Scrapbookpages Blog

January 9, 2017

When you google “Holocaust gas chambers” what do you get?

Every morning, I start my day by googling “Holocaust gas chambers” and then reading the news results first. There is always a long list of news stories about the Holocaust. Almost all the news stories are about the True Believer version of the Holocaust, as told by Holocaust survivors who have lived to an advanced age.

Today, I googled “Holocaust gas chambers” as usual, but  read the web results, instead of the news stories.

When you google “Holocaust gas chambers”, my website comes up at Number 7, and my blog comes up at Number 10.

“stuck in the door of the gas chamber” How Irene Zisblatt survived Auschwitz-Birkenau

When you google “Holocaust gas chambers” and click on “images”, four of my photos are in the top 10.

I am very happy that all of the time and effort that I have put into my website and my blog has not gone by the wayside.


June 14, 2015

A major design change that streamlined the gassing of the Jews

Filed under: Buchenwald, Germany, Holocaust — Tags: — furtherglory @ 1:43 pm

A news article, which you can read in full here, explains how the Nazis made a few changes in the gassing process to streamline the gassing of the Jews. The following quote is from the news article, cited above:

One minor change — call it a “Duh” moment — was to design the gas chamber doors so they opened outward, rather than inwards, because the many dead bodies inside the gas chambers blocked the door’s entrance, making it difficult to push the door inwards. One major design change resulted in locating the gas chambers and the crematoria on the same floor. Previously, the gas chambers had been located in the basement, with the crematoria located on the first floor, necessitating a time-consuming and inefficient transportation of the dead from floor to floor. Putting them on the same floor streamlined the process.

Yes, it’s true. At first, the stupid Nazis had designed gas chambers with both doors opening inward. This was in the gas chamber at the main Auschwitz camp. But where were the gas chambers and the ovens on different floors? The following quote is from the book entitled IBM and the Holocaust in which Edwin Black describes the corpse chute at Buchenwald.

Once the murder decision had been made, all sixteen Jews in the shelf [one row in the barracks] were immediately marched to a small door adjacent to Buchenwald’s incinerator building. The door opened inward, creating a short, three-foot-long corridor. Jews were pushed and herded until they reached the corridor end. There, a hole dropped thirteen feet down a concrete shaft and into the Strangling Room. A camp worker recalled, “As they hit the floor they were garroted … by big SS guards and hung on hooks along the side wall, about 6 1/2 feet above the floor … any that were still struggling were stunned with a wooden mallet … An electric elevator … ran [the corpses] up to the incinerator room [cremation ovens].

As for the doors into the gas chambers opening inward, this is shown in the photo below.

Door into the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp opened inward

Door into the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp opened inward

The photo above shows a wooden door into the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp. The door opens inward, as you can see. After the Jews were gassed, how did the Nazis get the door open? Don’t worry, there was another door at the other end of the gas chamber. But that door had a glass window, which the Jews could have easily broken.  I was told by my Jewish tour guide, in 1998, that an SS man stood outside the door, ready to shoot anyone who broke the glass.

The ruins of the undressing room for one of the gas chambers at Auschwtiz-Birkenau

The ruins of the undressing room for one of the gas chambers at the Auschwtiz-Birkenau camp

The photo above shows the undressing room for the Krema III gas chamber, which was called Leichenkeller 2 (Corpse Cellar #2) on the blueprint of the building. The victims entered the undressing room by descending the stairs shown in the background in the photo above. Note that the stairs are very short, since the undressing room was only about five feet underground.

To the left in the photo are the steps of the International Monument which is located between Krema II and Krema III at the western end of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. The undressing rooms at Auschwitz-Birkenau were only partially underground since the concrete roof over the buildings was three feet above ground.

The crematory ovens in Krema III were on the ground floor with the entrance on the south side of the building. There was a typhus epidemic at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the summer of 1943 and the undressing room could have doubled as a morgue in the event that the bodies piled up faster than they could be burned in the ovens.

The Holocaust victims walked down the steps into the undressing room while an orchestra played classical music. The location of the orchestra was southeast of Krema III, outside the barbed wire enclosure and right next to the soccer field. This was the location where concerts were held for the prisoners while the gassing operation was in progress. The victims were told that they were going to take a shower, after which they would have a nice, hot meal. They took off all their clothing and then proceeded to the end of the long undressing room where there was a door into a Vorraum (vestibule).

Entrance for the SS men at Krema III in Auschwitz-Birkenau

Entrance for the SS men at Krema III in Auschwitz-Birkenau is shown near the bottom of the photo

The location of the SS entrance, shown in the photo above, was not on the original blueprints for Krema III. Krema III was originally planned to be built at Auschwitz I, the main camp. The original blueprints for Krema II and Krema III called for corpse cellars that were completely underground and included a corpse slide which ended in front of the Leichenkeller doors, but this slide was never built. The SS entrance was built instead, but not in the same location as the originally planned corpse slide.

Undressing room for Krema III (gas chamber number 3)

Ruins of gas chamber in Krema III (gas chamber number 3) Note the columns which held up the roof

According to the official version of the Holocaust, which you must believe to stay out of prison in 19 countries, the reinforced concrete roof of Krema III (gas chamber #3) was six inches thick, with four holes, in a zig-zag pattern, where the Zyklon-B gas pellets were poured into the room. These holes were shown on aerial photos taken by the US military in 1944, but they cannot be seen today because the entire roof of Krema III was destroyed when the Nazis blew up the building on January 20, 1945, two days after they had abandoned the camp.

Undressing room for Krema III at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Undressing room for Krema III at Auschwitz-Birkenau

On the left wall of the vestibule was a door into the gas chamber, which was located at a right angle to the undressing room. On the right wall of the vestibule was a door into another anteroom which had an exterior entrance for the SS men. On the back wall of the vestibule was a single elevator which was used to bring the bodies up to the crematory ovens after the victims had been gassed. The ovens and the gas chambers were NOT on the same floor.

May 26, 2013

Listen to what a gas chamber expert had to say about the Holocaust gas chambers

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 10:14 am

Several years ago, there was a YouTube video which showed Fred Leuchter, Jr. speaking about the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Since then, the video has been taken down. However, you can read what Leuchter wrote about the Holocaust gas chambers here.

Leuchter’s life was ruined after he testified in the trial of a Holocaust denier in Canada a few years ago, after which, he apparently went into hiding, in fear of his life.

This quote is from the website, cited above:

…. a very believing engineer sat at his desk working one snowy January afternoon in 1988, when the telephone rang. This very believing engineer [Fred Leuchter] was about to receive a very shocking history lesson, one which would cause him to question that 50-year-old Holocaust lie and the application of that lie to generations of children. “Hello, this is Robert Faurisson” — and that very believing engineer would believe no more.   […]

4. Construction
Construction of these facilities shows that they were never used as gas chambers. None of these facilities were sealed or gasketed. No provision was ever made to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floor or ceiling. No provision ever existed to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. No provision ever existed to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chamber. No explosion-proof lighting existed and no attempt was ever made to prevent gas from entering the crematories, even though the gas is highly explosive. No attempt was made to protect operating personnel from exposure to the gas or to protect other non-participating persons from exposure. Specifically, at Auschwitz, a floor drain in the alleged gas chamber was connected directly to the camp’s storm drain system. At Majdanek a depressed walkway around the alleged gas chambers would have collected gas seepage and resulted in a death trap for camp personnel. No exhaust stacks ever existed. Hydrogen cyanide gas is an extremely dangerous and lethal gas, and nowhere were there any provisions to effect any amount of safe handling. The chambers were too small to accommodate more than a small fraction of the alleged numbers. Plain and simple, these facilities could not have operated as execution gas chambers.

Note that virtually everything that Fred wrote is what I have been trying to communicate through my blog for over two years.

Except for one tiny detail:  “the floor drain in the alleged [Auschwitz] gas chamber” is included in the reconstructed gas chamber that is shown to tourists, but this drain was originally inside a washroom in the gas chamber building in the main camp.

I previously blogged about the Auschwitz gas chamber floor drain here.  I also blogged about the 6 floor drains in the Dachau gas chamber here.  According to Fred, a gas chamber absolutely cannot have even one floor drain, much less 6 drains.

September 9, 2012

Scottish students learn that little children were allowed to take their toys with them into the Auschwitz gas chamber

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 11:48 am

Yes, it’s true: the little Jewish children were allowed to take their toys into the Auschwitz gas chamber — and you thought that the Nazis were cruel!

Of course, the Jewish babies had their heads bashed against the nearest tree, but the children, who were able to walk, went to their death carrying their toys with them into the gas chamber.  What happened to the toys after the Jewish children were gassed?  The toys had to be thrown out because they were contaminated with poison gas, so don’t expect to see the toys in the Auschwitz Museum.

