Scrapbookpages Blog

February 8, 2017

Is Trump the new Hitler?

Filed under: Trump, Uncategorized — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 5:17 pm
Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump

Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump

The following quote is from a news article which you can read in full at

Begin quote

Following Trump’s travel ban on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries, his presidency has immediately been equated with the rise of Hitler.

Perennial-loud-mouthed MP Dennis Skinner has labelled President Trump as a “fascist”. On the continent and across the Atlantic, the mayors of Madrid and Philadelphia have both compared Trump to Hitler.

Who knew that Ken Livingstone’s constant blathering on about Hitler would finally catch on?

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Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

The news article continues with this quote:

The SNP’s Carol Monaghan has warned that “the Holocaust didn’t start with the gas chambers” and consequently, we needn’t wait for Trump to plaster the White House in Swastikas to label him a Nazi. But while it’s true that it took Hitler a few years to pass the Nuremberg Laws, it is absurd to equate Trump’s inclination towards authoritarianism with Hitler’s rise to power. Although the 45th president’s half-hearted approach towards press freedom deserves criticism, it is hardly comparable to the 1933 Enabling Act which gave Hitler the power to pass laws without consulting the Reichstag.

Of course, the tendency to refer to the travel ban as “Trump’s ban” certainly encourages people to assume President Trump is acting in a dictatorial manner. Not only does it forget that the list of seven countries was previously drawn up by Obama, but it also ignores the fact that more Americans support the travel ban than oppose it. This isn’t Trump imposing his will on America. It is Trump carrying out an election promise.

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Democrats want a resolution declaring that Jews were the primary victims in the Holocaust

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, Trump, Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — furtherglory @ 7:48 am
Osita Nwanevu

Ostia Nwanevu, editorial assistant at Slate Magazine.

House Republicans blocked a resolution advanced by Democrats on Tuesday declaring that Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust.

Of course, the Jews were the primary target in the Holocaust. Who else? Why do we need a resolution, stating this, more than 70 years later?

The following are quotes from Ostia Nwaneve in  a Feb. 7, 2017 blog post on “the Slatest” :

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In the wake of controversy over the Holocaust Remembrance Day statement, the White House defended it, saying that it had wished to be inclusive by acknowledging that other groups had been killed by Hitler’s regime as well.

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Begin quote:

The resolution, a shrewd effort to pin Republicans down on something the Trump administration has needlessly made an issue, condemned the White House’s Holocaust Remembrance Day statement, which failed to mention Jews or the anti-Semitism that led to Adolf Hitler’s genocide against them.

It also called for the House to reiterate “the indisputable fact that the Nazi regime targeted the Jewish people in its perpetration of the Holocaust,” condemn Holocaust denialism, and demand acknowledgment from the White House that Jews were targeted.

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This blog post from “the Slatest” quoted above referenced a news article in the Washington Examiner that you can read here: