Scrapbookpages Blog

December 12, 2015

Heart-warming story of an American GI who saved Jews during World war II

American soldier who saved Jews during World War II

Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds  saved Jews during World War II

You can read the heart-warming story of an American soldier who saved Jews in World war II at

The following quote is from the news story:

The Nazi soldiers made their orders very clear: Jewish American prisoners of war were to be separated from their fellow brothers in arms and sent to an uncertain fate.

[Master Sgt. Roddie] Edmonds was captured with thousands of others in the Battle of the Bulge in late 1944 and spent 100 days in captivity. His son vaguely knew about his father’s past from a pair of diaries Edmonds kept in captivity that included the names and addresses of his men and some of his daily thoughts.

But it was only while scouring the Internet a few years ago that he began to unravel the true drama that had unfolded — oddly enough, when he read a newspaper article about Richard Nixon’s post-presidency search for a New York home. As it happened, Nixon purchased his exclusive upper East Side town house from Lester Tanner, a prominent New York lawyer who mentioned in passing how Edmonds had saved him and dozens of other Jews during the war.

That sparked a search for Tanner, who along with another Jewish POW, Paul Stern, told the younger Edmonds what they witnessed on Jan. 27, 1945, at the Stalag IXA POW camp near Ziegenhain, Germany.

The Wehrmacht had a strict anti-Jew policy and segregated Jewish POWs from non-Jews. On the eastern front, captured Jewish soldiers in the Russian army had been sent to extermination camps.


Then the Nazi officer pressed his pistol to Edmonds head and offered him one last chance. Edmonds merely gave him his name, rank and serial number as required by the Geneva Conventions.

“And then my dad said: ‘If you are going to shoot, you are going to have to shoot all of us because we know who you are and you’ll be tried for war crimes when we win this war,‘” recalled Chris Edmonds, who estimates his father’s actions saved the lives of more than 200 Jewish-American soldiers.

Note that these were American soldiers who had been captured during the Battle of the Bulge. Edmonds knew that there would be war crimes trials for the Germans.  How could Edmonds have known about the ex-post-facto laws, that would be passed by the Americans, before these laws were even passed?

Young people, who might be reading this, might not know the importance of the Battle of the Bulge, so I am going off on a tangent to educate them.

The Battle of the Bulge was no ordinary battle; it was one of the biggest land battles of World War II and resulted in the highest number of American casualties.

It was a surprise attack by the Germans through the Ardennes Forest, Hitler’s last desperate attempt to split the Allied armies and reverse the course of the war. There had long been rumors that Hitler was secretly developing a “miracle weapon,” and it was at the Battle of the Bulge that the jet airplane was first used by the Germans.

The area in Belgium where the battle was fought had been the scene of similar battles in 1870, 1914 and 1940. This was Hitler’s last stand, the last counteroffensive of the German army, and the Germans knew that if this battle were lost, the war would most likely be lost. The battle was very intense with the Germans putting everything they had into it.

As John Toland wrote, regarding the gallant battle fought by the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge: “Boys of fourteen and fifteen died, rifles frozen to their hands; men in their fifties were found in cellars, feet black with putrefaction.”

The enlisted men among the Malmedy Massacre accused averaged less than 22 years in age. There were only 30 men who were original members of the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, including Lt. Col. Peiper and General Sepp Dietrich. Many of the accused SS soldiers were baby-faced, uneducated 17 and 18-year-olds with little combat experience, but a few others were some of the toughest and most battle-hardened men in the German armed forces, who had been in combat for six years. They had fought some fierce battles on the Eastern front and seen unbelievable atrocities committed by our Russian allies, including mutilated bodies on the battlefield, sodomy on German POWs and cannibalism in which parts of the bodies of German POWs had been sliced off and eaten.

Hitler was counting on Dietrich’s Sixth Panzer Army, whose soldiers had fought heroically against the Soviet Communists on the Eastern front, to save the Fatherland from the “Judeo-Bolsheviks” by winning this crucial battle in Belgium.