In a news article in the online Daily Record, a newspaper in the UK, I learned that a group of “Scottish schoolchildren took the pilgrimage to the brutal [Auschwitz] death camp where the Nazis murdered hundreds of thousands of people.”

Hundreds of thousands?  At the Nuremberg IMT, the Soviets testified under oath that 4 million people were murdered at Auschwitz.

Now we find out that the Nazis weren’t so bad after all.  They allowed little children to take their toys with them into the gas chamber, and they murdered less than a million Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the extermination camp.

This quote is from the article in the Daily Record, which you can read in full here:

Just over 200 pupils from across Scotland were taken to Auschwitz this week by the Holocaust Educational Trust.

It is an ongoing scheme, funded by the Scottish Government, in the hope that those who bear witness to the Holocaust will spread the message that it must not happen again.

Yes, the Holocaust Educational Trust is “an ongoing scheme,” but isn’t this a poor choice of words to use in an article that is favorable to the HET?

According to the article in the Daily Record:

Auschwitz I served as the administrative centre and was the site of the deaths of roughly 70,000 people, mostly ethnic Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.

Auschwitz II was an extermination camp, the site of the deaths of at least 960,000 Jews, 75,000 Poles, and some 19,000 Roma.

Auschwitz I was the main camp, located in a suburb of the town of Auschwitz.  Soviet Prisoners of War were brought to the Auschwitz II camp, aka Birkenau.  The term “ethnic Poles” is a euphemism for the Polish Resistance fighters who were fighting as illegal combatants, in violation of the Geneva Convention, during World War II.  The Scottish schoolchildren were made to believe that the Nazis killed “ethnic Poles,” just because they were Polish.

According to the article in the Daily Record, the tour guide “told how the dead were found, piled in a pyramid in the gas chamber, as the desperate had clambered towards the sky for air. How the little children were allowed to take their toys to the gas chamber because it stopped them being troublesome.”

This is the first time that I have ever heard of little children being allowed to take their toys to the gas chamber, but I have heard about the bodies piled in a pyramid in the gas chamber.  I previously blogged about the pile of bodies found in the gas chamber at Dachau here.

Note that the tour guide “told how the dead were found,”  in the Auschwitz gas chamber.  Found by whom?  At Auschwitz, the gas chambers were blown up by the Nazis before the Soviet liberators arrived. Or did the Soviets find the gas chambers intact and blow them up after they saw the bodies piled up?  Unfortunately, the Soviets did not take a photo of the bodies piled up in the Auschwitz gas chamber.  If they had, the pile of bodies might have looked like the bodies in the photo below, which was taken in the Dachau morgue, after the camp was liberated.

Bodies found in the Dachau morgue, April 1945

This quote is from the article in the online Daily Record:

In Auschwitz I, the teenagers saw the prison cells where for misdemeanours (sic) like feeding another inmate or picking up a guard’s cigarette, the “criminal” was hauled before a kangaroo court which despatched (sic) its victims, one per minute.

Then they were taken to the shooting wall and the punishment dispensed.

Feet away is a post with a hook where a 14-year-old hung until he starved to death. His crime – feeding bread to a dying Jew.

When I visited Auschwitz in 2005, there was no “post with a hook” at the Black Wall where prisoners were executed after being convicted  in “a kangaroo court.”  Has the “post with a hook” been reconstructed recently at the Black Wall?

I took the photo below inside the Auschwitz Museum in 1998.  It shows the “post with a hook” at the Black Wall on the left side of the photo.

Photo of a drawing in the Auschwitz Museum which shows a post with a hook

Still photo from Russian film shows the hanging punishment

Still photo from Soviet  film shows the hanging punishment

How was the 14-year-old boy hung from the “post with a hook” at Auschwitz?  If he had been hung by the neck, he would have soon died, so maybe the tour guide told the Scottish schoolchildren that he was hung by the arms until he starved to death.

The photograph above, which was taken inside the Dachau Museum in May 2001, shows a scene at Buchenwald that was created in 1958 for an East German DEFA film. (Source: H. Obenaus, “Das Foto vom Baumhängen: Ein Bild geht um die Welt,” in Stiftung Topographie des Terrors Berlin (ed.), Gedenkstätten-Rundbrief no. 68, Berlin, October 1995, pp. 3-8) This fake photo is not included in the new Dachau Museum which opened in 2003, but all the tour guides at Dachau dwell at length on the hanging punishment.

On my trip to Auschwitz in 2005, I overheard a tour guide tell a group of visitors that the two poles in front of the windows of Block 10 were used for the hanging punishment in which prisoners were hung by their arms tied behind their back. This punishment was originated by SS man Martin Sommer at the Buchenwald camp. In 1942, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler made a new rule that the SS men, in all the camps, were forbidden to “lay violent hands on the prisoners,” which would have included hanging by the arms.

Poles in front of Block 10 at Auschwitz

It was in front of the Black Wall that political prisoners, mostly Polish Resistance fighters, who had been convicted by the Gestapo Summary Court in Block 11, were executed. These prisoners had been brought to the Auschwitz I camp, but were not registered as inmates. They were housed in dormitory rooms on the first and second floors of Block 11 while they awaited trial in a courtroom set up in the building.  They were not murdered because they had picked up a cigarette or given food to a dying Jew.  They had not spent any time as inmates in the camp.

Block 11, where the Gestapo courtroom was located, is on the right.  Block 10 is on the left

After being convicted in the courtroom in Block 11, the guilty prisoners were taken to a small washroom in the Block 11 building where they were ordered to strip naked.  Then they were marched to the Black Wall in groups of three and executed with one shot to the neck at close range. Some of the prisoners, who were sent here, were Czech Resistance fighters from the Gestapo prison at the Small Fortress near the Theresienstadt ghetto.

The complete records, compiled by the office of Richard Glücks for all the Nazi concentration camps in the years 1935 to 1944, are now stored on microfilm and kept in the Russian Central Archives in the Central State Archives No. 187603 on Rolls 281 through 286. Richard Glücks was the head of Amt D: Konzentrationslagerwesen of the WVHA; he was the highest-ranking “Inspector of Concentration Camps” in Nazi Germany.

The total number of people executed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, according to the Nazi records, was 1,646 including 117 Jews, 1,485 Poles, 19 Russians, 5 Czechs and 20 Gypsies, but according to the Auschwitz Museum, there were 20,000 people murdered at the Black Wall in the Auschwitz I camp.

What else did the Scottish schoolchildren learn from the tour guide at Auschwitz?  Believe it or not, according to the article in the Daily Record:

The [Auschwitz II] camp stretches across 6720 acres and the factory of death sprawls as far as the eye can see.

Schoolchildren today might have a hard time visualizing what 6,720 acres looks like.  It is true that “the factory of death sprawls as far as the eye can see.”  But 6,720 acres?  I was told by my private tour guide in 1998, that the size of the Birkenau camp was 425 acres.

My grandparents had a 40-acre farm.  This was enough land for a corn field, a wheat field, a cow pasture, a pig pen, a hen house, an orchard, and a house with a large vegetable garden.  6,720 acres is the size of the entire county where their farm was located.  To help young people visualize: the Holocaust Memorial in the heart of Berlin is about 5 acres. Also, the Dachau concentration camp is about 5 acres.

The purpose of the trips, that are promoted by the Holocaust Educational Trust, is to teach schoolchildren in the UK to hate the Germans and to idolize the Jews.  The schoolchildren do not learn history, they learn hatred. God forbid, they should learn the truth about Auschwitz.

May 11, 2012

The day that the crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau were destroyed — according to Elie Wiesel’s book “Night.”

Filed under: Holocaust — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 9:29 am

Carolyn Yeager posted a new article on her blog Elie Wiesel Cons the World yesterday.  The title of the article is Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums.  You can read the article in full here.

This quote is from Ms. Yeager’s blog:

The official Holocaust narrative has it that the Red Army did not arrive at the Auschwitz labor camps until January 27th, 1945—where they found some of the barracks burning, and also blown-up crematorium buildings which had housed “gas chambers.” This is the date that is commemorated all over the world as the Liberation of Auschwitz.

However, on page 87 of the novel Night it is stated that the Russians “liberated” the inmates who were left behind at Monowitz (Auschwitz III) on January 20th, two days after the bulk of the prisoners left on the one-day forced march to Gleiwitz, from where they were put on a train to Buchenwald.

I have always suspected that the Germans did not come back and blow up Krema II and Krema III two days after they left the camp on January 18, 1945.  Now we have the proof, from Elie Wiesel’s book which is required reading for every school child in America.  I read the book years ago, but I missed the significance of the statement that the Soviets arrived two days after the Germans left.

