history of mankind, he was rich, he was revered. And that because of what he wrote, the rest of us might never forget.

But he didn’t look happy. He didn’t talk happy. He didn’t act happy. He was sad.

Sad that necessity had forced him to put pen to paper, sad that for many years after the war, relatively few among its survivors dared to speak of the Holocaust, let alone write about it for the sake of time immemorial.

End quote

Why did other Holocaust survivors not dare to speak of the Holocaust? I think that it was because they didn’t want to lie about events that never happened.