Dietrich assigned Lt. Col. Jochen Peiper the great honor of leading the battle group which would spearhead the attack. Peiper was a veteran of the greatest tank battle of all time, fought between the German Tiger tanks and the Russian T-34 tanks at Kursk in July 1943.

Such was Peiper’s reputation as a panzer ace that his defense attorney made the suggestion that he should be brought to America as a consultant in America’s Cold War with the Soviet Union. In fact, General Heinz Guderian, Germany’s leading expert in armored strategy, had been brought to Ft. Knox after the war to advise the American Army on tank warfare. Peiper and his men had already been interviewed extensively in prison by US Army tactical experts.

In the first few days of the battle, there was mass confusion caused by a team of 28 Germans dressed in American uniforms, led by the famous commando Otto Skorzeny. Riding in stolen American jeeps, they created havoc by directing American troops down the wrong road, changing signposts and cutting telephone wires to General Bradley’s field headquarters. Four of the team were captured and when they confessed their mission, the American army immediately broadcast the news that there were thousands of Germans operating behind enemy lines. Skorzeny and his men were later brought before the American military tribunal at Dachau in another proceeding.

The news story should most certainly have mentioned what happened at the Battle of the Bulge, but the story is only about the Jews. In this day and age, it is all about the Jews.  No one else counts.



December 11, 2015

Throwing ashes of Jews into rivers — fact or fiction?


The gate into the Theresienstadst ghetto is shown in my photo above, taken several years ago. This place is now known as Terezín [rhymes with kerosine and gasoline].

The subject of throwing ashes into rivers came up in this recent news article:

Newbies, who want to know more about throwing ashes into rivers, can read about Theresienstadt on this kosher website:

This quote is from the kosher website cited in the link above:

The other statistics for Terezín [Theresienstadt] are equally as difficult to comprehend. Within three years 87,000 people were sent from Terezín to the concentration camps in Poland. Less than 4000 survived. The ashes of 22,000 people were thrown into the Ohře River at the end of the war, in an attempt by the SS to disguise their activities. At the beginning of the war, Terezín was a town of 7,000 inhabitants, including soldiers stationed there. By the end its population had swelled to almost 58,000. 9,000 people are buried in graves around the fortress and around 35,000 people in total perished in Terezín during the war.

My photo of one of the buildings at Theresienstadt

My photo of a building at Theresienstadt

One of the regular readers of my blog is Wolf Murmelstein, who is a survivor of Terezín,  the place formerly known as Theresienstadt.

My photo of the wall around the Theresienstadt ghetto

My photo of the wall around the Theresienstadt ghetto

As a child, Wolf was confined in the Theresienstadt ghetto where his father, Benjamin Murmelstein, was the last Jewish elder of the ghetto.

The building where Benjamin Murmelstein worked at Theresienstadt

The building where Benjamin Murmelstein worked at Theresienstadt

Wolf recently wrote this in a comment, which I have edited because English is not his first language:

On October 31, 1944, the Nazis took all the boxes containing the ashes of persons dead at Theresienstadt out of the COLOMBARIUM.

All the boxes were brought to the nearby Eger river, where a group of twenty prisoners had to empty the boxes, and throw the ashes into the river. Needless to say, those prisoners had been shot just after having done that work.

Throwing the ashes of murdered victims in the water of a river is a very old pagan rite and perfectly consistent with the Nazi doctrine of the extirpation of Jews.

Clearly the tragic story of the SONDERKOMANDO members is no way suitable for a Hollywood film [such as Son of Saul].

I have visited Theresienstadt twice, after which I wrote about it on my this section of my website:

I wrote about the ashes of the Jews on this page of my website:
The following quote is from my website:

On the outskirts of the town [Theresienstadt], the Sokol building, formerly used to house Jews who were suffering from encephalitis, was changed into a social club for cultural events with a library for the use of the Jews and a Synagogue.

A Columbarium to hold the ashes of the Jews who died in the camp was built near the crematorium and tombstones were placed on the graves in the cemetery.

The beautiful 18th century barracks buildings were refurbished and improved inside and out.