Photo of the ruins of Krema II taken by the Soviet liberators of Birkenau, Feb. 1945

My photo of the ruins of Krema II, taken in October 2005

The official story of the Holocaust is that the Germans blew up the crematoria (the buildings which housed the gas chambers) in order to destroy the evidence of the gassing of prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau.  But we are asked to believe that they fooled around for months, while the Soviets were advancing across Poland, and did not destroy the evidence of gassing before they abandoned the camp.  The official story is that the Germans not only came back twice to blow up the gas chambers, but they filled in the holes in the roof so that, if the gas chambers were not completely destroyed, there would be no evidence of the holes through which the Zyklon-B was allegedly poured.

My photo of the ruins of Krema II at Birkenau, Oct. 2005

In the photo above, the collapsed roof of the underground gas chamber in Krema II can be seen in the foreground. The ruins of the undressing room, which is at right angles to the gas chamber, can be seen on the left. The International Monument, built in 1965, is in the background.  The ruins of Krema III are on the other side of the International Monument.  The International Monument was built on the road that leads to the Sauna where the incoming prisoners took a shower.  The Holocaust survivors, who are alive today and giving their testimony, saw the prisoners headed towards this road, where they turned and went to the shower room in the Sauna building where the clothing was disinfected.

The road to the Sauna building starts where the International Monument is now located


January 16, 2012

The woman who “slid down the chute” into an Auschwitz gas chamber

A regular reader of my blog provided a link to an excellent article written by Thomas Kues. You can read some of his articles on the Inconvenient History blog .

Thomas Kues is a serious historian of the Holocaust, aka a revisionist. The title of his latest article is How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber.  The title is a joke: Kues does not really give instructions on how to escape from a gas chamber, in the event that there is another Holocaust, in which there is a mass gassing of Jews.  Instead, he writes about Holocaust survivors who claimed that they were inside a homicidal gas chamber, but somehow managed to escape.

Kues starts off by mentioning “the peculiar fate of Moshe Peer” who was gassed six times at Bergen-Belsen but he survived.  Most historians deny that there was a gas chamber at Bergen-Belsen.

The first trial of the German “war criminals” was The Belsen Trial where SS men and women who had previously worked at Auschwitz before being transferred to Bergen-Belsen were put on trial for crimes allegedly committed at Auschwitz, as well as for crimes at Belsen.

The British had jurisdiction over the Auschwitz “war criminals” by virtue of the fact that the former Auschwitz staff members had foolishly stayed behind to help the British after the Belsen camp was voluntarily turned over them by Heinrich Himmler on April 15, 1945.

The very first person to testify about an Auschwitz gas chamber, in a court of law, was Sohpia Litwinska.  Kues quotes from her “testimony” and then mentions that Litwinska stated in a previous “affidavit” that she and the others “slid down the chute through some doors into a large room.”

Franz Hoessler was the man who pulled Sophia Kitwinska out of an Auschwitz gas chamber

Kues does not quote from the affidavit of Sophia, but I have it on my website, so I will quote it for my readers.

As quoted in the book The Belsen Trial, Sophia Litwinska said the following in her affidavit:

AT AUSCHWITZ, on 24th December, 1942, I was paraded in company with about 19,000 other prisoners, all of them women. Present on parade were Doctors Mengele and Konig and Rapportfuhrer Tauber. I was one of the 3000 prisoners picked out of the 19,000 by the doctors and taken to our huts, where we were stripped naked by other prisoners and our clothes taken away. We were then taken by tipper-type lorries to the gas chamber chute. They were large lorries, about eight in all and about 300 persons on each lorry. On arrival at the gas chamber the lorry tipped up and we slid down the chute through some doors into a large room. The room had showers all around, towels and soap and large numbers of benches. There were also small windows high up near the roof. Many were injured coming down the chute and lay where they fell. Those of us who could sat down on the benches provided and immediately afterwards the doors of the room were closed. My eyes then began to water, I started to coughing and had a pain in my chest and throat. Some of the other people fell down and others coughed and foamed at the mouth. After being in the room for about two minutes the door was opened and an S.S. man came in wearing a respirator. He called my name and then pulled me out of the room and quickly shut the door again. When I got outside I saw S.S man Franz Hoessler, whom I identify as No. 1 on photograph 9. He took me to hospital, where I stayed for about six weeks, receiving special treatment from Dr. Mengele. For the first few days I was at the hospital I found it impossible to eat anything without vomiting. I can only think that I was taken out of the gas chamber because I had an Aryan husband and therefore was in a different category from the other prisoners, who were all Jews. I now suffer from a weak heart and had two attacks since being at Belsen. I do not know the names of any persons who went into the gas chamber with me.

Note that Sophia identified Franz Hoessler, the man in the photo above, as the SS man who saved her.  In her affidavit, Sophia is testifying against him.  That’s the thanks he got for going inside a gas chamber and pulling her out in the nick of time.

I blogged about a woman who was put into a gas chamber by a “tipper type lorry” at

It is not clear which of the seven gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau had a chute for sliding down into it, like the one that Sohia Litwinska mentioned in her testimony at The Belsen Trial.  The Krema IV and Krema V gas chambers were on the ground floor and had “small windows high up near the roof” where the gas pellets were thrown in by the SS men. But neither of these two gas chambers had a “gas chamber chute” for dumping the victims into the gas chamber from “tipper-type lorries,” which Americans would call dump trucks.

According to the drawings done by Walter Dejaco, one of the architects of the Krema II building, the original blueprint showed a corpse slide for rolling bodies down into the vestibule between the two morgues, which were later converted into an undressing room and a gas chamber.

The corpse slide was never built and instead, stairs were built for the Jews to walk down into the undressing room. Dejaco was acquitted by a court in Austria in 1972; at his trial, the drawings of the corpse slide were entered as evidence.

Is it possible that Sophia had heard about the original blueprint for Krema II?  Keep in mind that she had an “Aryan husband.”  For all we know, her Aryan husband was a friend of Walter Dejaco and he told her husband about the original plans for Krema II.

Dr. Josef Mengele, October 1943

Another survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau was Regina Bialek, a Polish political prisoner, who was saved from the gas chamber at the last moment by Dr. Josef Mengele, who is shown in the photo above. Bialek gave a deposition which was entered into the British Trial of Josef Kramer and Forty-Four Others, also known as The Belsen Trial.

According to Bialek’s testimony, the gassing of the Jews at Birkenau did not stop, even on Christmas day.  Thomas Kues quoted from her testimony in his article. I also quoted from her testimony on my website

The following quote is an excerpt from the Deposition of Regina Bialek (Pole, aged 28):

3. On 25th December 1943, I was sick with typhus and was picked out at a selection made by doctors Mengele and Tauber along with about 350 other women. I was made to undress and taken by lorry to a gas chamber. There were seven gas chambers at Auschwitz. This particular one was underground and the lorry was able to run down the slope and straight into the chamber.

Here we were tipped unceremoniously on the floor. The room was about 12 yards square and small lights on the wall dimly illuminated it. When the room was full a hissing sound was heard coming from the centre point on the floor and gas came into the room.

After what seemed about ten minutes some of the victims began to bite their hands and foam at the mouth, and blood issued from their ears, eyes and mouth, and their faces went blue.

I suffered from all these symptoms, together with a tight feeling at the throat. I was half conscious when my number was called out by Dr. Mengele and I was led from the chamber. I attribute my escape to the fact that the daughter of a friend of mine who was an Aryan and a doctor at Auschwitz had seen me being transported to the chamber and had told her mother, who immediately appealed to Dr. Mengele.

Apparently he realized that as a political prisoner I was of more value alive than dead, and I was released.

4. I think that the time to kill a person in this particular gas chamber would be from 15 to 20 minutes.

5. I was told that the staffs of the prisoners who worked in the gas chamber and crematorium next door changed every three months, the old staff being taken to a villa in the camp to do some repair work. Here they were locked in the rooms and gas bombs thrown through the window.

I estimate that in December, 1943, about 7,000 people disappeared from Auschwitz by way of the gas chamber and crematorium.

There were two underground gas chambers at Birkenau, but neither of them had a ramp where a lorry or truck could drive down into the gas chamber, as Regina Bialek described in her deposition.

Ruins of Krema II undressing room at Auschwitz-Birkenau

My 2005 photo above shows that the underground gas chamber at Krema II had steps down into the undressing room, not a ramp where a truck could drive into the building.

April 27, 2010

It’s a miracle! Seven babies “slipped through the Nazi killing machine” at Dachau

On February 12th, 2010, I blogged about the “New born babies at Dachau.”  Yesterday, I was very happy when I read in a news article that all seven of the Dachau babies are alive and well and even some of the mothers are still alive. Six of the Dachau babies will be attending a Reunion at Dachau as part of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau on April 29th. (more…)