With Theresienstadt now beautified, the next step was to relieve the overcrowding in the ghetto so that the IRC [International Red Cross] would not realize the actual inhuman living conditions there.

In September 1943, December 1943 and May 1944, just before the scheduled visit, there was a total of seven transports on which 17,517 Jews were sent to the death camp at Auschwitz.

The Czech Jews from these transports were placed in a “family camp” at the Auschwitz II camp known as Birkenau. The men, women and children were allowed to stay together in contrast to the other prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau who had to live in separate fenced-off sections where the men and women were segregated from each other.

The Czech Jews were allowed to wear civilian clothes instead of the blue and gray striped prison uniforms that the other inmates had to wear. Most importantly, they were allowed to send letters back to Theresienstadt to tell the others about how well they were being treated in the camp.

Six months after it was opened, the “family camp” was closed and only 1,168 of the Theresienstadt prisoners survived. The rest are presumed to have perished in the gas chamber.

End quote

“That’s all she wrote, and she rubbed that out.”  [old saying]

December 10, 2015

Prepare yourself for a new Holocaust movie in theaters on December 18th

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, movies — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 7:59 am

You have only one week to prepare yourself for a new block-buster movie coming out in theaters on December 18, 2015. The movie is about the Sonderkommando Jews who burned the bodies of the Jews after they were gassed.

I wrote about this on this previous blog post:

You can read about the movie at

This quote is from the article about the movie:

The film portrays an aspect of the Holocaust that has yet to be explored.

“Two out of three Jews were murdered in the Holocaust in Europe,” explained Rohrig. “Most or all I have seen in movies are always about the lucky third one. These movies are survival tales and we wanted to make a movie not about the exception but the norm and the norm was death.”

It’s true. All we ever hear about are the Jews who survived the Holocaust, not the names of the Jews who were gassed.   The Nazis were no fools — they didn’t keep the names of the Jews who were gassed.

There are still numerous survivors, who are out on the lecture circuit telling their unique stories about how they survived and are still alive today.

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote

Son of Saul, being released in the United States on December 18th, is like no other Holocaust film. Winner of the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, the film continues to wow critics, as it tells the story of Saul Auslander, who has the dubious distinction of being part of the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

“Their lives were way more difficult than those of the prisoners,” Röhrig, who prefers to be called Rafi, told The Jewish Link. “They were recruited upon their arrival at Auschwitz. The Nazis promised them a better life, told them they would live in a heated area but they didn’t give them any advance notice or an accurate job description.”

That job was to usher unknowing victims into the gas chambers and after their deaths, readying the room for the next group to be annihilated.

“They would separate the inter-tangled bodies, search them for valuables, cut the women’s hair, burn the bodies, pulverize the bigger bones that were still somewhat intact, take the ashes and dispose of them in the river,” said Röhrig. “The crematorium did not stop. There were day shifts. There were night shifts. And then every four months, they themselves were gassed.”   End quote

Wait a minute!  The Nazis threw ashes into a river at Auschwitz?  I don’t think so!  The Nazis were all about preserving the environment, even before this became popular.

The Sola river that runs through the town of Auschwitz

The Sola river that runs through the town of Auschwitz

The SS men swam in the river that runs through the town of Auschwitz.  People in the town washed their clothes in this river.  Do you really think that Hitler would have allowed the ashes of millions of Jews to contaminate the rivers?

I previously blogged about the disposal of the ashes at Auschwitz-Birkenau at


December 9, 2015

New movie about Deborah E. Lipstadt currently being filmed

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, movies — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 9:16 am
Debra Lipstadt gives a thumps up after her victory over David Irving in court

Deborah E. Lipstadt gives a thumps up after her victory over David Irving in court

You can read about a new movie, that is currently being filmed, in this news article:

Debra Lipstadt is shown in the center of photo, next to Dick Chaney, at the Auschwitz main camp

Deborah E. Lipstadt is shown in the center of photo, standing next to Dick Chaney, at Auschwitz

I blogged about Deborah E. Lipstadt in these two previous blog posts, both of which you can read at:

This quote is from the news article, cited above:

Principal photography started this week in London on Denial, the Mick Jackson-directed adaptation of Deborah E. Lipstadt’s book, History On Trial: My Day In Court With A Holocaust Denier. Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson and Timothy Spall star and have now been joined by Spectre and Sherlock‘s Andrew Scott.

David Hare did the adaptation of the book which recounts Lipstadt’s legal battle for historical truth against David Irving, who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust Denier. In the English legal system, the burden of proof is on the accused; therefore, it was up to Lipstadt and her legal team to prove the essential truth that the Holocaust happened. Scott joins the cast in the role of solicitor Antony Julius.

Did you catch that, dear readers?  Deborah E. Lipstadt proved in a court of law that the Holocaust happened, just as the Jews say that it did.  And if you say that the Holocaust didn’t happen, you can be thrown into prison for 5 years or more in 19 different countries. So just stick with Deborah E. Lipstadt, who knows all. Don’t try to contradict her, or she will sue you in a court of law.

Lipstadt is the name of a town in Germany.  Some of my German ancestors came to America from Lipstadt, where they had lived for years. Deborah E. and I could be distant relatives, for all I know.


December 7, 2015

Jews were forced to play the violin in front of a pile of bodies at Auschwitz

Filed under: Germany — Tags: , , — furtherglory @ 10:00 am
Jews playing in the orchestra at Auschwitz

Jews playing in the orchestra for a Sunday concert at Auschwitz in 1941

Look closely at the photo above.  Do you see any dead bodies lying around?

I previously blogged about the Jews playing for the Nazis at Auschwitz at

Today I am complaining about a recent news article headlined “Violins of Hope.” The article tells about the Jews being forced to play music for the SS men at Auschwitz while looking at a pile of dead bodies that was stacked in front of them.


The photo above shows the orchestra that played at Auschwitz as the prisoners marched in and out of the camp on their way to work.

The following quote is from the news article:

Begin quote from news article:

The “Violins of Hope” we’re about to hear are from a time when hope seem to be all but lost. Serena Altschul has the story:

When members of the Cleveland Orchestra recently sat down to perform, they faced a daunting task. This would be no ordinary concert: It would take place in an historic synagogue, and it would be played on instruments that had rarely been touched in more than 70 years.

[Music: Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E Minor.]

The goal was not just to make beautiful music, but to give voice to millions who were silenced in one of humanity’s darkest chapters.

“It’s for music,” said Israeli craftsman Amnon Weinstein. “It’s for violin. It’s for survivors. It’s for the Holocaust.”


Many of the instruments in Weinstein’s collection were used in concentration camp orchestras organized by the Nazis.

“And before the orchestra, in front of them, there was a pile of all these dead people,” said Weinstein. “And yet, they played. So the moment that the war was finished, they never touched the instrument again, most of them.”

In the camps, the violin could also be an instrument of defiance.

“It was forbidden to the Jewish to pray,” said Weinstein.” So, “the violin was praying for them.”

End quote

There was also an orchestra that allegedly played at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I blogged about that at

Did the Nazis really have orchestras playing in a death camp?  Yes, but there was always a pile of bodies for the musicians to look at while they played.  After all, they were playing in a “death camp.”

December 6, 2015

Should “stepping stones” be placed on the streets of Munich?

Stepping stones with the names of dead Jews

Stepping stones on city sidewalks in Germany show the names of dead Jews who were killed in the Holocaust

The photo above is at the top of a  newspaper article with this headline:

“Munich Jews feud over Holocaust remembrance”

The article was recently published at:

This quote is from the article:

For the one side it is a desecration of the names of those sent to their deaths by the murderous Nazi regime. For the other it is the largest and most democratic commemorative project in the world.

The argument centres on Stolpersteine – stumbling stones – small bronze plaques set into the pavement in front of the last place of residence of people murdered in the Holocaust.

A familiar sight in Berlin since 1996, Stolpersteine can now be found in 1,000 German municipalities and in 20 different European countries.

The photo below shows stepping stones on a street in Berlin.

A stepping stone on a street in Berlin

Stepping stones on a street in Berlin

Of the roughly 6 million victims of the Holocaust, 55,000 now have Stolpersteine as permanent markers of their murder.

But Munich stubbornly remains out of step. Not a single Stolperstein can be found on the southern city’s streets – despite the fact that at least 4,500 of the city’s Jews died in the genocide.

Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria (IKG), is fiercely opposed to the cobblestone memorials.

The 82-year-old Knobloch is herself a Holocaust survivor and, writing to the city parliament in 2014, criticized the Stolpersteine as “dishonorable and impious.”

Memorials to the Holocaust should never be placed on the ground, Knobloch argued, because they remind survivors of the dead and injured Jews who lay on the floor of concentration camps and the ruthless German soldiers who would step on them.

End quote

Oh no! The ruthless German soldiers stepped on the dead Jews?  Where were the dead Jews that were used as stepping stones?


The photo above shows Fritz Klein, a German soldier who is stepping on the dead bodies at Bergen Belsen.  Is this what Charlotte Knobloch is talking about?

In my humble opinion, Munich should NOT have stepping stones.  Leave the poor suffering Germans some pride.  Jews are now returning to Germany, and the Germans are being shoved out of the way, so that the Jews can take over again.

I have a section about Munich on my website at

My 2007 photo taken in Munich

My 2007 photo taken in Munich

The news article continues with this quote:

Constitutional right

“1,000 other communities in Germany looked at Stolpersteine before approving them and said they were in accordance with regulations for public space and the German Constitution,” says Swartzberg, a journalist who has lived in Germany for four decades.

“Munich agreed that all forms of decentralized commemoration are permissible but not Stolpersteine. We say this distinction can’t be made.”

End quote

To sum up:  The German people have no rights, not after killing 6 million Jews.  The Jews are back and they rule Germany. Every street in Munich must have stones on the sidewalks to honor the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust.

My 2007 photo of a Jewish Synagogue in the heart of Munich

My 2007 photo of a Jewish Synagogue in the heart of Munich


December 3, 2015

95 year old German man will be put on trial for murdering 3,681 people at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , — furtherglory @ 10:28 am
Hubert Zafke, depraved war criminal who will soon go on trial in Germany

Hubert Zafke, depraved war criminal who will soon go on trial in Germany

You can read the full story of this 95-year-old depraved criminal in a recent news story here.

This is the headline of the article:

Former Auschwitz guard who was on duty when Anne Frank arrived in 1944 is deemed fit enough to face charges of murdering 3,681 people.

Oh well, if he was at Auschwitz-Birkenau, when Anne Frank got off the train, and he didn’t lift a finger to help her, he should be put into prison for the rest of his life, provided that he lives through his trial.

This quote is from the news article:

Begin quote:

Hubert Zafke, 95, served as medic but claims he played no part in murders
Psychiatric doctors have ruled he is mentally sound enough to stand trial
Prosecutors say murders took place in medical block while he was on duty
Medics often poured Zyklon-B pesticide into the gas chambers to kill them

End quote

Oh no! As part of his job as a medic, “He often poured Zyklon-B pesticide into the gas chambers.”

He was pouring PESTICIDE into gas chambers?

Was he trying to kill lice or people? Would it have killed the Germans to execute the Jews in a nice way and save the pesticide for killing the lice that spread typhus.

Moving right along, this quote is from the news article:

Begin quote:
A former SS guard who was on duty when Jewish diarist Anne Frank arrived at the Auschwitz death camp in 1944 has been fit enough to stand trial on charges of mass murder.

Hubert Zafke, 95, was examined by psychiatric doctors this week appointed by a court in Rostock and judged mentally sound enough to go on trial for his part in the murders of 3,681 people.

Zafke served at the Nazi extermination facility in occupied Poland as a medic and claims he took no part in the estimated 1.2 million murders of Jews and others that took place there. [Only 1.2 million?  What about the 4 million Jews that were mentioned at the Nuremberg IMT? What happened to them?]

Earlier this year a lower court ruled Zafke was incompetent to stand trial but that has now been overturned and he could be in the dock by the early spring.

End quote

At the very end of the news article, there is a video that shows young children marching out of Auschwitz-Birkenau; it also shows old women talking to the Soviet liberators of Birkenau.  This video is completely inappropriate.  As everyone know, children under the age of 15 were gassed, and old ladies were also gassed.

December 2, 2015

A letter from Wolf Murmelstein

I have recently received the following e-mail letter from Wolf Murmelstein:


Dear Furtherglory!
 and Commentators!
In some posts and comments on your blog, there is a reference to an alleged order given by Heinrich Himmler – in 1942 – to avoid any physical abuse of the prisoners, or to a statement made by Ernst Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg about punishment of SS men who were guilty of thefts.
The above seems clearly to have been mockeries in order to fool the International Red Cross Committee, who just at the beginning of 1942, had started action to help civilians, brought to the Concentration Camps, so from the Reich as from the countries under occupation.
The Nazis pretended that, in the Concentration Camps, the treatment had been STRENG ABER GERECHT –severe but just. This was one of the many lies the Nazis had circulated.
When mentioning delousing, or so, we forget that typhus or other diseases had been instrumental in the mass killing of Jews and other prisoners,  who were called, in Nazi Deutsch UNGEZIEFER, – insects – to be extirpated.
The personal safety of the mass of prisoners in a concentration camp had never been a concern of the Nazis; the death marches had been the instrument to murder the most possible prisoners who were still alive. Consider that from Buchenwald and Bergen Belsen, in April 1945, many inmates had been transported away to nowhere, except to death in the overcrowded closed box cars on the trains.
In the USA,  and in the UK and elsewhere, it is still not clear that the THIRD REICH had been run by a group of criminals, who were followers of a racist murder doctrine.  They had taken advantage of the the respect for authority, which was peculiar to the German people, and to many Jews too.
Wolf Murmelstein.

African-American soldiers who liberated the Nazi death camps in WWII

One of the regular readers of my blog made a comment about black soldiers in the US Army and I am expanding on this subject in my new blog post today.

The following quote is from the comment:

The genie of the Black Liberators Hoax was already out of the bottle in 1993…

The U.S. Army credits the 45th Thunderbird Division, the 42nd Rainbow Division and the 20th Armored Division as the liberators of the Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945. There were no African-American soldiers in these three divisions because the American Army was segregated during World War II.

SS 2nd Lt. Heinrich Wicker surrenders camp to Brig. Gen. Henning Linden

SS 2nd Lt. Heinrich Wicker surrendered the Dachau camp to Brig. Gen. Henning Linden on April 29, 1945

A few African-American veterans have claimed that they were there when the main Dachau concentration camp was liberated. Other veterans, including Lt. Col. Felix Sparks of the 45th Thunderbird Division, maintain that there were no black soldiers among the liberators of Dachau.

On November 11, 1992, a TV documentary was aired by PBS on nationwide TV in honor of Veterans’ Day. The title of the documentary was the same as the title of the book on which it was based: Liberators: Fighting On Two Fronts In WWII.

The book was written by Lou Potter with some help from William Miles and Nina Rosenblum, the co-producers who made the film and the theatrical version. The film was produced by Miles Educational Film Production in New York City. The book was published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in late 1992. Also included in this lavish project was a workbook for High School students.

The book entitled Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II was exposed as a fraud within weeks of its debut, but the story still lives on.

The documentary, which was touted as historically accurate, claimed that the 761st Tank Battalion, attached to the 71st Division, liberated both Buchenwald and Dachau.

Veterans who participated in the liberation of these camps deny that the soldiers of the 761st Tank Battalion were there, and the US Army does not recognize the 761st as liberators of any of the Nazi camps.

Only divisions can be officially honored as liberators; the 71st Division is credited with being the liberators of a Mauthausen sub-camp in Austria, called Gunskirchen, where starving prisoners were set free and allowed to plunder the nearby town of Lambach.

The soldiers in the 761st Tank Battalion were all African-Americans; the title of the book and the PBS film refers to the fact that black soldiers had to fight discrimination by Americans on the home front, while at the same time, they were fighting on the battle front in Europe to end the racial discrimination by the Nazis.

German soldiers at Dachau were executed after they surrendered

German soldiers at Dachau were executed  by the American liberators after they had surrendered

After the Dachau camp was voluntarily turned over to the Americans, the German soldiers who had remained in the camp were murdered by the Americans.

You can read about the Dachau massacre on my website at

December 1, 2015

Irving Roth still educating American children about the Holocaust

Filed under: Germany, Holocaust — Tags: , , , , — furtherglory @ 9:51 am

I blogged about Irving Roth in this previous blog post:

Irving Roth is back in the news because he is still educating American children about the Holocaust:


The photo above shows Hungarian Jews getting off a train at Auschwitz. Notice that there are no guns pointed at them.

The following quote is from the news article, cited above:

Begin quote:
He [Irving Roth] lived [the good life] like this for a few years until 1944, when he was stuffed in a cattle car and taken to Auschwitz at the age of 15 years old.

He was taken there with his 18-year-old brother, but was separated from his mother and father.

Stepping off the train, he was greeted by Nazi’s, pointing guns at the crowd, who were dividing people into groups. Roth watched as people he knew were walked over to take a “shower”, but were instead led to the gas chambers and executed. His grandmother and 10-year-old cousin died that day in the gas chamber, along with thousands of others.

“It was a factory of death … the final solution to the Jews,” said Roth.

Roth and his brother were given tattoos and sent to work. He was sent to work with the horses, which he knew nothing about, but his life depended on his ability to work.

While he was working, Roth often questioned how he ended up in Aushwitz. [Auschwitz] He wondered how the perfectly normal life he had, was uprooted by the Nazi’s. How his life changed after Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.

One day, Roth and his brother are forced on a death march to another camp [Buchenwald]. Weak and malnourished, they some how made it.

Not long after that, his brother is taken away and Roth never sees him again.

The end of the war is nearing and the Nazi’s are preparing Roth and the other people at the [Buchenwald] camp for another death march. There is no chance Roth could survive another one, but as they assembled at the gates, the alarm signaling an air raid forces everyone into hiding.

The next day, the Nazi’s are gone and American soldiers have liberated the [Buchenwald] camp. Two [black] soldiers, who had searched Roth’s bunker, saw how malnourished everybody was, brought food for them.

Roth, a 15-year-old boy in the middle of post-war Germany is now liberated. He decides to go home, hoping that, by some miracle, his family is still alive.

End quote

What about the black soldiers that liberated Buchenwald?  Has Irving Roth stopped telling this fake story?

Black soldiers look at the bodies of priosoners who died at Buchenwald

Black soldiers look at the bodies of prisoners who died at Buchenwald

The American army was segregated during World War II, with white soldiers fighting in exclusively white divisions while black and Asian soldiers had their own separate divisions, commanded by white officers.

The 183rd Engineer Combat Battalion was attached to the 1126th Engineer Combat Group in April 1945. On April 12, 1945, the 1126th Engineer Combat Group was sent to the town of Eisenach, around 100 kilometers from the Buchenwald concentration camp.

Five days later, on April 17, 1945, several black soldiers were sent to Buchenwald to deliver some supplies. For most of the liberated prisoners, this was the first time they had ever seen a black man, and many of them would recall it later in their survivor accounts.

By 1993, the story of the black troops at Buchenwald had escalated to an account of how African Americans had been the ones to actually liberate the Jews of Buchenwald.

Even though there were only 4,000 Jewish prisoners among the 21,000 inmates still in the camp when the American liberators arrived, the irony of the persecuted people of America freeing the persecuted people of Europe appealed to the Politically Correct generation.

Now it appears that Irving Ross has cut the story of the black liberators of Buchenwald out of his talks to children.

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